NTU CoM Business Case Competition YR 2023-2024
Activity day:2023-10-26 
Published At:2023-10-26 
Views:770  2023-10-26 updated


1. Each team should consist of 2~4 students.
2. All participants, graduate or undergraduate, must be currently enrolled at NTU. Your teammates may come from different departments.


Total Awards: NTD48,000. 1st Winning team: NTD20,000.
*20% withholding tax may be charged to non-residents.*

1. To enter the contest, please have the followings ready
(1) Team name
(2) Selected a team leader (main contact person)
(3) Team members’ information- name, email, mobile #, department, student ID
2. Online registration: https://forms.gle/AdpBBMjdLPwHAZ5q9
3. Deadline: before 3 December 2023 (23:59, Taipei Time)

【First Round】
1. All participating teams will be assigned a case on 22 December 2023.
2. Pre-game coaching session will be held from 17:30-19:00 on 12 December 2023. It’s mandatory to have at least one person from each team to participate. (venue: TBA)
3. Notification about when and where to pick up copies of the first-round case will be sent via email to the team leader on 20 December 2023.
4. All participating teams must submit the followings to NTU case center (ntucasecenter@ntu.edu.tw)
(1) a Youtube link to a 10~15 minutes of pre-recorded video presentation covering the case analysis.
The presentation video must be conducted in English and all team members must participate in the presentation.
(2) Presentation slides (PDF format), including 1 page of executive summary in English format.
5. Submission deadline of the first-round: before 5 January 2024 (18:00, Taipei Time).
6. Result announcement of up to five finalist teams is on 2 February 2024.

【Final Round】
1. Finalist teams will be assigned a case on 16 February 2024. Notification will be sent via email to the finalist teams.
2. Each finalist team has days to analyze the case and prepare the presentation slides.
3. Submission deadline of the final-round presentation slides (PDF) in English format: before 22 February 2024 (18:00, Taipei Time). Email to NTU case center (ntucasecenter@ntu.edu.tw).
4. Final-round will be held on 23 February 2024 at NTU College of Management; draw lots on site to determine the order of presentation. Each finalist team will be given 20 minutes to present and 15 minutes to answer judges’ questions. Finalist teams will be presenting the earlier submitted presentation slides.

【Judging Criteria】
To name of few,
1. Identification of problems
2. Quantitative and qualitative analysis
3. Quality of recommendations and alternatives
4. Implementation and plan of action
5. Presentation form and style
