博士 美國西北大學財務金融博士
碩士 國立臺灣大學財務金融碩士
學士 國立交通大學電子工程學士
研究室 : 二館 811
電話 : 33661083
傳真 :
諮詢時段 :
• 資產定價
• 無形資產
• 公司理財
• 科技創新
曾俊凱教授目前任職於國立臺灣大學管理學院財務金融學系暨研究所,同時為臺大勇源拔萃學者以及管理學院EMBA校友菁英學者講座。自美國西北大學凱洛格管理學院取得財務金融博士學位後,曾教授先後在美國堪薩斯大學商學院擔任財務金融助理教授,以及在美國聯邦準備會擔任財務經濟學家。曾教授的研究興趣廣泛,主要致力於因果推論在財務、會計以及經濟領域的應用:曾經發表於頂尖期刊的研究領域包含無形資產、資產定價、訊息揭露、科技創新、公司理財、行為經濟學;曾經發表的頂尖期刊包含The Journal of Finance、Journal of Accounting and Economics、Review of Financial Studies、Management Science、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Contemporary Accounting Research、Journal of Economics and Management Strategy。曾教授在2015年獲得WFA傑出博士生論文獎,在2022年獲得中央研究院年輕學者研究成果獎、臺灣經濟計量學會年輕學者研究獎,以及科技部(現國科會)傑出研究獎。
• 美國西北大學財務金融博士
• 國立臺灣大學財務金融碩士
• 國立交通大學電子工程學士
• 資產定價理論
• 財務金融研討
2022 科技部傑出研究獎
2022 中央研究院年輕學者研究成果獎
2022 臺灣經濟計量學會年輕學者研究獎
2020 - 2023 臺大勇源拔萃學者
2022 玉山學術獎(*2)
2021 - 2023 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫
2021 玉山學術獎
2021 臺灣財務金融學會年會富邦論文獎
2021 管理觀念與應用論文獎
2020 - 2023 臺大勇源拔萃學者
2020 - 2023 臺大EMBA校友菁英學者講座
2020 臺灣財務金融學會年會富邦論文獎
2019 美國FMA 公司理財領域最佳論文決選
2018 臺灣財務金融學會年會富邦論文獎
2018 美國FMA 公司理財領域最佳論文決選
2016 - 2018 美國堪薩斯大學新進教師研究補助
2016 Asian FA最佳論文獎
2015 WFA 傑出博士論文獎
2014 AFBC 最佳博士論文獎第二名
  1. Do Corporate Disclosures Constrain Strategic Analyst Behavior, with Yen-Cheng Chang and Alexander Ljungqvist, 2021 American Finance Association Annual conference (Virtual, scheduled)
  2. Testing Disagreement Models, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Pei-Jie Hsiao, and Alexander Ljungqvist, 2020 European Finance Association Annual conference (Virtual, scheduled)
  3. Testing Disagreement Models, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Pei-Jie Hsiao, and Alexander Ljungqvist, INSEAD Finance Symposium (Virtual)
  4. Testing Disagreement Models, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Pei-Jie Hsiao, and Alexander Ljungqvist, 2020 SFS Cavalcade Conference (Virtual)
  5. Testing Disagreement Models, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Pei-Jie Hsiao, and Alexander Ljungqvist, 2019 China International Forum on Finance and Policy (Beijing)
  6. What is the Value of an Innovation? Theory and Evidence on the Stock Market's Reaction to Innovation Announcements, with Thomas Chemmanur, Dongmei Li, and Yu Wang, 2020 Midwest Finance Association Annual Conference (Chicago)
  7. What is the Value of an Innovation? Theory and Evidence on the Stock Market's Reaction to Innovation Announcements, with Thomas Chemmanur, Dongmei Li, and Yu Wang, 2020 American Finance Association Annual Conference (San Diego, poster session)
  8. What is the Value of an Innovation? Theory and Evidence on the Stock Market's Reaction to Innovation Announcements, with Thomas Chemmanur, Dongmei Li, and Yu Wang, 2019 Dayton Finance Workshop (Dayton)
  9. Valuation of New Trademarks, with Po-Hsuan Hsu, Dongmei Li, Qin Lin, and Siew Hong Teoh, 2019 China International Conference in Finance Annual Meetings (Guangzhou)
  10. Valuation of New Trademarks, with Po-Hsuan Hsu, Dongmei Li, Qin Lin, and Siew Hong Teoh, 2019 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting (Seattle)
  11. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Charles Su, 2019 Finance Management Association Annual Meetings (New Orleans), Best paper award semifinalist
  12. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Charles Su, 2018 China International Conference in Finance Annual Meetings (Tianjin)
  13. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Charles Su, 2018 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meetings (San Antonio)
  14. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Charles Su, 2018 Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (Sydney)
  15. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Charles Su, 2018 Asian Finance Association (Tokyo)
  16. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Charles Su, 2017 Paris Financial Management Conference (Paris)
  17. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li, 2018 China International Conference in Finance Annual Meetings (Tianjin)
  18. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li, 2017 SFS Cavalcade Conference (New Haven)
  19. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li, 2017 Financial Management Association Annual Meetings, Best paper award semifinalist (San Diego)
  20. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li, 2017 Financial Management Association Asia/Pacific Annual Meetings (Hong Kong)
  21. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li, 2016 Asia Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association-National Bureau of Economic Research (AIEA-NBER) Annual Meetings (Hong Kong)
  22. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li, 2016 Taiwan Economics Research Conference (Taipei)
  23. Learning from the Joneses: Technology Spillover, Innovation Externality, and Stock Returns 2017, Darden-Cambridge Judge-HKU FBE Conference (Hong Kong)
  24. Learning from the Joneses: Technology Spillover, Innovation Externality, and Stock Returns, 2015 CIRANO Workshop on Networks (Montreal)
  25. Learning from the Joneses: Technology Spillover, Innovation Externality, and Stock Returns, 2015 Western Finance Association Annual Meetings (Seattle), Cubist Systematic Strategies Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research
  26. Learning from the Joneses: Technology Spillover, Innovation Externality, and Stock Returns 2014, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (Sydney), PhD Forum Best Paper Award Second Prize
  1. Access to Financial Disclosure and Knowledge Spillover" forthcoming, The Accounting Review (with Yen-Cheng Chang, and Teresa Yu)

