Detailed Information
Yeong-Sung Lin
Ph.D. Ph.D., USC
Bachelor B.S., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Office : Building II, College of Management 808
Tel : (02)33661191
Fax : (02)33661199
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Research Field
• AI
• Big Data Analysis
• Cloud Computing
• Information Security
• Network Planning and Capacity (Performance) Management
• Sensor Network
• 網路最佳化
• 網路效能評估
• Internet of Things
• 智慧化生產
• 金融科技
• Biometric Recognition
• 以內容為基礎之檢索與過濾技術
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., USC
• B.S., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
• Cloud Computing:Technology and Applications
• Computer Networks and Applications
• Discrete Mathematics
• Information Security
• Network Optimization
• Network Planning and Capacity Management
• Security and Reliability of Network Design
• 新世代資通訊技術之理論與實務
No Data Available
1991/6 - 1994/8 Network Planning and Management Member of Technical Staff, Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bell Communications Research, Bellcore)
1994/8 - 1996/7 Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
1996/7 - Present Professor, Dept. of Information Management, National Taiwan University
Conference Paper
  1. Chiu-Han Hsiao, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Tzu-Lung Sun, Ping-Tzu Chung, Hsinning Wang, Hao-Min Cheng, Nan-Jing Peng , and Yennun Huang, 2024, Deep Learning Fusion for Enhanced Coronary Artery Disease Diagnostics: Integrating Clinical Data with Multimodal CNNs in SPECT-MPI Image Processing, AOCR 2024, Poster.
  2. Chiu-Han Hsiao, Chih-Horng Wu, Feng-Jung Yang, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Hung-Pei Wu, Tzu-Lung Sun, and Yennun Huang, 2024, Revolutionizing Liver Cancer Diagnostics: A Novel AI-Powered Framework for Enhanced CT Image Segmentation and Analysis through Patch-Based U-Net and Generative Artificial Intelligence, AOCR 2024, Poster.
  3. Chiu-Han Hsiao, Chih-Horng Wu, Feng-Jung Yang, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Pin-Hsuan Wu, Tzu-Lung Sun, and Yennun Huang, 2024, Multiphase Fusion in HCC Diagnostics: Leveraging Advanced Image Augmentation and Deep Learning for Enhanced CT Analysis, AOCR 2024, Poster.
  4. Chiu Han Hsiao, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Yi-Tsen Lu, Chih-Horng Wu, Yennun Huang1, Feng-Jung Yang, and Shao-Yu Yang, 2024, Revolutionizing Renal Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis: AI-Powered Advances in ccRCC Classification, AOCR 2024, Poster.
  5. Hsiao, C. H., Peng, T. Y., Huang, W. C., Teng, H. I., Lu, T. M., Lin, F. Y. S., & Huang, Y., 2022, A Federated Learning-Based Precision Prediction Model for External Elastic Membrane and Lumen Boundary Segmentation in Intravascular Ultrasound Images, Proc. AINA.
  6. Hsiao, C. H., Yu, P. C., Hsieh, C. Y., Zhong, B. Z., Tsai, Y. L., Cheng, H. M., Chang, W. L., Lin, F. Y. S., & Huang, Y, 2022, A Machine Learning-Based Model for Predicting the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Proc. AINA 2022.
  7. C. J. Huang, F. S. Hsu, S. C. Lin, C. H. Hsiao, Yennun Huang, S. R. Huang, F. Y. S. Lin, and C. W. Chen., 2021, A Wavelet Transform Based Denoising Algorithm for Breathing Sound Detection., Proc. ASA 2021, (San Diego, USA), (EI).
  8. F. Y. S. Lin, W. Y. Lin, K. Y. Tai, C. H. Hsiao, and H. J. Yang., 2021, A Usage-Based Insurance Policy Bidding and Support Platform Using Internet of Vehicles Infrastructure and Blockchain Technology., Proc. AINA 2021, (Toronto, Canada), (EI).
  9. C. H. Hsiao, M. C. Tsai, F. Y. S. Lin, P. C. Lin, F. J. Yang, S. Y. Yang, S. Y. Wang, P. R. Liu, and Yennun Huang., 2021, Automatic Kidney Volume Estimation System Using Transfer Learning Techniques, Proc. AINA 2021, (Toronto, Canada), (EI).
  10. K. Y. Tai, T. S. Chen, F. Y. S. Lin, P. M. Huang, and J. C. Tu, 2020, Dynamic Hierarchical Security Access Control with Time-limited Method in Electronic Medical Record, AINA 2020, (Caserta, Italy), (EI).
  11. F. Y. S. Lin, E. S. H. Fang, and C. H. Hsiao, 2019, Facial Recognition and Emotion Detection System for Dynamic Advertisement Allocation, ICIW 2019, (Nice, France), (EI).
  12. F. Y. S. Lin, E. S. H. Fang, C. H. Hsiao, and H. H. Lin, 2019, Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks to Identify Influencers for Crowdfunding Campaigns on Twitter, ICIW 2019, (Nice, France), (EI).
  13. K. Y. Tai, T. S. Chen, and F. Y. S. Lin, 2019, Apply Lagrange Interpolation Based Access Control Mechanism in Personal Health Record Medical System, BWCCA 2019, (Antwerp, Belgium), (EI).
  14. Shih-Yao Chen, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Yean-Fu Wen and Chiu-Han Hsiao, 2018, Starvation-Avoidance Routing Assignment for Multihop Wireless Networks, The 32nd IEEE International Conference on. Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-2018), (Poland), (EI).
  15. F. Y. S. Lin, C. H. Hsiao, Y. F. Wen, and Y. C. Su, 2018, Adaptive Broadcast Routing Assignment Algorithm for Blockchain Synchronization Services, ICUFN 2018, (Prague, Czech Republic), (EI).
  16. F. Y. S. Lin, C. H. Hsiao, Y. F. Wen, and Y. S. Wu, 2018, Optimization-Based Resource Management Strategies for 5G C-RAN Slicing Capabilities, ICUFN 2018, (Prague, Czech Republic), (EI).
