博士 美國明尼蘇達大學雙子城校區人力資源與勞資關係博士
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• 策略人力資源管理
• 組織變革與發展
• 雇用關係
• 員工獎酬與福利
• 員工福祉

美國明尼蘇達大學人力資源暨工業關係博士,現職為國立臺灣大學工商管理學系暨商學研究所教授。主要研究領域為策略性人力資源管理、員工獎酬、友善職場、與組織設計與變革。學術論文發表於British Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Management and Organization Review, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Manpower , International Journal of Information Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,產業與管理論壇、組織與管理、人力資源管理學報及管理學報等SSCI與TSSCI期刊。

• 美國明尼蘇達大學雙子城校區人力資源與勞資關係博士
• 人力資源管理研討
• 人力資源管理
2020 國立中央大學研究傑出獎
2019 國立中央大學研究傑出獎
2015 國立中央大學管理學院教學優良獎
2014 國立中央大學管理學院教學優良獎
2020/8 - 國立臺灣大學工商管理學系暨商學研究所教授
2020/1 - 人力資源管理學報總編輯
2019/8 - Member of Editorial Board, Asia Pacific Business Review
2016/3 - 勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署社會企業諮詢輔導委員
2021/12 - 臺大管理論叢領域主編
2007/1 - 東吳經濟商學學報管理領域執行編輯
2012/8 - 2020/7 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所教授
2018/8 - 2019/7 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所代理所長
2004/8 - 2012/7 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所副教授
2006/8 - 2009/7 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所所長
2000/8 - 2004/7 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所助理教授
1998/8 - 2000/7 國立清華大學工業工程與工程管理學系助理教授
2014/8 - 2019 人力資源管理學報總編輯
2015/9 - 2018/9 組織與管理期刊總編輯
2012/8 - 2018/9 組織與管理學會監事
2016 - 2019 中華民國行政院交通部行政機關及國營事業員額評鑑委員
2012/1 - 2014/12 行政院科技部管理一學門複審委員
2014/12 - 2017/2 中華民國考試院國家文官學院文官培訓期刊編輯委員
2014 - 2015 中華民國行政院勞動部勞動政策諮詢會委員
2013/8 - 2014/2 行政院勞工委員會委員
2013 勞動力發展辭典編纂委員
2012 - 2016 中華民國行政院人事行政總處行政機關員額評鑑委員
2008/1 - 2008/12 中華民國行政院人事行政局人力資源發展委員會委員
2007/1 - 2008/12 中華民國全國工業總會「職業訓練單位評鑑計畫」諮詢委員
2012 行政院勞工委員會桃園職訓中心諮詢委員
2020/08/01-2023/07/31 科技部研究計畫: 員工分紅費用化政策改變之影響:台灣科技產業員工股票分紅制度之採用與廢棄及其後續之組織效應, 主持人
2019/01/01-2020/7/31 科技部研究計畫: AI 科技對個人、群體、社經制度的衝擊、調適與因應 (AI人社計畫), 共同主持人
2018/08/01-2020/07/31 科技部研究計畫: 企業如何回應政府的訓練補貼? 前因與效應之探討, 主持人
2017/8/1- 2018/7/31 科技部研究計畫: 位科技, 工作變遷與員工福祉, 主持人
2015/8/1- 2016/7/31 科技部研究計畫: 性別多元性, 工作生活平衡措施設計與實施, 及員工措施使用 (性別與科技研究計畫), 主持人
2014/8/1- 2017/7/31 科技部研究計畫: 員工分紅費用化政策改變之影響:台灣科技產業員工股票分紅制度之採用與廢棄及其後續之組織效應, 主持人
2013/8/1- 2014/7/31 國科會研究計畫: 利害關係人特質, 利害關係人顯著性, 公司治理機制與企業社會責任活動- 財產權觀點之探討, 主持人
2011/8/1- 2013/7/31 國科會研究計畫: 人力資源彈性對員工及組織之影響-由雙元管理角度出發, 主持人
2009/8/1- 2010/7/31 國科會研究計畫: 員工股票獎酬與公司財務績效-探討公司治理機制的干擾效果, 主持人
2008/8/1- 2009/7/31 國科會研究計畫: 員工參與活動, 工作家庭措施, 家庭友善文化對組織績效之影響: 內部一致性之觀點, 主持人
2007/7/31-2008/8/1 國科會研究計畫: 人力資源管理活動於客戶供應商關係中之角色, 主持人
2006/7/31-2007/8/1 國科會研究計畫: 從部門吸收能耐到組織吸收能耐: 人力資源部門, 高績效工作系統, 與組織創新績效之關聯, 主持人
2005/7/31-2006/8/1 國科會研究計畫: 員工決策參與, 財務參與及其對員工心理所有權之影響, 主持人
2004/7/31 - 2005/8/1 國科會研究計畫: 由風險觀點探索台灣高科技公司員工由股票分紅計畫所得股票之持有意願, 主持人
