【EMBA Alumni】Alumni Seminar on Mar. 4 (Wed.) at 18:30 by Professor Liu Shun-ren on Practice for Perfection: Learn Management from Renaissance Master. Sign up now!
Activity day:2015-02-24 
Published At:2015-02-24 
Views:204  2017-02-12 updated

Dear fellow students,

What sparks could happen when management meets arts?

We will not find De Vinci, Michelangelo, or Raffaello in management techniques, procedures, or even systems unless we dig to the bottom in management, the culture layer of management, where we will realize in awe the Holy Grail of these masters.

What we will be learning from the five Renaissance masters are not about their achievements in arts or science, but their momentums and mindsets for life. 

The essence of management is humanity advocated by Renaissance…

Profoundity (Giotto)

Subtleness (Da Vinci)

Strength (Michelangelo)

Precision (Raffaello)

Accuracy (Galileo)


Life or death is determined by culture; humanity is the essence of management!

On Mar. 4 (Wed.) 6:30 PM, Professor Liu Shun-ren reveals to you how to learn management form Renaissance masters: Practice for Perfection.

Venue: B1, Sungreat International Convention Hall, College of Management Building 1

Registration website: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lsdY-jzocAPW36pTilxArHfmOh4bzxDao476xOMwGkc/viewform?usp=send_form

(NTU EMBA alumni members who registered and are present at the event date will receive a complimentary new book from Professor Liu Shun-ren: Practice for Perfection.


TEL: NTU EMBA Alumni Foundation: 02-23695187


Click Here for Much More Information 【NTU EMBA Alumni Foundation Website】