  17. Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Chiu-Han Hsiao, Yean-Fu Wen, and Po-Chuan Chien, July 2017, Dynamical Cloud Hosts Assignment to Achieve Cost-Effectiveness in Cloud Radio Access Networks, International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2017), (Milan, Italy), (EI).
  18. Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Ming-Chi Tsai, Yean-Fu Wen, and Chiu-Han Hsiao, June 2017, Adaptive Power Ranges and Associations for Self-Healing in Multiple Types of Wi-Fi Networks, The 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017), (Valencia, Spain), (EI).
  19. F.Y.S. Lin, C.H. Hsiao, and Y.F. Wen, March 2016, A Precision Operation Optimization for Detection-Based Sensor Networks, The 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016), (Crans-Montana).
  20. Y.F. Wen, S.Y. Chen, C.H. Hsiao, and F.Y.S. Lin, March 2016, Explore and Analyze the Performance Factors for Wi-Fi Sensing Starvation Problems, The 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016), (Crans-Montana).
  21. Li-Wen Fang, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Yean-Fu Wen, Chiu-Han Hsiao, 2016, Optimize Quality-of-Experience with Scheduling Design in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, BAI’ 16, (EI).
  22. P.Y. Chen, Y.J. Chen, F.Y.S. Lin, May 2014, Resource Allocation Strategies under Attack-Defense Dual-Role and Malicious Attacks, MUE 2014 : The 8th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, (Zhangjiajie).
  23. P.Y. Chen, F.Y.S. Lin, May 2014, An Evaluation of Network Survivability under the Effect of Accumulated Experience from Sophisticated Attacker, MUE 2014 : The 8th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, (Zhangjiajie).
  24. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang, May 2014, Modeling Synergy Effects Considering both Positive and Negative Factors Between Participants, The 9th FTRA International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech 2014), (Zhangjiajie).
  25. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang, I.T. Chang, W.W. Hsiao, May 2014, Effective Network Defense Strategies to Assure Service Continuity Under Malicious Collaborative Attacks, The 9th FTRA International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech 2014), (Zhangjiajie).
  26. Y.S. Wang, F.Y.S. Lin, J.W. Wang and C.H. Chan, November 2013, Maximization of Wireless Mesh Networks Survivability to Assure Service Continuity under Intelligent Attacks, The 27th IEEE International Conference on. Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-2013).
  27. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang, H.Y. Chung and J.L. Pan, December 2012, Maximization of Network Survivability under Malicious and Epidemic Attacks, The 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA 2012), (Fukuoka, Japan).
  28. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang, Y.P. Wu and C.Y. Hsu, December 2012, Effective Network Defense Strategies against Malicious Attacks with Various Defense Mechanisms under Quality of Service Constraints, The 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA 2012), (Fukuoka, Japan).
  29. F.Y.S. Lin, P.Y. Chen, Q.T. Chen, December 2012, Resource Allocation Strategies to Maximize Network Survivability Considering of Average DOD, The 9th International Conference of Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2012), (Salamanca, Spain).
  30. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang, J.W. Wang and C.H. Chan, December 2012, Effective Network Defense Strategies to Maximize System Survivability of Wireless Mesh Networks under Malicious and Jamming Attacks, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2012), (São Carlos, Brazil).
  31. F.Y.S. Lin, H.H. Yen, P.Y. Chen and Y.F. Wen, May 2011, Evaluation of Network Survivability Considering Degree of Disconnectivity, International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2011), (Wrocław, Poland).
  32. F.Y.S. Lin, H.H. Yen and P.Y. Chen, June 2011, Maximization of Network Survivability Considering Degree of Disconnectivity, International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, (Santander, Spain).
  33. F.Y.S. Lin, H.H. Yen, P.Y. Chen and Y.F. Wen, November 2011, Network Defense Strategies for Maximization of Network Survivability, Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2011), (NYS, USA).
  34. F.Y.S. Lin, P.Y. Chen, Y.S. Wang and Y.Y. Chang, November 2011, Network Recovery Strategies for Maximization of Network Survivability under Malicious Attacks, 2011 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), (Istanbul, Turkey).
  35. C.C. Huang, K.J. Farn and F.Y.S. Lin, November 2011, A Study on Information Security Management with Personal Data Protection, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2011), (Tainan, Taiwan).
  36. C.T. Lee and F.Y.S. Lin, April 2010, An Energy-Efficient Lagrangean Relaxation-based Object Tracking Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. ICIM.
  37. C.T. Lee and F.Y.S. Lin, December 2010, An Efficient Circuit-Switched Broadcasting in Star Graph, The 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2010), (Busan, Korea).
  38. C.T. Lee, F.Y.S. Lin, and Y.S. Wang, December 2010, Maximizing the Lifetime of Layered Defense in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Wearable Computing Systems (APWCS 2010), (Shenzhen, China).
  39. C.T. Lee and F.Y.S. Lin, December 2010, Boundary Monitoring Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks of Grouping Capabilities, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS 2010), (Beijin, China).
  40. F.Y.S. Lin, C.T. Lee, and Y.Y. Hsu, December 2010, An Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS 2010), (Beijin, China).
  41. F.Y.S. Lin, C.T. Lee, and L.Y. Lin, December 2010, An Efficient Time Slot Allocation Algorithm in Wireless Networks, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS '10), (Beijing, China).
  42. F.Y.S. Lin, K.C. Chu, P.Y. Chen and G.W. Chen, December 2010, Near Optimal Secret Sharing for Information Leakage Maximization, Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2010 (IEA/AIE 2010), (Cordoba, Spain).
  43. F.Y.S. Lin, P.Y. Chen and C.W. FanChiang, July 2010, Near-Optimal Defense Strategies against DDoS Attacks Based upon Packet Filtering and Blocking Enabled by Packet Marking, The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2010 (PACIS), (Taipei, Taiwan).
