博士 英國華威(Warwick Business School)大學商學(行銷與策略管理組)博士
碩士 美國紐約市立大學(Baruch, CUNY)管理碩士
研究室 : 二館 913
電話 : 3366-3850
傳真 :
諮詢時段 :
個人網頁 :
相關連結 :
• Cross Cultural Consumer Research
• Subcultural Consumption
• Branding Strategy
• Consumer-Brand Relationship
• Mecosystem
• 英國華威(Warwick Business School)大學商學(行銷與策略管理組)博士
• 美國紐約市立大學(Baruch, CUNY)管理碩士
• 消費者行為
• Doctoral Seminar on Marketing Management
• 經營領導與管理
• 全球品牌管理
• 國際行銷
• 行銷管理
• 行銷研究方法
97年 國科會九十七年度補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究(核定月數:6 個月)
98學年度 台灣大學校教學優良獎
97學年度 台灣大學校教學優良獎
96學年度 台灣大學校教學優良獎
96學年度 台灣大學管院學術研究獎
96學年度 台灣大學院級優良教師
95學年度 台灣大學台新金控管理學院許士軍管理研究學者獎
95學年度 台灣大學管院學術研究獎
94學年度 台灣大學台新金控管理學院許士軍管理研究學者獎
94學年度 台灣大學管院學術研究獎
Winner, Highly Commended Award, Literati Club, Emerald Publishing Limited 國家科學委員會獎助
98年 國科會98年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費
97年 國科會97年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
96年 國科會96年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
95年 國科會95年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
94年 國科會94年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
93年 國科會93年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
92年 國科會92年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
99-106年 國科會99-106年度專題研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
107-112年 國科會107-112年年度產學研究計畫(主持人,獲研究主持費)
2009/8 and 2007/09 日本明治大學訪問學者
2008/03 - 2008/07 全員品牌管理(Total Brand Management)輔導計劃顧問
2003/08 - 2005/07 元智大學國際企業學系助理教授
1995/02 - 1996/06 OmniTrak Marketing Group 研究總監
1993/04 - 1995/02 論群顧問公司研究經理
1991/08 - 1993/04 模範市場研究顧問公司研究員
201308-201907 台大EMBA 執行長
201909-202308 台灣大學進修推廣學院院長
  1. Seah, Melody, Huang, H. Y., Cheng Kuei-Yang , M. H. Hsieh, August 2012, Strategic Indigenous Leadership: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Franz Collection Inc, AOM (Academy of Management) 2012 Annual Meeting, (Boston).
  2. 黃秀英,黃怡婷,謝明慧, November 2011, 以共演化理論探討企業經營模式轉換-以生命禮儀業者為例, 2011管理理論與實務研討會, (上海).
  3. Chou, W. C., Chiang, Y. F., M. H. Hsieh, June 2011, How Serendipity Explains Entrepreneurial Growth? A Process of Generating and Acting on Serendipity, AIB (Academy of International Business) 2011 Annual Meeting, (Nagoya).
  4. Hsieh, M. H., W. L. Wang, T. K. Yang, June 2011, A Dilemma of Old or New in Retro Branding of Experiential Goods: Consumers’ Warring Quests for Authenticity and Optimum Stimulation, AIB (Academy of International Business) 2011 Annual Meeting, (Nagoya).
  5. Huang, H. Y., Seah, Melody , M. H. Hsieh, August 2010, The Evolution of Strategic Entrepreneurship in a SME: An Entrepreneurial Learning Perspective, AOM (Academy of Management) 2010 Annual Meeting, (Montreal).
  6. Seah, Melody, Huang, H. Y. , M. H. Hsieh, August 2010, Strategic Indigenous Leadership: How do Chinese Leaders Ignite Firm Turnarounds?, AOM (Academy of Management) 2010 Annual Meeting, (Montreal).
  7. 謝明慧, June 2009, The Accelerated Internationalization of Born Global Firms: A Knowledge Transformation Process View, AIB, (San Diego California).
  8. 謝明慧, April 2009, A Global Brand Positioning Strategy – Fusing The Contrast, Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management.
  9. Hsieh, M. H., S. T. Huang, April 2008, Market-Oriented New Global Product Development Process: Exploration and Exploitation Of Capability, AIB, (Milan).
  10. Hsieh, M. H. , W. T. Chou, June 2008, Managing Key Account Portfolio Across Relational Process BY Adjusting Value Proposition, AIB, (Milan).
