博士 美國德州大學達拉斯分校 Department of Management Science 博士
碩士 美國德州大學阿靈頓分校企管碩士
學士 國立臺灣大學工商管理學士
研究室 : 二館 602
電話 : (02)33661190
傳真 : (02)33661199
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相關連結 :
• 作業管理
• 決策支援
• 系統模擬
• 商業情報分析
• 供應鏈管理
• 美國德州大學達拉斯分校 Department of Management Science 博士
• 美國德州大學阿靈頓分校企管碩士
• 國立臺灣大學工商管理學士
• 統計學一下
• 電子化企業
• 博士論壇一
• 作業管理
• 統計學一上
2007 Outstanding Advisors Awards, National Taiwan University
2010 Excellent Teaching Awards, National Taiwan University
2004 - 2009 Good Teaching Faculties Awards, National Taiwan University
2005, 2006, 2008, 2010 Advisor of the DHL Worldwide Express Master Thesis Award in Supply Chain Management
2013 Advisor of the Second SAS Data Mining Championship Award
2007/8 – Present Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
2008/2 – 2011/7 Chair, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
1996/8 – 2007/7 Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
1995/8 – 1996/7 Lecturer, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
1994/12 – 1995/7 University Consultant, Department of System Engineering, BNR Inc.
1992/3 – 1993/7 Computer System Consultant, Department of Management Information System, National Hand Tool
1988/6 – 1992/3 System Analyst, Department of Management Information System, National Hand Tool
  1. Chern*, C. C., H. S. Huang, and B. Hsiao, November 2024, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm for Multi-Channel Supply Chain Considering Fairness and Backorder with Capacity Constraint, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Atlanta, USA).
  2. Chern*, C. C., Y. W. Wu, Y. R. Wang, C. W. Tsao, and B. Hsiao, November 2023, Analysis of Programming Developers’ Information Needs through Web Mining, Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Atlanta, USA), MOST 111-2410-H-002-067-MY2.
  3. Chern*, C. C., J. C. Chang, and B. Hsiao, November 2022, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm for Multiple Sourcing and Demand Considering Fairness, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Houston, USA), MOST 111-2410-H-002-067-MY2.
  4. Chern*, C. C., C. Y. Leng, and B. Hsiao, November 2021, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm Considering Fairness and Flexibility, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Online, USA, 17-20 Nov. 2021).
  5. Chern*, C. C., S. E. Lee, and B. Hsiao, November 2020, Deep Learning Based Expert Trace Recommender System, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Online, USA, 23-25 Nov. 2020).
  6. Chern*, C. C., W. Y. Chen, and B. Hsiao, November 2019, A Time Series Analysis Approach to Forecast Price Fluctuation Points, Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (New Orleans, LA, USA, 23-25 Nov. 2019).
  7. Chern*, C. C., P. S. Ho, and B. Hsiao, November 2018, A Decision Tree–Based Classifier for Providing E-Visit Services, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Chicago, IL, USA, 17-19 Nov. 2018).
  8. Chern*, C. C. and Y. J. Chen, November 2017, A Decision-Tree Based Classifier for Providing Telehealth Services, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Washington D. C., USA, 18-20 Nov. 2017).
  9. Chern*, C. C., H. D. Peng, and L. C. Kung, November 2016, A Heuristic Data Sampling Approach for Association Rule Classification under a Big Data Environment, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Austin, USA, 19-22 Nov. 2016).
  10. Ching-Chin Chern, W-U Lei, and Shu-Yi Chen, November 2015, A Decision-Tree-Based Classifier for Credit Assessment Problems under a Big Data Environment, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, (Seattle, WA, USA).
  11. Pei-Chi Chen, Ching-Chin Chern, Chung-Yang Chen, May 2012, Towards an Integrated Effort for Managing IT Process Standards Implementation, Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference in Information System (PACIS 2011).
  12. Bo Hsiao,Ching-Chin Chern,Ming-Miin Yu,Ching-Ren Chiu, December 2010, Measuring the Relative Efficiency of IC Design Firms: A Directional Distance Functions and Meta-Frontier Approach, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010).
  13. Ching-Chin Chern, December 2010, Solving a Multi-Objective Master Planning Problem with Substitution and a Recycling Process for a Capacitated Multi-Commodity Supply Chain Network, The 41st Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (San Diego).
  14. Chern C. C., C. C. Chang, L. C. Kung, S. Y. Chen, November 2009, The Effect of the Transshipment Mechanism on Inventory Management with Multiple Retailers, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (New Orleans).