  44. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang and P.H. Tsang, December 2010, Efficient Defense Strategies to Minimize Attackers’ Success Probabilities in Honeynet, Sixth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2010), (Atlanta, GA, USA).
  45. Frank Yeong-Sung Lin,Yu-Shun Wang,Po-Hao Tsang,Jui-Pin Lo, December 2010, Redundancy and Defense Resource Allocation Algorithms to Assure Service Continuity against Natural Disasters and Intelligent Attacks, The Sixth International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2011), (Barcelona, Spain).
  46. M.T. Hsu, F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Chang and T.Y. Juang, June 2009, Reliable Greedy Forwarding in Obstacle-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks, The 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2009), (Taipei, Taiwan).
  47. F.Y.S. Lin, P.Y. Chen, P.H. Tsang, April 2009, An Evaluation of Network Survivability When Defense Levels Are Discounted by the Accumulated Experience of Attackers, Proc. SC.
  48. F.Y.S. Lin, P.H. Tsang, P.Y. Chen and H.T. Chen, July 2009, Maximization of Network Robustness Considering the Effect of Escalation and Accumulated Experience of Intelligent Attackers, The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2009), (Orlando Florida, USA).
  49. P.H. Tsang, F.Y.S. Lin and C.W. Chen, 2008, Maximization of Network Survival Time in the Event of Intelligent and Malicious Attacks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), (Beijing, China).
  50. F.Y.S. Lin, L.Y. Lin and C.T. Lee, 2008, A Near-Optimal Time Slot Allocation Algorithm for Wireless Networks that Support Multiple Classes of Traffic, Proc. ICIM.
  51. F.Y.S. Lin, P.H. Tsang and C.B. Kuo, 2008, Defending against Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks Using Routing Assignments and Resource Allocation Strategies under Quality-of-Service (QoS) Constraints, The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2008.
  52. F.Y.S. Lin, P.H. Tsang and K.D. Jiang, December 2008, A Near-Optimal Redundancy Allocation Strategy that Minimizes a System’s Vulnerability to Hazardous Events and Malicious Attacks, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2008), (Suzhou, China).
  53. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2007, Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation Routing and Duty-Cycle Scheduling in Cluster-based Sensor Networks, Proc. IEEE CCNC.
  54. C.F. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2007, A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for RFID Reader Networks, Proc. IEEE WCNC.
  55. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, W.C. Kuo, 2007, A Tree-based Energy-efficient Algorithm for Data-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. IEEE AINA.
  56. F.Y.S. Lin, P.H. Tsang, Y.L. Lin, 2007, Near Optimal Protection Strategies against Targeted Attacks on the Core Node of a Network, Proc. ARES.
  57. F.Y.S. Lin, C.L. Tseng and P.H. Tsang, 2007, Near Optimal Attack Strategies for the Maximization of Information Theft, Proc. WMSCI ’07.
  58. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, S.S.W. Lee, H.T. Chang and B. Mukherjee, June 2007, Optical WDM Network Planning Using Heterogeneous Multi-granularity OXCs, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007).
  59. M.T. Hsu, F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Chang and T.Y. Juang, October 2007, The Fault Probability Estimation and Decision Reliability Improvement in WSNs, 2007 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2007), (Taipei, Taiwan).
  60. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin and H.S. Wang, 2007, A TDMA-based Scheduling and Routing Algorithm for Data-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (IEEE GLOBECOM 2007), (Washington D.C., USA).
  61. M.T. Hsu, F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Chang and T.Y. Juang, December 2007, The Reliability of Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: Modeling and Analyzing, Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (IFIP EUC 2007), (Berlin, Heidelberg).
  62. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2006, The Top Load Balanced Forest Routing in Mesh Networks, Proc. IEEE CCNC.
  63. F.Y.S. Lin, H.H. Yen, S.P. Lin, Y.F. Wen, 2006, MAC Aware Energy-Efficient Data-Centric Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. IEEE ICC.
  64. F.Y.S. Lin, P.H. Tsang, C.H. Chen, C.L. Tseng, Y.L. Lin, 2006, Evaluation of Network Robustness for Given Defense Resource Allocation Strategies, Proc. IEEE ARES.
  65. K.W. Peng, F.Y.S. Lin, J.F. Kwang, 2006, An Optimization-based Design Algorithm for CATV Networks, Proc. IASTED NCS.
  66. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2006, Cross-Layer Duty Cycle Scheduling with Data Aggregation Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. IFIP EUC.
  67. C.F. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, C.T. Lee, 2006, A Near-optimal Slot Assignment Algorithm for RFID Reader Networks, Proc. JCIS/CIS.
  68. C.T. Lee, F.Y.S. Lin, Y.F. Wen, 2006, An Efficient Object Tracking Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. JCIS.
  69. C.W Shiou, F.Y.S. Lin, H.C. Cheng, Y.F. Wen, 2005, Optimal Energy-Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. IEEE AINA.
  70. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.F. Wen, L.C. Fu, S.P. Lin, 2005, The Path-Based Minimum Power Broadcast Problem in Static Wireless Networks, Proc. IEEE TENCON.
  71. F.Y.S. Lin, P.L. Chiu, 2005, Energy-Efficient Sensor Network Design Subject to Complete Coverage and Discrimination Constraints, Proc. IEEE SECON.
  72. H.C. Cheng, F.Y.S. Lin, 2005, Maximum-Revenue Multicast Routing and Partial Admission Control for Multimedia Distribution, Proc. IEEE AINA.
  73. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, S.P. Lin, 2005, Efficient Data-Centric Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. IEEE ICC.
  74. P.L. Chiu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2005, A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Sensor Network Design, Proc. WIOPT.
  75. J.Y. Yeh, F.Y.S. Lin, H.C. Cheng, 2005, A Minimum Cost Multicast Routing Algorithm with the consideration of Dynamic User Membership, Proc. ICOIN.
