Detailed Information
Ching-Sung Wu
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles
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Research Field
• International Business Management
• International Investments
• Global Strategies Management
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles
• International M&A and Joint Venture Strategy
• International Merger and Acquisition Strategy
• Multinational Business Management
• Seminar on International Entry Strategy
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Conference Paper
  1. Ching-Sung Wu, July 2011, A Comparative Study of Alliance Strategies Between U.S. MNEs’ Taiwanese Subsidiaries, Fourth Annual International Business Conference, (Dearborn, Detroit Metropolitan, Michigan).
  2. Ching-Sung Wu, Chung-Fern Wu, December 2010, Managerial Learning in US Joint Ventures and Wholly-Owned Enterprises in China, 2010 AIB Southeast Asia Region Conference, (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies. Lingnan University.
  3. Ching-Sung Wu,Chun-Liang Chen, March 2009, The Relationships Between Internet Application and Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) Conference for Academic Disciplines, (Las Vegas), (winner of the best paper in Business and Economics track).
  4. Ching-Sung Wu,Wen-Guu Huang, Chun-Liang Chen,Yi-Chen Lu, December 2008, Development of a Cultural Production Innovation Model in Taiwan’s Puppetry Industry, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, (Kuala Lumpur).
  5. Ching-Sung Wu,Yi-Long Jaw,Chun-Liang Chen, June 2008, Development of Cultural Production Innovation Model in Digital Technology, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, (Milan).
  6. Ching-Sung Wu,Robert, S.Q., Lai, Su-Houn Liu, Jun-Liang Chen, March 2006, The Role of Strategic Alliances in the E-Business Transformation of MNE Subsidiaries: Evidence form Taiwan Market, The 8th International Conference on Multinational Enterprises.
  7. 吳青松, August 2004, Strategy, Structure and Economic Performance of Special Economic Zones in China, China-India Conference at the Indian School of Business Hyderabad.
  8. 吳青松, May 2004, 奈米科技發展:亞洲國家不同國家創新系統所產生之新興奈米科技聚落,以USPTO專利為例, 第二屆科技聚落的發展研討會, 工業技術研究院主辦.
  9. 吳青松, January 2003, 海外直接投資連結關係: 美國、台灣、中國大陸之案例, 第一屆科技聚落的發展---矽谷、新竹、上海研討會, 工業技術研究院主辦.
  10. 吳青松, November 2002, 網路風暴下美國電子商務經營策略與評價分析, 前瞻管理新知與實務研討會, 中華民國管理科學學會主辦.
  11. 吳青松, 2001, 我國企業轉型績效之研究, 第十屆產業管理研討會.
  12. 吳青松, August 2000, 聯盟與網路在台灣高科技及傳統產業發展之策略性涵義, 海峽兩岸企業改革與發展研討會, 中國社會科學院與中華經濟研究院合辦,哈爾濱.
  13. 吳青松, July 1999, 我國不同規模企業對外投資經營活動及績效之比較, 1999企業跨國經營管理研討會.
  14. 吳青松, July 1997, 核心技術能力累積對中小型企業國際化之意義, 第六屆產業管理研討會.
  15. 吳青松, May 1997, Major Issues Toward International Investment and Multinational Corporations Concerning the ROC under the regime of WTO, Seminar on International Trade Policies After the WTO Singapore Ministerial Conference, (Taipei), Organized by Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  16. 吳青松, February 1997, Links Between Business Strategy and R&D Management Strategy: An Empirical Investigation of Europe, US, and Japan-based Multinational Corprations’ Asian Subsidiaries, 7th International Conference on the Management of Technology, (Orlando, Florida).
  17. 吳青松, July 1996, The Role of Government in International Technology Transfer in Taiwan, Chung-Hwa Institute for Economic Research, (Taipei), Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute for Economic Research.
  18. 吳青松, September 1992, 東歐地區投資環境評估與市場發展策略分析, 第一屆台灣企業國化研討會, 中華民國管理科學學會.
Journal Paper
  1. 吳青松, April 2012, What Determinants Can Improve the Performance of International New Venture? A Review and Synthesis of the Empirical Literature between 1996 and 2010, Management International Review.
  2. 吳青松, 2012, Comparative Analysis of Trajectory of Growth in High-Tech International New Ventures Rejoining the Entrepreneurship, Dynamic Capability, and Network Theoretical Frameworks, International Business Review.