  15. Hou C. Y., C. C. Chern, H. G. Chen, Y. C. Chen, January 2009, Migrating to New Virtual Space: Exploring Online Game Switching through Demographic Migration Theory, Proceedings of the 8th Hawii International Conference on Business (HICSS 2008), (Hawalulu).
  16. Hou C. Y., C. C. Chern, H. G. Chen, Y. C. Chen, July 2008, Migrating to New Virtual Space: Exploring Online Game Switching through Demographic Migration Theory, Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference in Information System (PACIS 2008), (Suzhou).
  17. Chern, C. C., K. I. Ao Ieong, L. L. Wu, L. C. Kung, 2008, A Decision-Support System for New Product Sales Forecasting, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Baltimore).
  18. Kung, L. C., C. C. Chern, 2008, Heuristic factory planning algorithm for advanced planning and scheduling, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Baltimore).
  19. Chern, C. C., Y. L. Chen, L. C. Kung, 2008, A Heuristic Relief Transportation Planning Algorithm for Emergency Supply Chain Management, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Baltimore).
  20. Hou, C. Y., C. C. Chern, 2007, The Magnitude of Switching Costs for Corporate Antivirus Software Switching Decision, Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference in Information System, (Auckland).
  21. Hou, C. Y., C. C. Chern, W. H. Chen, July 2007, The Study of Buyer-Side Private E-Marketplace-The Case of Formosa Plastic Corporation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Information, (Tokyo).
  22. Hou, C. Y., C. C. Chern, May 2007, Can Microsoft OneCare Can Take Care of Everything?, Proceedings of the 7th Hawii International Conference on Business, (Hawalulu).
  23. Chern, C. C., K. Y. Huang, 2007, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm for Supply Chains that Considers Substitutions and Commonalities, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Pheonix).
  24. 侯正裕、陳靜枝、陳文賢, 2006, 影響防毒軟體轉換因素之研究-同一公司兩次轉換防毒軟體的比較分析, 網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會研討會, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  25. Chern, C. C., I. C. Yang, 2006, A Heruistic Master Planning Algorithm for Supply Chains that Considers Substitutions and Commonalities, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Insstitute, (San Francisco).
  26. Chern, C. C., P. S. Chien, S. Y. Chen, 2006, A Heuristic Algorithm for the Hospital Health Examination Scheduling Problem, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (San Francisco).
  27. Chern, C. C., J. S. Hsieh, 2005, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm to Satisfy Multiple Objectives, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (San Francisco).
  28. 侯正裕、陳靜枝、陳文賢, 2005, 轉換成本與防毒軟體品牌選擇關連之研究, 網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會學術研究暨實務研討會, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  29. Chern, C. C., Y. K. Kao, 2004, Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm (HMPA) by Allowing Order Delay, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Boston).
  30. Chen, S. Y., W. L. Yang, C. C. Chern, 2004, Transshipment Effects on Inventory Management for Retailer Clusters, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Boston).
  31. Chen, S. Y., S. C. Chang, C. C. Chern, 2003, Research on a Three Dimensional Dynamic Model for Information Technology Outsourcing Strategy - Verified against Cases from the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Washington D. C.).
  32. Chen, S. Y., C. C. Chern, 2002, Development of a DSS for Information Sharing of a Supply/Demand Chain, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (San Diego, California).
  33. Chern, C. C., K. L. Huang, 2002, A Heuristic Input Control Method for a Single-Product and High-Volume Wafer Fabrication to Minimize the Number of Photomask Changes, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (San Diego, California).
  34. Chern, C. C., C. H. Hsieh, 2002, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm to Schedule Orders Under Due Date Requirements and Capacity Limits, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (San Diego, California).
  35. Chern, C. C., D. M. Chiang, T. W. Ho, 2002, Development of a DSS to Estimate the Sales for the Grocery Retailing Industry in Taiwan, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2002), (Taipei, Taiwan).
  36. Chen, S. Y., C. C. Chern, 2000, A Heuristic Algorithm for Lowest Cost with Maximum Flow in A Supply Chain Network, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Orlando, Florida).
  37. Chen, S. Y., C. C. Chern, 2000, Max-Flow Min-Cost Algorithm for A Supply Chain Network, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute, (Tokyo).
  38. Chen, S. Y., C. C. Chern, 1999, Shortest Path for a Supply Chain Network, Proceedings of the 4th Asian Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, (Shanghai).