  76. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, K.W. Lai, 2005, System Throughput Maximization Subject to delay and Time Fairness Constraints in 802.11 WLANs, Proc. IEEE ICPADS.
  77. Y.L. Kuo, K.W. Lai, F.Y.S. Lin, Y.F. Wen, E.H.K. Wu, G.H. Chen, 2005, Multi-Rate Throughput Optimization for Wireless Local Area Network Anomaly Problem, Proc. IEEE/CreateNet BROADNETS.
  78. F.Y.S. Lin, H.T. Hsie, M.L. Lin, P.C. Kao, H.L. Liu, 2004, A Sensor Allocation Algorithm in Sensor Networks, Proc. ECDL.
  79. F.Y.S. Lin, H.L. Liu, Y.C. Yu, C.T. Yu, Y.H. Ku, 2004, Architectures and Algorithms to Facilitate Location-based Services in WLANs, Proc. ECDL.
  80. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Effect of Non-uniform Traffic Distributions on Load Balancing in Cellular CDMA Systems, Proc. APCCAS.
  81. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Network Planning and Capacity Management Considering Adaptive Sectorization in Survivable FDMA/CDMA Systems, Proc. APCCAS.
  82. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Modeling of Prioritized Admission Control Supporting Adaptive Performance Management in Integrated Voice/Data CDMA Systems, Proc. IEEE VTC.
  83. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, S.H. Lee, 2004, Integrated Planning and Capacity Management of Survivable DS-CDMA Networks, Proc. ICNSC.
  84. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Survivability and Performance Optimization of Cellular DS-CDMA Networks Considering Recovery Decision of Base Stations, Proc. ICNSC.
  85. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Real-time Admission Control Supporting Prioritized Soft Handoff Calls in Cellular DS-CDMA Systems, Proc. ISCIS.
  86. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Adaptive Load Balancing of Cellular CDMA Systems Considering Non-uniform Traffic Distributions, Proc. HiPC.
  87. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Real-time Admission Control and Revenue Optimization for Cellular DS-CDMA Networks, Proc. RTCSA.
  88. H.C. Cheng, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, A Capacitated Minimum-cost Multicast Routing Algorithm for Multi-rate Multimedia Distribution, Proc. ISPACS.
  89. H.C. Cheng, C.C. Kuo, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, A Multicast Tree Aggregation Algorithm in Wavelength-routed WDM networks, Proc. APOC.
  90. H.C. Cheng, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Minimum-Cost Multicast Routing for Multi-Layered Multimedia Distribution, Proc. MMNS.
  91. H.C. Cheng, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Maximum-Revenue Multicast Routing and Partial Admission Control for Multirate Multimedia Distribution, Proc. ICS.
  92. P.L. Chiu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, A Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Support The Sensor Placement for Target Location, Proc. IEEE CCECE.
  93. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, K.W. Lai, 2004, Access Delay and Throughput Evaluation of Block ACK under 802.11 WLAN, Proc. Of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on CCN, MIT Cambridge.
  94. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, K.W. Lai, 2004, Maximization of System Throughput Subject to Access Time Fairness Constraints in Multi-Rate 802.11 WLANs, Proc. ICT.
  95. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2004, Minimum Energy Consumption Routing Protocol in Multi-Rate Non-Infrastructure Wireless Networks, Proc. ICS.
  96. C.W. Shiou, H.L. Liu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2003, A Positioning Algorithm and System Architecture for Indoor Location-based Wireless Services, Proc. AWS.
  97. F.Y.S. Lin, T.C. Wang, H.L. Liu, T.C. Chen, C.W. Lai, K.H. Yeh, 2003, Issues and Solutions for Positioning Indoor Mobile Users in IEEE 802.11b Wireless LANs, Proc. SDLIT.
  98. F.Y.S. Lin, H.L. Liu, Y.C. Yu, C.T. Yu, Y.H. Ku, 2003, A Study on Positioning Algorithm and System Architecture for Indoor Location-based Wireless Services, Proc. NCS.
  99. F.Y.S. Lin, T.C. Wang, H.L. Liu, T.C. Chen, C.W. Lai, K.H. Yeh, 2003, Approaches to Positioning Indoor Mobile Users in IEEE 802.11b Wireless LANs, Proc. CIACEB.
  100. F.Y.S. Lin, H.T. Hsie, M.L. Lin, P.C. Kao, H.L. Liu, 2003, An Optimal Access Point Placement Algorithm in Support for Location-based Services in Wireless LANs, Proc. of the 9th Conference on Information Management and Practice.
  101. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, S.F. Wang, 2003, An Admission Control Algorithm for CDMA Networks, Proc. IEEE ICON.
  102. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, H.F. Wang, 2003, Performance Analysis of Admission Control Algorithms for CDMA Networks, Proc. IEEE MWCN.
  103. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, H.F. Wang, 2003, Revenue Optimization for Uplink Connection Admission Control in Cellular CDMA Networks, Proc. ISPACS.
  104. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin, 2003, Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Survivable CDMA Networks, Proc. ICICS.
  105. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2002, Admission Control Algorithm for Wireless Communication Networks Considering Adjustable Channel Separation, Proc. IEEE CCECE.
  106. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2002, Resource and Performance Management in Wireless Communication Networks, Proc. IEEE ISCC.
  107. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2002, Reliable Wireless Communication Network Design Considering Customized Multiple-Connectivity, Proc. ICS.
  108. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2002, A Sequential Routing Algorithm in Virtual Circuit Networks Considering Real-time Admission Control, Proc. ICS.
  109. J.A Lin, C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2002, Resource Management and Performance Optimization of Wireless Communication Networks Considering the Effect of Obstacles and Configurable Sectorization, Proc. ICS.
  110. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Near-optimal Delay Constrained Routing in Virtual Circuit Networks, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM.
  111. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Near-optimal Design of Light-path Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Purely Optical WDM Networks, Proc. ONDM.
  112. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Backbone Network Design with QoS requirements, Proc. ICN.