  11. Rudy Setiono, Shan L. Pan, Ming-Huei Hsieh and Arnulfo P. Azcarraga, July 2007, Constructing auto-associative neural networks: an application to knowledge discovery in a cross-national study of brand image perception, The Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, (Lhasa, Tibet, China).
  12. Arnulfo Azcarraga, Hsieh Ming Huei, and Rudy Setiono, July 2005, Car Market Segmentation using SOM and decision trees, Proceedings of the 8th International DSI Conference, (Barcelona Spain).
  13. Hsieh, M. H. and S-L Pan, August 2004, 顧客關係管理網路(CRM Network):研究CRM的新途徑, 2004電子商務與數位生活研討會 (EC2004), (Taipei).
  14. Hsieh, Ming Huei, July 2004, Investigating the applicability of the hierarchical relationship between brand image perceptions and purchasing behavior, Proceedings of Taiwan Institute of Marketing Science annual Conference, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  15. Pan, S-L., Gary, S. C. Pan, and Hsieh M. H, July 2004, Designing Customer Relational Management (CRM) Systems: Learning from the Customers, Knowledge Management Conference in Asia Pacific (KMAP 2004), (Taipei, Taiwan).
  16. Arnulfo Azcarraga, Hsieh Ming Huei, Pan Shan-Ling, Rudy Setiono, July 2004, Knowledge acquzition and revision via neural networks, The Proceedings of International Joint Conference of Neural Networks (IJCNN 2004), (Budapest).
  17. Azcarraga A., Hsieh M. H. and Setiono, R, August 2003, Visualizing Globalization: A SOM Approach to Customer Profiling, The Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2003), (Seattle).
  18. Pan, S-L., M. H. Hsieh., J.C.M. Huang, and Y-S. Tsai, September 2000, Knowledge Management: Lessons Learned from an Early Implementer, Proceedings of Management & Information Systems Conference, (Brisbane Australia).
  19. Pan, S-L. M. H. Hsieh and H. Chen, June 2000, Managing Knowledge in Electronic Commerce Era: A Case Study of an On-line Learning Centre, Proceeding of Fourth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS, 2000), (Hong Kong, China), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.
  1. C-H Lee, M-H Hsieh, 2024, Market Innovation as A Process of Institutional Reconciliation, Journal of Business Research, 169 (2023) 114258 (Available online 15 September 2023).
  2. Fang-Mei Tseng, Ju-Yin Weng, Fang-Wen Liu, Ming-Huei Hsieh, October 2022, How to design contests and motivate participants to engage in crowd innovation contests., The International Journal of Management Education, 20(3), 100722.
  3. 謝明慧, December 2020, 該堅守茶園還是自創品牌?頂級茶的龐大商機挑戰, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版.
  4. 謝明慧, August 2019, 顧客主導邏輯化的微笑曲線2.0, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版, 30-41.
  5. 謝明慧, December 2019, 轉型顧客導向路迢遙, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版, 46-51.
  6. 謝明慧, January 2019, 獲利、公益真的難以兼顧?, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版.
  7. 謝明慧, January 2018, 將顧客體驗管理化為銷售績效, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版.
  8. 謝明慧, March 2017, 價格告訴我們的事, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版, 64-45.
  9. Seah, Melody and M. H. Hsieh, October 2015, Impact of leader adaptability on organizational change and adaptation, Journal of Asia Business Studies, (Accepted)..
  10. 謝明慧, November 2015, 品牌數據決策的三個關鍵思考, 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版, p124-125.
  11. 王浩,江宜芳,謝明慧, November 2015, 攜程旅行網-通路商的轉型歷程, 管理評論, (已接受).
  12. Seah, Melody, M. H. Hsieh, November 2014, Leader driven organizational adaptation, Management Decision, 1410 - 1432.
  13. 黃秀英,謝明慧,江宜芳, April 2014, 中國家居用品市場的開拓策略-多樣屋, 管理評論, 43 - 63.
  14. 黃秀英,欒錦榮,謝明慧,黃怡婷, September 2013, 生命禮儀業者的成長策略-龍巖, 產業與管理論壇, 72 - 94.
  15. 江宜芳,謝明慧,莊雅蘭, September 2013, 探討企業由實體走向虛擬之即創歷程:以台灣中小企業為例, 中小企業發展季刊(JSD), 1 - 46.
  16. Ta-Kai Yang, Ming-Huei Hsieh, April 2013, Case analysis of capability deployment in crisis prevention and response, International Journal of Information Management, 408 - 412.
  17. Huang, Hsiu Ying,Ming Huei Hsieh, March 2013, The Accelerated Internationalization of Born Global Firms: A Knowledge Transformation Process View, Journal of Asia Business Studies, 244 - 261.
