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相關連結 :
• 人工智慧管理策略
• 人工智慧商務
• 服務行銷
• 人工智慧行銷
• 資訊科技服務
• 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校博士
• 電子商務
• 行銷管理
2003, 2014 科技部傑出研究獎(兩次)
2019 JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH 2019 Best Article Award, co-authored with Roland T. Rust “Artificial Intelligence in Service,” JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH, 21(2), 155-172
2019 SERVSIG 2019 Best Services Article Award, co-authored with Roland T. Rust “Artificial Intelligence in Service,” JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH, 21(2), 155-172
2017 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE (JAMS) Sheth Foundation 2017 Best Paper Award (finalist), co-authored with Roland T. Rust “Technology-Driven Service Strategy,” 45(6), 906-924
2017 SERVSIG 2017 Best Services Article Award (one of the four finalists), co-authored with Roland T. Rust “Technology-Driven Service Strategy,” JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE 45(6), 906-924
2014 Best Paper Award (runner-up), The Service Science Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), co-authored with Chekitan S. Dev (Cornell) “Growing the Service Brand,”
2013 Highly Commended Award for the JOURNAL OF SERVICE MANAGEMENT 2013 Robert Johnston awards
2013 Finalist for the Harold H. Maynard Award, for best theory article, 2013, for the article co-authored with Roland T. Rust “Optimizing Service Productivity” which appeared in the March 2012 (Vol. 76, No. 2) issue of JOURNAL OF MARKETING
2012, 2021 玉山學術獎(兩次), College of Management, National Taiwan University
2012 教育部學術獎
2022 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2021最佳論文獎
2022 Merit MOST Research Fellow
2023 2023科睿唯安全球高被引學者(Highly Cited Researcher)
2022, 2023 2022-2023年全球前2%頂尖科學家
2024-2026 台大講座
2021-Present Lifetime Fellow, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
202-Present Lifetime Fellow, Europen Marketing Academy (EMAC)
2021-Present Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Service Research
2021-Present Editorial Board, Journal of Marketing
2019-Present International Research Fellow, Centre for Corporate Reputation, Oxford University
2011-Present Distinguished Research Fellow, Center for Excellence in Service, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
2016-Present American Marketing Association (AMA) SERVSIG Global Liaison Officer
2016-2019 Association for Information Systems (AIS) VP of Asia Pacific Region
2014, 2020 Chair, Service Science Section (twice), INFORMS
2019-2021 Editor, Journal of Business Ethics (Financial Times 50 Journals), special issue on AI and Ethics
  1. Huang, Ming-Hui, William Rand, and Roland T. Rust, 2016, Don’t Do It Right, Do It Fast? Speed and Quality of Innovation as an Emergent Process, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016, (Dublin, Ireland).
  2. Huang, Ming-Hui, Roland T. Rust, 2016, Service Strategy, Thought Leaders in Service Marketing Strategy Conference 2016, (Paris, France).
  3. Huang, Ming-Hui and Chekitan s. Dev, 2014, Service Branding: What Drives Brand Equity?, 2014 Oxford Reputation Symposium, (Oxford, United Kingdom).
  1. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, December 2024, The Caring Machine: Feeling AI for Customer Care, Journal of Marketing, Online first.
  2. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, 2022, A Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, 98(2), 209-223.
  3. Field, Joy M., Amy L. Ostrom, Darima Fotheringham, Mahesh Subramony, Anders Gustafsson, Katherine N. Lemon, Ming-Hui Huang and Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, 2021, Service Research Priorities: Designing Sustainable Service Ecosystems, Journal of Service Research, 24(4), 462-479.
  4. Ostrom, Amy L., Joy M. Field, Darima Fotheringham, Mahesh Subramony, Anders Gustafsson, Katherine N. Lemon, Ming-Hui Huang and Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, 2021, Service Research Priorities: Managing and Delivering Service in Turbulent Times, Journal of Service Research, 24(3), 329-353.
  5. Rust, Roland T., William Rand, Ming-Hui Huang, Andrew T. Stephen, Gillian Brooks, and Timur Chabuk, January 2021, A Brand Reputation Tracker Using Social Media, Journal of Marketing, 85(4), 21-43.