  113. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, K. Lin, 2001, A Near-optimal Algorithm for Service Network Design, Proc. SCI.
  114. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Sectorization, Channel Assignment and Transmission Power Control in Wireless Communications Networks, Proc. ISCOM.
  115. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Integrated and Survivable Wireless Communications Network Design under the Consideration of Sectorization, Proc. ISCOM.
  116. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Channel Augmentation Algorithm Considering Generic Sectorization and Channel Interference, Proc. IEEE MWCN.
  117. C.H. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin, 2001, Channel reassignment, Augmentation and Power Control Algorithms for Wireless Communications Networks Considering Generic Sectorization and Channel Interference, Proc. IEEE ETS.
  118. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin, 2000, Supply Chain Network Design with Time and Capacity Requirements, Proc. APDSI.
  119. F.Y.S. Lin, 1999, Packet-level Performance Management over ATM Networks, Proc. ICOIN.
  120. S.Y. Wu, F.Y.S. Lin, 1999, Design and Management of Wireless Communications Networks, Proc. INFORMS CIST.
  121. H.J. Shieh, F.Y.S. Lin, 1999, Planning and Management of CATV Networks, Proc. ISCOM.
  122. F.Y.S. Lin, C.Y. Lin, 1999, Integrated Planning and Management of Survivable Wireless Communications Networks, Proc. IEEE APCC/OECC.
  123. F.Y.S. Lin, C.C Ko, 1999, Design of Access Networks, Proc. CSIM.
  124. F.Y.S. Lin, C.C Ko, 1999, Head-end Interconnection and Internet Access for CATV Networks, Proc. CSIM.
  125. F.Y.S. Lin, 1998, Quasi-static Channel Assignment Algorithms for Wireless Communications Networks, Proc. ICOIN.
  126. F.Y.S. Lin, 1998, Optimal Admission Control Algorithms for the Video-on-Demand Service, Proc. ISAVIIA.
  127. S.W. Lee, F.Y.S. Lin. C.S. Wu, 1998, Novel Optimal Real-time Admission Control and Buffer Management for the VOD Service, Proc. ITC.
  128. F.Y.S. Lin, 1998, Optimal Pricing Strategies for the Frame Relay Service, Proc. CSIM.
  129. F.Y.S. Lin, K.C. Hseih, 1997, Optimal Real-time Admission Control and Buffer Management Algorithms for the Video-On-Demand (VOD) Service, Proc. ICOIN.
  130. F.Y.S. Lin, C.T. Chen, 1997, Admission Control and Routing Algorithms for the Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) Service, Proc. ICOIN.
  131. K.T. Cheng, F.Y.S. Lin, 1995, Minimax End-to-end Delay Routing and Capacity Assignment for Virtual Circuit Networks, Proc. IEEE ICC.
  132. F.Y.S. Lin, 1994, Link Set Capacity Augmentation Algorithms for Networks Supporting SMDS, Proc. IEEE ICC.
  133. K.T. Cheng, F.Y.S. Lin, 1994, On the Joint Virtual Path Assignment and Virtual Circuit Routing Problem in ATM Networks, Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM.
  134. F.Y.S. Lin, M. Mostrel, 1994, Issues on the Allocation of Performance Objectives for Common Channel Signaling (CCS) Networks, Proc. IEEE ICC.
  135. F.Y.S. Lin, J. Lu, October 1993, Estimating Packet Loss Probabilities from Cell Loss Probabilities for SMDS Networks, Proc. Fifth International Conference on Data Communication System and Their Performance, (Raleigh, North Carolina).
  136. F.Y.S. Lin, September 1993, Link Set Sizing for Networks Supporting SMDS, the Second Network Management and Control Workshop, (Tarrytown, New York).
  137. F.Y.S. Lin, J.R. Yee, 1993, A Real-time Distributed Routing and Admission Control Algorithm for ATM Networks, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM.
  138. F.Y.S. Lin, J.L. Wang, 1993, Minimax Open Shortest Path First Routing Algorithm in Networks Supporting the SMDS Service, Proc. IEEE ICC.
  139. F.Y.S. Lin, 1993, Allocation of End-to end Delay Objectives for Networks Supporting SMDS, Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM.
  140. J.L. Wang, F.Y.S. Lin, 1993, A Minimax Utilization Routing Algorithm in Networks with Single-path Routing, Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM.
  141. F.Y.S. Lin, K.T. Cheng, 1993, Virtual Path Assignment and Virtual Circuit Routing in ATM Networks, Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM.
  142. F.Y.S. Lin, September 1992, Allocation of End-to end Delay Objectives for CCSNs, Proc. Second Bellcore Symposium on Performance Modeling, (Livingston, New Jersey).
  143. F.Y.S. Lin, J. Yee, 1992, Path Assignment and Admission Control to Satisfice Multiple Service Requirements in ATM Networks, Proc. ITS.
  144. J.Yee, F.Y.S. Lin, May 1990, A Routing Algorithm for Virtual Circuit Networks with Multiple Sessions, ORSA Conference.
  145. F.Y.S. Lin, J.R. Yee, 1990, Three Algorithms for Routing and Flow Control in Virtual Circuit Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM.
  146. F.Y.S. Lin, J.R. Yee, 1989, A Distributed Routing Algorithm for Virtual Circuit Data Networks, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM.
Journal Paper
  1. Y. F. Chen, F. Y. S. Lin, S. Y. Hsu, T. L. Sun, Yennun Huang, and C. H. Hsiao, 2025, Adaptive Traffic Control: OpenFlow-Based Prioritization Strategies for Achieving High Quality of Service in Software-Defined Networking, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
  2. C.H. Hsiao, F.Y.S. Lin, T.L. Sun, Y.Y. Liao, C.H. Wu, Y.C. Lai, H.P. Wu, P.R. Liu, B.R. Xiao, C.H. Chen, and Y. Huang, August 2024, Precision and Robust Models on Healthcare Institution Federated Learning for Predicting HCC on Portal Venous CT Images, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, issue 8.
