Activity day:2016-06-29
Published At:2016-06-29
2017-02-12 updated
一、宗旨 Purpose 甄選學業優良、外語流利、品性良好之本院學生,於每年九月赴北京大學光華管理學院研修一學年,藉此培育學生國際觀。學生得於符合兩校規定下,獲頒本院與北京大學光華管理學院所授予之正式學位。 We would like to select students who have excellent academic performance, are fluent in foreign languages, and have good character to join the double degree program. Selected students will go abroad to PKU Guanghua School of Management of China in September for one academic year. Selected students shall comply with the provisions of the two schools and will receive formal degrees awarded by the College of Management of National Taiwan University (NTU COM) and PKU Guanghua School of Management upon completing all requirements.
二、申請資訊 Application 錄取名額:本院可向北京大學提名20名,北大至多錄取6名 Admission: CoM of NTU can nominate 20 applicants to Peking University. Peking University will then accept up to 6 applicants.
申請資格 本院五所與GMBA学生,可申请至北大光華管理学院MBA项目就讀,並可依個人志願並在光華MBA全日制中文班、全日制英文班或在職班中選擇其一申請。學生申請此雙學位計畫,必須同時滿足以下基本條件: Applicants can apply for one of the following MBA programs: Full-time Chinese program, Full-time English program, or Part-time program based on personal background and interests. Students applying for the dual-degree program are required to meet the following requirements: 1. 本院商學研究所、財務金融所、會計研究所、國際企業研究所、資訊管理研究所與企業管理碩士專班(GMBA) 一年級(含)以上之在學碩士班學生。(不含休學中學生) Applicants are required to be at least one year Master-level candidates in the Department of Business Administration、Accounting 、Finance、International Business 、Information Management or GMBA . (Students must be enrolled at the time of applying) 2. 學業成績優良,平均成績達GPA 3.0(含)以上。 Excellent academic performance and with average GPA more than 3.0. 3. GMAT/GRE成績:提交正式的GMAT/GRE成績,五年有效期內。 GMAT/GRE : Applicants must provide a formal GMAT/GRE score report from recent five years. 4. 具有三年以上工作經驗為原則,得視申請人整體學業與履歷表現予以調整。 Applicants shall, in principle, have three years (or higher) working experience. This requirement is adjustable depending on the applicant’s academic performance and other experiences.
申请文件Application materials 1. 申請表。(請點選下載,英文繕打) Application form. (Click to download and shall be filled out in English)
2. 個人申請說明。(請說明申請動機,英文繕打 A4一頁,無格式限制) Personal statement. (Please include the motivation behind why one wishes to be a part of the program. Shall be written in English and is limited to one side on size A4 paper)
3. 個人英文簡歷,以A4兩頁為限,不限格式。 Curriculum Vitae/Resume (in English),Maximum of two A4-sized pages, not limited to any specific resume format.
4. 歷年成績單英文版正本一份,碩一生尚未有本校成績者,請繳交前一學位之歷年成績單。 Official Transcript of Grades (English Version),First year graduate students should submit the transcripts of their undergraduate studies.
5.有效期限內語言能力證明影本一份: Photocopy of effective language certificate: (1) GMAT/GRE成績:提交正式的GMAT/GRE成績,五年有效期內。 GMAT/GRE score: Applicants must provide a formal GMAT/GRE score report from recent five years. (2) 僅有母語非華語之申請者申請光華MBA中文班時需提供:中國漢語水準考試HSK,新制不低於5級;舊制不低於6級,或其他同等級中文能力檢定。 For non-native Chinese speakers who apply for the Chinese- taught MBA program: Chinese Proficiency Test HSK,the minimum score from the new system is no less than 5 and from the old system is no less than 6 or the same level of other equivalent Chinese Proficiency Tests.
6. 工作證明。 Proof of work experience.
註:書面資料須依以上順序排列,以長尾夾或迴紋針固定,不得裝訂或使用釘書針。 Note: The application portfolio shall be submitted with a binder clip or paperclip in the order listed.
三、申請時間/方式 Application Period & Procedure 1. 報名時間:2016年10月5日- 10月7日,上午9:00-12:00 / 下午2:00-4:00。 Application period: October 5-7, 2016 – 0900-1200, 1400-1600. 2. 報名方式:將所有申請文件繳交至管理學院一號館9樓903室林孟庭小姐(3366-1037)。 Application Procedure: Deliver your Application Portfolio to Ms. Linda Lin, room903, 9th floor, Building I of CoM 註:已完成報名手續者,不得要求退件。所有書面資料將不歸還,如有需要,請申請者自存副本。 The application materials cannot be returned. Please save your own documents in electronic file well.
四、甄選方式 Selection Method 1. 書面審查:申請者之書面資料經評審委員審查後,必要時,得進行面試。 Application material review: Interviews might be conducted after the review of written materials if the committee thinks it is necessary. 2. 最後錄取結果依申請人所繳交之書面資料與面試表現綜合評定。 The result will be determined according to both application materials and interview performance.
五、錄取名單公告 / 錄取確認 Announcement & Enrollment Confirmation 錄取名單預定於2016年10月25日(二)下午17時公告於管院網站,錄取學生須於2016年10月28日(五)下午17時前持錄取確認單至管院一號館9樓903室 確認。未如期確認者,視同放棄錄取資格,由備取同學遞補。 The admissions list is scheduled to be announced on October 25, 2016 at 17:00 on the College of Management website. Admitted students must turn in their confirmation letter to the College of Management, Room 903 by 17:00 on October 28, 2016. Those whom do not accept the position will be deemed disqualified and their spot given to a student on the waiting list.
其他相關資訊,請詳閱申請簡章。 For more information, please refer to Application Guideline.
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如有任何問題,請與林孟庭小姐聯繫。 Email: Tel:02-3366-1037