博士 美國俄亥俄州立大學商學院行銷系 博士
碩士 美國俄亥俄州立大學商學院行銷系 碩士
碩士 美國俄亥俄州立大學統計系 應統碩士
碩士 淡江大學管理科學研究所 管理碩士
學士 中國文化大學商學院企業管理學系 學士
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相關連結 :
• 行銷管理與策略規劃
• 行銷決策計量模式
• 資料庫行銷決策支援系統
• 顧客關係行銷
• 消費者行為分析與模式
• 廣告促銷策略規劃與評估
• 動態定價策略模式
• 新產品市場開發與測試
• 市場銷售預測系統
• 貝氏統計分析
• 大數據行銷
任立中博士現任臺灣大學統計碩士學位學程暨統計教學中心主任、全球品牌與行銷研究中心主任、國際企業學系行銷教授、行銷科學學報總編輯、中華應用統計學會理事長、多國籍企業研究學會理事長、中華商管教育發展學會理事長。曾擔任臺灣大學國際企業學系系主任及中國文化大學商學院院長等職。 任立中教授為美國俄亥俄州州立大學商學院行銷系行銷博士、行銷碩士、及應用統計碩士。2012年榮獲CMO Asia & CMO Council, USA第3屆亞洲最佳商學院之最佳行銷教授獎,也是臺灣唯一在行銷、統計、與經濟三大領域之頂尖期刊發表論文的學者。曾多次獲得台大管理學院教學優良獎與研究傑出獎。指導過 11篇博士論文及超過200篇的碩士論文(其中100篇屬於大數據行銷議題)。多年來擔任臺灣精品獎評審及政府相關部門的審議委員工作。同時在產業界中,輔導過零售業、金融業、電信業、廣告業、製造業等超過30家以上中大型企業品牌與CRM專案。
• 美國俄亥俄州立大學商學院行銷系 博士
• 美國俄亥俄州立大學商學院行銷系 碩士
• 美國俄亥俄州立大學統計系 應統碩士
• 淡江大學管理科學研究所 管理碩士
• 中國文化大學商學院企業管理學系 學士
• 高等統計學 (博士班)
• 應用貝氏統計分析(博碩士班)
• 消費者行為(碩士班)
• 資料庫行銷決策模式(碩士班)
• 國際行銷管理(大學部、碩士班)
• 行銷管理(大學部、碩士班、EMBA)
• 管理數學(大學部)
• 行銷研究方法與決策(大學部、碩士班、EMBA)
• 行銷模式研討(博士班)
2014 獲聘為台灣行銷科學學會TIMS講座教授
2012 榮獲CMO Asia & CMO Council, USA. 2012年第3屆亞洲最佳商學院獎最佳行銷教授獎
99學年度 台灣大學管理學院99學年度獲國科會補助獎勵特殊優秀人員獎
97學年度 台灣大學管理學院97學年度學術研究獎
96學年度 台灣大學管理學院96學年度學術研究獎
97年 國科會97 年度(第46 屆)補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究,前往研究機構:University of British Columbia, Department of Marketing, Vancouver, Canada(補助編號:97-2918-I-002-012,核定月數:12 個月)
93學年度 台灣大學管理學院93學年度學術研究獎
93學年度 台灣大學管理學院93學年度教學優良教師院長獎
92學年度 台灣大學管理學院92學年度教學優良教師院長獎
2002 Winner, the Best Paper Award in Marketing Strategy and Management Track, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Thirty -First Annual Meeting, April 2-6, 2002, MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
2001/4 Winner, V. V. Bellur Best Paper in Marketing, Western Decision Science Institute
90年 國科會90 年度(第39 屆)補助科學與技術人員赴國外短期研究,前往研究機構:University of British Columbia, Department of Marketing, Vancouver, Canada(核定月數:6 個月
2001 Winner, the Best Paper Award in Marketing Strategy and Management Track, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Thirtieth Annual Meeting, April 3-7, 2001, Vancouver, Canada
89學年度 台灣大學管理學院89學年度教學優良教師院長獎
1998 JASA (Journal of American Statistical Association), Best Applications and Case Studies Invited Paper nominee for "A Dynamic Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing,"
88年 任立中, Incorporating Heterogeneity in Customer Valuation: An Empirical Study of Health Care Direct Marketing in Taiwan, 88年甲種獎助
87年 任立中, A Dynamic Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing, 87年甲種獎助
87學年度 台灣大學管理學院87學年度學術研究獎
