瀏覽數:973 2024-05-15 更新
林杰: 這次我們是在學校的信箱看到這個活動,因為對於數據分析有興趣,又看到香港中文大學有提供參賽者機票與住宿,我和李訓佑就一起報名了。在這個活動中,我們看到了許多物流產業所使用的先進技術,並認識了資訊技術在物流產業的應用。 這個比賽讓我有機會實際接觸香港國際機場的物流數據。我們將過去在課程所學的知識,提出了優化香港機場貨運倉儲的方案。很幸運的,這個發想吸引了評審的興趣並得到很高的評價,成功讓我們獲得了第二名。 另外,我們也趁著這個活動認識了許多來自亞洲各個頂尖大學的學生。他們分別都是各個國家的佼佼者,在最後的提案都擁有很出色的表現。在與他們交流的時候,我們對於彼此的國家與學校都有更多的認識,是一個十分難能可貴的經驗。很榮幸能在這次比賽中脫穎而出,也謝謝香港中文大學的贊助與台大資管系、台大管理學院的支持。 ![]() 李訓佑: When I initially joined this contest, I had no knowledge about the logistic industry.However, leveraging my background in Information Management, I believed that my proficiency in data and business analytics could offer a fresh perspective. Throughout the Smart Logistic Datathon 2024, I was amazed by the complexity and intricacy of the logistics industry. We analyzed the current status quo of HKIA’s logistics and came up with a machine learning model to tackle the problem of delayed cargo in HKIA. Luckily, we won second place. It’s such a pleasure to work with elite students from all over the asia pacific region, meeting top tier University students and exchanging ideas do really broaden my horizons. I’m grateful to my Information Management department for equipping me with the necessary analytical skills, and to CUHK and HKIA for providing this incredible opportunity to all participants. ![]() |