  18. 黃秀英,謝明慧, March 2012, 無敵科技-台灣廠商海外市場的通路與品牌經營, 中山管理評論個案專刊, 93 - 112.
  19. Hsieh, Ming-Huei , Shu-Lin Wu, April 2011, Gay Men’s Identity Attempt Pathway and its Implication on Consumption, Psychology & Marketing, 388 - 416.
  20. Huang, Hsiu Ying , Ming Huei Hsieh, November 2011, An international branding strategy based on a case study of a Taiwanese firm, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 611 - 623.
  21. Hsieh, Ming-Huei , W. C. Chou, November 2011, Managing Key Account Portfolio across the Process of Relationship Development – A Value Proposition - Desired Value Alignment Perspective, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 83 - 119.
  22. Melody Seah, M. H. Hsieh, Pu-Dong Weng, August 2010, A Case Analysis of Savecom: the role of indigenous leadership in implementing a business intelligence system, International Journal of Information Management, 368 - 373.
  23. Ming-Huei Hsieh, W. T. Chou, January 2010, Managing Key Account Portfolio across Relational Process – A Value Proposition-Desired Value Alignment Perspective, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.
  24. Hsieh, Ming-Huei (謝明慧), October 2009, A Case of Managing Customer Relationship Management Systems: Empirical Insights and Lessons Learned, International Journalof InformationManagement, 416 - 419.
  25. Hsieh, Ming-Huei (謝明慧), October 2009, Predicting Consumer Preference for Fast-Food Franchises–A Data Mining Approach, Journal of The OR Society, 1221 - 1229.
  26. Ming Hui Hsieh, January 2009, Human-Centric Knowledge Seeking Strategies In Organizational Context - A Stakeholder Perspective, Journal of Knowledge Management, 115 - 133.
  27. S.T. Huang, M. H. Hsieh, January 2008, A global Brand Positioning Strategy – A Four-Stage Process of Harmonization, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, 99 - 116.
  28. Pan, S L., Pan, G., Chen, J. W. and Hsieh, M-H, June 2007, The Dynamics of Implementing and Managing Modularity of Organizational Routines during Capability Development: Insights from a Process Model, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.
  29. Rudy Setiono, Pan, S-L., Hsieh M. H. and A. Azcarraga., June 2006, Knowledge Acquisition And Revision Using Neural Networks: An Application To A Cross-National Study Of Brand Image Perception, Journal of The OR Society, 231 - 240.
  30. Pan, S-L, G. Pan and M.H. Hsieh, August 2006, A Dual-level Analysis of Capability Development Process: A Case Study of TTnT, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 1814 - 1829.
  31. A. Azcarraga, M.H. Hsieh, S.L. Pan and R. Setiono, August 2005, Extractingsalient dimensions for automatic SOM labeling, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, 595 - 600.
  32. Setiono, R., Pan, S-L., Hsieh, M. H. and Azcarraca A, June 2005, Separating Core Knowledge and Non-Core Knowledge: An Application of Neural Network Rules Extraction to Cross-national Study of Brand Ima, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
  33. Hsieh, M. H. and A. Lindridge, June 2005, Universal Appeals with Local Specifications, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14 - 28.
  34. Rudy Setiono, Pan S-L, Hsieh M H.,Arnulfo Azcarraga, June 2005, Automatic Knowledge Extraction from Survey Data: Learning M-Of-N Constructs Using a Hybrid Approach, Journal of The OR Society, 3 - 14.
  35. Hsieh M. H, S-L Pan, Rudy Setiono, July 2004, Product-, Corporate-, and Country-Image Dimensions and Purchase Behavior: A Multicountry Analysis, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 251 - 270.
  36. Hsieh M. H., July 2004, A Cross-National Investigation On The Effect of Country-Of-Origin, International Journal of Market Research, 267 - 295.
  37. Hsieh, M. H, December 2004, Measuring Global Brand Equity Using Cross-National Survey Data, Journal of International Marketing, 28 - 45.
  38. Hsieh, M. H., December 2002, Identifying Brand Image Dimensionality and Measuring Degree of Brand Globalization: A Cross-National Study, Journal of International Marketing, 46 - 67.
  39. Pan, S-L. M. H. Hsieh and H. Chen, August 2001, Knowledge Sharing through Intranet-based Learning: A Case Study of an On-line Learning Centre, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 179 - 195.
  1. Azcarraga, A., M.H. Hsieh, S.L. Pan, R. Setiono, April 2008, Improved SOM Labeling Methodology for Data Mining Applications, Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.