Partner school information and exchange slots for AY2021/2022
瀏覽數:52  2020-10-30 更新
NTU College of Management has a total of 107 partner schools, 100 of which with valid exchange agreements, as per the principles of mutual benefit, a balance in the number of exchange students shall be maintained. Therefore, the exchange slot may very every year.

2021/2022 Exchange Partner schools
The list of exchange schools and available exchange slots (May be updated anytime)


Please note:

  1. Some of the partner schools have not yet announced the exchange slots due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the updated information will be provided as soon as possible before the application system opens. 
  2. Applicants may list 30 exchange destinations in the order of preference.
  3. The fact sheet 2020/2021 is for reference only, if the partner schools have an updated version on their websites, please check it by yourself before application. Applicants should meet both partner schools and NTU CoM's requirements.
  4. Application requirements for exchange students may vary from different Partner Schools. Please ensure that all requirements of the chosen exchange destination are met.
  5. No revisions can be made on the Exchange Destination Preference List under any circumstances after application has been submitted.
  6. International students or students with dual citizenship cannot apply for schools in the countries of which they hold current citizenship.
  7. Language proficiency test score may have to be valid until the start date of your studies at host university.