Activity day:2013-07-12
Published At:2013-07-12
2017-02-12 updated
The Grandest NTU EMBA Graduation Ceremony in History Cross-Strait Alumni were gathered together for the First Time and a Brand New Page in History was written! The “NTU EMBA Class 2010 Graduation Ceremony” was taken place at NTU Sports Center at 2 p.m. on 23 JUN 2013. This grandest graduation ceremony in the NTU EMBA history was hosted by the NTU ex-president Si-Chen Lee, Dean of the NTU College of Management Shu-Hsing Li and Deputy Dean and EMBA Director Chung-Hsing Huang, who addressed ceremony speeches and awarded prizes. The Fudan University Vice-President Lu Fang, FDSM (Fudan University School of Management) Dean Lu Xiong-Wen and Vice-Dean Yin Zhi-Wen as well as other teachers also attended the ceremony. (**中國人名; 姓在前面) In his speech, the NTU ex-president Si-Chen Lee mentioned that, as he was invited to join the ceremony on the 23rd, he also realized that he would have already left his post on the 21st. Nevertheless, the EMBA Director Chung-Hsing Huang tried hard to convince him that the EMBA course was prepared during his president tenure and the NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program was approved because of him. Therefore, it was significant for Lee to address the opening remarks for this graduation ceremony. Dean of the NTU College of Management Shu-Hsing Li also mentioned in his speech that, what made all of them proud of was that the NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program was co-created by NTU and its wonderful partner, Fudan University School of Management (FDSM). “I have actually organized this joint program 5 years ago during the ex-President, Mao-Wei Hong’s tenure. Nevertheless, it was only implemented at 09:09:09 am on 9 SEP 2010 after I took up a Dean post. Now, three years have gone by. Under two Presidents’ fully support and the FDSM Dean Lu Xiong-Wen’s cooperation, we finally see a fruitful result! Today, the first NTU-Fudan Joint Program students will be graduated and, among them, some of them are from the mainland of China and are the first ones to officially receive the NTU EMBA Diploma. It is definitely an important milestone for the history of cross-strait education.” (**中國人名; 姓在前面) At the ceremony, the Fudan University Vice-President Lu Fang also addressed that it was a significant milestone in the history of cross-strait cultural interaction that Fudan University created a premium cross-strait EMBA program with National Taiwan University, the “First Institution of Higher Education in Taiwan”. The creation of NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program promoted educational interactions and cooperation between the mainland of China and Taiwan. It is expected that, in the future, there will be more opportunities created for the cross-strait cooperation in various domains and different forms. In the meantime of wishing graduates to create an even more beautiful future and to promote an extensive cross-strait interaction, the FDSM Dean Lu Xiong-Wen also expressed that “Our values can only be proved by your accomplishments!” A Brand New Page of the Cross-Strait EMBA Program Student from the Mainland of China have obtained the NTU EMBA Diploma and a Cross-Strait EMBA Dual Degree was actualized. This year’s graduates came from Taipei Classes (groups of business administration, accounting, finance, international business and information management) as well as NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program, totally 205 people in 4 classes. This year’s graduation ceremony was based on the theme “One Life Forever” to describe the story of the Class 2010 graduates (14th Year). Besides, there were also graduates from the NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program, a program created by the NTU College of Management EMBA and FDSM EMBA as a result of pursuing an excellence and innovation in on-the-job education for high-level management. This program’s first graduates successfully created a platform for cross-strait institutions to cooperate and for elites to interact with each other, making this graduation ceremony the grandest ever in the NTU EMBA history! The “NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program” co-created by the NTU College of Management EMBA and FDSM EMBA had its first graduates this year. The graduate representative Gai Fang, Chairperson of MIT Group, had the NTU ex-president Si-Chen Lee turned the tassels. After he received diploma from Lee, he also became the first mainlander graduate received the NTU EMBA degree. This has shown a big step for the cross-strait academic cooperation, which helped elites from both sides to create a new career pattern and become leaders at the climax in their career life! This graduation ceremony also carried out a premier of the film “One Life Forever”, which has recorded Class 2010 graduates’ splendid moment in learning, joining club activities, taking extreme challenges as well as interacting with cross-strait teachers and students. Besides, the Outstanding Service Award, Presidential Award and Contribution Award were also given to the graduates: 8 people including Su-Zhen Ma received the Outstanding Service Award; 18 people including Jian-Sheng Bo received the Presidential Award; Tang-Hsiung Ho and Li-Chun Ho received the Contribution Award. The entire ceremony was heartwarming and touching! NTU EMBA: Company Managers’ Favorite EMBA Course Since its establishment 17 years ago, NTU College of Management EMBA has gathered over 2,000 extraordinary people and created a platform for elites from various industries. Based on an assessment of Taiwan’s EMBA courses held by “Cheers” (Common Wealth, Taiwan), NTU EMBA has won the champion of “The Most Popular EMBA Courses among Managers of 3,000 Enterprises” for three consecutive years (2011, 2012 and 2013). It also ranked on top in various evaluation categories such as the school reputation, academic staffs’ capability of interdisciplinary studies, opportunities for international exchanges or reputation in the industry. Eduniversal, an evaluation institution responsible for the global ranking of higher education, has in its up-to-date Global EMBA Assessment announced NTU EMBA as the 2012 bronze award winner in Fareast Area. It was a great honor for NTU EMBA to receive this award especially it was its first Eduniversal nomination. NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program that Builds a Win-Win Partnership: Integrating Industrial Adventures, Gathering Topnotch Academic Resources, Establishing an Interaction Platform, and Inheriting Cultural Heritage. Apart from obtaining excellent evaluation results, the NTU College of Management EMBA and FDSM EMBA have, under the big environment of having a closer cross-strait relation and a stronger economic bond, co-established the “NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program”. This program has not only bridged two institutions for their cooperation in EMBA and enhanced the interaction among cross-strait students, but also become a global leading EMBA program in the Chinese language. Furthermore, the mainland of China has now become one of the key global economies and the number of Chinese-speaking managers, including local business managers and Taiwanese managers in the mainland of China, is gradually increasing. In order to promote the NTU EMBA education and have it accepted by local people, to get united with local excellent management education, and to have more reciprocal interactions and supports, NTU College of Management and Shanghai FDSM have co-established this Chinese-speaking management program and offered it to management talents, who live or wish to develop their career in the mainland of China. Students of the first NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program will be graduated this year. All of the students are cross-strait high-level management talents, who possess over 10 years of work experiences, 6 year of management experience, and a college degree. NTU has recruited 30 students as well as Fudan University, making it 60 students in total. All of the students have different backgrounds such as traditional manufacturing, medical industry, banking and insurance, portfolio investment, media industry, Communications Manufacturing and so on. As for the 2013 NTU-Fudan EMBA Joint Program, it has a new characteristic of having classes in three different learning locations. The registration will be opened from 8 JUL (at 9 a.m.) to 17 SEP (at 5 p.m.), and the written exam will be taken place on 29 SEP 2013. For those who have passed the written exam, they will take the oral examination on 06 OCT and the final result will be released on 14 OCT. EMBA Official Website: Remarks: This article is based on the National Taiwan University Newsletter Issue 1443 (10 JUL 2013)