  1. Nien-Chi Liu & Yung-Chun Wang, October 2023, Exploring the Impact of Team Diversity on Team Decision Making and Performance in Work-From-Home Settings, 2023 Technological Forecasting and Social Change Special Conference, (Taiwan).
  2. Liu, N., Wang, Y. & Jeng, M., 2023, Firm-Sponsored Training, Training Incentives and Training Effectiveness - An Empirical Investigation in Taiwanese Establishments, 75th Labor and Employment Relations Association (LEAR) annual meeting, (Detroit, U.S.A.).
  3. Liu, N. C., Jeng, M. J., Wang, Y. C., Fu, C. H., October 2023, Fostering R&D Training in the Workplace through Government Subsidies, 2023 Technological Forecasting and Social Change Special Conference, (Taiwan).
  4. Yang, W & Liu, N., 2022, Exploring a Two Staged Dual Moderated Mediation Model of the Impacts of ICT usage on Work Family Conflict, 2022 British Academy of Management Conference, (Manchester, U.K).
  5. Lin, Y & Liu, N., 2021, Team Diversity and Team Innovation: Examining Mediating Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions, 2021 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (virtual meeting).
  6. 張宏梅、劉念琪, 2020, 第三國經理人外派之任用政策-台灣企業實證研究, 2020 臺灣組織與管理學會(TAOM)年會暨研討會, (台北, 台灣).
  7. 曾俊凱、劉念琪、汪勇君, 2020, 人機協作中工作任務角色與職能的轉變:工作分析觀點, 2020 臺灣組織與管理學會(TAOM)年會暨研討會, (台北, 台灣).
  8. Liu, N., Wang, Y. and Lin, Y., August 2020, Technostress: A study among employees in the Fintech era, 2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Virtual Meeting).
  9. Lin, Y, Liu, N. and Lin. J., 2019, Firms’ adoption of CSR initiatives and employees’ organizational commitment: Organizational CSR climate and employees’ CSR-induced attributions as mediators, 2019 Asia Academy of Management & Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, (Bali, Indonesia).
  10. 劉念琪、盧書媛、林鈺欽, 2019, 員工分紅措施對組織創新之影響-分紅費用化前後比較, 2019AAOM & TAOM聯合研討會發表, (印尼巴里島).
  11. Liu, N., Hsu, C. and Lin. Y., 2019, The impacts of employee stock bonus on employment stability: Empirical evidences from Taiwanese listed firms, 2019 Asia Academy of Management & Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, (Bali, Indonesia).
  12. Liu, N., Wang, Y. and Lin, Y., 2019, Employees’ Technostress in financial industries: The impacts of technology uncertainty, service work design, and employees’ adaptability, 11th Dutch HRM Network Conference, (Tilburg, Netherlands).
  13. Liu, N. & Chang, H., July 2018, The Changing Face of Global Staffing Policy in Taiwanese Multinational Companies, 18th International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, (Seoul, South Korea).
