【徵才】Research assistant for CSR project
Activity day:2019-12-03 
Published At:2019-12-03 
Views:303  2019-12-03 updated

【徵才】 GMBA 葛明伊教授辦公室

Looking for a research assistant to help with a project on CSR involving professors from NTU, FJCU and NCCU. Candidate must have a good English proficiency (reading and writing). The role will involve in-depth reading and coding/analysis of CSR reports in English and Chinese. Candidate must be structured and meticulous and be prepared to work around 8h per week. Content analysis training will be provided. Candidates with an interest in learning more about CSR are preferred.  


E-Mail  : sophiattheassistant@gmail.com

聯絡人姓名 :   Sophia Tang