GMBA Honor Code &​​​​​​​ Attendance Policy
Please see: Honour Code   (updated 2023.07)

GMBA Attendance Policy

To foster a dynamic classroom environment, GMBA encourages students to engage fully. The result is best achieved through in-class attendance. This in-person policy extends to the Thesis Oral-Defense.



LEAVE: absence/no-show with leave application approved

ABSENCE: no-show without leave application approved, missing more than half the class, or disengaged from the class clearly


1. Attendance is required unless excused by the course instructor and GMBA Office.

     a. A grade of X (equal to a grade of 0) may result if students have more than 25% LEAVES or ABSENCE of total class hours. Individual course instructors may apply other penalties.

     b. A student may apply for a leave through the NTU school leave system (accessible through the MyNTU portal). The details can be found at

     c. The course instructor and the GMBA Director (or a deputy on the direction of the GMBA Director) will evaluate the request.


2. If your LEAVE or ABSENCE affects an examination, please note the following:

     a. In principle, NTU regulations do not permit make-up examinations. But the course instructor has the final call.
     b. If you miss a critical course event, the course instructor

         i. reserves the right to decline a make-up of the activity.

         ii. or offer a make-up opportunity with specified conditions.


3. Except for situations of Force-Majeure, students must attend classes and their thesis oral defense in person. Force-Majeure is defined as an unpredictable situation beyond the control of a natural person. GMBA currently does not recognize any situations of force majeure. This article is subject to change in line with NTU policy on issues of Force-Majeure.