Detailed Information
Yeh Shu
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles (Accounting)
Office : Building II, College of Management 903
Tel : (02)33661124
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Research Field
• Capital Market Research
• Tax Planning
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles (Accounting)
• Accounting (B) (II) (Dept. of Finance)
• Advanced auditing
• Advanced Financial Accounting Theory
• Managerial Accounting (GMBA)
• Risks Assessment and Management (EMBA)
• Seminar on Financial Accounting Theory(III)
• Seminar on Financial Accounting Theory(III)
• Taxes and Business Strategy
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Professor, NTU
Associate Professor, NTU
Conference Paper
  1. 王瑄,葉疏, December 2010, 股價是否充分反映其他綜合淨利項目及股權交易之評價內涵?, 2010會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  2. 葉疏,王瑄, November 2009, 國際保險會計準則之現狀及展望, 第五屆中國保險教育論壇, (Xiamen).
  3. Wayne R. Landsman, Bruce L. Miller, Ken Peasnell, Shu Yeh, May 2009, Do Investors Understand Really Dirty Surplus?, European Accounting Association 32nd Annual Congress, (Tampere).
  4. 葉疏,杜榮瑞,王瑄, December 2008, 財務資訊透明度與股價報酬關聯性研究, 2008 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  5. 葉疏,方偉廉, November 2007, 子公司負債對母公司評價之攸關性研究, 21世紀會計專業會計產業與會計揭露研討會, (Taipei).
  6. Wayne Landsman, Mark Lang, Shu Yeh, September 2006, Governance and the Split of Options between Executive and Non-executive Employees, The 2006 Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance/KPMG Foundation Conference, (New York).
  7. Wayne R. Landsman, Bruce L. Miller, Shu Yeh, May 2006, Implications of Components of Income Excluded from Pro Forma Earnings for Future Profitability and Equity Valuation, The 2006 JBFA Capital Markets Conference, (Thessaloniki).
  8. 葉疏,方偉廉, December 2005, 合併財務報表與企業融資之關連性, 2005 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  9. Wayne Landsman, Ken Peasnell, Peter Pope and Shu Yeh, October 2005, Which Approach to Accounting for Employee Stock Options Best Reflects Market Pricing?, 2005 Review of Accounting Studies conference, (0).
  10. 葉疏,王瑄,杜榮瑞, December 2005, 財務報表信心危機下,財務資訊透明度與股價異常報酬相關性研究, 2005 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  11. 葉疏,黃美祝,林世銘, December 2005, 土地增值稅準備與稅率調降的股市效應之關連性研究, 2005 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  12. 葉疏, 王瑄, December 2005, 員工分紅配股會計處理與價值攸關性之探討, 2005 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  13. Wayne Landsman, Ken Peasnell, Peter Pope, Shu Yeh, July 2004, The Value Relevance of Alternative Methods of Accounting for Employee Stock Options, 2004 London Business School Accounting Symposium, (London Business School).
  14. Wayne Landsman, Bruce Miller, Shu Yeh, November 2003, Implications of Operating Income and Analyst Street Earnings for Future Profitability and Equity Valuation, 2003會計理論與實務研討會, (Tainan).
  15. Chun-Hao Chang, Arun Prakash, Shu Yeh, March 2002, Sale of Monopoly Information and the Behavior of the Rivaling Clients: A Theoretical Perspective, 2002 Southwestern Society of Economists Annual Conference, (Southwestern Society of Economists).
  16. Timothy Bell, Wayne Landsman, Bruce Miller, Shu Yeh, August 2001, The Valuation Implications of Employee Stock Option Accounting for Computer Software Firms, 2001 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Atlanta).
  17. Timothy Bell, Ananda Ganguly, Ira Solomon, Shu Yeh, November 2000, Auditor Business Knowledge Acquisition, the Audit Risk Model, and the Conditionality of Audit Risk on Client Business Risk, 2000 Washington University Conference on Auditing Research, (Washington).
Journal Paper
  1. Wayne R. Landsman, Bruce L. Miller, Ken Peasnell, Shu Yeh, January 2011, Do Investors Understand Really Dirty Surplus?, The Accounting Review, 237 - 258.
  2. 葉疏,方偉廉, September 2009, 子公司負債對母公司評價之攸關性研究, 臺大管理論叢, 99 - 126.
  3. 葉疏, 王瑄, April 2009, 員工分紅配股會計處理與價值攸關性之探討, 證券市場發展季刊, 163 - 194.
  4. Wayne R. Landsman, Bruce L. Miller, Shu Yeh, May 2007, Implications of Components of Income excluded from Pro Forma Earnings for Future Profitability and Equity Valuation, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 650 - 675.
  5. Wayne Landsman, Mark Lang, Shu Yeh, March 2007, Governance and the Split of Options between Executive and Non-executive Employees, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, 109 - 138, 國科會A級期刊.
  6. Wayne Landsman, Ken Peasnell, Peter Pope, Shu Yeh, September 2006, Which Approach to Accounting for Employee Stock Options Best Reflects Market Pricing?, Review of Accounting Studies, 203 - 245.
  7. Chun-Hao Chang, Arun J. Prakash, Shu Yeh, January 2004, Sale of Monopoly Information and the Behavior of the Rivaling Clients: A Theoretical Perspective, Review of Financial Economics, 283 - 304.
  8. 許崇源,張仲岳,葉疏, August 2003, 我們認為員工分紅應列為費用!, 會計研究月刊, 100 - 115.
  9. Timothy Bell, Wayne Landsman, Bruce Miller, Shu Yeh, 2002, The Valuation Implications of Employee Stock Option Accounting for Profitable Computer Software Firms, The Accounting Review, 971 - 996.
  10. 蔡彥卿,葉疏,李淑華, June 1997, 股價對盈餘之反應幅度與期間是否受公司規模影響, 管理學報, 227 - 240.
  11. Chang C.H., Yann-ching Tsai, Shu Yeh, April 1994, Determinants of Stock Prices in Taiwan: An Empirical Examination, Globalization of Asian Economies and Capital Markets, 1 - 16.
  12. Timothy Bell, Shu Yeh, 1985, How to Use Lexis in Financial Accounting Practice, CPA85.
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