86年 任立中, Economic Trends and Being Trendy: The Influence of Consumer Confidence on Retail Fashion Sales, 86年甲種獎助
85年 任立中, Measuring Value of Customers: A Hierarchical Bayes Model of Inter- purchase Time, 85年甲種獎助
1995 William R. Davidson Doctoral Fellowship Award in Marketing, July 17, 1995. 此學術獎係獎勵對於如何應用管理與經濟理論於行銷課題之上並進而對行銷理論與實務有卓越貢獻之行銷博士論文研究
1992 - 1993 Winner, Marketing Research Award, Marketing Department, The Ohio State University
1991 - 1995 University Scholar in the Graduate School and Research Assistant, The Ohio State University
現職 臺灣大學統計碩士學位學程暨統計教學中心 主任
現職 臺灣大學全球品牌與行銷研究中心 主任
現職 臺灣大學管理學院國際企業學系 行銷教授
現職 中華民國多國籍企業研究學會 理事長
現職 中華應用統計學會 理事長
現職 中華商管教育發展學會 理事長
現職 行銷科學學報 總編輯
現職 全球華人行銷聯盟(Global Chinese Marketing Federation) 主席
現職 亞洲行銷聯盟 (Asia Marketing Federation) 台灣區代表理事
中國文化大學商學院 院長
中國文化大學觀光事業學系 系主任
國立臺灣大學管理學院國際企業學系暨研究所 系主任
台灣行銷科學學會 秘書長
產學合作成果 多年來擔任臺灣精品獎評審及政府相關部門的審議委員工作。 同時在產業界中,輔導過零售業、金融業、電信業、廣告業、製造業等超過30家以上中大型企業之CRM專案
專案研究與講座 中國信託銀行、燦坤集團、臺灣大哥大、IBM、台新銀行、中華電信、元大京華證券、龍巖集團、中國石油、Panasonic、資策會、商業發展研究院、土地銀行、中國生產力中心、豐田汽車、福特汽車、遊戲橘子
專案研究與講座 華歌爾、臺灣電通廣告、美吾髮、健保局、永久直銷、功典資訊、叡揚資訊、聯廣廣告、依蝶百貨、阿瘦皮鞋、國泰銀行、鷗業行動傳媒、PayEasy、故鄉市調、外貿協會 奧美廣告、永豐銀行、松青超市、敏盛醫療
  1. Jen, Lichung, Y. C. Liu, and Kuan-Wei Lee, April 2019, Regular or Irregular: An Investigation of Medicine Consumption Pattern with Poisson Mixture Model, ICMSB 2019: International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Biostatistics, (Apr 24-25, 2019, Boston, USA.).
  2. Liu, YiChun and Lichung Jen, 2017, Do Marketing Talents Matters? Its Relationship To Marketing Capability And Performance, INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, (Houston, TX, USA).
  3. Liu, Y. C., & Jen, Lichung, 2017, Looking Inside Your Shopping Bag: The Use Of Retail Data To Capture Health Lifestyles, INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, (Houston, TX, USA).
  4. Jen, Lichung, Pim Soonsawad, Chia-Lin Hsu, April 2014, The Impact of Customer Concentration on Financial Performance: Firm Characteristics as Moderator, The 10th International Conference on Multinational Enterprise, (Taipei).
  5. 任立中,林郁翔, 2014, 為何消費者好心情很重要?探討行動社群廣告、衍生口碑對消費者行為之影響-以消費者情緒為中介效果, 2014 JMS 中国营销科学学术年会, (廈門大學,廈門,中國).
  6. Yang, Wei-Jhih, Jesheng Huang, and Lichung Jen, June 2011, Should Be Close To or Away From Your Competitors? Store Location Choice by Gravity Model, The 33rd Annual INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, (Houston,Texa.).
  7. Jen, Lichung, Kung-Hsin Shao, Han-Kuang Tien, March 2011, Cross-Culture Comparison of the Valence of WOM, The 9th International Conference on Multinational Enterprise.
