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Chung-Chau Chang
Ph.D. National Chengchi University,PhD
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Research Field
• Marketing Management
• Consumer Behavior
• Strategic Marketing
• Advertising Research
• Marketing Research
Research Field Summary
• National Chengchi University,PhD
• Advertisement Research
• Business Management
• Consumer Behaviors
• Marketing Management
• Marketing Strategy
Conference Paper
  1. Chang, S. S., Chang, C. C. & Chen, Y. L., January 2013, The Effect of Birth Order on Response Tendency toward Opportunity, 銘傳大學觀光國際研討會, (台北).
  2. 張重昭、張心馨、廖彥宜, January 2012, 被放棄產品之產品績效資訊與產品特質對悔恨之影響, 第九屆台灣行銷科學學會研討會.
  3. 張重昭, January 2012, 時間與金錢知覺價值差異及時間距離效果之探討, 100年度國科會管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會.
  4. Chang, C. C., Chang, S. S., Chang, J. H., & Su, W. G., January 2011, People’s Preference Patterns for Gains/Losses in Multiple Time Periods Situations, New Paradigms of Management-The 10th Annual Academic Conference, (Taipei).
  5. 張重昭, January 2010, 自我調節焦點在顧客對延伸產品線中遺失屬性評價上之外溢影響, 98學年度國科會管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會.
  6. Chang, C. C., Chang, S. S., Lin, C. Y., & Hsieh, Y. C., January 2007, The impact of loyalty program threshold, monetary costs, and justification of consumption on preference toward rewards, The Fourth Annual Conference.
  7. 張重昭、張凱雲、張心馨, January 2005, 產品特殊屬性與共同屬性對消費者選擇之影響, 2005年台灣行銷研討會.
  8. 張重昭、周宇貞, January 2005, 目標導向與廣告正負比較方式對品牌態度及診斷性之影響, 2005管理新思維研討會,台灣科技大學企業管理系主辦.
  9. 黃麗霞、周宇貞、張重昭, January 2004, 知覺風險、訊息內容特性,與消費者特質對網路口耳相傳訊息之影響, 國立中興大學第二屆全國當代行銷學術研討會, (台中).
  10. 張重昭、周宇貞, January 2004, 促銷價格標式方式與知覺品質對消費者行為之影響, 國立中興大學第二屆全國當代行銷學術研討會, (台中).
  11. 黃麗霞、張重昭, January 2004, 贈品促銷之價格呈現方式對促銷效果之影響, 銘傳大學企管系管理思維與實務學術研討會.
  12. 陳建中、張重昭, January 2004, 歡樂或功能性等待、提供等待訊息對消費者時間知覺及情緒反應之影響, 管理發展與前瞻學術研討會, (桃園).
  13. 黃麗霞、周宇貞、張重昭, January 2004, 消費者個人因素與訊息特性對電子郵件轉寄行為之影響, 2004年中華民國科技管理學會暨論文研討會.
  14. 黃麗霞、張重昭, January 2003, 品牌評價對贈品促銷效果之影響, 第一屆北商學術論壇研討會.
  15. 黃麗霞、張重昭, January 2003, 訊息來源、正負面訊息與市場行家特質對網路訊息傳播之影響, 2003年電子商務與數位生活研討會.
  16. 張重昭、黃麗霞, January 2003, 從學生之觀點探討EMBA課程與教學方法改善之道, 第十二屆中華民國管理教育研討會, (台北).
  17. 張重昭、廖本哲, January 2003, 消費者對比較式廣告中漏失產品屬性資訊之推論行為, 國立中興大學第一屆全國當代行銷學術研討會.
  18. 張重昭, January 2003, 促銷價格標示方式與消費者內部參考價格對消費者行為之影響, 國科會九十一年度管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會.
  19. 張重昭、王淑慧, January 2003, 期望未來價格對消費者購買意願的影響, 國立中興大學第一屆全國當代行銷學術研討會.
  20. 張重昭、黃麗霞, January 2002, 贈品和主產品的配適度和贈品的多樣性對促銷效果之影響, 台灣科技大學2002年21世紀管理新思維研討會.
  21. 張重昭, January 2002, 參考價格區間與產品知覺品質對消費者知覺價值與行為之影響, 國科會九十年度管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會.
  22. 許戎民、張重昭, January 2001, 應用軟體租賃服務業投資評估指標之研究, 中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會.
  23. 張重昭, January 2001, 產品屬性資訊、知覺品質與參考價格對消費者行為之影響, 國科會八十九年度管理二學門專題研究計畫成果發表會.