  6. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, January 2021, A Strategic Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(1), 30-50.
  7. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, January 2021, Engaged to a Robot? The Role of AI in Service, Journal of Service Research, 24(1), 30-41.
  8. Huang, Ming-Hui and Chekitan S. Dev, 2020, Growing the Service Brand, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(2), 281-300.
  9. Huang, Ming-Hui and Michael Trusov, 2020, Customer Satisfaction Underappreciation: The Relation of Customer Satisfaction to CEO Compensation, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), 129-150.
  10. Huang, Ming-Hui, Roland T. Rust, and Vojislav Maksimovic, 2019, The Feeling Economy: Managing in the Next Generation of AI, California Management Review, 64(4), 43-65.
  11. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, February 2018, Artificial Intelligence in Service, Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 155-172, most downloads.
  12. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, January 2017, Technology-Driven Service Strategy, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(6), 906-924.
  13. Huang, Ming-Hui, February 2017, Technology in the Frontline: From Dumb to Thinking to Feeling (in Rafaeli, Anat, Daniel Altman, Dwayne D. Gremler, Ming-Hui Huang, Dhruv Grewal, Bala Iyer, A. Parasuraman, and Ko de Ruyter, “The Future of Frontline Research: A Glimpse through the Eyes of, Journal of Service Research, 20(1), 91-99.
  14. Marinova, Detelina, Ko de Ruyter, Ming-Hui Huang, Matthew Meuter, Goutam Challagalla, February 2017, Getting Smart: Learning from Technology Empowered Frontline Interactions, Journal of Service Research, 20(1), 29-42.
  15. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, 2014, Should Your Business Be Less Productive?, MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(3), 67-72.
  16. Rust, T. Roland and Ming-Hui Huang, June 2014, The Service Revolution and the Transformation of Marketing Science, Marketing Science, 206 - 221.
  17. Huang,Ming-Hui, Eric T.G. Wang, February 2013, Marketing is from Mars, IT is from Venus: Differing Worldviews and Relationship Management Effectiveness, Decision Sciences.
  18. Huang, Ming-Hui and Roland T. Rust, August 2013, IT-Related Service: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Journal of Service Research.
  19. Rust, Roland T. and Ming-Hui Huang, March 2012, Optimizing Service Productivity, Journal of Marketing, 47 - 66.
  20. Huang, Ming-Hui, Roland T. Rust, January 2011, Sustainability and Consumption, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 - 54.
  21. Huang, Ming-Hui,Eric T. G. Wang, Abraham Seidmann, 2008, A Price Mechanism for Knowledge Transfer: An Empirical Test of Competing Theories, Journal of Management Information Systems, 79 - 108.
  22. Huang, Ming-Hui, March 2006, Eliminate the Middleman?, Harvard Business Review, 33 - 37.
  23. Huang, Ming-Hui, 2005, Unequal Pricing in the Information Economy: Implications for Consumer Welfare, Journal of Business Ethics, 305 - 315.
  24. Huang, Ming-Hui, 2005, Web Performance Scale, Information & Management, 841 - 852.
  25. Huang, Ming-Hui, 2003, Modeling Virtual Exploratory and Shopping Dynamics: An Environmental Psychology Approach, Information & Management, 39 - 47.
  26. Huang, Ming-Hui, Shihti Yu, 2000, Gifts in Romantic Relationships: A Survival Analysis, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 179 - 188.
  1. Rust, Roland T. and Ming-Hui Huang, 2020, The Feeling Economy: How Artificial Intelligence Is Creating the Era of Empathy Palgrave-Macmillan
  1. Rust, T. Roland, Ming-Hui Huang, February 2014, Handbook of Service Marketing Research, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.
  2. Rust, T. Rust, Ming-Hui Huang, February 2014, Service Marketing Research: Emerging Directions, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, ( Handbook of Service Marketing Research ).
  3. Rust, T. Roland, Ming-Hui Huang, January 2012, Service Marketing: Insights and Directions, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Fast Forward Monograph.
  4. Huang, Ming-Hui, January 2011, A Journey to Theorize Relationship Marketing, Emory University, ( Legends in Marketing: Shelby D. Hunt ).