  3. Yu, C. H., Yeh, C. C., Lu, Y. F., Lu, Y. L., Wang, T. M., Lin, F. Y. S., & Lu, T. W, November 2023, Recurrent Neural Network Methods for Extracting Dynamic Balance Variables during Gait from a Single Inertial Measurement Unit, Sensors, vol. 23, no. 22, pp. 9040.
  4. W. Y. Lin, K. Y. Tai, and F. Y. S. Lin, June 2023, A Trustable and Secure Usage-Based Insurance Policy Auction Mechanism and Platform Using Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies, Sensors, vol. 23, no. 14, pp. 6482.
  5. K. Y, Tai, F. Y. S. Lin, and C. H. Hsiao, May 2023, An Integrated Optimization-based Algorithm for Energy Efficiency and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Centers, IEEE ACCESS, vol. 11, pp. 53418 - 53428.
  6. K. Y, Tai, B. C. Liu, C. H. Hsiao, M. C. Tsai, and F. Y. S. Lin, January 2023, A Near-Optimal Energy Management Mechanism Considering QoS and Fairness Requirements in Tree Structure Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 763.
  7. Hsieh, C. Y., Chang, W. L., Hsiao, C. H., Lin, F. Y. S., Yu, P. C., Hung, C. W., & Cheng, H. M., December 2022, Machine learning of home blood pressure to predict short-term and long-term cardiovascular outcomes, Blood Pressure Monitoring, vol. 27.
  8. Chiang, T. W., Yang, C. Y., Chiou, G. J., Lin, F. Y. S., Lin, Y. N., Shen, V. R., & Lin, C. Y., June 2022, Development and Evaluation of an Attendance Tracking System Using Smartphones with GPS and NFC, Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 2083796.
  9. Chiang, T. W., Chiang, D. L., Chen, T. S., Lin, F. Y. S., Shen, V. R., & Wang, M. C., June 2022, Novel Lagrange interpolation polynomials for dynamic access control in a healthcare cloud system, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 9200-9219.
  10. C. H. Hsiao, T. L. Sun, P. C. Lin, T. Y. Peng, Y. H. Chen, C. Y. Cheng, F. J. Yang, S. Y. Yang, C. H. Wu, F. Y. S. Lin, and Y. Huang, May 2022, A Deep Learning-based Precision Volume Calculation Approach for Kidney and Tumor Segmentation on Computed Tomography Images, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, pp.221.
  11. C. H. Hsiao, P. C. Lin, L. A. Chung, F. Y. S. Lin, F. J. Yang, S. Y. Yang, C. H. Wu, Y. Huang, and T. L. Sun, May 2022, A Deep Learning-based Precision and Automatic Kidney Segmentation System Using Efficient Feature Pyramid Networks in Computed Tomography Images, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, pp.221.
  12. C. H. Hsiao, Y. F. Wen, F. Y. S. Lin, Y. F. Chen, Y. Huang, Y. C. Su, and Y. S. Wu, January 2022, An Optimization-Based Orchestrator for Resource Access and Operation Management in Sliced 5G Core Networks, Sensors, vol.22, no. 1, pp. 100.
  13. C. H. Hsiao, F. Y. S. Lin, E. S. H. Fang, Y. F. Chen, Y. F. Wen, Yennun Huang, Y. C. Su, Y. S. Wu, and H. Y. Kuo, March 2021, Optimization-Based Resource Management Algorithms with Considerations of Client Satisfaction and High Availability in Elastic 5G Network Slices, Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1882.
  14. F. Y. S. Lin, C. H. Hsiao, S. Y. Zhang, Y. P. Rung, and Y. X. Chen, June 2021, Cross-Device Matching Approaches: Word Embedding and Supervised Learning, Cluster Computing, pp. 1-11.
  15. K. Y. Tai, D. L. Chiang, T. S. Chen, V. R. L. Shen, F. P. Lai, and F. Y. S, Ling, April 2020, Smart Fall Prediction for Elderly Care Using iPhone and Apple Watch, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 114, No. 1, pp. 347-365.
  16. F. Y. S. Lin, C. M. Chiu, C. H. Hsiao, and Y. F. Wen, October 2020, Optimization-Based Offloading and Routing Strategies for Sensor-Enabled Video Surveillance Networks, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 184284-184297.
  17. K. Y. Tai, D. L. Chiang, T. S. Chen, V. R. L. Shen, F. P. Lai, and F. Y. S, Lin, April 2020, Smart Fall Prediction for Elderly Care Using iPhone and Apple Watch, Wireless Personal Communications.
  18. F. Y. S. Lin, C. H. Hsiao, Y. F. Wen, and S. T. Kuo, September 2019, Markov Decision Process to Achieve Near-Optimal Admission Control Mechanism for 5G Cloud Radio Networks, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 1561-1573.
  19. M. C. Tsai, F. Y. S. Lin, and Y. F. Wen, January 2019, Lagrangian-Relaxation-Based Self-Repairing Mechanism for Wi-Fi Networks, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 7, pp. 15868-15883.
  20. Y. F. Wen, T. H. Lien, and F. Y. S. Lin, May 2018, Application Association and Load Balancing to Enhance Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 68, No. 2018, pp. 348-365.
  21. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.F. Wen, L.W. Fang, and C.H. Hsiao, April 2017, Resource Allocation and Multisession Routing Algorithms in Coordinated Multipoint Wireless Communication, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. PP, No. 99, pp. 1-12, (SCIE, IF: 2.114).
  22. Y.S. Wang, L.P. Hung, H.H. Rau, and F.Y.S. Lin, February 2015, A Cyber Attack Synergy Model Considering both Positive and Negative Impacts from Each Attacker, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2015, Article No. 4, (SCIE, IF: 0.923).
