Detailed Information
Hsueh Liang Wu
Ph.D. PhD in Commerce, University of Birmingham
Master MBA, National Taiwan University
Master MSc, National Cheng-Kung University
Bachelor BSc, National Cheng-Kung University
Office : Building II, College of Management 901
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台灣大學國際企業學系暨研究所 特聘教授
Research Field
• Strategic Management
• Technology & Innovation Management
• Theory and Policy of Industrial Economy
• Privatization of Government-Owned Enterprises
Research Field Summary
• PhD in Commerce, University of Birmingham
• MBA, National Taiwan University
• MSc, National Cheng-Kung University
• BSc, National Cheng-Kung University
• Economic Foundation of Strategy Research
• Industrial Economics
• Managing Strategy For International Business
• Strategic Management
• Technology and Innovation Management
2017 Teaching Excellence Award, College of Management, NTU
2015 - 2016 English Teaching Excellence Award, College of Management, NTU
2008 - 2014 Research Excellence Award, College of Management, NTU
2012 J. William Fulbright Scholarship
Assistant professor/Associate professor, National Cheng-Kung University
Senior socialist, The Council for Economic Planning & Development/Executive Yuan
2012 Visiting scholar, UC Berkeley
Associate researcher, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu
Conference Paper
  1. Y. C. Hsiao and Wu, H.L., 2017, The Lesser of Two Evils? Economic and Social Misfits of China’s FDI into Taiwan, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Atlanta, US).
  2. Lee, C.Y., Wu, H.L. and Lee, C.J., 2016, Does CEO Career Horizon Matter for Corporate Misconduct? Evidence of Semiconductor Firms, Environmental Irresponsibility in Taiwan' Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Kyoto, Japan).
  3. Wu, H.L., H.W. Pao and P. H. Chung., 2015, Project interface choice and its impact on knowledge creation of international science cooperation, Academy of Management 2015 Annual Conference, (Vancouver, Canada).
  4. Lee, C.J., Lee, C.Y. and Wu, H. L., 2014, Entrepreneurial Behavior in Family Business: Does Steward-like managers matter to new product development?, Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Kitakyushu, Japan).
  5. Lee, C.Y., Wu, H. L., Lee, C.J. and Pao, H.W., 2014, Success catalyst or hidden impediment? How does the governance power of top management teams alter the performance effect of strategic persistence?, Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Kitakyushu, Japan.).
  6. Lee, C.J., Lee, C.Y. and Wu, H.L., July 2013, The stewardship orientation and new product developments of family firms: Why entrepreneurial behavior matters?, Academy of International Business 2013 Annual Meeting, (Istanbul, Turkey).
  7. Huei-Wen Pao, Cheng-Yu Lee, Chia-Jung Lee, Hsueh-Liang Wu, December 2012, Contextual determinants of CEO power on the performance effect of strategic persistence: Evidence of industrial firms in Taiwan, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference.
  8. 吳學良 (with Hsu, C. S.), August 2009, Dynamics of Partner Fit in International Alliances, Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting, (Chicago).
  9. Wu, H. L., August 2007, How do board/CEO relationships make firms more innovative?, The 67th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
  10. Wu, H. L., Fang, S.C. and Lai, T., August 2007, Social Capital and Innovation: Assessing the Mediating Role of Knowledge-Processing Capabilities, The 67th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
  11. Wu, H. L., Su, W.C. and Lee, C.Y., August 2007, Exploring the motives for employee ownership and consequent risk-taking behavior, The 67th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
  12. Wu, H. L. and Huang, M.C., August 2007, Exploring the determinants of technological follow-on in new technological areas, The 19th International Engineering Management Conference (IEMC), (Austin, Texas).
  13. Wu, H. L. and Parker, D., August 2006, The universal and synergistic effects of internal governance on product innovation, The 66th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Atlanta, Georgia).
  14. Chen, C. J. , Wu, H. L. and Tseng C.C., August 2006, A business model for transforming nano- technology to nano-businesses: The Chinese dualistic philosophy perspective, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, (Singapore).
