2019/3/29(五)《計量學會》CRETA Seminar,歡迎參加!
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國立臺灣大學計量理論與應用研究中心 (CRETA)、國立臺灣大學財務金融學系及臺灣經濟計量學會 (TES) 將於 2019 年 03 月 29 日共同舉辦 CRETA Seminar @TES。相關資訊如下:

【日期】2019 年 03 月 29 日 (週五) 下午2:00~5:00

【地點】國立臺灣大學管理學院二號館三樓 304 教室


【演講主題】My Reflection and Research on Innovation Economics, Intellectual Property, and Financial Markets
In this talk, I plan to summarize the trajectory and evolution of my research interest and progress in understanding the multifaceted role of innovation and intellectual property in our economy and financial markets. By walking you through my research papers, I hope to offer my thoughts on the importance and policy implications of innovation economics, various types of innovations, the pricing and mispricing of intellectual property, and the driving forces of innovative capabilities and creativity at the country, industry, organization, and individual levels. As someone who has been focusing on innovation economics for almost two decades, I would offer my two cents on important yet underexplored research questions as well as possible tools and methodologies in this area. Lastly, I will share my reflection, experience, and (costly) lessons learned along my way here now.
許博炫教授 (清華大學科技管理學院客座教授與香港大學商業與經濟學院教授,個人網頁:http://tinyurl.com/y6raxgk2)。
下午 1:30 ~ 2:00報到

下午 2:00 ~ 3:20 First session

下午 3:20 ~ 3:40 Tea Break 

下午 3:40 ~ 5:00 Second session

為方便場地安排及人數預估,欲參加CRETA Seminar的朋友們,煩請事先報名。當天講義將優先提供給報名者


【報名費用】台灣大學在學學生及現任教職員和台灣經濟計量學會會員為免費參加,其他參加者報名費為NT$200 (當天將開放現場繳交台灣經濟計量學會 2019 年年度會費)。

【報名期限】2019/03/28 (四) 13:30


為方便臺灣經濟計量學會 (TES) 會員繳納 108 年度會費,本次活動開放現場繳納會費,亦歡迎大家介紹非會員朋友加入 TES。更多研討會資訊請見 TES 網站:http://tinyurl.com/y35hhtaw
