Activity day:2012-05-17
Published At:2012-05-17
2017-02-12 updated
(May. 17th ,2012 Liberty Times, by Yu-Chung, Wang) The Presidential Office announced yesterday new commissioning of personnel of the National Security Bureau. Wei-zhen Hu, the Secretary-general, shall remain in office. Among the three Vice Secretary-generals, Zhi-gong Liu and Zhen-Zhong Deng will stay and Guang-yue Ge will leave for other commissioning. The vacancy is to be assumed by Xia-rong Lu, Director of the Joint Combat Training and Doctrines Development Office, Ministry of National Defense.
Among the six Advisory Committee Members, Jian Zhong, Jin-jia Li, Gui-sheng Yuan, and Yu-qi Wang will remain if office, while De-shgn Chen, whose temporary tenure has expires, will return to the National Chengchi University and resume his teaching position, and Guo-you Dong has left in last October for take the office of Political Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two vacancies are to be assumed by Yong-ming Yang, the Director-general of the Government Information Office who is about to leave, and Kun-xuan Qiu, a professor of the Eastern Asia Department of the Chengchi University. According to sources, it has been made certain that Zhi-gong Liu will be deployed offshore during the next diplomatic personnel rotation, and Yong-ming Yang is chosen by preference to assume the position of Vice Secretary-general.
President Ying-jiu Ma has recognized in particular the merits contributed by Guang-yue Ge and De-shgn Chen who are leaving the NSB for their outstanding services in national defense and cross-strait exchange.
Xia-rong Lu, of age 62, who is soon to assume the position of Vice Secretary-general of the NSB, is a graduate of the US Army War College and an alumnus of NTU EMBA. He has served as the Commander of the Matsu Defense Command; Vice President of the National Defense University, Commander of the Kinmen Defense Command, and Director of the Joint Combat Training and Doctrines Development Office, Ministry of National Defense. |