Activity day:2013-06-05
Published At:2013-06-05
2017-02-12 updated
【Student Union Activity】 Announcement of the 10th NTU EMBA Student Union Presidential Election The 10th NTU EMBA Student Union Presidential Election will be taken place on 06 JUL (Sat). The registration for candidate is from 03 JUN (Mon) to 20 Jun (Thurs) at 12:00 p.m. (noon). For alumni who wish to join the election, please register yourself within this period and pay attention to below regulations. A. Important Notice 1. Candidates: Current 2nd year students of NTU EMBA (i.e. Class 2012) can all be registered as a candidate. 2. Voters: Current 1st and 2nd year students of NTU EMBA (i.e. Class 2012 and 2013) have the right to vote (including those who have suspended their schooling while maintaining their student status) 3. The Candidate Registration Period: from 03 JUN (Mon) to 00 JUN (Thurs) 2013 at 12 p.m. (regarding registration-related regulations, please refer to electoral laws as stated in attachment). 4. Election Period: from 22 JUN (Sat) at 8 a.m. to 29 JUN (Sat) at 6 p.m.. 5. Voting Date and Time: Entity Voting: 06 JUL (Sat) 2013, from 12:40 p.m. to 1:20 p.m. On-line Voting: from 30 JUN (Sun) to 06 JUL (Sat) 2013 at 12:00 p.m.
B. Election Regulations 1. Candidates must not engage any campaign activities outside the campaign period. 2. During the campaign period, candidates can announce their politics through posters, campaign banners, e-mails and leaflets, or by visiting all the classes. However, above mentioned methods much comply with EMBA Office’s diverse propaganda regulations. 3. All of the campaign activities shall not interrupt on-going classes. 4. Candidates shall not use any method to buy votes. 5. In case any candidate is suspected of violating election-related regulations, the balloting arrangements chairperson will summon a committee meeting to decide the punishment.
C. Vote Counting Mechanism 1. As Class 2012 / 2013 have classes in the different week, this election has adopted both entity and on-line voting to facilitate Class 2012 / 2013 students to join the voting. Regulations related to on-line voting will be published on 21 JUN 2013 together with candidate and voting reminders. On-line voting related regulations will be published with candidate and voting conditions on 21 JUN 2013. 2. Entity voting will be held from 12:40 p.m. to 01:20 p.m. on 06 JUL 2013 in the Courtyard Square, Building 1, College of Management. 3. Entity voting has adopted a direct, fair and secret ballot; every voter has 1 vote. 4. Voters who join the entity voting must carry their Student ID, ID card, driving license, or other IDs with photos and can prove the person’s identity. After election personnel’s examination, voters will receive the voting tickets. 5. After receive the votes, entity voters will walk to the voting area to make the vote; they will then insert the ticket to the ballot box to complete the entire process. 6. Once the entity voting process is completed on 06 JUL 2013, the ballot box will be opened for counting the vote. Three lawyers / just people will be watching the entire box-opening process and candidates shall participate in this process or send someone to do so. The final election result will be revealed after summoned up the on-line and entity votes.
Balloting Arrangements Committee Chairperson: Cheng-Wen Lin Vice-Chairperson: Jun-Yuan Zhang, Wei-Yin Yao, Zhong-Geng Xie, Jia-Hong Cai, and Guo-Qing Chen. Committee Members (Class Representatives): Shi-Yi Ma of Class 2011A, Wen-Ling Ye of Class 2011 B, Zhong-Cun Guo of Class 2011C, Yong-Yuan Liao of Class 2011D (NTU-Fudan Joint Program), Zong-Min Li of Class 2012 A, Zhen-Bang Lin of Class 2012 B, Zhi-Ming Wu of Class 2012C and Wei-Yi Zhang of Class 2012D (NTU-Fudan Joint Program)
Contact Window: Secretariat of Student Union / Yong-Yi Wu of Class 2011B / Email:
Attachment Download: Regulations of the 10th NTU EMBA Student Union Presidential Election in 2013 Announcement of the 10th NTU EMBA Student Union Presidential Election in 2013 |