  14. Liu, N. & Huang, S., July 2018, Adoption and Abandonment of Employee Stock Incentives in Taiwanese Enterprises – The Impacts of the Expensing Employee Stock-based Compensation, 18th International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, (Seoul, South Korea).
  15. Chia-Hao Ho and Nien-Chi Liu, June 2018, Rethinking CSR Disclosure with Evolutionary Perspective: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Publicly-Traded Companies, 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society, (Hong Kong China).
  16. Ji-Wei Lin, Nien-Chi Liu, and Yi-Ting Lin, June 2018, The Employee’s Attribution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a Firm: The Moderating Role of Organizational CSR Climate, 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society, (HongKong China).
  17. Liu, W., Liu, N. & Chiang, P., December 2017, Work-Family Practices and Work Family Conflicts: from Work-Family Segmentation Perspective, 2017 Annual Conference of Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG), (Hong Kong).
  18. Chiang, P. and Liu, N., 2017, A model of linkages between perceived accessibility of work family practices and turnover intentions: work-family conflict and stress as mediators, 2017 Asia Academy of Management & Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan).
  19. Lin, Y and Liu, N., 2017, Corporate citizenship and employee outcomes: Does high performance work system matter?, 2017 Asia Academy of Management & Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan).
  20. 劉念琪與劉雯中, 2017, 工作家庭措施與與工作家庭衝突:個人工作家庭區隔觀點, 2017 AAoM & TAoM 聯合研討會發表, (日本福岡).
  21. Liu, N. and Lin. Y., 2017, Can organizational corporate citizenship climate promote employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors? An examination of mediating mechanisms, 2017 Asia Academy of Management & Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan).
  22. Chiang, P. & Liu, N., December 2017, The Impact of Information Communication Technologies on Employee’ Wellbeing, 2017 Annual Conference of Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG), (Hong Kong).
  23. 張宏梅, 劉念琪, 童秋萍, 2016, 我國多國籍企業回任政策與回任管理措施現況研究, 2016 臺灣組織與管理學會(TAOM)年會暨研討會, (新竹, 台灣).
  24. Liu, W. and Liu, N., May 2016, When Are Job Resources Helpful to Reduce Work Family Conflict? The Moderating Role of Employees' Preference for Segmentation, 68th Annual Meeting of Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), (Minneapolis, U.S.A).
  25. Liu, N. and Lin, Y., August 2015, HPWPs, Management Team Flexibility, Employee' Attitudes toward Flexibility and SOCBs, 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Vancouver, Canada).
  26. Yang, I. W. F., & Liu, N. C., August 2015, Distributive and Procedural Justice in a Change Context: The Moderating Role of Empowerment Change, 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Vancouver, Canada).
  27. Lin, Y. and Liu, N., June 2015, High Performance Work Systems and Organizational Service Performance: The Roles of Different Organizational Climate, 2015 Asia Academy of Management Biannual Meeting, (Hong Kong, China).
  28. Liu, N. and Wang, C., May 2014, A Double-Edged Sword: The Effects of Human Resource Flexibility on Work-Family Conflict, 66th Annual Meeting of Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), (Portland, U.S.A. ).
  29. Yang, I. W. F., & Liu, N. C., May 2014, When Money Talks Louder in Change Context: Exploring the Three-way Interaction Effect of Justice Perceptions and Empowerment, 66th Annual Meeting of Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), (Portland, U.S.A.).
  30. Yang, I. W. F., & Liu, N. C., 2013, THE DYNAMIC PROCESS OF EMPLOYEES’ ATITUDE CHANGES: A GAINSHARING INTERVENTION, 56th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management, (Milwaukee, Wisconsin).
  31. Liu, N. and Yang, I. W. F., June 2013, The Change Process of Implementation of Gainsharing in a Retailing Company, 2013 Beyster Fellowship Symposium, (San Diego, U.S.A.).
  32. Liu, N and Ben-Ner A. , August 2012, The Use of Employee Stock Incentives – From a Corporate Governance Perspective, 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Boston, U.S.A.).