  24. 賴其勛、張重昭, January 1999, 消費者抱怨行為因果關係之研究—以汽車維修服務為例, 靜宜大學第一屆台灣管理學術國際研討會論文集.
  25. 張重昭、陳銘慧, January 1999, 台灣高科技產業技術引進模式與組織學習過程之研究, 第四屆企業跨國經營管理研討會, (台北).
  26. 張重昭、林蟬娟, January 1999, 會計事務所專業形象之研究, AAA/TAA第一屆全球化會計研討會.
  27. 張重昭、高義芳, January 1999, 企業內業務人員控制制度決定因素之研究, 工業關係管理本質與趨勢學術研討會,大葉大學工業關係系所.
  28. 張重昭、顧萱萱, January 1997, 由價格與產品向度探討私有品牌之可行策略, 企業管理國際研討會.
  29. Chung, C. C & Tsai, S. C., January 1997, The Impact of Wife’s Work Involvement on Household Food Consumption Behavior, Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting.
  30. 張重昭, January 1996, 廣告中文字與圖形訊息對消費者態度之影響, 國科會管理學門專題計畫研究成果發表會論文集.
  31. 張重昭, January 1992, Development of the Personal Computer Industry in Taiwan, Taiwan Enterprises in Global Perspective Conference, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., (New York).
  32. 張重昭, September 1990, The Development of the Personal Computer Industry in Taiwan, Taiwan Enterprise in Global Perspective Conference.
  33. 張重昭, January 1990, 台灣個人電腦業之發展歷程, 環境變遷與企業發展歷程研討會, (桃園).
Journal Paper
  1. Chang, S. S., Chang, C. C., & Su, W. G., August 2015, Quality or Sacrifice? The Influence of Decision Task and Product Characteristics on the Dual Role of Price, Psychological Reports, 72 - 88.
  2. Shin-Shin Chang, Chung-Chau Chang and Yen-Yi Liao, January 2015, A Joint Examination of Effects of Decision Task Type and Construal Level on the Attraction Effect, Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 51, issue C, 168-182. (SSCI).
  3. Chang, S. S., Chang, C. C., Chien, Y. L., & Chang, J. H., December 2014, Having Champagne Without Celebration?: The Impact of Self-Regulatory Focus on Moderate Incongruity Effect, European Journal of Marketing, 1939 - 1961.
  4. Chang, C. C., Chang, S. S., Chang, J. H., & Chien, Y, L., January 2013, Which Is the Better Option? Quicker or Cheaper?, Psychology & Marketing, 90 - 101.
  5. 張心馨、張重昭、廖彥宜, April 2013, 已放棄產品之特質、涉入及績效資訊對消費者悔恨之影響, 行銷科學學報.
  6. Chang, C. C., Chuang, S. C., Cheng, Y. H., & Huang, T. Y., January 2012, The Compromise Effect in Choosing for Others, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 109 - 122.
  7. Chang, C. C., Lin, B. C., and Chang, S. S., 2011, The Relative Advantages of Benefit Overlap versus Category Similarity in Brand Extension Evaluation: The Moderating Role of Self-Regulatory Focus, Marketing Letters, 391 - 404, (NSC96-2416-H-002-010).
  8. Chang, S. S., Chang, C. C., & Lin, Z. Y., 2010, The Impact of Loyalty Program Threshold, Monetary Costs, and Justification of Consumption on Preference toward Rewards, NTU Management Review, 1 - 18, (Leading article).
  9. Chang, C. C., and Lin, B. C., January 2010, Moderating Effects of Self-Regulatory Focus on Source–Content Incongruity, Journal of Business and Psychology, 429 - 439.
  10. Teng, C. I., Chang, C. C., & Lai, J. Y., June 2009, Partial Comparative Messages in Competition, British Journal of Management, 158 - 171.
  11. Chang, C. C., & Liu, H. H., June 2008, Information Format-Option Characteristics Compatibility and the Compromise Effect, Psychology & Marketing, 881 - 900.
  12. Teng, C. I., Chang, C. C., Luo, G. L., & Lu, G. F., 2008, 焦點屬性與比較方式對廣告信任與態度的影響, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, 41 - 56.
  13. Chang, C. C., & Liu, H. H., January 2008, Which Is the Compromise Option? Information Format and Task Format as Determinants, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 59 - 75.
  14. Chang, C. C., & Chou, Y. J., April 2008, Goal Orientation and Comparative Valence in Persuasion, Journal of Advertising, 73 - 87.
  15. Chang, S. S., Chang, C. C., & Huang, C. Y., 2008, The Influence of Common and Unique Positive/Negative Features on Consumers’ Choice under Two-option Choice Conditions, NTU Management Review, 83 - 102.
