Cheers: Choices of EMBA for 2014 rated by Top 3000 Enterprises’ Managers, NTU & NCCU Claim Top 1 & 2 with Strong Brand Names
Activity day:2013-11-06 
Published At:2013-11-06 
Views:315  2017-02-12 updated

Cheers Magazine announces its survey result of choices of EMBA for 2014 preferred by 3,000 managers of major enterprises.

The best brands: NTU and NCCU are top 1 and 2 far and ahead.

Taipei Tech and Tunghai are coming up strong; Greater China Sphere is now focal point
The Wu Bao-chun Clause gives green light to conditional oral test.  


For the 12th year in a roll, the Cheers Magazine has conducted a survey on the EMBA preference and rating among 3,000 managers or major enterprises, and the verdict has been delivered red-hot.

According to the survey, school brand remains the top criterion. NTU and NCCU are still the top two schools preferred, while Taipei Tech claims the third place again, leaving NTHU and NCTU behind.

NTU and NCCU firmly stay on top; NTHU highly rated
The most preferred EMBA programs for 2014 among these managers are still NTU, the winner, and NCCU, the second place. Taipei Tech wins the third place, again. However, while NTU is in far lead ahead of everyone else, it does not excel in the ten criteria in the rating, which suggests that people desire for NTU but they do have higher demand and expectation. On the other hand, NTHU, ranked in the 4th place with lower preference, has formidable performance in individual criteria for EMBA rating.

Taipei Tech and Tunghai Coming Up Strong
       With advantage in occupational education, Taipei Tech moves up from the 11th last year to the 7th this year; it wins the hearts of the managers with its practical mind. Tunghai has made the top-ten list for the first time and ranks the 9th. It gets a lot of attention with its innovative curriculums, including courses added to accommodate the needs of certain enterprises, parallel weekday classes and weekend classes that allow higher flexibility in class selection, adopting more practical experience by having enterprise owners to teach classes alongside the faculty, and alliance with Nanjing University, China to allow students of the two universities to take classes at either school and promote cross-strait exchange and learning.
       Each university’s local influence is reflected on the changes of ranking. From the North, Central, and South areas, NTU EMBA has the highest brand strength and is still influential across these areas. Managers of the South again give the highest scores to NSYSU and NCKU, and KUAS, NCYU, and STUST have seen their first times in the ranking.

Expectation in Multi-national connection; Greater China Sphere is the Focal Point
   The statics shows that these managers’ enrollment in EMBA program is diminishing from 32.58% last year to 25.84% this year, and the managers who do not plan to enroll in EMBA program also increase from 44.28% last year to 50.31% this year. Time, tuition, and satisfaction with their master degrees have always been the three factors that discourage these managers to consider EMBA.
However, as the Greater China Sphere is becoming the center of gravity in world economy, the top three reasons for these managers to consider EMBA are establishing multi-national connection, international prospect, and wider vision. 39.32% of these managers are interested in studying at an Asian campus of an European or American university or obtaining a local joint dual-degree through EMBA, where Shanghai is the first choice of location, Hong Kong the second, and Singapore the third. More that half of them (50.95%) are keen to pursue joint dual-degree through an EMBA program jointly offered by universities in Taiwan and China.

The Wu Bao-chun Clause gives green light to conditional oral test.
       Starting from this year the Ministry of Education has amended the “Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Level As Qualified for Entering University” as a deregulation that Class-B technicians and practitioners who have demonstrated excellent performance in their respective career may apply for universities or graduate programs provided they meet certain conditions. This deregulation opens a door to pursue higher education for the entrepreneurs who start their businesses from scratch but lack of glaring diploma, and solves the universities’ bottlenecks in recruitment. NCCU, NSYSU, and Taipei Tech now have admission quota reservation; applicants with certain criteria may pass the first challenge, qualification review, and move on to oral test. In the future, the paradox that chances are denied to those who lack of sufficient diploma will no longer exist. This is a positive impact of the Wu Bao-chun Effect.

Survey description:

The 2014 Survey of EMBA Enrollment Willingness among 3000 Managers of Major Enterprises is conducted between September 23 and October 18, 2013. The respondents are associate managers or higher and management trainees, with 3 years of working experience, from the 3000 enterprises selected by the Common Wealth Magazine in 2013. After deducting those who decline to respond or beyond reach, questionnaires are delivered to 2,388 enterprises and 805 valid responses are received, a 33.71% response rate. 

EMBA ranking method: Only the responses from the respondents who have not yet enrolled in EMBA program are applicable in this part. Votes for EMBA programs of all universities and their respective rating scores are averaged. Each respondent may select 1 to 3 EMBA programs they plan to enroll and give their ratings on detail criteria. Only the universities with more than 2% of all votes will be further evaluated. 17 universities pass this qualification. The final result is calculated by standardizing EMBA votes and university ratings, followed by adding the two scores for final ranking.

Survey organizers: Common Wealth Magazine Survey Center and Cheers Magazine Editorial Departmen