博士 美國加州大學洛杉磯校區管理博士
研究室 : 二館 904
電話 : 33661091
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相關連結 :
• 金融機構
• 公司理財
• 賽局理論
• 美國加州大學洛杉磯校區管理博士
• 財務賽局理論
• 財務管理
• 財務金融研討
• 金融機構管理
  1. Chen, Wei-Da and Yehning Chen, 2024, “Corporate Social Responsibility and Bank Liquidity Creation during Financial Crises, European Financial Management, forthcoming.

  2. Bui, Dien Giau, Yehning Chen, Yan-Shing Chen, and Chih-Yung Lin, 2023, “Managerial Ability and Financial Statement Disaggregation Decisions,” Journal of Empirical Finance, forthcoming.

  3. Chen, Wei-Da, Yehning Chen, and Shu-Chun Huang, 2021, “Liquidity Risk and Bank Performance during Financial Crises,Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming.

  4. Bui, Dien Giau, Yehning Chen, Chih-Yung Lin, and Tse-Chun Lin, 2021, “Risk-taking of Bank CEOs and Corporate Innovation,” Journal of International Money and Finance, forthcoming.

  5. Lin, Chih-Yung, Yehning Chen, Po-Hsin Ho, and Ju-Fang Yen, 2020, “CEO Overconfidence and Bank Loan Contracting,” Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.

  6. 詹場,陳業寧,柯文乾,2020,台灣權證市場的贏家與輸家,臺大管理論叢,30卷第1期,163-200.

  7. Huang, Shu-Chun, Wei-Da Chen, and Yehning Chen, 2018, “Bank Liquidity Creation and CEO Optimism,” Journal of Financial Intermediation 36, 101-117.

  8. 柯文乾,陳業寧,詹場,2018臺灣權證券商的損益分析,證券市場發展季刊,第30卷第2期,103-150.

  9. Chen, Yan-Shing, Yehning Chen, Chih-Yung Lin, and Zenu Sharma, 2016, “Is There a Bright Side to Government Banks? Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis,” Journal of Financial Stability 26, 128-143.

  10. Chen, Yehning, 2016, “Bank Capital and Credit Market Competition: Will Competitive Pressure Lead to Higher Capital Levels?” Journal of International Money and Finance, 69, 247–263.

  11. Chen, Yehning, Rachel J. Huang, John Tsai, and Larry Y. Tzeng, 2015, “Soft Information and Small Business Lending,” Journal of Financial Services Research 47, 115-133.

  12. Chen, Yehning, and Iftekhar Hasan, 2011, “Subordinated Debt, Market Discipline, and Bank Risk,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 43, pp. 1043-1072.

  13. Chen, Yehning, and Iftekhar Hasan, 2008, “Why Do Bank Runs Look Like Panic?” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 40, pp. 535-546.

  14. Chen, Yehning, and Shing-Yang Hu, 2007, “The Controlling Shareholder’s Personal Leverage and Firm Performance,” Applied Economics 39, 1059-1075.

  15. Chen, Yehning, and Iftekhar Hasan, 2006, “The Transparency of the Banking System and the Efficiency of Information-based Bank Runs,” Journal of Financial Intermediation 15, 307-331.

  16. Chen, Yehning, 2006, “Collateral, Loan Guarantees, and the Lenders' Incentives to Resolve Financial Distress,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 46, 1-15.

  17. 陳業寧,邱顯比,洪雲萍,2004,獨立董事與公司治理:政府應該要求所有上市上櫃公司聘任獨立董事嗎? 證券市場發展季刊,第16卷第4期,1-35.

  18. Chen, Yehning, and Ivan Png, 2003, “Information Goods Pricing and Copyright Enforcement: Welfare Analysis,” Information Systems Research 14, 107-123.

  19. Chen, Yehning, 1999, “Banking Panics: The Role of the First-Come, First-Served Rule and Information Externalities,” Journal of Political Economy 107, 946-968.

  20. Chen, Yehning, J. Fred Weston, and Ed I. Altman, 1995, “Financial Distress and Restructuring Models,” Financial Management 24, 57-75.

  21. 徐銘傑,陳業寧,何憲章,1998,財務危機下固定資產流動性之研究,中國財務學刊,第5卷第4期, 21-50.

  22. 李賢源,陳業寧,1997,臺灣公債OSRS式保証金交易之最適契約,中國財務學刊,第5卷第2期,1-26.