  15. Wu, H. L., August 2006, Contingency view of the performance effect of technological differentiation in an economic downturn, The 66th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Atlanta, Georgia).
  16. Wu, H. L., August 2006, Universal and contingency views of the value-shaping effects of minority state ownership, The 66th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Atlanta, Georgia).
  17. Wu, H. L. and Lee, C. Y., August 2005, Examining the effects of board competence on operational innovation, The 65th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (Honolulu, Hawaii).
  18. Wu, H. L., Lee, C. Y. and Pao, H. W., October 2004, Revisiting the strategy-profitability relationship in an economic decline, The 10th Asia Pacific Management Conference, (Daejeon).
  19. Wu, H. L., August 2004, The Institutional Determinants of Post-privatization Performance Changes, The 64th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, (New Orleans, Louisiana).
  20. Wu, H. L. and Pao, H. W., November 2003, Determinants of privatization-induced performance changes: Empirical Evidence of Taiwan’s Privatization, The 9th Asia Pacific Management Conference, (Osaka).
  21. Wu, H. L. and Chang, K. L., October 2002, Policy Design and Implementation of Taiwan’s Privatization, Conference on Privatization, Employment and Employees, OECD Working Group on Privatization & Corporate Governance of SOEs, (Istanbul).
Journal Paper
  1. Hsiao, Y.C., Wu, H.L. and Yeh, C.P. (2023) An investigation of the bridging interface strategies used by Chinese MNE when undertaking FDI to Taiwan, Asian Business and Management, 22: 1485~1512. (SSCI)
  2. Chung P.H., Lee, C.J., Wu, H.L.* and Lee, C.Y. (2023) Innovation Promoter or Inhibitor? Non-Family CEO’s Effect on Innovation in Family Businesses, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(9): 3143-3155. (SSCI)
  3. 董夢杭、吳學良、黃薇彤、葉峻賓 (2022)「廣西昆侖:競爭優勢的構建與維持」,產業與管理論壇,24(2). (TSSCI)
  4. Yeh, C.-P.Wu, H.-L. and Hsiao, Y.-C. (2021) "Is doing economically good enough to shape the MNE’s governmental relations? In contingency with contextual influences", Chinese Management Studies, 15(2): 382-412. (SSCI)
  5. 董夢杭、張正芬、吳學良、蕭義棋 (2021)「切還是不切?三立電視的組織裂變」,產業與管理論壇,23(3): 106-125. (TSSCI)
  6. H. W. Pao, Wu, H. L.* and C.Y. Lee (2020) “Project interface choice and knowledge creation: Evidence of international science cooperation in Taiwan”, Technovation, 89: 1~12. (SSCI)
  7. Lee, C.Y., Wu, H.L.* and Dong, M. H. (2019) “What drives firms to explore new technological fields? An investigation on the technological entry effect of CEO decision horizon and board governance”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(2): 1~14. (SSCI) [IEEE Transactions Best Paper Award 2019]
  8. 劉佳怡、吳學良、李振宇*(2019)「策略聯盟能傳遞價值訊號嗎?以生技製藥初次上市公司為例」,組織與管理 ,12(1): 47-82. (TSSCI)
  9. 董夢杭、吳學良*、李振宇、鄭伯壎 (2018)「企業政治連結的兩難:以奇美在臺灣與大陸的政治策略為例」,產業與管理論壇,20(3): 4-28. (TSSCI)
  10. 李振宇、吳學良*、李佳蓉(2018)「總經理管理任期對企業不當作為之影響:以台灣半導體企業為例」,台大管理論叢 ,28(3), pp.145-176. (TSSCI)
  11. 劉佳怡、吳學良*、鮑慧文 (2018)「制度壓力與創新能力對於組織多元回應策略之影響: 以台灣企業對高齡化人力資源管理措施之採行意願為例」,組織與管理 ,11(1): 63-100. (TSSCI)
  12. 劉佳怡、吳學良、李振宇*(2018)「The relationship between patent attributes and patent litigation: Considering the moderating effects of managerial characteristics」,Asia Pacific Management Review, 23, 121~129. (TSSCI)
  13. H. W. Pao, C.Y. Lee, P.H. Chung and H.L. Wu (2018) “Hiring decisions on certified manpower: The resource dependence and social contagion views of institutional innovators”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 15(4): 514-535. (ABI)
