博士 美國亞歷桑那大學 Management Information Systems 博士
碩士 國立臺灣大學經濟學碩士
學士 國立臺灣大學工商管理學系學士
研究室 : 二館 509
電話 : (02)33661184
傳真 : 33661199
E-mail : luim@ntu.edu.tw
諮詢時段 :
相關連結 :
• 商業智慧
• 自然語言處理
• 機器學習
• 應用計量經濟
• 美國亞歷桑那大學 Management Information Systems 博士
• 國立臺灣大學經濟學碩士
• 國立臺灣大學工商管理學系學士
• 統計學習與深度學習
• 統計學一上、下
• 系統分析與設計
2014 First Place, Competition for Innovative Value-added Applications Using Health Data
2005-2009 Graduate Research Assistantship, National Science Foundation
2008 Dean’s Research Award, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
2009 Dean’s Research Award, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
2017 Excellence in Teaching Award (院教學優良獎), College of Management, National Taiwan University
2018 Excellence in Teaching Award (院教學優良獎), College of Management, National Taiwan University
2020 Excellence in Teaching Award (院教學優良獎), College of Management, National Taiwan University
2021 and 2022 Exceptional Performance Award (年度績優獎), National Taiwan University
2010/8 - 2015/7 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Management, National Taiwan University
2015/8 - 2021/7 Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
2021/8 - Now Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
2023/10 - 2024/7 Deputy Director, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
2024/8 - Now Chainman, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
  1. Jih-Shin Chen and Hsin-Min Lu, July 2016, Stock Prediction Via Sentiment And Online Social Status, PACIS 2016, (Chiayi, Taiwan).
  2. Hsin-Min Lu, Nina Wan-Hsin Huang, Shu-Hsing Li, and Tsai-Jyh Chen, December 2009, Risk Statement Recognition in News Articles, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), (Phoenix, Arizona).
  3. Hsin-Min Lu, Nina WanHsin Huang, Shu-Hsing Li, Zhu Zhang, Tsai-Jyh Chen, and Hsinchun Chen, July 2009, Recognizing Firm-Specific Risk Statements in News Articles, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (AAA), (New York).
  4. Hsin-Min Lu, Daniel Zeng, and Hsinchun Chen, August 2008, Bioterrorism Event Detection Based on the Markov Switching Model: A Simulated Anthrax Outbreak Study, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, (Taipei).
  5. Hsin-Min Lu, Hsinchun Chen, Daniel Zeng, Chwan-Chuen King, Lea Trujillo, and Ken Komatsu, August 2007, Multilingual Chief Complaint Classifier, Sixth Annual International Society for Disease Surveillance Conference, (Indianapolis).
  6. Hsin-Min Lu, Daniel Zeng, and Hsinchun Chen, August 2006, Ontology-based Automatic Chief Complaints Classification for Syndromic Surveillance, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (Taipei).
  1. Feng-Tse Tsai,Hsin-Min Lu,Mao-Wei Hung, July 2016, The Impact of News Articles and Corporate Disclosure on Credit Risk Valuation, Journal of Banking and Finance, 100 - 116.
  2. Hsin-Min Lu, Chih-Ping Wei, and Fei-Yuan Hsiao, February 2016, Modeling Healthcare Data Using Multiple-Channel Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Journal of Biomedical Informatics.
  3. Hung-Lin Chen, Li-Jiuan Shen, Chih-Ping Wei, Hsin-Min Lu, Fei-Yuan Hsiao, October 2015, Decision to adopt medical technology under the National Health Insurance System in Taiwan: case study of new molecular targeted drugs among non-small cell lung cancer patients, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 808 - 816.
  4. Hsin-Min Lu and Chien-Hua Lee, May 2015, A Twitter Hashtag Recommendation Model that Accommodates for Temporal Clustering Effects, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 18 - 25.
  5. Yu-Tai Chien and Hsin-Min Lu, April 2015, Firm Websites and the Risk of Firm. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 504 - 520.
  6. Hsin-Min Lu, February 2015, Detecting Short-Term Cyclical Topic Dynamics in the News and User-Generated Content, Decision Support Systems, 1 - 14.
  7. John L. Campbell, Hsinchun Chen, Dan S. Dhaliwal, Hsin-Min Lu, and Logan B. Steele, March 2014, The Information Content of Mandatory Risk Factor Disclosures in Corporate Filings, Review of Accounting Studies.
  8. Hsin-Min Lu, Feng-Tse Tsai, Hsinchun Chen, Mao-Wei Hung, and Shu-Hsing Li, October 2012, Credit Rating Change Modeling Using News and Financial Ratios, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems.
  9. Kuo-Tay Chen, Hsin-Min Lu, Tsai-Jyh Chen, Shu-Hsing Li , Jian-Shuen Lian, and Hsinchun Chen, March 2011, Giving Context to Accounting Numbers: The Role of News Coverage, Decision Support Systems, 673 - 679.
  10. Hsin-Min Lu, Daniel Zeng, and Hsinchun Chen, April 2010, Prospective Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Using Markov Switching Models, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 565 - 577.
  11. Hsin-Min Lu, Hsinchun Chen, Tsai-Jyh Chen, Mao-Wei Hung, and Shu-Hsing Li, March 2010, Financial Text Mining: Supporting Decision Making Using Web 2.0 Content, IEEE Intelligence Systems, 78 - 82.
  12. Hsin-Min Lu, , Hsinchun Chen, Daniel Zeng, CC King, FY Shih, TS Wu, JY Hsiao, August 2009, Multilingual chief complaint classification for syndromic surveillance: an experiment with Chinese chief complaints, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 308 - 320.
  13. Hsin-Min Lu, Daniel Zeng, Lea Trujillo, Ken Komatsu, and Hsinchun Chen, April 2008, Ontology-enhanced Automatic Chief Complaints Classification for Syndromic Surveillance, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 340 - 352.
  14. Jow-Ran Chang, Mao-Wei Hung, Cheng-few Lee, and Hsin-Min Lu, June 2007, The Jump Behavior of Foreign Exchange Market: Analysis of Thai Baht, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 265 - 288.
  15. Chia-Shang J. Chu, and Hsin-Min Lu, 2006, Random Walk Hypothesis in Exchange Rate Reconsidered, Journal of Forecasting, 275 - 290.
  1. Hsin-Min Lu, Daneil Zeng, and Hsinchun Chen, August 2009, Markov Switching-Based Outbreak Detection, Springer, ( Biosurveillance and Infectious Disease Informatics ).
  2. Hsin-Min Lu, Daneil Zeng, and Hsinchun Chen, August 2009, Chief Complaint and Syndrome Mapping, Springer, ( Biosurveillance and Infectious Disease Informatics ).
  3. Hsin-Min Lu, Nina WanHsin Huang, Zhu Zhang and Tsai-Jyh Chen, August 2009, Identifying Firm-Specific Risk Statements in News Articles,” Intelligence and Security Informatics, Springer, ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 5477 ).
  4. Hsin-Min Lu, Chwan-Chuen King, Tsung-Shu Wu, Fuh-Yuan Shin, Jin-Yi Hsiao, Daniel Zeng, and Hsinchun Chen, August 2007, Chinese Chief Complaint Classification for Syndromic Surveillance, Springer, ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 4506 ).