【轉發】台灣新創圈萬眾矚目的 SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 4 即將到來!
瀏覽數:387  2020-10-30 更新

SparkLabs Taipei 為知名國際創投基金暨新創加速器,專注投資台灣早期新創進入國際市場。SparkLabs Taipei 即將在 2020 年 11 月 04 日星期三下午舉辦 DemoDay 4 ,歡迎對科技新創與國際創業投資有興趣的教授和同學們出席參與。

本次 SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 4 將由第四屆加速器新創團隊發表他們如何以顛覆式創新服務與產品來解決目標問題,同時也邀請成功創業家與創投分享創業經歷與國際投資趨勢。




Appier 共同創辦人 Winnie Lee 分享創業經驗




DemoDay 4 除了有新創公司簡報可以聆聽最新科技與服務外,我們邀請到傑出創業家與講者跟大家分享他們創業旅途中的學習與實戰經驗。想聽到創業家們被迪士尼收購、被臉書收購、在紐約證券交易所(NYSE)上市、或打造出好萊塢明星們最愛的嬰兒推車的故事嗎? 別等了,趕快按底下連結報名 Sparklabs Taipei DemoDay 4 吧!

日期:2020年 11月 04日 (三) 13:00pm - 17:30pm

地點北國際會議中心會堂 - 台北市信義路五段1號3樓南側





SparkLabs Taipei is an internationally renowned venture capital fund and startup accelerator. We focus on investing in early-stage Taiwanese startups and assisting Taiwanese startups to scale their businesses globally. We are currently one of the most active early stage startup investors in Taiwan.


One of the top startup events in Taipei, our DemoDay 4, is happening soon! We welcome professors and students interested in learning more about technology and entrepreneurship to attend this premier Demo Day. 


DemoDay 4 will showcase startups from our latest accelerator batch and some of the problems they are solving. Here’s what you can expect:


Learn about the latest startup tech trends — see the startups below

Network with top industry leaders, corporate executives, and international investors (expected 800+ attendees)

Gain insights from global thought leaders and experts with Speakers such as Winnie Lee (Co-founder and COO of Appier)


Date: Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 from 13:00 - 17:30

Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)

Registration: www.bit.ly/SLTDD4


We highly suggest you attend this event to see how entrepreneurs solve real-world problems. You can find more information on our website: www.sparklabstaipei.com/demoday or directly register at www.bit.ly/SLTDD4!


p.s. Many of our portfolio startups are hiring good talent. You may be able to find your next job here!

附件1:DemoDay 4.docx

附件2:SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 4.png