Detailed Information
Chiu-Ling Lu
Ph.D. Ph.D in Finance. University of Connecticut
Master MS in Finance, Louisiana State University
Master MS in Quantitative Business Analysis, Louisiana State University
Office : Building II, College of Management 512
Tel : 3366-4979
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Research Field
• 1.Corporate Finance
• 2.Investment Banking
• 3.Financial Management
• 4.Real Estate Finance and Investments
• 5.Asset Securitization
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D in Finance. University of Connecticut
• MS in Finance, Louisiana State University
• MS in Quantitative Business Analysis, Louisiana State University
• Financial Management
• Investments
• Real Estate Finance and Investments
2012, 2014 Excellent Teaching Awards, National Taiwan University
2012, 2013, 2016, 2017 Excellent English Teaching Awards, National Taiwan University
Conference Paper
  1. Lu, Chiuling , Cheng-Lun Shih, June 2013, Does Aging Affect Real House Prices? The Evidence from Eight Emerging Asian Economies, the 18th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society, (Kyoto).
  2. Lu, Chiuling,Ann Shawing Yang, July 2012, Investor Sentiment and REIT IPOs, the 17th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  3. Lu, Chiuling, Tzujui Mao, and Yangpin Shen, July 2011, Beyond Friendly Mergers – the Case of REITs, the 16th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Jeju, Korea) and the 4th NCTU International Finance Conference, (Jeju).
  4. Lu, Chiuling and Zong-Han Lin, July 2010, Managerial Experience, Board Directors, and Agency Conflict: Evidence from Real Estate Mutual Funds, the 15th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Kaohsiung), (Kaohsiung).
  5. 盧秋玲、林宗漢, May 2010, 共同基金規模、績效與投資行為, Paper presented at the 台灣財務金融學會2010年年會(暨南大學), (南投).
  6. Lu, Chiuling, Yiuman Tse, and Michael Williams, March 2010, Returns, Volatility, and Downside Risk Interactions among International REITs: Evidence from the Financial Crisis, the 49th Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting (Dallas, Texas) and at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International (New York City, New York), (Texas).
  7. 盧秋玲, July 2009, The Diversification Effects of Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Global Perspective, the 14th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society, (Los Angeles).
  8. Chou, Robin, Keng-Yu Ho, and Chiuling Lu, July 2009, The Diversification Effects of Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Global Perspective, he 14th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Los Angeles), (Los Angeles).
  9. 盧秋玲, August 2009, 房貸利息補貼政策對於民間住宅投資規模的影響, 世界華人不動產學會, (北京).
  10. 盧秋玲, October 2009, The Diversification Effects of Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Global Perspective, 2009 FMA Annual Meeting, (Reno, Nevada).
  11. 盧秋玲, October 2009, An Analysis of Lockups in REIT IPOs, 2009 FMA Annual Meeting, (Reno, Nevada).
  12. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Robert Fox, and Chiuling Lu, October 2009, An Analysis of Lockups in REIT IPOs, 2009 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (Reno, Nevada), (Nevada).
  13. Chou, Robin, Keng-Yu Ho, and Chiuling Lu, October 2009, The Diversification Effects of Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Global Perspective, the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (Reno, Nevada), (Nevada).
  14. Lu, Chiuling and Zong-Han Lin, July 2008, International Real Estate Mutual Fund Performance, the 13th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Shanghai), (Shanghai).
  15. Shen, Yang-Pin, Li-Ching Liu, and Chiuling Lu, July 2007, Why the Wealth Effects of Asset-Backed Securitization Differ?, the 12th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Macau) and at the 18th Asian Finance Association Conference, (Macau).
  16. Shen, Yang-Pin, Chiuling Lu and Li-Ching Liu, July 2007, The Incentives of Asset-Backed Securitizaiton, the 12th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Macau), (Macau).
  17. Shen, Yang-Pin, Li-Ching Liu, and Chiuling Lu, July 2007, New Evidence on Factors that Influence the Wealth Effects of Asset-Backed Securitization, the 2007年台大國際金融學術研討會, (Taipei).
  18. Ho, Lan-Chih, Chiuling Lu, and Shen-Ching Wu, January 1970, Value at Risk and Real Estate Investment Trust, the 11th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Vancouver), (Vancouver).
