Detailed Information
Hong-Jen Chiu (Charles)
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
Office : Building II, College of Management 914
Tel : 3366-4985
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Research Field
• M&A, LBO, and Restructuring Strategy
• Strategic Leadership and Change
• International Private Equity Strategy
• Social Network and Institutional Evolution
Research Field Summary
No Data Available
• Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
• Doctoral Seminar on International Management
• International Business Strategy
• International Merger and Acquistion Strategy
• Multinational Business Management
• Theoretic Fundations of Strategic Management
2014 Author, Best Paper Proceedings, Annual Meeting, European Academy of Management, Valencia, Spain
2013 Outstanding Economic Analysis Team, Private Equity Buyout, Asian Venture Capital Journal, HK
2011 Outstanding Reviewer, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, Asia Academy of Management
2010 Excellent Paper Award, Annual Meeting, Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Beijing, China
2009 Co-author, Best Paper Proceedings, Business Policy & Strategy Division, Annual Conference, Academy of Management, USA
2008 Author, Best Paper Proceedings, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Milan (Italy)
No Data Available
Conference Paper
  1. Chiu, Hong-Jen, October 2015, Strategies for Configuring MNC’s Network-Ecosystem Links in Open Innovation: A Mechanism Design Model, AIB US-West, (Seattle, WA), Full Paper Proceedings.
  2. Hong-Jen Chiu, Mike Peng, October 2015, Institutional Comparisons of Incentives to Innovate: Pyramidal Ownership Organizational Modularity, and Mechanism Design, 35th SMS Annual International Conference, (Denver, Co.), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  3. H. J. Chiu, June 2015, Duration of Entrepreneurial Financing in Serial Venturing: A Value-Homophily Perspective, European Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Warsaw).
  4. Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2015, Entrepreneurship Dynamics and Venture Longevity, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Vancouver).
  5. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2015, Institutional and Cultural Dynamics in Stratetgic Decision-Making to Innovate, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, (Bengalore).
  6. Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2014, Competitng on Multiple Digital Platforms: A Clinical Study of eBay‘s Real-Options Strategies for Restructuring, 34th SMS Annual International Conference, (Madrid), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  7. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2014, Cognitive Mircofoundation for Collective Strategies for Private Equity Buyout, 2014 SMS Special Conference, (Copenhagen), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  8. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2014, Mechanisms for Designing Incentives to Innovate in Business Groups vs. Conglomerates, European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Valencia).
  9. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2014, Strategic Leadership under Family Ownership in Emerging Markets, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, (Vancouver).
  10. Hong-Jen Chiu, Garry Bruton, October 2013, Could Institutional Change Enhance Social Value of Innovation? A Strategic Perspective, 33th SMS Annual International Conference, (Atlanta, Ga.), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  11. Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2013, Direct Equity Investments across Institutional Distances, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Lake Buena Vista, FL).
  12. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2013, Global Buyout Strategy under Asymmetric Investment: How Illiquid ownership and professional network shape decision-making, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, (Istanbul).
  13. Hong-Jen Chiu, October 2012, Why Collective Monitoring in Private Equity Buyout?, 32nd SMS Annual International Conference, (Prague).
  14. Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2012, Modular Transformation of Value-Delivery Networks in Developing Economies, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Manchest).
  15. Hong-Jen Chiu, July 2012, Ambidexterity and Innovativeness in export-oriented entrepreneurial firms: The mediating effect of organizational network integration, European Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Liverpool).
  16. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2012, Globalization of Platform Innovation in eCommerce: Bandwagon Effect or Mimetic Isomorphism?, 2012 SMS Speical Conference.
  17. 邱宏仁, July 2011, 數字平台投資評價: 以萬人連線在線遊戲寬頻服務商為例, 中國國際金融學會年會, (Chengdu), 北京清華大學主辦.
  18. Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2011, Designing Managerial Incentives for Monitoring Corruption in Discretionary Decision-Making, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (San Antonio, TX).
  19. Mike Peng, Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2010, Intrapreneurial Financing Advantage of Business Groups: Pyramidal Structure, Family Ownership, and Institutional Development, 30th SMS Annual International Conference, (Rome), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  20. Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2010, Determinants of Persistent Performance for Private-Equity Buyout: Networking & Flexibility in Decision-Making, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Montreal, Quebec).
  21. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, June 2010, Could Institutional Differences Mediate the Ownership Type--Market Entry Decisions?, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, (Rio de Janeiro).
  22. 邱宏仁, March 2010, 中國口腔醫療市場: 進入模式. 策略發展. 與競爭優勢, 2010口腔醫療市場策略研討會, 台大牙醫系校友會主辦.
