Activity day:2013-05-01
Published At:2013-05-01
2017-02-12 updated
Under the drizzle, we have run together to show NTU EMBA’s firm friendship and unlimited passion. Disregard the rain continued for a week and the sod of NTU playground submerged in water, 34 teams with 238 runners all presented at the 2nd President Cup of School Relay Marathon on 14 APR 2013. Although the rain continued in the morning of the competition day, the passion and desire of our EMBA alumni still remain as they wish to show their firm friendships by accomplishing something together. The 2nd President Cup has continued and glorified the spirit of the 1st year: not only the total team number increased from 20 to 34, teams formed by alumni also increased from 4 to 11 with a range of students from Class 1998 to 2012. Alumni’s enthusiastic participation already turned the President Cup of School Relay Marathon an important event at NTU EMBA as well as reached President Sheng-Wen Lin’s goal of “Run for Health, Run for Friendships”. We proudly believe that, now and in the near future, more alumni will pick up the running shoes to do some sports and ask the others to join to embrace a healthy and happy life as the Student Union has long expected. The staff team is a true paragon: led by the Dean of NTU College of Management Shu-Hsing Li, Deputy Dean Ji-Ren Lee, Professor Houn-Gee Chen and Professor Ruey-Shan Guo, the staff team with many sluggers was ranked on the fifth place, where they were also awarded last year. This has shown us that the NTU College of Management professors not only have strong knowledge in finance and management, but also are topnotch practitioner in physical strength and willpower.
From the initial planning to the successful closing, the 2nd NTU EMBA President Cup of School Relay Marathon has relied on supports and assistances from teachers of the College of Management and Department of Athletics. All because of them, the Student Union was managed to bring a sports feast for NTU EMBA alumni once again. We also wish to deliver our special gratitude to Teacher Kun-Zhong Jian and Teacher Yu-Hui Lian from Department of Athletics and Teacher Xiu-Hua Cai from the Referee Division as they were the soul leaders of this event successful. Besides, NTU EMBA Office also did their full support. We therefore would like to, on behalf of the Student Union, show our appreciations to teachers, staffs and alumni, who have contributed their efforts and supports. Finally, the organizer would like to thank all the alumni participated in this event, for their cooperation to make it successful. Thank you all and see you next year at the President Cup of School Relay Marathon!
Best Regards, The Activity Undertakers Ding-Lun Lee / Yi-Zhen You
2013 NTU EMBA 2nd President Cup of School Relay Marathon Date: 14 APR 2013 Location: The NTU Sports Field (campus) * Performance Report (please click here) * Event Photos Speech by Shu-Hsing Li, Dean of NTU College of Management, before the game
Speech by Sheng-Wen Lin, President of NTU EMBA Student Union, before the game
Warm-up exercises before the game
Photo of the 1st Runner at the 2nd President Cup of School Relay Marathon held on 14 APR 2013