  19. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Keng-Yu Ho, Chiuling Lu, and Cheng-Huan Wu, October 2005, An Asset Allocation Perspective of Real Estate: the Case of Real Estate Investment Trusts, the 34th Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International (Chicago), (Chicago).
  20. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Keng-Yu Ho, Chiuling Lu, and Cheng-Huan Wu, July 2005, An Asset Allocation Perspective of Real Estate: the Case of Real Estate Investment Trusts, the 10th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society (Sydney), (Sydney).
  21. Lu, Chiuling and Raymond So, August 2004, A Note on the Nonlinear Relationships between Real Estate and Stock Markets, the 12th Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting Conference.
  22. Chen, Hsuan-Chi and Chiuling Lu, June 2004, How much do REITs pay for their IPOs, the 2004 FMA European Conference.
  23. Huang, Yu-Leh, Chiuling Lu, and Che-Chun Lin, November 2003, Estimating prepayment rate by Cibbs sampling method: the case of Taiwan, at the 11th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting.
  24. Chi, Chih-yi, Chiuling Lu, and Shihti Yu, November 2003, A test of omitted macroeconomic variables in marketing time of residential housing, the 11th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting.
  25. Lu, Chiuling and Yang-Pin Shen, October 2003, Do REITs pay enough dividends, the 32th Annual Meeting of Financial Management Association International.
  26. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Chiuling Lu, and Hsing-Lei Tu, July 2003, How much do REITs pay for their IPOs, the 8th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  27. John, Glascock, Chiuling Lu, and Raymond So, July 2002, Excess return and risk characteristics of Asian exchange listed real estate, the 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  28. Lu, Chiuling, July 2002, Do REITs pay enough dividends, he 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  29. 盧秋玲、王志哲, April 2002, 不動產投資信託超額股利支付行為的探討, 中國財務學會2002年年會.
  30. Lu, Chiuling and Shihti Yu, July 2001, The liquidity of residential housing market, the 6th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  31. Lu, Chiuling and Chih-Shian Chang, July 2001, The Information Content of REIT Accounting Performance: the Application of Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making, the 6th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  32. 盧秋玲、李文瑞, 2000, 影響股票公開申購總合格件數之因素探討, 中國財務學會2000年年會.
  33. Lu, Chiuling and Raymond So, 2000, Asia Bank Returns and Real Estate Market, the 5th Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  34. 盧秋玲、郭姿伶, 2000, 住宅貸款之提前清償與逾期還款, 中國財務學會2000年年會.
  35. Glascock, John, Chiuling Lu, and Raymond So, 1999, The Relationship Between REITs Returns and Inflation: An Vector Error Correction Approach, the 12th Annual Australasian Finance & Banking Conference.
  36. 盧秋玲、游雅芳, 1999, 不動產市場與銀行風險之探討, 中國財務學會1999年年會.
  37. Glascock, John, Chiuling Lu, and Raymond So, 1998, The Evaluation of Real Estate Returns across High Volatility Periods, (1) the Third Annual Conference of Asian Real Estate Society and (2) 第一屆世界華人不動產研討會.
  38. Lu, Chiuling, Raymond So, and John Glascock, 1998, Further Evidence on the Integration Between REITs and Bond and Stock Markets, the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association National Meeting.
  39. Lu, Chiuling and Raymond So, 1997, ausal Relationships Between Property Prices and Rental Rates: Evidence from the Taipei Real Estate Market, the Second Annual Conference of the Asian Real Estate Society.
  40. Lu, Chiuling and John Glascock, 1997, Risk Dimensions of Real Estate Investment Trusts, from 1977 to 1994, (1) the Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting, and (2) Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting.
  41. Lu, Chiuling, Yangpin Shen and Raymond So, 1996, Stock Market Reaction of Adoption of Risk-Based Capital Requirements on Banks: Further Evidence from Small versus Large Banks, (1) the Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting and (2)第四屆證券暨金融市場之理論與實務研討會.
Journal Paper
  1. Lu, Chiuling, Ann Shawing Yang, Jui-Feng Huang, November 2015, Bankruptcy predictions for U.S. air carrier operations: A study of financial data, Journal of Economics and Finance, 574 - 589.