  39. Chern, C. C., E. Hsu, C. C. Shieh, 1999, Time-Performance-Mask Algorithm (TPMA) For Photolithography And Diffusion Areas in a Wafer Manufacturing Plant, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Decision Science Institute.
  40. Chen, S. Y., C. C. Chern, November 1999, Maximum Flow for a Supply Chain Network, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (New Orleans, Louisiana).
  41. Chern, C. C., Y. L. Liu, C. C. Shieh, 1998, Stepper Dispatch Algorithm (SDA) for Photolithography Area in a Wafer Manufacturing Plant, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, (Las Vegas, Navada).
  42. Chern, C. C., P. Yang, 1997, Determining (N,s) Policy for a Defect-Prone System, Proceeding of the Fourth International Meeting Decision Sciences Institute.
  43. Chern, C. C., P. Yang, 1996, Determining (w,s) Policy for a Defect-Prone System, Proceedings of the First ASIA Pacific DSI Conference.
  1. Chern, C. C., W. Y. Chen, and B. Hsiao*, 2024, A Time Series Analysis Approach to Forecast Price Fluctuation Points, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (ESCI), Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 67–77, NSTC 107-2410-H-002-102.
  2. Chern, C. C., C. Y. Leng, and B. Hsiao*, 2024, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm That Includes Fairness and Flexibility, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (ESCI), Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 106–123., NSTC 109-2410-H-002-072.
  3. Chern, C. C., W. U. Lei, S. Y. Chen, and K. L. Huang*, February 2021, A Decision-Tree-Based Classifier for Credit Assessment Problems under a Big Data Environment, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Published online.
  4. Chern, C. C., P. S. Ho, and B. Hsiao*, 2020, A Decision Tree–Based Classifier for E-Visit Service Provision, Informatics for Health and Social Care, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 242–254.
  5. Chern, C. C., Y. J. Chen, and B. Hsiao*, 2019, Decision Tree–Based Classifier in providing Telehealth Service, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Vol. 19, No. 104, pp. 1–15.
  6. Chern, C. C., H. M. Wang, and K. L. Huang*, 2017, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm for Recycling Supply Chain Management, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 28, pp. 985–1003, SCI.
  7. Chern, C. C., T. Y. Chou, and B. Hsiao*, 2016, Assessing the Efficiency of Supply Chain Scheduling Algorithms Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol. 14, Issue 4, pp. 823–856, SSCI.
  8. Wenli Hwang, Bo Hsiao, Houn-Gee Chen, and Ching-Chin Chern, February 2016, Multiphase Assessment of Project Risk Interdependencies: Evidence from a University ISD Project in Taiwan, Project Management Journal, Vol 47, Issue 1, Pages 59–75 (SSCI).
  9. Ching-Chin Chern,Chih-Ping Wei,Fang-Yi Shen, August 2015, A Sales Forecasting Model for Consumer Products based on the Influence of Online Word-of-Mouth, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Volume13, Issue 3, Pages 445-473.
  10. Ching-Chin Chern, Hsin-Mei Wang, Kwei-Long Huang, January 2015, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm for Recycling Supply Chain Management, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (SCI), First Online: 31 January 2015.
  11. Ching-Chin Chern, Seak-Tou Lei, Kwei-Long Huang, February 2014, Solving a multi-objective master planning problem with substitution and a recycling process for a capacitated multi-commodity supply chain network, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (SCI), Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 1–25.
  12. Li-Yueh Chen,Bo Hsiao,Ching-Chin Chern,Houn-Gee Chen, June 2014, Affective Mechanisms Linking Internet Use to Learning Performance in High School Students: A Moderated Mediation Study, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 35, Pages 431–443.
  13. Ming-Miin Yu, Ching-Chin Chern, Bo Hsiaob, January 2013, Human Resources Rightsizing using Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis, Omega (SCI), Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 119–130.
  14. Chun-Che Huang, Yu-Neng Fan, Ching-Chin Chern, Pei-Hua Yen, January 2013, Measurement of Analytical Knowledge-Based Corporate Memory and Its Application, Decision Support Systems (SCI), Volume 54, Issue 2, Pages 846–857.
  15. Bo Hsiao, Ching-Chin Chern, Ming-Miin Yu, November 2012, Measuring the relative efficiency of IC design firms using the directional distance function and a meta-frontier approach, Decision Support Systems (SCI), Volume 53, Issue 4, Pages 881–891.
  16. Ching-Chin Chern, I-Chieh Yang, November 2011, A Heuristic Master Planning Algorithm for Supply Chains that Considers Substitutions and Commonalities, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 38, Issue 12, Pages 14918–14934.
  17. Yu-Qian Zhu, Li-Yueh Chen, Houn-Gee Chen, Ching-Chin Chern, December 2011, How does Internet information seeking help academic performance? –The moderating and mediating roles of academic self-efficacy, Computers & Education (SSCI), Volume 57, Issue 4, Pages 2476–2484.
  18. Avus C.Y. Hou, Ching-Chin Chern, Houn-Gee Chen, Yu-Chen Chen, September 2011, ‘Migration Theory Migrating to a new virtual world’: Exploring MMORPG switching through human migration theory, Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI), Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 1892–1903.
  19. Bo Hsiao, Ching-Chin Chern, Ching-Ren Chiu, August 2011, Performance evaluation with the entropy-based weighted Russell measure in data envelopment analysis, Expert Systems with Applications.
  20. Bo Hsiaoa, Ching-Chin Cherna, Yung-Ho Chiub, Ching-Ren Chiuc, August 2011, Using fuzzy super-efficiency slack-based measure data envelopment analysis to evaluate Taiwan’s commercial bank efficiency, Expert Systems with Applications, 9147 - 9156.
  21. 范有寧, 黃聖佑, 陳靜枝, December 2010, 運用資料探勘輔助商品分類之需求預測方法, 資訊管理學報, 51 - 76.
  22. 蕭鉢, 陳靜枝, 游明敏, 曾國雄, December 2010, 應用模糊分段自我迴歸於效率預測, 資訊管理學報, 197 - 220.
  23. 侯正裕, 陳靜枝, 陳鴻基, December 2010, 為何人們使用社交網站?認知專注的觀點, 資訊管理學報, 97 - 114.
  24. Ching-Chin Chern, Yu-Lin Chen, Ling-Chieh Kung, October 2010, A Heuristic Relief Transportation Planning Algorithm for Emergency Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 1638 - 1664.
  25. Chern Ching-Chin, Ao Ieong Ka Ienga, Wu Ling-Linga, Kung Ling-Chieh, March 2010, Designing a decision-support system for new product sales forecasting, Expert Systems with Applications, 1654 - 1665.
  26. Kung, L. C., C. C. Chern, 2009, Heuristic factory planning algorithm for advanced planning and scheduling, Computers & Operations Research, 2513 - 2530.
  27. 陳禹辰、侯正裕、尚榮安、陳靜枝、張翊宏, December 2009, 玩家為何轉換線上遊戲-人口遷徙理論觀點, 電子商務學報(Journal of e-Business), 723 - 752.
  28. Fan Y. N.,C. C. Huang, C. C.Chern, November 2009, Rule Induction Based on an Incremental Rough Set, Expert Systems With Applications, 11439 - 11450.
  29. Chern, C. C., P. S. Chien, S. Y. Chen, 2008, A Heuristic Algorithm for the Hospital Health Examination Scheduling Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 1137 - 1157.
  30. Chern, C. C., J. S. Hsieh, 2007, A Heuristic Algorithm for Master Planning that Satisfies Multiple Objectives, Computers & Operations Research, 3491 - 3513.
  31. Chern, C. C., D. M. Chiang, T. W. Ho, 2007, A Heuristic Algorithm for Estimating Retail Market Size Using POS Data, Journal of Information Management, 153 - 174.
  32. Chern, C. C., K. L. Huang, 2004, A Heuristic Input Control Method for a Single-Product and High-Volume Wafer Fabrication to Minimize the Number of Photomask Changes, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 30 - 45.
  33. Chern, C.C., Y. L. Liu, 2003, Family-based Scheduling Rule of a Sequence Dependent Wafer Fabrication System, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 15 - 25.
  34. 陳靜枝, 2003, 半導體製造業之供應鍊網路管理與資源分配, 工程科技通訊, 153 - 161.
  35. Chern, C.C., P. Yang, 1999, Determining a Threshold Control Policy for an Imperfect Production System with Rework Jobs, Naval Research Logistics, 273 - 301.
  36. 陳靜枝, 1999, 第二十九屆決策科學組織年會, 科學發展月刊, 796 - 800.
  37. 陳靜枝, 1998, 第四屆國際決策科學研討會, 科學發展月刊, 439 - 442.
  1. Chern, C. C., 1995, LOT-SIZING PROBLEMS IN AN IMPERFECT PRODUCTION SYSTEM, University of Texas at Dallas.