Detailed Information
Yi-Wen Chien
Ph.D. PhD,Purdue University
Office : Building II, College of Management 805
Tel : 02-33661057
Fax : 02-23625379
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Research Field
• Consumer Psychology
• Consumer Information Process
• Deviation of Product Decision
• Consumer Attitude and Decision Theory
Research Field Summary
• PhD,Purdue University
• Marketing Channel Management
• Marketing Management
• Oper. & Prac. of Experiments in Behavior Sciences
• Seminar in Consumer Attitude and Psychology
Academic Year 112 Recipient of the University's Outstanding Teaching Award
Academic Year 111 Recipient of the Outstanding Mentor Award
Academic Year 111 Recipient of the College's Outstanding Teaching Award
Academic Year 110 Recipient of the College's Outstanding Teaching Award
Academic Year 109 Recipient of the College's Outstanding Teaching Award
Academic Year 106 Recipient of the University's Outstanding Teaching Award
Academic Year 105 Recipient of the College's Outstanding Teaching Award
Academic Year 104 Recipient of the College's Outstanding Teaching Award
Conference Paper
  1. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2024, Examining Message Order Effect in User-Generated Content, Proceedings of 2024 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  2. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2024, Reversal of Contextual Ad’s Contrast Bias in Brand Perception, Proceedings of 2024 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  3. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2023, The Different Roles of Two Involvements in Triggering Consumers’ Bias Correction, Proceedings of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2023.
  4. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2023, The Magnitude of Consumers’ Bias Correction in Product Judgment, Proceedings of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2023.
  5. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2022, Consumers’ Correction on Contrastive Bias in Product Judgment, Proceedings of 2022 Winter American Marketing Association Conference.
  6. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2022, Does Pro/Con Message Lead to Better Product Perceptions Than Con/Pro Message? The Interaction Effect of Message Order and Source in User-Generated Content, Proceedings of 2022 Winter American Marketing Association Conference.
  7. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2022, On the Determinant of Judgmental Correction on Brand Extension, Proceedings of 2022 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  8. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2022, Reversal Effects of Highly Prestigious Brands’ Contrast, Proceedings of 2022 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  9. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2020, Examining the Effect of Sponsorship Disclosure and Information Type on Product Attitude in the Context of User-Generated Content, Proceedings of 2020 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  10. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2020, Core Brand Correction Effects, Proceedings of 2020 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  11. Chien, Y., and Liu, S., 2020, The Effects of Majority/Minority Source Status and Argument Quality of Online Reviews on Product Perceptions: The Moderating Role of Product Type, Proceedings of 2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference.
  12. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2019, Consumers’ Correction for Mood Bias in Product Judgment, Proceedings of 2019 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  13. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2019, Consumers’ Attitude Recalibration: The Role of Attitude Confidence, Proceedings of 2019 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  14. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2019, Mood Bias Correction Activated by Ad Taglines: Sensory-Focused vs. Functional-Focused Judgment, Proceedings of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2019.
  15. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2019, Moderating Effect of Attitude Confidence on Consumer Correction for Endorser Bias, Proceedings of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2019.
  16. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2017, Consumers’ Bias Correction in Advertising, Proceedings of 2017 Summer American Marketing Association Conference.
  17. Chang, Y., and Chien, Y., 2016, The Role of Self-Esteem and Bias Identification, Proceedings of 2016 Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference.
  18. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2016, Examining the Influence of Target-Context Category Congruency, Target Ambiguity, and Dimensional Ranges on Context Effects through the Dimensional Range Overlap Model, Proceedings of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2016.
  19. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2016, On the Determinant of Consumers’ Judgmental Correction when Exposing to Ads in Sequence, Proceedings of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2016.
  20. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2015, Can Integrated Context Effects Be Different from the Summation of Individual Context Effect?, Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Social Science and Management (IACSSM) 2015.
  21. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2015, Distinctiveness of Two Involvements for Consumers Bias Correction, Proceedings of Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences (ASMSS) 2015.
  22. Hsiao, C., and Chien, Y., 2015, Multiple Roles of Context Ad: Metacognition May Result in Backfire on Ad Persuasion, Proceedings of Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences (ASMSS) 2015.
