JOb offers: Aver (圓展科技)
Activity day:2022-12-01 
Published At:2022-12-01 
Views:635  2022-12-01 updated
職稱 需求人數 工作內容說明 工作經驗 語言條件(外語) 其他工作條件限制
海外儲備業務主管(印尼) 1 1. Work with HQ to develop new distributors and maintain current business in Indonesia.
2. Lead and organize sales and marketing activities to raise company’s brand recognition in Indonesian market.
3. Coordinate with internal and external parties as the agent to execute business development.
4. Collect information about opening Representative Office in Indonesia, including conditions, rules, laws and resources company can use.
5. Location: Training in Taiwan for initial 6 to 12 months. Station in Indonesia after qualification.
3年以上工作經驗 印尼文: 聽/精通‧說/精通‧讀/精通‧寫/精通
馬來文: 聽/精通‧說/精通‧讀/精通‧寫/精通
英文: 聽/精通‧說/精通‧讀/精通‧寫/精通
1. Education | A Bachelor’s degree in Business Management related field is required;
2. 3+ years’ experience in Business Management and Development role is required.
3. Proficiency in spoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia.
4. Proficiency in spoken and written Chinese is preferred.
5.  5+ years’ experience in Sales & Marketing and Business Management is highly preferred.
6. Candidates must be eligible / authorized to work in Indonesia.
1 1. market development.
2. distributor / reseller management.
3. project pipeline management.
4. accomplish monthly sales target.
5. solution selling.
6. customer relationship maintenance.
7. responsible market: Russia, CIS countries,Ukraine,Georgia,Central Asia(Republic of Turkmenistan,Afghanistan etc.),Mongolia.
不拘 英文: 聽/精通‧說/精通‧讀/精通‧寫/精通
俄文: 聽/中等‧說/中等‧讀/中等‧寫/中等
International Business Development/Sales
1 *B2B business development in medical/healthcare vertical market.
*Distributorship & partnership management in selective markets.
*Project pipeline management to realize sales to different channels with local partners in each market.
*Accomplish monthly & yearly sales target to expand the business in medical/healthcare vertical market.
*Solution mindset, build integration with other medical device manufacturers/software providers for providing extra values to all stakeholders in clinical environments.
*Customer relationship management. Co-work with distributors/partners to build use cases and reference sites.
*Participate in international/local exhibitions/congresses. Co-work with marketing department & product managers for aligned sales & marketing activities.
2年以上工作經驗 英文: 聽/精通‧說/精通‧讀/精通‧寫/精通 *At least 2 years of work experience in business development or sales position.
*Experience in medical ICT systems and/or tender bidding would be a plus.
*Multilingual capability would be a plus.
*Experienced in developing new applications, new channels in new markets.
OEM 海外儲備業務主管 1 1. 日本市場OEM/ODM業務及產品管理經驗開發3年以上。
2. 開發新客戶與新的業務市場。
3. 擔任客戶與各部門之間的橋樑。
4. 執行交辦的業務工作與事業計畫。
5. 工作地點:初期在台灣半年至一年,後期派駐日本。
3年以上工作經驗 日文: 聽/精通‧說/精通‧讀/精通‧寫/精通