[Student Activity]NTU EMBA Basketball Club Activity Notice: Sep. 24 (Sat.) EMBA 6-School League match; cheering appreciated!
Activity day:2016-09-19 
Published At:2016-09-19 
Views:663  2017-02-12 updated

Zhang, Hong Jen, Class 99


As Stephen Curry’s visit to Taiwan stirred up the heat of basketball, NTU EMBA Basketball Club was intensifying the training. A student club dedicated to basketball in NTU EMBA was founded by Hu Xien-Ping, of Class 2001, and Gao Zhi-Peng, of Class 2002, but the club ceased to operate for a while. A chat in a class break in 2011 inspired the idea of getting the basketball club back. While softball enjoyed a heritage in NTU EMBA, basketball, often tagged as a sport for the younger ones, had never succeeded in getting enough people to sign up. However, thanks to the super-strong NTU EMBA execution force, Liou Chen-Zhi, of Class 2009, called everywhere in Taipei City and asked for indoor basketball court; he succeeded in reserving a spot at the then-current top of the line Zhong Zheng Sports Center. Added to the effort was Yang, Yi-Zhi, of Class 2005, who donated uniforms and equipment. NTU EMBA Basketball Club became official in Sep. 2011, while OJ and Yang served as the first club manager and team leader, respectively. As now, in 2016, our Friday practice has moved to the Shuangyuan Junior High School Basketball Stadium (8 – 10 PM), and the practice hours are cherished and made for the best use by our club members. In the third year of our Club, our club manager OJ proposed basketball games with other universities; it was the time when Gao, Zhi-Hong, of Class 2008, served as the activity specialist with the NTU EMBA Alumni Foundation, and the result was the first National EMBA Basketball Invitation Tournament at the end of 2013, organized by NTU, as well as the beginning of a series of national tournament. The first Tournament invited basketball teams from 9 universities. Our players’ practice time was dragged down by the heavy administrative tasks for organizing the Tournament, and NTU EMBA Basketball Team ended up number 5.


The Chengchi University took turn to organize the Tournament in 2014, where 12 teams signed up. Lai Kai-Xian, of Class 2001, was the team leader, and Ma Jien-Lun, the former general manager of the Chinese Basketball Alliance, was our coach; progress was seen in our teamwork and techniques. During the same year, Zheng Zhao-Shen, of Class 2011, assumed the position of club manager. Thanks to months of practice, our training paid off and we made it to the quarter final, but unfortunately we lost to the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, who claimed champion, and we finished number 3. The 2015 National Tournament was jointly organized by the National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Our new leader, Yu Ren-Xien, of Class 2007, and deputy captain, Wu Chih-Nan, of Class 2006, managed to have Chen Ri-Xing, of Class 2002 (former member of Chinese Taipei Basketball Team and the head coach of MacDonald’s Basketball Team), through the connection of Hu Xien-Ping, of Class 2001, to coach our team. Chen was onboard as a player, too, and therefore we also had Gu Ji-Xiong, the former coach of national team, as our honorary coach. After going through more than 50 practice matches in a year, many players our ours had learned the tactics and training skills adopted by the national team, which greatly benefited our team. During the training period, we had organized two friendly matches with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University EMBA and Beijing University EMBA; that was the beginning of Cross-Strait EMBA sports exchange. The 3rd National Tournament had 18 teams; despite NTU made it to the quarter final, we were overwhelmed by the 3-point shots of Chi Nan University. We finished number 3 again.


Looking out into 2016, Yu Ren-Xian, of Class 2007, is serving a second team as captain, and the new club manager is Yang Dai-Hua, of Class 2014. To maintain and strengthen our practice, Coach Yang has especially invited Li Yu-Xian, a MVP in Asian Games and the current vice president of the Basketball Association, as our coach. Yang has also got us Wu Jun-Xion, assistant coach of Kingmen Gaolian, to be our assistant coach. Each of our team’s position is being strengthened. As the same time, we are receiving fresh troops from the newly enrolled Class 2016. Divided training games also allowed more players to be put into real actions. For more efficient operation, we have 3 more deputy captains this year. Gao Zhi-Hong, of Class 2008, is responsible for internal communication and administration. Liu Jia-Wei, of Class 2011, is responsible for finance. Hsu Yin-Jie, of Class 2015, is responsible for external communication and coordination. Since the training this year started in April, we have had friendly matches with NTU International Business Alumni, Cheng Chi University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tamkang University, National Chiao Tung University, and Tatung University. We are scheduled to take on the 6-University EMBA League Match in Taichung since Sep. 24, where the Providence University, who is the organizer, Chi Nan University, National Tsing Hua University, Tunghai University, and National Chung Hsing University, to play at the new stadium at the Providence University in Taichung. It is a pity that Classes 2016 A and B will be preoccupied by the final exam and not available; the five games in a roll will be a harsh challenge for our players’ physical stamina. The 6-University Match will be undoubtedly exciting; basketball enthusiasts are welcome to cheer for NTU EMBA Basketball Team at the matches and spend an exciting day together. 


EMBA 6-University League Match Information:

*Sat., Sep. 24, 2016

09:30 NTU v.s. PU

10:30 NTU v.s. THU

13:00 Fun contest

13:30 NTU v.s. NCNU

14:30 NTU v.s.NTHU

15:30 NTU v.s. NCHU

*Pope John Paul Stadium, PU

No. 200, Sec. 7, Taiwan Boulevard, Sha Lu Dist, Taichung City