  23. Chien, Y., and Hsiao, C., 2015, A Three-Route Framework for Explaining the Core Brand Effect’s on Extension Evaluations, Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Social Science and Management (IACSSM) 2015.
  24. Hsiao C., Chien Y., January 2014, On the Determinant of Extent of Which Bias Correction Is Made: The Mediating Role of Consumers’ Attitudinal Confidence, Management Theory and Practice Conference.
  25. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2014, The Moderating Role of Consumer Expertise on Bias Correction, Management Theory and Practice Conference.
  26. Hsiao C., Chien Y., January 2012, How May Attitude Confidence Influence Correction Magnitude, Proceedings of Business and Information 2012 Conference.
  27. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2012, A Framework for Explaining the Diverse Core Brand Effects on Extension Evaluations, Proceedings of Business and Information 2012 Conference.
  28. Hsiao C., Chien Y., January 2010, Bias Removal and Judgmental Recalibration on Contrastive Context, Proceedings of the Global Marketing 2010 Conference.
  29. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2010, Source Effects on Product Judgments: Moderation of Product-Source Positioning and Category Relevance, Proceedings of the Global Marketing 2010 Conference.
  30. Hsiao C., Chien Y., January 2010, Correction for Mood Bias in Product Judgments, Proceedings of the 2010 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  31. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2010, Category Relevance and Positioning Relevance for Explaining Source Effects on Product Judgments, Proceedings of the 2010 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference.
  32. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2001, Correction for Multiple Biasing Factors in Product Judgments, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research 2000 Annual Conference.
  33. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2001, Dimensional Range Overlap Model for Explanation of Contextual Priming Effects, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research 2000 Annual Conference.
  34. Hsiao C., Chien Y., December 2001, An Adjusted Ratio Model in Feature-Matching Similarity Judgment, Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology 2001 Winter Conference.
  35. DeVaney S. A., Chien Y., January 2000, Determinants of Savings in Thrift Savings Plans and Individual Retirement Accounts, Proceedings of The Gerontological Society of America 2000 Conference.
  36. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2000, Correction for Multiple Biasing Factors in Product Judgments: Correction Is Based on the Identified Biasing Factors, Proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances 2000 Annual Conference.
  37. Chien Y., Hsiao C., January 2000, The Effects of Endorsers on Product Judgments Depend on the Interaction of Consumer Involvement and Endorser Relevance, Proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances 2000 Annual Conference.
  38. DeVaney S. A., Chien Y., January 1999, Participation in Formal Retirement Plans: Self-Employed versus Wage Workers, Proceedings of The Gerontological Society of America 1999 Conference.
Journal Paper
  1. Yi-Wen Chien, Chung-Chiang Hsiao, Duane T. Wegener, and Richard E. Petty, 2019, Setting aside mood-biased thoughts and judgments: Theory-based bias correction, International Journal of Social Psychology.
  2. Yi-Wen Chien and Chung-Chiang Hsiao, January 2015, Be Yourself, Image Is Nothing: Bias Correction when Viewing Ads in Sequence, Social Influence.
  3. Chien, Y., Wegener, D. T., Petty, R. E., and Hsiao, C., 2014, The Flexible Correction Model: Bias Correction Guided by Naïve Theories of Bias, Social and Personality Psychology Compass (in press), (ProQuest/APA)..
  4. Hsiao, C., Chien, Y., and Chiu, Y., 2013, The Majority/Minority Effect on Product Judgment: Moderation of Involvement and Source Relevance, 台大管理論叢.
  5. Wegener, D. T., and Chien, Y., 2013, Elaboration and Choice, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 543 - 551.
  6. Chien Y., Wegener D., Hsiao C., Petty R. E., October 2010, Dimensional Range Overlap and Context effects in consumer Judgments, Journal of Consumer Research, 530 - 542.
  7. Hsiao C., Chien Y., Liang G., 2010, A Two-Factor Explanation of Consumers’Self-Activated Bias Correction in Product Judgments, Journal of Management, 319 - 335.
  8. Chien Y., Hsiao C., 2008, Bias Correction for Contextual Contrast:, Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, 114 - 137.
  9. Chien Y., Hsiao C., Chiu Y., Lu D., 2007, The Influence of Message Source-Product Category Relevance, Source Credibility, and Involvement on Product Attitudes, Management Review.
  10. Hsiao C., Chien Y., May 2004, On the Biasing Judgment of Innovation: Context Effect of Existent Brand, 4(3), Pages 339-356, Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, 339 - 356.
  11. DeVaney S. A., Chien Y., May 2002, Children’s Education as the Most Important Savings Goal, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 64 - 70.
  12. DeVaney S. A., Chien Y., 2001, A Model of Savings Behavior and the Amount Saved in Retirement Accounts, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 72 - 81.
  13. Chien Y., DeVaney S. A., 2001, The Effects of Credit Attitude and Socioeconomic Factors on Credit Card and Installment Debt, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 162 - 179.
  14. DeVaney S. A., Chien Y., 2000, Participation in Retirement Plans: A Comparison of the Self-Employed and Wage and Salary Workers, Compensation and Working Conditions, 31 - 36.
No Data Available
Book Paper