  8. Jen, Lichung, Kung-Hsin Shao, Han-Kuang Tien, January 2011, How Much Should Managers Pay for Celebrity Endorsements in Advertisements?, 國立中興大學2011臺灣管理學術研討會, (台中).
  9. Soonsawad, Pim and Lichung Jen, June 2010, The Impact of Customer Concentration on Firm Performance, 2010 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  10. Jen, Lichung, Demetrios Vakratsas, and Wei-Lin Wang, June 2009, Regular and Irregular Purchase Timing Behaviors, 2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, (Michigan).
  11. Jen, Lichung, Han-Kuang Tien, and Chih-Ping Wang, June 2008, How Much Should You Pay for the Celebrities Advertisement? An Application of Conjoint Analysis, 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  12. Jen, Lichung and Kung-Hsin Shao, June 2008, A New Approach to Measure the Valence of WOM, 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  13. Jen, Lichung and Jesheng Huang, June 2008, Characterizing the Online Search Patterns of the Most Valuable Customers for an E-Commerce Site: A Quantile Regression Approach, 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  14. Jen, Lichung, June 2007, The Linkage of Cross-National Product Diffusion Patterns: A Hierarchical Bayes Model for Forecasting Box-Office Attendance of Motion Pictures, The 2000 International Conference in Management Sciences, (Taipei).
  15. Jen Lichung, Hsiu-Wen Liu,Kung-Hsin Shao, June 2007, Customized New Product Recommendation in CRM Database, 2007 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  16. Jen Lichung,Hsien-Tung Tsai, May 2006, Expected Value Sharing, Switching Barriers, Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intentions: An Illustration from Online Contexts, 2006 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference.
  17. Jen Lichung,Ching-I Chen, June 2006, Modeling Latent Consumption Rate to Forecast Purchase Timing: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach, 2006 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  18. Jen Lichung, Je-Sheng Huang , Lin Shu-Huei, March 2006, The Impact of Brand Awareness and Consumer’s Traits on the Evaluation of Country-of-Original Effects, The 8th International Conference on Multinational Enterprise.
  19. Jen Lichung, Shih-Ju Wang, Ching-I Chen, Wen-Hsin Wei, June 2005, Estimating for Market Structure in IT Industry, Thirty -Fourth Annual Meeting.
  20. Jen, Lichung, Hsiu-Wen Liu, June 2005, How Asymmetric Price/Share Effect Works: The Moderating Role of Market Structure, 2005 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, (Atlanta).
  21. Jen, Lichung and Je-Sheng Huang, June 2004, Constructing Web Brand Attributes:Definition Dimensionality and Conceptual Framework",, The First Annual Conference of Taiwan Institute of Marketing Science, (Taipei).
  22. Jen, Lichung, Chien-Heng Chou, June 2004, A Bayesian Approach to Integrating the Interpurchase Time and the Purchase Amount in Customer Portfolio Analysis, 2004 International Conference in Management Sciences Decision Making.
  23. 任立中,陳靜怡,王治平, June 2004, 個人化新產品推薦系統:行為基礎與認知基礎模式之比較與整合」,, 國立台灣科技大學2004 年學術研討會, (Taipei).
  24. 任立中,陳靜怡,黃美甄, June 2004, 資料庫行銷之顧客價值遷移路徑分析, 2004電子商務與數位生活研討會, (台北).
  25. Jen, Lichung and Hsiu-Wen Liu, April 2004, How Asymmetric Price/Share Effect Works: The Moderating Role of Market Structure",, 2nd International Contemporary Marketing Academic Conference, (Taichung).
  26. 任立中,林婷鈴,陳靜怡, June 2003, 高科技產業產品價值創造與行銷價值專屬化之最適資源配置, 第一屆全國當代行銷學術研討會, (台中).
  27. 任立中,張嘉雯,林淑惠, June 2003, 品牌知名度與消費者特徵對來源國效應評價之影響, 國立台灣科技大學2003 年學術研討會, (台北).
  28. Jen, Lichung, Ching-I Chen, and Shih-Ju Wang, April 2003, A Bayesian Forecasting Model for Competitive Market Structure, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Thirty-Second Annual Meeting, (Hawaii).