  33. Liu, N., Lin, Y., and Wang C., August 2012, Employee Participation in Corporate Citizenship Activities: A Policy-Capturing Approach, 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Boston, U.S.A.).
  34. Liu, N, Chou, S. and Wang C., October 2011, Achieving Organizational Effectiveness through Human Capital Acquisition HRM Practices, 19th Annual International Conference of the Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP), (Honolulu, U.S.A.).
  35. 劉念琪、王志袁, October 2011, The Effects of Work-Life Bundles on Organizational Turnover and Productivity - An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Enterprises, , (國立彰化師範大學,中華民國,彰化).
  36. Liu, N. and Wang C., August 2011, The Dual Effects of Human Resource Flexibility on Employees’ Work-Family Conflict, 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (San Antonio, U.S.A).
  37. Liu N. and Wang, C., August 2010, Internalization vs. Externalization of Human Capital Strategy: A Trust Climate Perspective, 組織人管論壇暨人管學報專刊研討會, (San Francisco, USA.).
  38. Liu, N. and Wang, M., 2010, The Effects of Non-expensed Employee Stock Bonus on Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese High-Tech Firms, 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Montreal, Canada).
  39. Liu, M. and Liu, N., October 2009, Impact of Knowledge Governance Mechanisms on Individual Knowledge Creation Behavior, 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Chicago, USA.).
  40. Liu, N. and Hung, K. , August 2008, The Role of Human Resource Department on the Adoption of High Performance Work Practices, IAMB 2008 Conference, (San Diego, USA).
  41. Liu, M, and Liu, N., August 2008, Sources of Knowledge Acquisition and Patterns of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in R&D Context, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Anaheim, USA).
  42. Liu, N., Liu, W. and Wang, C., December 2008, The Effects of Work-Life Bundles on Organizational Turnover and Productivity, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Anaheim, USA).
  43. Liu, N. and Lin W., August 2008, Psychological Ownership through Employee Ownership and Empowerment, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Anaheim, USA).
  44. Liu, N. and Hsu, B., August 2008, Gender, Gender-Role Egalitarian Attitudes, and Work-Family Conflict – An Examination for Dual-Earner Couples in Taiwan, 2008 Asia Academy of Management Meeting, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  45. Liu, N. and Liu, M., August 2007, Human Resource Practices and Individual Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Philadelphia, USA).
  46. Liu, N. and Wang, C., January 2007, Searching for a Balance: Work Team Design, Work-Family Practices, and Organizational Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Philadelphia, USA).
  47. Liu, N. and Liu, M., August 2006, How can Organizations Encourage Individual Knowledge Sharing Behavior: An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D Professionals, The R&D Management Conference, (Taipei and Hsinchu, Taiwan).
  48. Liu, N. and Wang, M., August 2006, The Asymmetric Effects of Employee Stock Incentives on Organizational Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Atlanta, USA).
  49. Liu, N., Lin, A., and Lin, C., November 2006, Why Do Employees Keep Their Vested Stocks While They Can Sell Them?, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Atlanta, USA).
  50. Tan, D., Hung, S. and Liu, N., August 2004, International entry under uncertainty and institutional forces: an empirical study, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, (New Orlean, USA).
  51. Liu, N. and Ben-Ner, A., August 2003, Toward a Theory of Organization of Work With an Emphasis on, 13th World Congress of IIRA, (Berlin, German).
  52. Chang, A. and Liu, N., September 2003, Multiple Perspectives on Organizational Learning – A Summary of Literature, the Academy of Human Resource Development annual conference 2003, (Minneapolis, USA).
  53. Hsu, P. and Liu, N., August 2003, Gender, Gender-Role Attitudes, and Work-Family Conflict: Moderating Effects of Supervisory Support, 13th World Congress of IIRA, (Berlin).
  54. Liu, N. and Wang, M., September 2002, Profit Sharing and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation in the High-Tech Industry in Taiwan, International Employee Financial Participation Association Bi-annual Conference 2002, (Belgium, Belgium).
