113學年度臺灣大學管理學院與北京大學光華管理學院 MBA雙聯學位計畫甄選簡章
瀏覽數:232  2024-08-13 更新



2024-2025 NTU CoM and PKU Guanghua School of Management

 MBA Double Degree Program Application Guideline


一、宗旨 Purpose



We would like to select students who have excellent academic performance, are fluent in foreign languages, and have good character to join the double degree program. Selected students will go abroad to PKU Guanghua School of Management of China in September for one academic year. Selected students shall comply with the provisions of the two schools and will receive formal degrees awarded by the College of Management of National Taiwan University (NTUCOM) and PKU Guanghua School of Management upon completing all requirements.       


二、申請資訊 Application

申請資格  Eligibility


   Applicants can apply for one of the following MBA programs: Full-time English program, or Part-time program based on personal background and interests. Students applying for the double-degree program are required to meet all the following requirements:

1. 本院商學研究所、財務金融所、會計研究所、國際企業研究所、資訊管理研究所與企業管理碩士專班(GMBA) 一年級(含)以上之在學碩士班學生。(不含休學中學生)

   Applicants are required to be at least one-year Master-level candidates in the Department of Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, International Business, Information Management, or GMBA. (Students must be enrolled at the time of applying)

2. 學業成績優良,平均成績達GPA 3.0(含)以上。

   Excellent academic performance and with the average GPA more than 3.0.

3. GMAT/GRE成績:提交正式的GMAT/GRE成績,五年有效期內。

   GMAT/GRE score: Applicants must provide a formal GMAT/GRE score report from recent five years.

4. 20259月於北大光華入學前,具有三年以上工作經驗為原則,得視申請人整體學業與履歷表現予以調整。

   Before enrolling in PKU Guanghua School of Management in September, 2024, applicants shall, in principle, have three years (or higher) working experience. This requirement is adjustable depending on the applicant’s academic performance and other experiences.



Note: The application portfolio shall be submitted with a binder clip or paperclip in the order listed.


申請文件Application materials

1. 申請表。(請至管院網站下載,請使用英文填寫)

 Application form. (Downloadable from the College of Management website and shall be filled out in English)

2. 個人申請說明。(請說明申請動機,英文繕打 A4一頁,無格式限制)

Personal statement. (Please include the motivation behind why one wishes to be a part of the program.  Shall be written in English and is limited to one side on size A4 paper)

3. 個人英文簡歷,以A4兩頁為限,不限格式。

Curriculum Vitae/Resume (in English). Maximum of two A4-sized pages, not limited to any specific resume format.

4. 歷年成績單英文版正本一份,碩一生尚未有本校成績者,請繳交前一學位之歷年成績單。

Official Transcript of Grades (English Version). First-year graduate students should submit the transcripts of their undergraduate studies.

5. 有效期限內語言能力證明影本一份:

Photocopy of effective language certificate:

  1. GMAT/GRE成績:提交正式的GMAT/GRE成績,五年有效期內。

GMAT/GRE score: Applicants must provide a formal GMAT/GRE score report from recent five years.

  1. 僅有母語非華語之申請者申請光華MBA中文班時需提供:中國漢語水準考試HSK,新制不低於5級;舊制不低於6級,或其他同等級中文能力檢定。

Only non-native Chinese speakers who apply for the Chinese-taught MBA program should provide a transcript of the Chinese Proficiency Test HSK. The minimum score from the new system should be no less than 5 and from the old system should be no less than 6 or the same level as other equivalent Chinese Proficiency Tests.

6. 工作證明。

   Proof of work experience.



Note: The application portfolio shall be submitted with a binder clip or paperclip in the order listed.


修業期間  Studying period


A Double Degree Program student will, in principle, stay at the host University for one year.

學費 Tuition Fee


In addition to the tuition of NTU, students will need to pay tuition to Peking University. Tuition is based on the current academic year. Double-degree students are required to pay the tuition for the first year, as follows:
Full-time MBA program tuition is RMB 188,000 (1 year)

Part-time MBA program tuition is RMB 398,000 (1 year)


獎學金 Guanghua MBA Scholarship Opportunities



Guanghua would like to offer a FULL TUITION WAIVER to admitted students. The selection will be based on the candidates’ overall merits. Admitted students may apply for other scholarships, for more information about scholarships, please refer to the PKU MBA website.