  3. 吳青松, 2012, Dynamics of Partner Fit in International Alliance, Journal of Management and Organization.
  4. Jason Hsu ,吳青松, April 2012, The Comparison of International Strategic Alliance Network between Chinese and American Pharmaceutical Industry, Journal of International Management Studies.
  5. Ching-Sung Wu, Su-Houn Liu, Chun-Liang Chen, October 2009, The asymmetries in strategic alliances of MNEssubsidiaries in Taiwan, International Journal of Technology Management, 336 - 357.
  6. 吳青松, 吳琮璠, 林美鳳, January 2008, 資訊科技投資與企業績效之關係:從企業生命週期論析, 資訊管理學報, 155 - 183.
  7. 吳青松、石素娟, June 2007, 以AHP群體決策法選擇企業在特定區位之進入模式, 交大管理學報.
  8. 吳青松、吳琮璠、高正興, August 2006, 企業財務長外包的理論基礎及情境分析, 證券櫃檯月刊, 87 - 122.
  9. Ching-Sung Wu,Su-Houn Liu, Chun-Liang Chen, Sheng- Hsiung Chang, August 2006, A Comparative Study of the Alliance Experiences between MNE’s Taiwanese Subsidiaries, The Journal of Global Business Management, 136 - 145.
  10. Chung-Chou Chen, Ching-Sung Wu, Rebecca Chung-Fern Wu, July 2006, E-Service Enhancement Priority Matrix: The Case of an IC Foundry Company, Information and Management, 572 - 586.
  11. 吳青松,Peter J. Sher and Joseph Y. Lu, February 2006, The Dynamic Competition, Strategic Enforcement Through IPR Management: A Case of Bike Component Industry, Taiwan Academy of Management Journal.
  12. 吳青松、黃營杉、林隆儀, December 2004, 不同聯盟型態之下經濟誘因與信任之相對重要性研究-以台灣清涼飲料產業為例, 交大管理學報.
  13. 吳青松、吳琮璠、蔡爵穗, August 2004, 以經濟附加價值比較分析中油經營績效A Comparative analysis of Oil Industry Business Performance Using Economic Value Added as a Measure, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review.
  14. 吳青松、吳琮璠, September 2004, 公營事業委託會計師審計公費競價現象分析, 企業管理學報.
  15. 吳青松, December 2003, 網路風暴下電子商務經營策略與評價分析—以美國網路公司為例, 企業管理學報.
  16. 吳青松, April 1993, 我國資訊電子業關鍵成功因素之探討, 中華民國管理科學學報.
  17. 吳青松(Wu, Ching-Sung), January 1993, 臺灣資訊電子產業成功關鍵因素, 公司能力與聯盟策略之實證研究, 臺灣大學管理論叢, 209 - 226.
  18. 吳青松, May 1992, 國際產業策略聯盟之型態與發展趨勢, 台灣經濟研究月刊.
  19. 吳青松(Wu, Ching-Sung), May 1991, Strategy:a Mapping of the Field, 臺灣大學社會科學論叢, 179 - 197.
  20. 吳青松, December 1990, 國際併購對象之策略規劃, 會計研究月刊.
  21. 吳青松, May 1990, 併購抑籌建新廠:外人在美直接投資之策略選擇, 台大管理論叢.
  22. 吳青松, December 1987, 全球科技競爭下之國際策略聯盟--全球電腦與電訊製造業實例, 加州大學博士論文.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. 吳青松, 2012, 國際企業管理:理論與實務, Best Wise Publisher.
  2. Weston, Siu and Johnson (吳青松譯著), 2003, 併購、公司重組與公司治理, 雙葉.
  3. 吳青松, 1998, 現代行銷學:國際性視野, Best Wise Publisher.
  4. 吳青松, George Yip, et. al., 1998, 亞洲優勢:亞太地區之成功國際策略(Asian Advantage: Key Strategy for Winning in the Asia-Pacific Region), Addison Wesley Longman.
  5. 吳青松, 1998, 亞太金融危機與台灣產業發展, 行政院國家科學委員會研討會實錄.
  6. 王志剛(Wang, Chih-Kang);吳青松(Wu, Ching-Sung), January 1994, 公平交易法規範下策略聯盟之經濟效益評估, 行政院公平交易委員會.
Technical Report
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