  23. Y.F. Wen, K.Y. Hung, Y.T. Hwang, and F.Y.S. Lin, August 2015, Sports Lottery Game Prediction System Development and Evaluation on Social Networks, Internet Research, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp.758 – 788, (SCIE, IF: 1.661).
  24. C.H. Hsiao, V. Rampa, Y.F. Wen, and F.Y.S. Lin, July 2014, A Novel Testbed for Performance Evaluation of OFDMA Multicast Broadcast Systems, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 16, Pages 150–165, (SCIE, IF: 1.291).
  25. C.C. Huang, K.J. Farn and F.Y.S. Lin, July 2014, A Study on Implementations of Information Security Risk Assessment: Application to Chlorine Processing Systems of Water Treatment Plants, International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 16, Issue 4, Pages 241-248.
  26. F.Y.S. Lin, C.H. Hsiao, H.H. Yen, and Y.J. Hsieh, December 2013, A Near-Optimal Distributed QoS Constrained Routing Algorithm for Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, Vol. 13, Issue 12, Pages 16424-16450, (SCIE, IF: 1.953).
  27. C.C. Huang, K.J. Farn, F.Y. Lin and F.Y.S. Lin, November 2013, Software Vulnerability Patch Management with Semi-Markov Decision Process, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 6, Pages 2467-2476.
  28. C.C. Huang, F.Y. Lin, F.Y.S. Lin and Y.S. Sun, November 2013, A Novel Approach to Evaluate Software Vulnerability Prioritization, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 86, Issue 11, Pages 2822-2840, (SCIE/EI, IF: 1.135).
  29. P.Y. Chen and F.Y.S. Lin, August 2013, Recovery and Resource Allocation Strategies to Maximize Mobile Network Survivability by Using Game Theories and Optimization Techniques, Journal of Applied Mathematics, (SCI, IF: 0.834).
  30. F.Y.S. Lin, C.H. Hsiao, K.C. Chu, and Y.H. Liu, July 2013, Minimum-Cost QoS-Constrained Deployment and Routing Policies for Wireless Relay Networks, Journal of Applied Mathematics, (SCI, IF: 0.834).
  31. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.S. Wang, M.Y. Huang, July 2013, Effective Proactive and Reactive Defense Strategies against Malicious Attacks in a Virtualized Honeynet, Journal of Applied Mathematics, (SCI, IF: 0.834).
  32. F.Y.S. Lin, C.H. Hsiao, L.S.C Lin and Y.F Wen, March 2013, Utilizing Joint Routing and Capacity Assignment Algorithms to Achieve Inter- and Intra-group Delay Fairness in Multi-rate Multicast Wireless Sensor Network, Sensors, Vol. 13, Issue 3, Pages 3588-3614, (SCIE, IF: 1.739).
  33. T.L. Chen, Y.F. Chung and F.Y.S. Lin, August 2012, Deployment of Secure Mobile Agents for Medical Information Systems, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, Issue 4, Pages 2493-2503, (SCIE, IF: 1.064).
  34. C.C. Huang, K.J. Farn and F.Y.S. Lin, April 2012, A Study on ISMS Policy: Importing Personal Data Protection of ISMS, Journal of Computers, Vol. 23, Issue 1, Pages 35-41.
  35. T.L. Chen, Y.F. Chung and F.Y.S. Lin, June 2012, A Study on Agent-based Secure Scheme for Electronic Medical Record System, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, No. 3, Pages 1345-1357, (SCIE, IF: 0.654).
  36. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin and C.S. Wang, November 2011, Cost Optimization of Integrated Network Planning based on Adaptive Sectorization in Hybrid F/CDMA Telecommunications System via Lagrangean Relaxation, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38, No. 12, Pages 14819-14831, (SCIE/EI, IF: 1.924).
  37. T.L. Chen, Y.F. Chung and F.Y.S. Lin, October 2011, "A Secure Conference Key Protocol over ECC-based Grey Systems, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 10, Pages 5717-5730, (SCIE/EI, IF: 2.932).
  38. T.L. Chen and F.Y.S. Lin, August 2011, Electronic Medical Archives: A Different Approach on Applying Re-Signing Mechanism to the Digital Signature, The Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 35, No. 4, Pages 735-742, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 0.654).
  39. P.L. Chiu and F.Y.S. Lin, April 2011, A Lagrangean Relaxation Based Sensor Deployment Algorithm to Optimize Quality of Service for Target Positioning, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38, Issue 4, Pages 3613-3625, (SCI/EI, IF: 2.908).
  40. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin and L.P. Hung, April 2011, The Effect of Call Admission Policies on the System Benefit of CDMA Communication Networks, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 46, No. 4, Pages 285-297, (SCIE/EI, IF: 0.286).
  41. T.L. Chen, Y.F. Chung and F.Y.S. Lin, January 2011, A Novel Grey Data Generating Technique on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 1, Pages 379-394, (SCI, IF: 2.932).
  42. H.C. Lu, W.J. Liao, and Y.S. Lin, January 2011, Relay Station Placement Strategy in IEEE 802.16j WiMAX Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 59, No. 1, Pages 151-158, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 1.512).
  43. C.F. Lin and F.Y.S. Lin, October 2010, Efficient Estimation and Collision-Group Based Anti-collision Algorithms for Dynamic Frame-Slotted ALOHA in RFID Networks, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Pages 840-848, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 1.471).
  44. K.C. Chu, F.Y.S. Lin and C.S. Wang, December 2010, Modeling of Adaptive Load Balancing with Hybrid F/CDMA and Sectorization Schemes in Mobile Communication Networks, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, Pages 395-417, (SCIE/EI, IF: 1.356).
  45. T.L. Chen, Y.F. Chung and F.Y.S. Lin, December 2010, An Efficient Date-constraint Hierarchical Key Management Scheme for Mobile Agent, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, Issue 12, Pages 7721-7728, (SCI/EI, IF: 2.908).
  46. Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Cheng-Ta Lee, August 2010, An Efficient Lagrangean Relaxation-based Object Tracking Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, Vol. 10, Issue 9, Pages 8101-8118.