  2. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Financial Reporting Comparability and Knowledge Accumulation, forthcoming, Journal of Accounting and Economics (with Irene Zhong)

  3. Innovation Under Pressure, forthcoming, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (with Heitor Almeida, Vyacheslav Fos, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Mathias Kronlund)

  4. Policy Uncertainty, Bad News Disclosure, and Stock Price Crash Risk, forthcoming, Journal of Empirical Finance (with Jeong-Bon Kim, Jeff Wang, and Yaoyi Xi)

  5. Do Corporate Disclosures Constrain Strategic Analyst Behavior? Review of Financial Studies, 2023; 2023; 36(8): 3163-3212 (with Yen-Cheng Chang and Alexander Ljungqvist).

  6. Learning from the Joneses: Technology Spillover, Innovation Externality, and Stock Returns, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022; 73(2-3): 101748 (Single-authored).

  7. Testing Disagreement Models, The Journal of Finance, 2022; 77(4): 2239-2285 (with Yen-Cheng Chang, Pei-Jie Hsiao, and Alexander Ljungqvist).

  8. Valuation of New Trademarks, Management Science, 2022; 68(1): 257-279 (with Po-Hsuan Hsu, Dongmei Li, Qin Li, and Siew Hong Teoh).

  9. More Cash, Less Innovation: The Effect of the American Jobs Creation Act on Patent Value, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (Lead article), 2021; 56(1): 1-28 (with Heitor Almeida, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Dongmei Li).

  10. Short-Termist CEO Compensation in Speculative Markets: A Controlled Experiment, Contemporary Accounting Research, 2021; 38(3): 2105-2156 (with Yen-Cheng Chang, Minjie Huang, and Yu-Siang Su).

  11. Supply Chain Technology Spillover, Customer Concentration, and Product Invention, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2021;1-25 (with Po-Hsuan Hsu, Hai-Ping Hui, and Hsiao-Hui Lee).

  12. Technology Spillovers and the Duration of Executive Compensation, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2021; 106209 (with Minjie Huang and Thomas Kubick).

  13. Does Governance Travel Across Industries? A Mutual Fund Episode, Journal of Management and Business Research, 2020; 37(2): 169-186 (with Yen-Cheng Chang and Chia-Yi Yen)

  14. Jump Variance Risk: Evidence from Option Valuation and Stock Returns, Journal of Future Markets, 2019; 39: 890–915 (with Hsuan‐Ling Chang, Yen-Cheng Chang, Hung‐Wen Cheng, and Po‐Hsiang Peng)

  15. Investor Network: Implications for Information Diffusion and Asset Prices, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2018; 48: 186-209 (with San-Lin Chung, Wenchien Liu, and Wen-Rang Liu)

Chun-Kai Tseng, 2015, Essays on Asset Pricing, Ph.D. Dissertation, Northwestern University