  23. Hong-Jen Carlos Chiu, December 2009, Collective Monitoring and Investment Illiquidity in Leveraged Buyout from the Private Equity Fund, 17th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, (Kaohsiung).
  24. C.L. Tien, Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 2009, How Firm Size Moderates Momentum’s Influence on the Dimensions of Strategic Persistence, 29th SMS Annual International Conference, (Washington, D.C.).
  25. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 2009, Do leveraged buyouts of global private equity firms really achieve persistent performance?, EIASM Conference on Cross-border M&A, (Brussels).
  26. Wiboon Kittilaksanawong, Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2009, How do institutional distances shape entry strategies of Taiwanese high-tech firms?, Academy of Management Annual Conference (* Best Paper, BPS Division), (Chicago).
  27. Hong-Jen Chiu, Yvonne Ho, Garry Bruton, August 2008, How MNEs Mobilize Social Capital in Modularized Network Structure? Testing the Mist-Up Hypothesis, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Anaheim, CA).
  28. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, August 2008, Entrepreneurial financing for private equity venture funds: The screening effect of investment syndication on general partner selection, 1st SMU EDGE Conference, SMU = Singapore Management University.
  29. C.L. Tien, Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2008, Direct and Moderation Effects of Strategic Leadership Change on Governance Effectiveness, European Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  30. Hong-Jen Chiu, May 2007, Corruption Dynamics of Discretionary Decision-Making Behavior, European Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Paris).
  31. Hong-Jen Chiu, May 2007, A Moderation Model of Relations Between Knowledge-Based Innovativeness, Capability Deployment, and Vertical Partnership, European Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Paris).
  32. Hong-Jen Chiu, David Deeds, Mike Peng, October 2007, Non-Market Influences on Market Strategies: Evidence from Asian Emerging Markets, 27th SMS Annual International Conference, (San Diego), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  33. Garry Bruton, Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2007, Doing Well in Strategic Processes by Doing Good to Stakeholder Management: The Perspectives of Cognitive Capabilities, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Philadelphia, PA).
  34. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 2006, Delivery network reconfiguration and regional competitiveness restructuring, 4th Annual JIBS Conference on Research Frontiers in IB, (San Diego, CA).
  35. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 2006, Behavioral momentum of technical innovation: moderating effects on CEO compensation, Bi-annual Conference of Asia Academy of Management, (Tokyo).
  36. Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2006, Disruptive Innovation on eCommerce Platform: Strategic Responses and Resource Deployment, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Atlanta, GA), OMT Division.
  37. Jia-Der Lou, Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2006, Barriers for Value Creation and Delivery for Strategic Transformation into eBusiness, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Atlanta, GA), TIM Division.
  38. Yu-Shan Su, Hong-Jen Chiu, October 2005, The Impacts of Capability and Resource on Performance Heterogeneity - US Biotechnology Ventures, 25th SMS Annual International Conference, (Orlando, Fl.), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  39. 邱宏仁, October 2005, 線上遊戲專屬型寬頻服務平台之二項式實質期權分析: 互動資訊技術之不完全資訊韌性推估法, 1st數據庫與中國會計金融實證學術研討會, (Beijing).
  40. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, June 2005, Asymmetric behavior of discretionary financing: Evidence from corruption in Asia financial services, Asian Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, (Kuala Lumpur).
  41. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, March 2005, Knowledge exploration vs. exploitation: Strategic implications for capital investments, 2005 SMS Special Conference, (Vienna).
  42. Yu-Shan Su, Hong-Jen Chiu, December 2004, Determinants of Biotechnology Venture’s Strategic Choice: Firm Capability, Environment Dynamism, and Partnering Relations, 4th Annual Conference of Asia Academy of Management, (Shanghai).
  43. Hong-Jen Chiu, October 2004, Strategic Balance in the Context of Emerging Technological Domain: The Perspective of e-Retailing, 24th SMS Annual International Conference, (Puerto Rico), SMS = Strategic Management Society.
  44. Hong-Jen Chiu (ed.), October 2003, Industry Leaders’ Strategic Responses to e-Finance Challenge: The Cases of Taiwan, CFO and e-Finance Forum, (Taipei).
  45. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, August 2002, Developing Organizational Networks for Emerging-Economy MNEs: Social Embeddedness in Home- and Host Countries: An Evolutionary Approach, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Denver, CO).
  46. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 2001, Reinventing Global Strategic M&A Logic: The Perspective of Real Options, 2001 SMS Annual International Conference, (San Francisco).
  47. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu (ed.), December 2001, Innovation Strategies for Biotech Firms in the era of Human Genome Sequencing, 2nd Biotech Innovaiton and BioCommerce Forum, (Taipei).
