A series of Thesis and Brownbag Workshop will be held each semester guiding you on how to apply for graduation and work through the Thesis Writing journey.
About the Thesis Workshop
As part of the Thesis Workshop, we will introduce the graduation process step-by-step. These steps to graduation include guidance on:
How to generate your thesis ideas and turn it into a thesis proposal
How to approach an advisor
What paperwork needs to be prepared
How the oral defense is conducted, including the required format of the thesis and presentation
The post-oral defense procedures Include getting approval from the NTU library, printing out hard copies, and leaving school procedures.
The timeline of each process
Email: ntugmba@ntu.edu.tw
Phone: +886-2-3366-1030
Fax: +886-2-3366-5411
Room 903, Building I, College of Management,
No. 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106,