  29. Jen, Lichung, Shih-Ju Wang, and Chin-Yi Chen, January 2003, Competitive Analysis of Market Share in Channel Structure: A Bayesian Statistical Model under Incomplete Information, The Fourth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, (Tainan).
  30. 任立中,林婷鈴,陳靜怡, June 2002, 高科技產業價值創新與專屬化之最適資源配置與演進, 第一屆全國行銷博士生論文研討會, (台北).
  31. Jen, Lichung, Jason Ho, and Charles B. Weinberg, June 2002, Integrating Individual Heterogeneity and Temporal Dynamics in Customer Valuation: An Application of Bayesian Approach to Credit Card Panel Data, TIMS Marketing Sciences Conference, (Edmonton).
  32. 任立中,陳靜怡,陳成業, June 2002, 以混合多群多項式邏吉斯迴歸模式建構品牌競爭空間圖, 「21世紀管理新思維」學術研討會, (台北).
  33. 任立中,周建亨, June 2002, 規劃與發展行銷管理教育之雛議, 第十一屆中華民國管理教育研討會, (台北).
  34. 任立中,吳燦坤,陳俞安, June 2002, 賣場虛擬化、網路實體化、關係個人化-燦坤3C連鎖零售商之整體e化經營策略, 第五屆企業經營管理個案研討會, (台南).
  35. 王仕茹,任立中, June 2001, 消費者異質性與預測效度:論市場區隔化的必要性, 第二屆國際企業管理學術研討會:台灣廠商國際競爭力, (南投).
  36. Wang, Shih-Ju and Lichung Jen, July 2001, Export Performance and Global Competitive Positioning: The Influence of Host-Country Consumer Confidence and Purchasing Power, Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI) 6th Annual Meeting, (Singapore).
  37. 任立中,王仕茹, June 2001, Nation Competitiveness Positioning: A Market-Oriented Approach, 第二屆國際企業管理學術研討會:台灣廠商國際競爭力, (南投).
  38. 任立中,王仕茹,吳昭榮, June 2001, 產業出口績效與全球競爭定位-地主國消費者信心與購買力之影響, 中華民國多國籍企業研究學會第八屆年會「以國際化促進知識經濟起飛」研討會.
  39. 任立中,王仕茹, June 2001, 通路結構中市場佔有率之競爭分析:不完全資訊下之貝氏統計模式, 2001跨科際整合管理國際學術研討會.
  40. Jen, Lichung, April 2001, The Linkage of Cross-National Product Diffusion Patterns: An Application for Forecasting Box-Office Attendance of Motion Pictures, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Thirtieth Annual Meeting, (Vancouver), Best Paper Award in Marketing Strategy and Management, and V. V. Bellur Best Paper in Marketing.
  41. 王仕茹,任立中,黃甄穎, June 2000, 連鎖飲料攤興起成因與消費者行為之研究, 台北國際加盟研討會論文集, (台北).
  42. Jen, Lichung, January 2000, The Linkage of Cross-National Product Diffusion Patterns: A Hierarchical Bayes Model for Forecasting Box-Office Attendance of Motion Pictures, The 2000 International Conference in Management Sciences, (Tamsui).
  43. Jen, Lichung, Chien-Heng Chou, and Greg M. Allenby, April 2000, A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Expected Purchase Frequency in Direct Marketing, Western Decision Sciences Institute, Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting, (Hawaii).
  44. Jen, Lichung, Chen-Heng Chou, and Shih-Ju Wang, June 2000, Dynamic Relationship between Standardization and Differentiation Strategies in International Marketing, 75th Annual WEA International Conference, (Vancouver).
  45. Jen, Lichung, Chen-Heng Chou, Shih-Ju Wang, and Chih-Ming Wu, June 1999, Standardization versus Differentiation of International Marketing Strategies: A Comparative Study of Consumer Shopping Behavior in Taiwan and US, 7th International Conference on Multinational Enterprise, (Taipei).
  46. 任立中,謝爵安, June 1999, 代表性試銷市場之選擇—市場結構面與行為面之整合架構, 第一屆台灣管理學術國際研討會, (台中).
  47. 任立中,周建亨, June 1999, 從資料庫行銷到模式庫行銷:行銷決策支援系統之顧客價值統計預測模式, 第三屆中華民國商業流通研討會, (高雄).