1.Chien, Y. (2002), “Dimensional Range Overlap Model for Explanation of Contextual Priming Effects on Product Judgments”, Doctoral Dissertation, Purdue University.

2. 「Consumer Involvement and Bias Correction」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 92-2416-H-002-014。



5.「Priming Range Effects: Biasing Direction and Degree of Product Judgments」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 93-2416-H-002-017。

6.「Effects of Source Credibility on Product Judgments: Multiple Role under Different Involvement Levels」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 94-2416-H-002-010。

7.「數位典藏應用服務分項計劃-數位典藏網路園區計劃」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 94-2422-H-002-022。

8.「消費者對品牌延伸判斷的偏誤修正: 偏誤知識與動機」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 95-2416-H-002-046。

9.「2006年數位典藏國家型科技計畫參加紐約授權展計畫」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 94-2422-H-003-008。

10.「訊息來源可信度之多重角色: 訊息來源與產品種類相關性、訊息來源與產品形象符合程度與消費者涉入程度對品牌態度的影響」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 97-2410-H-002-092。

11.「週邊效果對產品判斷的影響: 近因促發與高頻促發的相對效果」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 99-2410-H-002-132。

12.「解釋母品牌對延伸品牌多重效果之理論架構」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 100-2410-H-002-006。

13.「產品判斷的情緒修正: 享樂型與效用型資訊處理目標對負面情緒修正量之不同影響」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 101-2410-H-002-010。

14.「消費者產品偏誤修正涉入之獨特性: 偏誤認定涉入及修正執行涉入」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 102-2410-H-002-169。

15.「雙重促發對產品判斷的週邊效果」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 103-2410-H-002-102。

16.「消費者對正面心情偏誤的修正: 知覺偏誤與處理產品資訊目標的交互作用」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 104-2410-H-002-139。

17.「想法信心於產品判斷偏誤修正量之角色探討」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 106-2410-H-002-058。

18.「揭露廠商贊助的產品評價修正效果: 產品資訊型態, 代言人吸引力, 以及代言人產品相關性的調節效果」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 107-2410-H-002-105。

19.「揭露廠商贊助對說服效果的影響: 揭露時間、訊息單雙面型態,與消費者涉入的交互作用」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 MOST 108-2410-H-002-233。

20.「第一個產品訊息是否比第二個產品訊息對產品態度更有影響力? 檢視用戶原創內容正負產品訊息的順序效果」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 MOST 109-2410-H-002 -082 -MY2 (兩年期計畫)。


22.「高知名品牌對比偏差的逆轉效應」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 MOST 111-2410-H-002-060 -MY2 (兩年期計畫)。

Technical Report
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