Activity day:2013-11-06
Published At:2013-11-06
2017-02-12 updated
Cheers Magazine announces its survey result of choices of EMBA for 2014 preferred by 3,000 managers of major enterprises. The best brands: NTU and NCCU are top 1 and 2 far and ahead.
Taipei Tech and Tunghai are coming up strong; Greater China Sphere is now focal point
For the 12th year in a roll, the Cheers Magazine has conducted a survey on the EMBA preference and rating among 3,000 managers or major enterprises, and the verdict has been delivered red-hot.
According to the survey, school brand remains the top criterion. NTU and NCCU are still the top two schools preferred, while Taipei Tech claims the third place again, leaving NTHU and NCTU behind.
Survey description:
The 2014 Survey of EMBA Enrollment Willingness among 3000 Managers of Major Enterprises is conducted between September 23 and October 18, 2013. The respondents are associate managers or higher and management trainees, with 3 years of working experience, from the 3000 enterprises selected by the Common Wealth Magazine in 2013. After deducting those who decline to respond or beyond reach, questionnaires are delivered to 2,388 enterprises and 805 valid responses are received, a 33.71% response rate.