  2. Lu, Chiuling, Tzujui Mao, and Yang-pin Shen, November 2015, Beyond Friendly Acquisitions - the case of REITs, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 139 - 159.
  3. 盧秋玲、邱名宏、曾德銘, June 2015, 台灣奢侈稅對相關上市公司之衝擊, 不动产研究.
  4. Lu, Chiuling and Ann Shawing Yang, November 2015, Market timing and REIT: a sentimental analysis, 住宅學報, 1 - 28.
  5. Chou, Robin, Keng-Yu Ho, and Chiuling Lu, December 2013, The Diversification Effects of Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Global Perspective, 財務金融學刊, 1 - 27.
  6. Lu, Chiuling, Yiuman Tse, and Michael Williams, 2013, Returns Transmission, Value at Risk, and Diversification Benefits in International REITs: Evidence from the Financial Crisis, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 293 - 318, (FLI).
  7. 張日青、盧秋玲, 2012, 台灣銀髮族資產持有行為之探討, 證券市場發展季刊, 109 - 134.
  8. Lin, Che-Chun, Yu-Lieh Huang, and Chiuling Lu, 2012, Mortgage Prepayment Rates Using the Gibbs Sampling Approach, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, 215 - 230, (FLI).
  9. Shen, Yang-pin, Chiuling Lu, and Zong-Han Lin, 2012, International Real Estate Mutual Fund Performance: Diversification or Costly Information, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 394 - 413.
  10. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Robert Fox, and Chiuling Lu,, 2011, An Analysis of Lockups in REIT IPOs, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 359 - 384.
  11. Lu, Chiuling, Sheng-Ching Wu, and Lan-Chih Ho, 2009, Applying VaR to REITs: A Comparison of Alternative Methods,, Review of Financial Economics, 97 - 102, (FLI).
  12. Yang-Pin Shen, Li-Ching Chiu, Chiu-Ling Lu, January 2008, A Discrete Random Effects Logit Model of the Incentives of Asset-Backed Securitization, 財務金融學刊, 69 - 100.
  13. Chen, Hsuan-Chi and Chiuling Lu, 2006, How Much Do REITs Pay for Their IPOs?, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 105 - 125.
  14. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Keng-Yu Ho, Chiuling Lu, and Cheng-Huan Wu, September 2005, Real Estate Investment Trusts-An Asset Allocation Perspective, Journal of Portfolio Management, 46 - 54.
  15. Chang, Yuanchen, Mao-Wei Hung, and Chiuling Lu,, 2005, Trade, R&D Spending and Financial Development,, Applied Financial Economics, 809 - 819, (FLI).
  16. Lu, Chiuling and Raymond So, 2005, Return Relationships between Listed Banks and Real Estate Firms: Evidence from Seven Asian Economies,, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 189 - 206.
  17. Chi, Woody, Chiuling Lu, and Shihti Yu, 2005, A Test of Omitted Macroeconomic Variables in Marketing Time of Residential Housing,, 證券市場發展季刊, 105 - 126.
  18. Glascock, John, Chiuling Lu, and Raymond So, 2002, REITs Returns and Inflation: Perverse or Reverse Causality Effects”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 301 - 317, (FLI).
  19. Lu, Chiuling and Raymond So, 2001, The Relationship Between REITs Returns and Inflation: A Vector Error Correction Approach, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 103 - 115, (Leading Article)(FLI).
  20. Glascock, John, Chiuling Lu, and Raymond So, 2000, Further Evidence on the Integration of REIT, Bond and Stock Returns, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 177 - 194, (FLI).
  21. 盧秋玲、游雅芳, 1999, 銀行股票報酬與不動產市場之探討, 中國財務學刊(現更名為:財務金融學刊), 29 - 61.
  22. Lu, Chiuling and Raymond So, 1999, Price Discovery in the Taipei Residential Real Estate Market, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 459 - 470, (FLI).
  23. Lu, Chiuling, Yangpin Shen, and Raymond So, 1999, Wealth Effects of the Basle Accord on Small Banks, Journal of Economics and Finance, 246 - 254, (FLI).
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