  55. Liu, N., Hung, S. C. and Tan, D., July 2002, Knowledge Transfer and Vendor Selection in a High-Tech Capital Equipment Market, R&D Management Conference 2002, (Leuven, Belgium).
  56. Hung, S. C., Liu, N. and Chang, J. B., July 2002, The Taxonomy and Evolution of Technology Strategies in Taiwan High Technology-Based Firms, R&D Management Conference 2002, (Leuven, Belgium).
  57. Tang, D. Hung, S. & Liu, N., July 2002, Entry Timing of Foreign Direct Investments in Emerging Economies, 2002 Strategy World Congress, (Oxford, U.K).
  58. 劉念琪與范姜如萱, March 2001, 員工分紅入股制度對組織生產力之影響:以台灣地區上市電子公司為例, 台灣高科技產業人力問題研討會, (國立中央大學, 中華民國,中壢).
  59. Liu, N., April 2001, Task Attributes and The Employees' Knowledge Capture Behavior - An Empirical Investigation at the High-tech Industrial Park in Taiwan, R&D Management Conference 2001, (Wilmington, New Zealand).
  60. Liu, N., February 2001, Where Is Knowledge Workers' Applicable Knowledge Acquired from? - An Exploratory Investigation in Hsin-Chu Science Industrial Park, Industrial Relations Research Association 2001 Annual Meeting, January 2001, (New Orleans, USA).
  61. 徐超明,劉念琪, December 2000, 科技人員外派之成功因素探討, 2000年中華民國科技管理研討會論文集, (中華民國科技管理學會,中華民國,新竹).
  62. Liu, N and Ben-Ner, A., August 1999, The Cost of Agency: The Effect of Managerial Stockholdings on Employee Participation in Company Financial Returns, Academy of Management 1999 Annual Meeting, (Chicago, USA).
  63. Ben-Ner, A., Kong, F., and Liu, N., 1999, Workplace Organization and Human Resource Practices: The Retail Food Industry, The Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  64. Ben-Ner, A., Han, T. and Liu, N., 1999, The Effects of the Organization of Work on Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Productivity and Profitability, The Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  65. 劉念琪, 1999, 以組織認知觀點討論實體技術與組織技術的聚合, 1999科技整合管理研討會, (東吳大學商學院 中華民國, 台北).
  66. Ben-Ner, A., Kong, F., Bosley, S., Burns, W. A., Butler, R., Han, T. Z. Liu, N. and Park Y. S., October 1998, Workplace Organization and Human Resource Practices: The Retail Food Industry,  , (Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA).
  1. Liu, N., Wang, Y. & Lin, Y., 2023, Employees’ adaptation to technology uncertainty in the digital era: An exploration through the lens of job demands-resources theory, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,.
  2. Lin, Y, Liu, N. & Lin, J., 2022, Firms’ adoption of CSR initiatives and employees’ organizational commitment: Organizational CSR climate and employees’ CSR-induced attributions as mediators, Journal of Business Research, 140, 626-637.
  3. 劉念琪、林鈺欽, 2021, 由勞動力彈性觀點探討企業對工時法令修改之制度適應, 人力資源管理學報, 21(1), P27 - 56.
  4. Liu, M. and Liu, N., 2021, Impact of human capital strategies on employee attitudes and behavior: a view of internal and external labor markets, International Journal of Manpower, 42(5), pp. 756-776.
  5. Liu, N. & Lin. Y., 2021, High-performance work systems, management team flexibility, employee flexibility and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(18), 3912-3949.
  6. 劉念琪、林吉偉、項保毓、林嘉慧, 2020, 我國平臺經濟工作狀況之探索性研究, 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊, 28(4),41-59.
  7. Lin, Y & Liu, N., 2019, Corporate Citizenship and Employee Outcomes: Does a High Commitment Work System Matter? , Journal of Business Ethics, 156 (4), pp 1079–1097.
  8. 張宏梅、劉念琪、童秋萍 , 2018, 台灣籍多國企業回任管理之現況與策略, 產業與管理論壇, 20(1), 034-057.