  14. Lee, C.J., Lee, C.Y., and Wu, H.L.* (2017) “Entrepreneurial Behavior in Family Business: The investigation on the relationship among steward-like managers, explorative orientation and new product development”, 台大管理論叢 ,27(4), pp.131-168. (TSSCI)
  15. 吳學良、董夢杭、鮑慧文(2016)「研華科技:組織成長與精實」,中山管理評論,24(4), pp.761-789. (TSSCI)
  16. Lee, C.Y., Wu, H.L., Lee, C.J. and H. W. Pao (2015) “Success Catalyst or Hidden Impediment? The moderating role of governance power of top management teams in the strategic process”, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 5(5): 33~53. (ABI)
  17. H. W. Pao, Wu, H. L.* S.P. Ho and C.Y. Lee (2015) “From Partner Selection to Trust Dynamics: Evidence of the Cross-Country Partnership of Taiwanese Construction Firms”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 12(2): 128–140. (ABI) [*Corresponding author]
  18. C.Y. Lee, Wu, H. L.* and H. W. Pao (2014) “How does R&D intensity influence firm explorativeness? Evidence of R&D active firm in four advanced countries”, Technovation, 34(10): 582–593. (SSCI) [*Corresponding author]
  19. Wu, H. L., C.Y. Lee and R.J. Lin (2014) “When to commit more to a technological entry: Evidence of the follow-up patenting action of bearings manufacturers”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 31(1): 1~20. (SSCI) 【Leading paper】
  20. C.Y. Lee, Wu, H. L.* and C. I. Liu (2013) “Contextual determinants of ambidextrous learning: Evidence from industrial firms in four countries”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(3): 529~540. (SSCI) [*Corresponding author]
  21. Wu, H. L. (2011) ‘Can state ownership in its minority influence firm value? Universal and contingency views of its governance effects’, Journal of Business Research, 64(8), pp. 839~845 (SSCI).
  22. 柯承恩、孫智麗、吳學良、黃奕儒、鄒篪生(2011)科技前瞻與政策形成機制:以農業科技前瞻為例,科技管理學刊,第十六卷,第三期,pp.1-28. (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域認可期刊)
  23. Pao, H.W., Wu, H. L.* and Pan, W. H. (2010) “How does a new institution spread: Empirical evidence of travel agencies' adoption of service quality assurance program”, Service Industries Journal, 30(7), pp.1047~1061. (SSCI) [*Corresponding author]
  24. Ho, S. P., Lin, Y. H., Chu, W. and Wu, H. L. (2009) ‘Model for organizational governance structure choices in construction joint ventures’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE, 135(6), pp. 518~530 (SCI)
  25. Ho, S. P., Lin, Y. H., Wu, H. L. and Chu, W. (2009) ‘Empirical test of a model for organizational governance structure choices in construction joint ventures’, Construction Management and Economics, 27(3), pp. 315~324 (EI).
  26. Wu, H. L. (2008) ‘How do board–CEO relationships influence the performance of new product introduction? Moving from single to interdependent explanations’, Corporate Governance: an International Review, 16(2), pp. 77~89. (SSCI)
  27. Wu, H. L. (2008) ‘When does internal governance make firms innovative?’, Journal of Business Research, 61(2), pp. 141~153 (SSCI).
  28. Tsai, M. T.; Wu, H. L. and Liang, W. K. (2008)‘Fuzzy decision making for market positioning and developing strategy for improving service quality in department stores’, Quality & Quantity, 42(3), pp. 303~319. (SSCI)
  29. Wu, H. L., Su, W. C. and Lee, C. Y. (2008) Employee ownership motivation and individual risk-taking behavior: A cross-level analysis on Taiwan’s privatized enterprises’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(12), pp. 2311~2331 (SSCI).