  47. Kuo-Chung Chu, Chun-Sheng Wang, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, June 2010, An Admission Control-Based Benefit Optimization Model for Mobile Communications: the Effect of a Decision Time Budget, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, Pages 169-189, (SCIE/EI, IF: 1.356).
  48. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, Y.C. Tzeng and C.T. Lee, February 2010, Backhaul Assignment and Routing Algorithms with End-to-End QoS Constraints for Wireless Mesh Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 53, No. 2, Pages 211-233, (SCIE, IF: 0.418).
  49. K.C. Chu, L.P. Hung and F.Y.S. Lin, December 2009, Adaptive Channel Reservation for Call Admission Control to Support Prioritized Soft Handoff Calls in a Cellular CDMA System, Annals of Telecommunications, Vol. 64, No. 11-12, Pages 777-791, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 0.325).
  50. F.Y.S. Lin, H.H. Yen, S.P. Lin, September 2009, Delay QoS and MAC Aware Energy-Efficient Data-Aggregation Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, Vol. 9, Issue 10, Pages 7711-7732, (SCIE, IF: 1.821).
  51. Y.L. Kuo, K.W. Lai, Frank Y.S. Lin, Y.F. Wen, Eric H.K. Wu, G.H. Chen, June 2009, Multi-Rate Throughput Optimization with Fairness Constraints in Wireless Local Area Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 58, Issue 5, Pages 2417-2425, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 1.488).
  52. F.Y.S. Lin, H.H. Yen and S.P. Lin, March 2009, A Novel Energy-Efficient MAC Aware Data Aggregation Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, Vol. 9, Issue 3, Pages 1518-1533, (SCIE, IF: 1.821).
  53. F.Y.S. Lin and Y.F. Wen, March 2008, Fair Inter-TAP Routing and Backhaul Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Pages 785-803, (SCIE/EI, IF: 1.016).
  54. Y.F. Wen, F.Y.S. Lin, May 2007, Fair Bandwidth Allocation and End-to-End Delay Routing Algorithms for Wireless Mesh Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E90-B, No. 5, Pages 1042-1051, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 0.359).
  55. K.C. Chu and F.Y.S. Lin, May 2006, Survivability and Performance Optimization of Mobile Wireless Communication Networks in the Event of Base Station Failure, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 32, Issues 1-3, Pages 50-64.
  56. F.Y.S. Lin, Y.F.Wen, October 2006, Multi-sink Data Aggregation Routing and Scheduling with Dynamic Radii in WSNs, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 10, Issue 10, Pages 692-694, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 1.140).
  57. H.H. Yen, F.Y.S. Lin and S.P. Lin, December 2005, Energy-Efficient Data-Centric Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E88-B, Issue 12, Pages 4470-4479, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 0.359).
  58. K.C. Chu and F.Y.S. Lin, April 2005, An Admission Control Algorithm Considering revenue Optimization for CDMA Networks, GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Pages 163-174.
  59. H.H. Yen and F.Y.S. Lin, February 2005, Near-optimal Tree-based Access Network Design, Computer Communications, Vol. 28, Issue 2, Pages 236-245, (SCIE/EI, IF: 0.933).
  60. F.Y.S. Lin and P.L. Chiu, January 2005, A Near-optimal Sensor Placement Algorithm to Achieve Complete Coverage/Discrimination in Sensor Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Pages 43-45, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 1.140).
  61. H.H. Yen and F.Y.S. Lin, 2005, Delay Constrained Routing and Link Capacity Assignment in Virtual Circuit Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E88-B, Issue 5, Pages 2004-2014, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 0.359).
  62. F.Y.S. Lin, W.M. Yin, Y.D. Lin and C.H. Lin, October 2002, Optimal Ranging Algorithms for Medium Access Control in Hybrid Fiber Coax Networks, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E85-B, Issue 10, Pages 2319-2326, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 0.359).
  63. G.E. Jan, F.Y.S. Lin, M.B. Lin and D. Liang, 2002, Concentrations, Load Balancing, Multicasting and Partial Permutation Routing on Hypercube Parallel Computers, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 18, Issue 5, Pages 693-712.
  64. C.S. Wu, S.W. Lee, W.K. Lin and F.Y.S. Lin, November 2000, Novel Optimal Real-time Admission Control and Buffer Management for the Video-On-Demand (VOD) Service, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 15, Issue 1-2, Pages 217-233, (SCIE/EI, IF: 0.286).
  65. F.Y.S. Lin, December 1998, Optimal Real-time Admission Control Algorithms for the Video-On-Demand (VOD) Service, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 44, Issue 4, Pages 402-408, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 2.242).
  66. F.Y.S. Lin and J.C. Lu, 1993, Estimating Packet Loss Probabilities from Cell Loss Probabilities for Networks Supporting the SMDS Service, High Speed Networks and Their Performance (renamed as IFIP TRANSACTIONS C-COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS), Vol. C-21, Pages 163-182, (EI).
  67. F.Y.S. Lin, December 1993, Allocation of End-to-end Delay Objectives for Networks Supporting SMDS, Network Management and Control, Vol. 2, Pages 175-188, (EI).
  68. F.Y.S. Lin, December 1993, Link Set Sizing for Networks Supporting SMDS, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 1, Issue 6, Pages 729-739, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 2.051).
  69. F.Y.S. Lin and J.R. Yee, 1992, A New Multiplier Adjustment Procedure for the Distributed Computation of Routing Assignments in Virtual Circuit Data Networks, ORSA Journal on Computing (changed in 1995 to INFORMS Journal on Computing), Vol. 4, No. 3, Pages 250-266, (SCIE/EI, IF: 1.041).
  70. J.R. Yee and F.Y.S. Lin,, May 1992, A Routing Algorithm for Virtual Circuit Networks with Multiple Sessions Per O-D Pair, Networks, Vol. 22, Issue 2, Pages 185-208, (SCI/SCIE/EI, IF: 1.213).
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