  9. Lin, Y. and Liu, N., 2016, High Performance Work Systems and Organizational Service Performance: The Roles of Different Organizational Climate, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 55, Pp. 118-128.
  10. Liu, N., Chen, M. and Wang, M., 2016, The Effects of Non-expensed Employee Stock Bonus on Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese High-Tech Firms. , British Journal of Industrial Relations, 54, Pp. 30–54.
  11. Liu, N.-C., & Liu, W.-C., 2014, The effects of quality management practices on employees' well-being, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25(11), Pp.1247-1261.
  12. 劉念琪、周淑儀、王志袁, 2013, Achieving Organizational Effectiveness through Human Capital Acquisition Practices – The Moderating Effects of Environment Turbulence and Knowledge Sharing Climate, 人力資源管理學報, 13(3), Pp.1-25.
  13. 劉敏熙、劉念琪, 2013, 知識治理機制對個人知識管理行為的影響—從所有權觀點探討, 組織與管理, 6(1), Pp.1-58.
  14. Liu, N. & Wang C., 2011, The Effects of Work-Life Bundles on Organizational Turnover and Productivity, 人力資源管理學報, 11(3), Pp.75-95.
  15. Liu, N & Liu, M., 2011, Human Resources Practices and Individual Knowledge Sharing Behavior: An Empirical Study for Taiwanese R&D professional, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(4), Pp. 981-997.
  16. Liu, N. & Wang, C., 2011, Searching for a Balance: Work Team Design, Work-Family Practices, and Organizational Performance, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(10), Pp. 2071-2085.
  17. 王志袁、劉念琪, 2011, 研發投入、研發組織管理與研發績效, 商略學報, 3(4),Pp.269-280.
  18. 劉念琪,王志袁,劉雯中, 2010, 工作與家庭措施之使用度、知覺組織支持與員工工作態度關聯性之探討, 組織與管理, 3(1),Pp.1-26.
  19. Liu, N., Lin, A., and Lin, C., 2009, Why Do Employees Keep Their Vested Stocks While They Can Sell Them?, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 20(1), Pp.148-163.
  20. 劉念琪,洪光宗,陳立莊, 2008, The Strategic Role of Human Resource Department on the Adoption of High Performance Work Practices: An Empirical Examination in the MNCs' Subsidiaries in Taiwan, , 5(2), Pp.59-71.
  21. Liu, M. & Liu, N., 2008, Sources of Knowledge Acquisition and Patterns of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors- An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Firms., International Journal of Information Management, Vol.28(5).pp.423-432.
  22. Tang, D, Hung, S. and Liu, N., 2007, The Timing of Entry into a New Market: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Firms in China, Management and Organization Review, 3(2), Pp.227-254 .
  23. 劉念琪,葉桂珠,林俊宏, 2005, 企業激勵薪酬設計因子對組織吸引力之影響-以高科技產業新進研發人員為例, 中原企管評論, 3(1),Pp.61-88.
  24. 劉念琪,龐寶璽,林俊宏, 2005, 人力資源管理研究在台灣:十年(1993-2002)回顧與展望, 人力資源管理學報, 5(3),Pp.107-137.
  25. 劉念琪、洪世章、譚丹琪, 2003, Knowledge Transfer as a Distinct Criterion on Vendor Selection Decisions, 科技管理學刊, 8(4),Pp. 111-128.
  26. Hung, S. C., Liu, N. and Chang, J. B., 2003, The Taxonomy and Evolution of Technology Strategies: A Study of Taiwan’s High-Technology-Based Firms, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(2), Pp.219-227.
  27. 劉念琪, 2003, 組織內智慧資本創造之理論探討, 中國行政評論, 12卷2期, 頁117-136..
  28. 劉念琪與韓君豪, 2002, 探索知識工作者專業知識之取得 - 以新竹科學園區工業工程專業人員為例, 管理學報, 19(6),Pp.1045-1071..