  48. 任立中,劉小芳, June 1999, 跨國性新產品擴散模型之連結與預測, 1999 中華民國科技管理論文研討會, (高雄).
  49. Jen, Lichung, Chien-Heng Chou, and Greg M. Allenby, June 1999, A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Expected Purchase Frequency in Direct Marketing, 第一屆全國商管博士生論文研討會, (台南).
  50. Jen, Lichung and Shih-Ju Wang, June 1998, Incorporating Heterogeneity in Customer Valuation: An Empirical Study of Health Care Direct Marketing in Taiwan, 數量管理方法與應用研討會, (台南).
  51. 任立中, 周建亨, June 1997, A Hierarchical Bayes Model With Gibbs Sampling Estimation: Individual Purchase Frequency Forecasting In Database Marketing, 中國統計學社統計學術研討會暨第七屆南區統計研討會, (嘉義).
  52. Jen, Lichung, Greg M. Allenby, and Robert P. Leone, June 1997, A Hierarchical Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing, The First Annual Conference of International Business Management, (南投).
  53. Allenby, Greg M., Robert P. Leone, and Lichung Jen, June 1997, A Hierarchical Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing, TIMS Marketing Science Conference.
  54. Allenby, Greg M., Lichung Jen, and Robert P. Leone, June 1994, Economic Trends and Being Trendy: The Influence of Consumer Confidence on Retail Fashion Sales",, TIMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Arizona, (Tucson).
  55. Allenby, Greg M., Neeraj Arror, and Lichung Jen, June 1994, Investigating the Scale Properties of Self-Explicated Data for Conjoint Analysis, TIMS Marketing Science Conference, (Tucson).
  1. 林郁翔,任立中, 2019, 品牌粉絲專業之社群情感氛圍初探, 管理與系統, 26(1), 1-34.
  2. Liu, YiChun and Lichung Jen, 2019, Do Marketing Talents Matters? Its Relationship to Marketing Capability and Performance, International Journal of Marketing Studies (forthcoming).
  3. Liu, Hsiu-Wen, Lichung Jen, Kung-Hsin Shao, and Yu-Li Lin, 2017, Bayesian Analysis of Cross-category Attribute Preferences: Personalized Product Recommendations, Journal of Quality(榮獲中華民國品質學會一0七年度品質論文獎Best Paper Award) (EI), 24(5), 360-371.
  4. Jen, Lichung and Han-Kuang Tien, June 2013, Ascertaining the Dynamic Competition in Channel Relationship Management, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 36 - 47.
  5. 任立中,林佩瑩, November 2013, 台北市傳統零售市場消費型態之分析-分量迴歸模型之應用, 行銷科學學報, 77 - 108.
  6. 劉秀雯,任立中,林育理, December 2012, 貝氏統計於選擇式聯合分析法之個人與市場區隔參數之推論, 管理與系統, 673 - 699.
  7. 任立中,田寒光,邵功新, 2011, 意見領袖型態與人格特質分析, 行銷科學學報, 1 - 23.
  8. Jen, Lichung, Chien-Heng Chou, Greg M. Allenby, August 2009, The Importance of ModelingTemporal Dependence of Timingand Quantity in Direct Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research(SSCI, JCR impact factor 3.099), 482 - 493, (至2019/2/8止,被引用35次).
  9. Hsu Chia-Wen, Chen Homin, Lichung Jen, August 2008, Resource Linkages and Capability Development, Industrial Marketing Management (SSCI, JCR impact factor 1.403), 677 - 685, (至2019/2/8止,被引用39次).
  10. 林婷鈴,陳靜怡,任立中, December 2007, 解析自有品牌策略與績效關係的迷思:層級貝氏迴歸模式之運用, 台大管理論叢, 117 - 149.
  11. 任立中,陳靜怡, October 2007, 顧客價值遷移路徑分析:馬可夫鏈模型, 台大管理論叢, 133 - 158.
  12. Jen, Lichung and Je-Sheng Huang, July 2007, The Impact of Brand Awareness and Consumer’s Traits on the Evaluation of Country-of-Original Effects, Journal of International Business Studies, R.O.C.(多國籍企業管理評論), 143 - 176.
  13. 任立中,林婷鈴,陳靜怡,李吉仁, July 2006, 高科技產業產品價值創造與行銷價值專屬化之最適資源配置, 中山管理評論, 11 - 42.