學制School System

符合北大光華 MBA 錄取資格的台大學生,第一年在台大管理學院研習,之後前往北大光華研習,在北京大學的正式註冊時間不少於2*,但僅須就讀一年與繳納第一年北大學費。若於北京大學2年內,雙學位候選人無法滿足光華學位授予要求,而又希望獲得光華畢業證書和學位證書,可在規定時間內申請延長在光華的學習年限(最長學習年限為5年),並按照北大當年度相關規定按期繳納延期費。


NTU students accepted to Guanghua MBA shall be enrolled at NTU in the first academic year and then study at Guanghua. Students shall be enrolled in Peking University for no less than two years but only need to study for one year and pay for one year’s tuition at Peking University. If double-degree candidates are unable to graduate from Guanghua within two years may apply for an extension (maximum of 5 years) and pay the annual extension fee according to the relevant provisions of Peking University.

*Note: According to the provisions of the agreement, students are required to register at Peking University for two years but only need to study for one year, and students can obtain the official diploma next year. 



  1. 光華全日制英文班(Global MBA)課程

Fulltime English-taught MBA (Global MBA) program

1. 學分:45學分,其中至少在光華完成課程23學分並通過畢業論文答辯。如有不同,以北大光華當年最新規定為准。

Credits: 45 credits. Students shall complete 23 credits (or more) and a thesis at Guanghua. (If any changes occur, students shall refer to the latest requirements at Guanghua.)


2. 必修課程(學分)為:商務英語(3)、財務會計(2)、資料分析與統計決策(2)、管理經濟學(2)、運營管理(2)、宏觀經濟政策分析(2)、公司財務 (2)、組織行為學(2)、營銷管理(2)、戰略管理(2)、中國商務(2)、企業社會責任與倫理(2)、商業模擬與領導力反思(2)、整合實踐項目(3)、國際商務方略(1)

Required courses (credits): Business Communication (3), Financial Accounting (2), Data Analysis and Statistical Decision (2), Managerial Economics (2), Operations Management (2), Macroeconomic Policy Analysis (2) Corporate Finance (2), Leadership and Organizational Behavior, (2), Marketing Management (2), Strategy Management (2), Doing Business in China (2), Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics (2), Venture Strategy Simulation (2) Integrated Practicum Project (3), Global Business Immersion (1).

from last two courses).


B. 光華在職中文班(PMBA)課程

Part-time Chinese-taught MBA (PMBA) program

1. 學分:45學分,其中至少在光華完成課程23學分並通過畢業論文答辯。如有不同,以北大光華當年最新規定為准。

Credits: 45 credits. Students shall complete 23 credits (or more) and a thesis in Guanghua. (If any changes, students shall refer to the latest requirements at Guanghua.)

2. 必修課程(學分)為:商務英語 (3) 、財務會計 (2) 、資料分析與統計決策 (2) 、管理經濟學 (2) 、運營管理 (2) 、宏觀經濟政策分析 (2) 、公司財務 (2) 、組織行為學 (2) 、行銷管理 (2) 、戰略管理 (2) 、企業社會責任與倫理 (2) 、商業模擬與領導力反思 (2) 、國際商務方略 (1) 、從歷史看管理 (2) 和哲學與人生 (2) (這兩門課程屬於限選課,要求學生從中選擇一門)。

Required courses (credits): Business Communication (3), Financial Accounting (2), Data Analysis and Statistical Decision (2), Managerial Economics (2), Operations Management (2), Macroeconomic Policy Analysis (2), Corporate Finance (2), Leadership and Organizational Behavior, (2), Marketing Management (2), Strategic Management (2), Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics (2), Global Business Immersion (1)

Historical perspective on management (2) and Philosophy and life (2) (Students are required to choose one from last two courses).


學分轉換Credit Transfers


Credits that are completed at NTU and recognized by Guanghua may be transferred to Guanghua. The maximum is 22 credits.