  29. Ben-Ner, A., Kong, F., Han, T., Liu, N. and Park, Y., 2001, The Organization of Work: Changes and Their Consequences, The Nordic Journal of Political Economy, 27(2), Pp.121-134.
  1. 劉念琪(2020)。研析補助線上數位課程之可行性並提出政策建議。勞動部勞動力發展署技術報告。工作項目負責人。
  2. 劉念琪(2019)。補助企業訓練方案之成效評估機制建立。勞動部勞動力發展署術報告。工作項目負責人。
  3. 劉念琪(2018)平台經濟興起對我國勞動市場之可能影響與因應。勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所委託研究報告。工作項目負責人
  4. 劉念琪(2017)。產業與訓練之鏈結-職訓措施成效分析暨規劃建議。勞動部勞動力發展署術報告。工作項目負責人。
  5. 辛炳隆、劉念琪 (2015)。職業訓練產業發展模式之初探,勞動部勞動力發展署術報告。協同主持人。
  6. 劉念琪、辛炳隆 (2015)。非營利組織轉型社會企業態度與意願之研究-以曾參與勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署101-103年度多元就業開發方案及培力計畫提案之非營利組織為對象。勞動部勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署技術報告。主持人。 
  7. 辛炳隆、劉念琪(201312月)。海外台商跨國遷移對人力資源管理之影響與因應策略。勞委會委託研究案技術報告。協同主持人。
  8. 辛炳隆、劉念琪(201212月)。服務業國際化之人才發展策略研究。經濟部產業專業人才發展推動計畫技術報告。經濟部:經濟部產業專業人才發展推動計畫。協同主持人。
  9. 劉念琪(201012月)。建立訓練成效評估追蹤制度之研究。考試院保訓會技術報告。主持人。    
  10. 辛炳隆、劉念琪(201012月)。女性專業人才在技術服務業之發展。經濟部產業專業人才發展推動計畫技術報告。經濟部:經濟部產業專業人才發展推動計畫。協同主持人。
  1. 劉念琪, 2023, 遠距工作如何發揮效益、吸引人才?臺大管院教授劉念琪給企業的3思考、5配套
  2. 劉念琪, 2023, 數位時代下遠距工作對企業人力資源管理的衝擊及因應
  3. 劉念琪, 2020, 認識策略人力資源管理
  4. 張宏梅、劉念琪, 2018, 全球化任用策略: 臺灣企業國際人才管理新挑戰台灣籍多國企業回任管理之現況與策略
  5. 劉念琪, 2014, 勞動彈性與員工福祉-人力資源管理觀點。回顧與前瞻: 勞動基準法施行30週年論文集
  6. 劉念琪, 蔣娉華, 張宏梅, 2014, 台港兩地策略人力資源管理研究比較初探
  7. 劉念琪, 2013, 員工幸福感: 由抽象到具體
  8. 劉念琪, 2012, 不確定年代下的組織變革” 於李誠主編之「人力資源管理的十二堂課-全新第四版
  9. 劉念琪, 2006, 變動時代的組織變革與發展,於李誠主編之「人力資源管理的十二堂課-全新第三版」,台北,中華民國:天下遠見出版有限公司
  10. 劉念琪, 2002, 組織變革的三分鐘思考;於李誠主編之「人力資源管理的十二堂課-全新修訂版」,台北,中華民國 :天下遠見出版有限公司
  11. 劉念琪與范姜如萱, 2001, 員工分紅入股制度對組織生產力之影響:以台灣地區上市電子公司為例,於李誠主編之「高科技產業人力資源管理」,台北,中華民國 :天下遠見出版有限公司
  12. Ben-Ner, A., Kong, F., Bosley, S., Burns, W. A., Butler, R., Han, T. Z. Liu, N. and Park Y., 2000, Workplace Organization and Human Resource Practices: The Retail Food Industry, Working Paper 00-01, The Retail Food Industry Center, University of Minnesota
  13. 劉念琪, 1998, Determinants of innovative human resource practices and systems, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota