Young Scholar Research & Career Planning Forum hosted by NTU College of Management
 2021-05-04 更新

NTU College of Management, on the 18th of January 2021, hosted the "Young Scholar Research & Career Planning Forum" that welcomed faculty within 3 years of assistant professorship of national universities in northern region to participate.


NTU College of Management was honored for this opportunity of having MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) Convenors of the Disciplines in Management I, Management II and Finance & Accounting, former Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part E, Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly and Journal of Association of Information Systems (JAIS), Editor-in-Chief of NTU Management Review and E. Sun Academic Award Laureates to share their experiences with young scholars in subjects related to "Applications for MOST (Ministry of Science & Technology) and/or other government Research Grants", "Research Publication and International Cooperation" and "Academic Career Planning and Research Community Services".


Receiving a grant may make a difference whether a project goes ahead or not.  During the "Applications for MOST and/or other government Research Grants" session, convenors of the MOST disciplines took turn introducing academic research fields in relation to each discipline.  It was suggested that young scholars should pay attention to terms and principles for a research grant application as well as the Academic Ethics Guideline.  While preparing a grant proposal, originality is essential beside of reasonable proposed methodology and readable content, etc.  In addition, the Ministry of Science and Technology took the review process seriously and paid close attention to the quality of the review committee to offer scholars a fair opportunity to make their research shine with the support of the government.


Young scholars were encouraged to broaden their networks through advisors, colleagues, and more important, participating conferences.  Young scholars at current stage might be anxious about faculty promotion evaluation.  Besides teaching and service at the school, recent research publication played an essential role while getting promoted.  Hence, networking with key personnel may help learn the context how the reviewers make the judgement calls at glance.  In addition, one may gain opportunities to cooperate with fine scholars from other schools, advance the quality of research and further possibly contribute to the field of expertise.


Young scholars may be very career-oriented and set lofty goals to pursue in life.  It was recommended that young scholars find themselves (a) mentor(s) who may provide guidance and advice when needed.  Furthermore, there was a suggestion that young scholars should gain a firm foothold in their research expertise before diving into interdisciplinary collaboration.  Outcomes from interdisciplinary collaboration might be prolong and not noticeable, which might cause frustration for junior faculty.  In short, standing firmly and fighting steadily is a stepping stone to a promising future.

As Dr. Shing-Yang Hu (胡星陽), Dean of NTU College of Management mentioned at the beginning of the forum, NTU College of Management initiated such event as a platform with the aim to offer scholars in Taiwan a different channel to interact and further create possible opportunities for research collaborations between universities.  We hope universities in Taiwan may take turns to host similar activities in view of bridging collaboration across Taiwan and join hands to make academic research in Taiwan great.

Honorable guest speakers in order of appearance:

Dr. Mei-Chih Hu (胡美智), Convenor of the Discipline in Management I, Ministry of Science and Technology & Professor of National Tsing Hua University

Dr. Chih-Ping Wei (魏志平), Convenor of the Discipline in Management II, Ministry of Science and Technology & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. Yehning Chen (陳業寧), Convenor of the Discipline in Finance & Accounting, Ministry of Science and Technology & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. Jiuh-Biing Sheu (許鉅秉), former Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part E & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. Hsiou-Wei Lin (林修葳), Editor-in-Chief of NTU Management Review & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. Yan-Zhi Wang (王衍智), E. Sun Academic Award Laureate & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. Chan-Jane Lin (林嬋娟), E. Sun Academic Award Laureate & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. James J. Jiang (江俊毅), Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly and Journal of Association of Information Systems (JAIS) & Professor of National Taiwan University

Dr. Larry Y. Tzeng (曾郁仁), E. Sun Academic Award Laureate & Professor of National Taiwan University