論文及口試 Course selection, thesis defense


All double degree program students shall complete course selections, select their thesis advisor, and complete their thesis within the specified time (usually at the end of September and the beginning of October in the fall semester). The thesis defense will be held from the months of May to June in the second semester of the second year. Specific timing arrangements are subject to the Guanghua School of Management.



After students return back to NTU, students have to complete the requirements of graduation credit and a thesis according to the provisions of departments.


三、申請時間/方式  Application Period & Procedure

  1. 報名時間2024107- 109日(上午9:00-12:00/下午2:00-4:00)。

Application period: October 12 to October 13, 2021 (9:00 am-12:00 pm / 2:00 pm-4:00 pm)

  1. 報名方式:將所有申請文件繳交至管理學院一號館9903室吳思瑩小姐(02-3366-1037)

Application Procedure: Deliver your Application Portfolio to Ms. Estelle Wu, room 903, 9th floor, Building I of CoM.


四、甄選方式  Selection Method

1. 書面審查:申請者之書面資料經評審委員審查後,必要時,得進行面試。

Application material review: Interviews might be conducted after the review of written materials if the committee thinks it is necessary. 

  1. 最後錄取結果依申請人所繳交之書面資料與面試表現綜合評定。

The result will be determined according to both application materials and interview performance.


五、錄取名單公告 / 錄取確認  Announcement & Enrollment Confirmation


The admissions list is scheduled to be announced on October 28, 2022 on the College of Management website. Admitted students must turn in their confirmation letter to the College of Management, Room 903 by 17:00 on November 4, 2022. Those whom do not accept the position will be deemed disqualified and their spot given to a student on the waiting list. 


六、學生須知  Regulations

  1. 校內錄取學生由本院甄選推薦,其入學許可之核定由接待學校決定。若被接待學校拒絕入學,即喪失錄取資格,申請人不得有異議。

Applicants are subject to the approval by the selection board, but the host university shall make the final decision. In the event an applicant is disqualified for not meeting the criteria, no objections are allowed.

  1. 除重大天災等不可抗力之因素外,錄取學生未如期赴國外研修、或因可歸責於個人之因素(如:資料不全)而未獲接待學校核可入學、或終止本計畫提前返國者,皆視為放棄雙聯學位學生資格。

Other than a natural disaster, students must attend the program. Admitted students who do not attend the program due to reasons outside the school’s approval or leaves the program on their own accord are deemed to have waived their status in the program.

  1. 錄取者於確認錄取資格後不得任意放棄雙聯學位學生資格,放棄資格者,須繳交罰款新臺幣10,000元整至本院國際化專用帳戶。

Accepted students who have confirmed their enrollment into the double-degree program shall not rescind their decision. Students who choose to withdraw from the program shall defray NT$10,000 deposit in the designated account of NTU COM.

  1. 本計畫的錄取學生仍須在本校註冊並繳交學雜費。

Accepted students shall pay the tuition and credit fees of their home university.

  1. 所有錄取學生皆須自行辦理宿舍申請、簽證、選課、機票、機場接送及保險等個人事宜。

All accepted students are required to apply their own dormitory, visa, courses, flights, airport transportation, insurance, and other personal matters.

  1. 除學生平安保險外,本院有權強制所有錄取學生於出國研修前另購買足額之保險(含醫療、意外、海外急難救助等)。本院不具替學生購買保險之責任與義務,若學生未購買保險,本院保有取消其錄取資格之權利。

In addition to student insurance, NTU COM requires students enrolled in the double-degree program to purchase insurance that covers medical, accident, and overseas disaster expenses. Though the university cannot force a student to purchase the insurance, if the student chooses not to purchase the insurance, NTU COM retains the authority to disqualify the student from the program.

  1. 本計畫未保證可申請到接待學校宿舍,本院不負責協助宿舍申請,接待學校亦無保證提供宿舍之義務;未申請到宿舍之學生,須自行安排外宿事宜。

The double-degree program cannot guarantee dormitory housing from the host university and NTU COM is not responsible for assisting with dormitory applications. If a student is unable to apply for dormitory housing, they shall have to arrange for other accommodation outside of campus.

