【學生活動】4/24(四)19:00 EMBA攝影社-法國攝影師 Patrice Delmotte「“Nude” or “The Perfect Landscape” 」講座,歡迎報名!
瀏覽數:118  2017-02-12 更新




講題: Nude or The Perfect Landscape


 The human body is in my opinion THE perfect landscape. No need to travel fare away to discover new words. Each body will bring its own language. It will be up to you, with the help of light and imagination to open the dialogue.

 Who I am, briefly?

 I only discovered photography in 2005. I loved drawing from childhood, but my professional career has pretty much kept me away from my passion. I was surprised by the ease of playing with digital technology that I started “drawing” again.

I am mostly an autodidact. I learn a lot by watching the works of the master painters and photographers.

In my first studies I use mostly black and white photos in which I play with the light to carve curves and geometrical forms out of the shadow.

The second is more dedicated to flashing movements and colors. I cherish the encounter between the two persons, one in front of the camera and the other behind. Their dialogue is the creative principle of the photo.

The third was more graphic or let say more close to painting than photography.

For me the human body, combined with a “Claire obscure” light, is the most complex, sophisticated and harmonious landscape.

 經由柯錫杰大師的介紹,認識了PatriceAmy夫婦, Amy喜歡畫畫, Patrice喜歡攝影,舉辦多次攝影展, 在Bali島經營Dea 

Villas, 攝影成癡的在Villa設置攝影棚,柯大師也在那兒攝影過.上次聽過台灣饅頭美國兵林道明的攝影經驗令人印象深刻, 這次來聽聽法國籍Patrice的人體攝影觀點!

 (英文演講, 將請他夫人Amy翻譯)


對象:台大EMBA攝影社/政大EMBA攝影社 同學親友


時間:4/24(四) PM7-9

地點 : 信義路鼎泰豐對面 雄獅永康人文空間

