RSM STAR Case Competition 2018
Activity day:2017-09-25 
Published At:2017-09-25 
Views:409  2017-09-25 updated

The RSM STAR Case Competition is a unique opportunity for twelve teams from top business schools worldwide to compete with each other by presenting their solutions to real-life business cases.
Each university will be represented by a team of four talented undergraduate students. The 2018 edition of the RSM STAR Case Competition will take place from the 15th until the 22nd of April, 2018.

Application Rules
A participating team should consist of 4 trained undergraduate students, pre-selected by their home university. There is a maximum of one first year student per team. In addition, the team must be accompanied by one faculty advisor.

 We would like to receive a motivation letter (no more than one A4) including insights into the unique qualities/experience of your students, history of participation in previous case competitions plus significant results.
Please send us this letter before November 1, 2017.
 On November 1, we will send you a case, which the optional participants must solve. The deadline for sending us the solved case is November 15, 2017.
 Our Case Society will examine this case, and we will choose the universities with the best responses to participate at our case competition. Decisions on the accepted universities are expected on December 15, 2017.
 After December 15, we will also send you our letter of commitment, which we would like you to return to us at January 1, 2018 the latest.
Please send all documents to:

The participation fee for 2018 will be €1,750 per team, which includes the faculty advisor.
This fee covers the following:
 Accommodation for seven nights;
 Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner;
 Social and academic activities;
 Transportation in the Netherlands, excluding transport from/to the airport.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us through:
In addition, you could also visit our Facebook page: or our website: