博士 Ph.D. (Management), Imperial College London
研究室 : 二館
電話 : +886-2-33664986
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相關連結 :
• Corporate governance
• Nonmarket strategy
• Family Firm
• Entrepreneurship
Jyun-Ying Fu is an Associate Professor at National Taiwan University. His research focuses on corporate governance, nonmarket strategies, and ESG-related topics. He earned his Ph.D. from Imperial College London. Dr. Fu actively contributes to the academic community as an ad-hoc reviewer for several prestigious management journals, including Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, 管理學報 (Journal of Management and Business Research), 管理評論 (Management Review), and 台大管理論叢 (NTU Management Review).
• Ph.D. (Management), Imperial College London
2023 富邦論文獎(台灣財務金融學會)
2022 2021年管理學報論文獎─年度最佳論文
2019 全國聯合會論文獎優選(中華民國會計師公會)
2021 2021年論文獎傑出獎(管理評論)
  1. Jyun-Ying Fu, Alan Huang, Russell Wermers, Jingyu Zhang. and Yuxin Zhang, January 2025, The Information Content of Tone Dispersion: Evidence from Earnings Conference Call Q&As, The 2025 American Finance Association Annual Meeting, (San Francisco, CA).
  2. Jyun-Ying Fu, Danchi Tan, and Weichieh Su, 2023, How Does Outward FDI Account for Innovation Performance? The Mediation Role of Knowledge Search, Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  3. Jyun-Ying Fu, Danchi Tan, and Weichieh Su, July 2023, How Does Outward FDI Account for Innovation Performance? The Mediation Role of Knowledge Search, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.
  4. Yenn-Ru Chen, Jyun-Ying Fu, and Chia-Hsiang Weng, July 2023, Does Litigation Risk Change CEOs’ Tournament Incentives to Withhold Bad News?, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.
  1. Liu, H., Tang, X., & Fu, J. Y, February 2025, Do foreign institutional investors curb carbon emissions? Evidence from an emerging economy, Research in International Business and Finance.
  2. Fu, J. Y., & Sun, P., September 2024, Closing the revolving door: What if board political connections are permanently broken?, Journal of Management.
  3. Tyan, J., Liu, S. C., & Fu, J. Y., February 2024, How environmental, social, and governance implementation and structure impact sustainable development goals., Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
  4. Dubois, E., McGinty, S., Uchida, K., Chen, Y. R., & Fu, J. Y., October 2023, Institutional shareholders, proxy advisor recommendation, and vote outcomes in shareholder meetings., Research in International Business and Finance.
  5. Fu, J. Y., January 2023, Customer concentration and corporate charitable donations: Evidence from China, Managerial and Decision Economics.
  6. Liu, H., Zhang, H., & Fu, J. Y., September 2023, Cultural distance, foreign ownership, and corporate innovation in China, Applied Economics Letters.
  7. Jyun-Ying Fu, Wen-Ching Sophia Chou, Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu, and Kuo-Feng Huang, 2022, The more, the merrier? The bystander effect on crowdfunding platforms, NTU Management Review.
  8. Jyun-Ying Fu, 2022, Are independent directors rewarded for their monitoring? Empirical evidence from Chinese listed firms, Management Review.
  9. Jyun-Ying Fu, 2021, Family Firms and CSR Specialization: Evidence from Taiwanese Listed Firms, Journal of Management and Business Research.
  10. Jyun-Ying Fu, 2021, Corporate Innovation in China: A Political Embeddedness Perspective, Journal of Management and Business Research.