  14. 任立中,劉秀雯,張維雯, December 2006, 以投資者交易資料為基礎之顧客價值創造與產品創新策略, 行銷科學學報, 177 - 195.
  15. 任立中,陳靜怡,陳成業, 2005, 以品牌實際選購行為建立品牌競爭圖之研究, 台灣管理學刊, 169 - 186.
  16. 任立中,陳靜怡,王治平, December 2005, 個人化新產品推薦系統:行為基礎與認知基礎模式之比較與整合, 行銷科學學報, 89 - 105.
  17. Jen, Lichung, Chien-Heng Chou, and Greg M. Allenby, February 2003, A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Purchase Frequency, Marketing Letters (SSCI, JCR impact factor 0.68), 5 - 20, (至2019/2/8止,被引用55次).
  18. Jen, Lichung, Shih-Ju Wang, August 2002, Export Performance and Global Competitive Positioning: The Influence of Host-Country Consumer Confidence and Purchasing Power, Taiwan Academy of Management Journal (台灣管理學刊), 53 - 68.
  19. 任立中,謝爵安, July 2002, 代表性試銷市場之選擇—市場結構面與行為面之整合架構, 中山管理評論, 354 - 377.
  20. 任立中,曾慧芳, December 2001, 跨國文化差異對新產品擴散影響之研究, 多國籍企業研究學報, 71 - 104.
  21. 王仕茹,任立中,黃甄穎, July 2001, 連鎖飲料攤興起成因與消費者行為之研究, 企銀季刊, 63 - 78.
  22. Greg M. Allenby, Robert P. Leone, and Lichung Jen(任立中), June 1999, A Dynamic Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing, Journal of American Statistics Association (SCI, JCR impact factor 1.135)。(榮獲提名為年度最佳論文獎), 365 - 374, (至2019/2/8止,被引用230次).
  23. 任立中,陳厚銘,羅家儀, May 1999, 行銷特殊化資產與信譽障礙對台灣跨國企業國際市場進入模式選擇之影響, 企銀季刊, 63 - 77.
  24. Jen, Lichung, Shih-Ju Wang, June 1998, Incorporating Heterogeneity in Customer Valuation: An Empirical Study of Health Care Direct Marketing in Taiwan, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 217 - 228.
  25. Greg M. Allenby, Lichung Jen(任立中), and Robert P. Leone, January 1996, Economic Trends and Being Trendy: The Influence of Consumer Confidence on Retail Fashion Sales, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (SSCI, JCR impact factor 1.235), 103 - 111, (至2019/2/8止,被引用64次).
  26. Yang, Yea-Huey, Lichung Jen, and Rong-Chyan Chou, November 1990, Evaluating the Performance of the Policy of Promoting Strategic Industry: A Survey Analysis, Economic Review, Chung-Haw Economic Research Institute..
  27. Jen, Lichung, November 1987, The Motivation, Evaluation, and Strategies of Foreign Direct Investment of Food Industry in Taiwan, Journal of Multinational Enterprise Study Association.
  28. Jen, Lichung ,Tai-Ning Yang, November 1986, A Review on Internationalization Strategy, Journal of Multinational Enterprise Study Association.
  1. 任立中,陳靜怡, 2019, 大數據行銷:邁向智能行銷之路, 前程文化。
  2. 任立中等(譯), 2017, 數位消費時代之競爭力行銷, 前程文化。
  3. 任立中等(譯), 2016, 行銷人攀越的7個頂峰, 前程文化。
  4. 任立中等(著), 2016, 大數據戰略4.0, 前程文化。
  5. 任立中等(著), 2016, 逐鹿全球:新世代台商戰略4.0, 前程文化。
  6. 任立中(譯), 2016, 新東協新思維:啟動未來經濟引擎的關鍵, 前程文化。
  7. 任立中,陳靜怡, 2015, 行銷研究:發展有效行銷策略之基石, 前程文化。
  8. 任立中等(著), 2012, 統計學:管理者必備的修鍊, 前程文化。
  9. 任立中, 2010, 行銷源典, 前程文化。
  1. Jen, Lichung, 2018, The Evolution of Taiwan’s International Trade, Pearson., ( International Business: Environments & Operations ).