  30. Pao, H. W., Wu, H. L.* and Pan, W. H. (2008) ‘The road to liberalization: Policy design and implementation of Taiwan’s privatization’, International Economy and Economic Policy, 5(3) pp. 323~344 (EconLit) [*Corresponding author].
  31. Wu, H. L.; Lin, B.W. and Chen, C. J. (2007) ‘Contingency view on technological differentiation and firm performance: Evidence in an economic downturn’, R&D Management, 37(1), pp.75~88. (SSCI)
  32. Wu, H. L. and Parker, D. (2007) ‘The determinants of post-privatization efficiency gains: the Taiwanese experience’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28(3), pp. 465~493. (SSCI)
  33. Lin, B.W.; Chen, C. J. and Wu, H. L. (2007) ‘Predicting citations to biotechnology patents based on the information from the patent documents’, International Journal of Technology Management, 40(1/2/3), pp. 87~100. (SSCI)
  34. Wu, H. L. (2007) ‘Behaviorperformance and policy effectiveness: Lessons from Taiwan’s steel industry’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 12(2), pp. 272~300. (ABI)
  35. Wu, H. L. and Lee, C.Y. (2007) ‘The effects of board competence on operational innovation: Tests of universal, contingency and configurational models’, International Journal of Technology Management39(3/4), pp. 330~345. (SSCI)
  36. Wu, H. L. (2007) ‘Road to industrial upgrading: Policy design and implementation for encouraging industrial innovation in Taiwan’, International Journal of Public Policy, 2(1/2), pp. 140~162. (EconLit)
  37. Wu, H. L.; Lin, B.W. and Chen, C. J. (2007) ‘Examining governance-innovation relationship in the high-tech industries: Monitoring, incentive and a fit with strategic posture’, International Journal of Technology Management, 39(1/2), pp. 86~104. (SSCI).
  38. Wu, H. L. (2007) ‘Exploring the sources of privatization-induced performance changes’, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(1), pp.44~59. (SSCI)
  39. 陳忠仁、吳學良、張紹基、朱默庵(2007)個案討論:美梭材料科技公司,產業與管理論壇,第九卷,第四期,pp. 82~108。 (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域認可期刊)
  40. Lin, B.W.; Chen, C. J. and Wu, H. L. (2006) ‘Patent Portfolio Synergy, Technology Strategy, and Firm Performance’, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 53(1), pp.17~26. (SSCI)
  41. Chen, C. J. ; Wu, H. L. and Lin, B.W. (2006) ‘Evaluating the development of high-tech industries: Taiwan’s science park’, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73(4), pp.452~465. (SSCI)
  42. Wu, H. L. (2006) ‘A Policy-fit view on the efficiency effect of privatization’, Journal of Policy Modeling, 28(3), pp.281~292. (SSCI)
  43. Wu, H. L. (2005) ‘A DEA approach to understanding the performance of Taiwan’s steel industries 1970~1996’, Asia Pacific Management Review, 10(6), pp.349~356. (TSSCI)
  44. 吳學良、林育司(2005) ‘經濟部科技專案執行效率之研究:資料包絡分析之實證’,科技管理學報,第十卷,第一期,pp. 1~32。
  45. 吳學良(2003)‘從市場、政府與公營事業觀點再探民營化政策’,經社法制論叢,第32期,頁211~254。
  46. 陳忠仁、吳學良、陳盈太(2003)’新事業選擇育成中心多重準則評估之研究’,科技管理學報,第八卷,第二期,pp.1~24。(國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域認可期刊)
  47. Parker, D. and Wu, H. L. (1998) ‘Privatisation & Performance: A Study of British Steel Industry under Public & Private Ownership’, Economic Issues, 3(2), pp.31-50. (EconLit)
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. 吳學良、潘偉華, April 2011, 「公營事業」,工商發展篇,中華民國發展史, 政治大學人文科學中心.
  2. Wu, H. L. Chiu, Y.C. and Lee, T.L., 2010, IPR Regime and Catch up: the Taiwanese Experience’, In Odagiri, H. and Nelson, R. (eds.) Intellectual Property Rights and Catch-Up: An International Comparative Study, Oxford University Press..
Technical Report
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