  1. 若因個人因素無法取得學生簽證者,錄取資格即取消,本院不負責協助學生辦理簽證。

NTU COM is not responsible for assisting with the students’ visa application. In the event a student is unable to obtain a student visa, their enrollment in the program shall be rescinded.

  1. 雙聯學位學生於計畫期間結束後,如未能完成本計畫之全數規定,將不授予雙聯學位。

If at the end of the arranged period a student fails to meet and complete all the conditions of the program the student shall not be granted a double degree.

  1. 申請及參與本計畫期間不得辦理本校畢業或休學手續,若有此等事情發生,將取消其雙聯學位學生身分。

If during the application period a student graduates or withdraws from school, the student’s double-degree status shall be revoked.

11. 本計畫結束後,必須按時回到本校繼續完成學位,除獲得兩校許可外,不得擅自延長停留期限。

At the end of the scheduled program period, all students shall report back to their home school to complete their degree. Unless obtaining the approval from both universities, no extensions shall be granted to complete the overseas portion of the program.

12. 所有學生返國後,不得以任何理由要求退還學分費或學雜費。

After a student returns to their home school, no requests for a refund of tuition or credit fees.

  1. 具役男身分同學須依法完成相關手續,並於計畫期結束後準時返國,不得有滯留國外之情形;如有違反情況,須自負一切法律責任並按校規處置。

Students must act according to the laws and regulations of the program. Students are required to complete the program within the allotted time period and return to their home school. In the event a student is stranded overseas, they shall have to handle it legally.


七、學生義務  Obligations

  1. 雙聯學位學生於接待學校完成註冊手續後,即視同該校學生,應遵守該校一切規定,不得做出有損兩校校譽之情事,如有違反情況,須同時接受兩校校規處置。

After a double-degree student registers with their host university, they are deemed a student of that university. Under no circumstances shall a student do anything that may harm the reputations of the two universities they represent. Any violations shall be handled according the rules and regulations of the two schools.

  1. 出國參與計畫期間須密切與本院保持聯繫,並留意自身安全。

Students shall maintain a line of communication with NTU COM over the course of the program and shall be aware of their own safety overseas.

  1. 所有參加本計畫同學,應於返國後一個月內繳交在接待學校研修心得報告後,方可領取接待學校之成績單或相關文件。本院有權在網路公開同學所繳交之報告,或使用於各種相關活動文宣用品上,不須另徵得其同意。

All students in the program shall submit a report regarding their studies and experiences overseas. NTU COM maintains the right to use and report any information in the reports for commercial purposes related with the College of Management.

  1. 雙聯學位學生返國後,於在學期間應盡義務協助及輔導本校同學,提供相關諮詢及資訊。

After returning to their home university, double degree students are responsible for providing advice to their fellow classmates.


























CoM of NTU and Guanghua of PKU Double Degree Program Application

Important Date





Aug. - Oct. 2024

Call for Application



11-13 Oct. 2024

Application period



Room903, 9th floor, Building I of CoM

 28 Oct. 2024

Admission list  


Website / E-mail

8 Nov. 2024

Enrollment Confirmation

Those who do not confirm their acceptance by 17:00 pm will be deemed disqualified and their spot given to a student on the waiting list.

Room903, 9th floor, Building I of CoM

Dec. 2024

Application Procedure

Start your application by completing Guanghua MBA online application.


Jan 2025

Complete the application procedure of PKU

All application materials shall be submitted to Guanghua MBA office before the deadline.

Students from Hongkong, Taiwan and Macau are required to complete the online application form before the system deadline.


April-May, 2025


Each candidate will only be invited to interview once on a round basis. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview (face-to-face or Skype) organized by the Guanghua School of Management. Exact time and location will be given at that time.


Jun-Jul, 2025

Official Admissions

Guanghua will notify the results after the interview.


* Please be aware that the date of announcement and enrollment confirmation are subject to change.

For more information about the program, you may refer to the websites: https://en.gsm.pku.edu.cn/mba/


附件2:PKU DDP Application 申請表 2024-2025.doc