  16. Chang, C. C., Huang, L. S., & Chou, Y. J., 2006, The Effects of Personal Factors and Message Characteristics on Consumers’ Responses to E-Mail, Management Review, 109 - 128.
  17. Chang, C. C., Chou, Y. J., & Chang, S. S., 2006, The Effects of Promotional Price Format and Internal Reference Price on Consumers’ Behavior, Journal of Management, 209 - 226, (NSC91-2416-H-002-004).
  18. Chang, C. C., Kang, K. W., & Chang, S. S., January 1970, The Effects of Product Attributes, Reference Points, and Valuation Modes on Consumers’ Evaluation of Products, Journal of Business Administration, 67 - 93.
  19. Huang, Y.S., Chang, C. C., & Zhang, W. L., 2003, The Relationship among Vanity Trait, Materialism and Compulsive Buying, Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 641 - 672.
  20. Huang, L. S., & Chang, C. C., 2003, The Effects of Message Source, Positive or Negative Message, and Market Maven Personality on The Diffusion of Internet Messages, Electronic Commerce Studies, 25 - 40.
  21. Chang, C. C., Han, W. C., & Chang, S. S., 2003, A model of Customer Satisfaction with Service Failures, Customer Attribution and Service Recovery, Journal of Business Administration, 129 - 162.
  22. Chang, C. C., & Wang, M. J., 2002, The Effects of Brand Identification, Ownership Status and Product-Line Extension Strategy on Consumers’ Brand Evaluations, Journal of Business Administration, 113 - 144.
  23. Lin, A., & Chang, C. C., 2001, The Research Concerning the Control Strategy and Its Conditions of Utilization for the Strategic Alliances between European MNCs and Local Partners in Taiwan, Asia Pacific Review of Social Science and Technology, 105 - 127.
  24. Chang, C. C., Shen, Z. W., & Huang, L. S., 2001, The Impact of Consumer Experiences and Knowledge on External Information Search, NTU Management Review, 197 - 237.
  25. Chang, C. C., & Lin, C. J., 2000, A Study on the Professional Image of Accounting Firms in Taiwan, NTU Management Review, 35 - 72.
  26. Chang, C. C., & Hsieh, C. C., 2000, The Effects of Product Information, Reference Prices and Perceived Quality on Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions, Journal of Business Administration, 161 - 190.
  27. Chang, C. C., & Tsai, S. C., January 1999, The Impact of Wife’s Work Involvement On Household Food Consumption Behavior, NTU Management Review, 65 - 90.
  28. Chang, C. C., & Chou, Y. J., 1999, The Influences of Consumers’ Perceived Quality and Reference Prices on Perceived Value and Search Intention, Journal of Business Administration, 1 - 35.
  29. Ku, H. H., & Chang, C. C., 1999, Exploring the Impact of Product-line Extensions on the Sales of Parent’s and Competitors’ Products--A Consumer Choice Approach, Journal of Management, 349 - 377.
  30. Chang, C. C., Lin, C. J., & Laio, J. J., 1999, The Evolution of Rights to Advertise for Accounting Profession in U.S.A., Accounting Research Monthly, 75 - 82.
  31. Chang, C. C., & Li, H. Y., 1998, The Influences of Product Choice Context on Variety-Seeking Behavior, Journal of Business Administration, 1 - 35.
  32. Chang, C. C., & Chang, C. C., 1997, The Communication Effects of Imagery-eliciting Advertising Strategies, NTU Management Review, 85 - 127.
  33. Chang, C. C., & Ku, H. H., 1996, The Influences of Consumer’s Processing Goal to Advertisement, Competitive Advertisement and Retrieval cue on Advertisement, Journal of Management Science, 49 - 71.
  34. Chang, C. C., & Gao, L. W., 1995, The Effects of Reference Price on Consumer Behavior, Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 80 - 107.
  35. 張重昭, January 1989, 高科技產品之特質、行銷問題與行銷決策, 台北市銀行月刊, 38 - 56.
  36. 張重昭, January 1988, 產業特質、策略組群與企業經營績效關係之研究, 台北市銀行月刊, 75 - 93.
  37. 張重昭, January 1987, 產業環境與生產技術特質對產業營績效影響之研究, 台北市銀行月刊, 32 - 69.
  38. 張重昭,楊必立,司從達賢, January 1987, 生產技術僵固性、產業環境確定性與企業競爭策略之關係, 管理評論, 180 - 193.
  39. 張重昭, January 1985, 探討社會行銷之意義、內涵及未來發展, 社會科學論叢, 295 - 310.
  40. 張重昭, 1982, 美國銀行授信制度之研究, 台北市銀行月刊, 12 - 30.
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