  48. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu (ed.), December 2000, Innovation Strategies for Biopharma Firms in the era of Human Genome Sequencing, 1st Biotech Innovaiton and BioCommerce Forum, (Taipei).
  49. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 2000, Strategic Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Cases of Microfinance and Social Enterprises, 2000 SMS Annual International Conference, (Vancouver).
  50. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu (ed.), December 1999, Business Model Innovation for TMT Industries in the Era of Mobile Evolution, 2nd Mobile Commerce & TMT Forum, (Taiwan).
  51. 邱宏仁, January 1999, 歐美銀行國際化策略:市場組合重整的策略新思維, 國際銀行發展策略論壇.
  52. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu (ed.), December 1998, Strategic Transformation for TMT Firms in the Era of 3G Mobile Evolution, 1st Mobile Commerce & TMT Forum, (Taipei).
  53. Hong-Jen Chiu, John Butler, August 1998, New Venture Survival: Determinants and Moderators, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (San Diego, CA).
  54. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 1997, Managing Diversificaiton Strategy in the Interconnected Landscape, 1997 SMS Annual International Conference, (Barcelona).
  55. J. T. Jiang, Hong-Jen Chiu, December 1996, Strategic Innovation & Operational Reinvention in the Era of eCommerce, 1st eCommerce Strategy & Innovation Forum, (Taipei).
  56. Hong-Jen Chiu, October 1995, Strategic Discovery for Global Acquisition Opportunities: A Growths-Option Perspective, 1995 SMS Annual International Conference, (Mexico City).
  57. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, Don Beard, August 1995, Strategic transformation for Digital Convergence: Determinants and Processes, Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Vancouver, BC).
  58. 邱宏仁, June 1994, 便利商店經營管理的現代化, 1st全國零售經營現代化研討會, (台北).
  59. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, March 1994, Retail Innovation in Taiwan: The Case of Convenient Store Chains, Meiji University Retail Marketing Workshop, (Tokyo).
  60. 邱宏仁, December 1993, 外商在越南投資現況及商機, 我國廠商對越南投資研討會, (台北).
  61. 邱宏仁, December 1993, 合併收購的基本與實務, 企業國際戰略研討會, 新竹科學園區管理局主辦.
  62. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, October 1993, Integrating Global Acquisition Strategies through Strategic Intent & Dominant Logic, 1993 SMS Annual International Conference, (Chicago).
Journal Paper
  1. Yvoone Ho, Hongjen Chiu, December 2013, A social network analysis of leading semiconductor companies’ knowledge flow network, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1265 - 1283, Impact Factor = 4.12.
  2. S.H. Chang, Y.L. Jaw, Hong-Jen Chiu, August 2012, A Behavioral Perspective of International New Ventures: Slack, Early Internationalization, and Performance, Journal of Global Business Management, 200 - 211.
  3. 田正利, 邱宏仁, 陳建男, December 2011, Can firm size and firm age moderate firm behavioral momentum?, 交大管理學報, 101 - 126.
  4. 邱宏仁, May 2011, 中階主管提升領導力的機遇與挑戰, Learning and Management.
  5. 田正利, 邱宏仁, June 2010, The impact of strategic leadership turnover on governance effectiveness: Moderating perspective of industry effect, 管理學報, 337 - 354.
  6. Myron Tien, Hong-Jen Chiu, March 2010, Behavioral Momentum, Stratetgic Leadership, and Governance Effectiveness, Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (* Excellent Paper Award).
  7. 邱宏仁, March 2009, 闡明策略元素 奠定競爭力分析架構, Manager Today (經理人), 96 - 97.
  8. Hongjen Chiu, Myron Tien, Yvonne Ho, September 2008, Does the involvement of private equity investments matter to firm performance and internationalization, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 102 - 109.
  9. Hong-Jen Chiu, C.L. Tien, I.F. Ho, June 2008, Assessments of organizational modularity, network bandwidth, and social capital in the MNC’s value network, Best Paper Proceedings of AIB Annual Conference.
  10. C.L. Tien, Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, March 2008, The intrapreneurial role of knowledge transferability in enhancing governance effectiveness after CEO change, Proceedings of Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Annual Meeting.
  11. Hong-Jen Chiu, Sheng-Hsiung Chang, March 2008, Entrepreneurial Advantage of Being "Born Global", Proceedings of Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Annual Meeting, 432 - 442, Conference Proceedings (ISBN 978-7- 80247-039-2).
  12. 邱宏仁, January 2005, 當專業經理人碰上家族經營團隊, Management Review (管理雜誌), 86 - 87.
  13. 邱宏仁, 傅成仕, September 2004, 金融行銷策略 -- 全球典範與臺灣前瞻, 今日合庫 (* Lead Article), 6 - 16.
  14. Yu-Shan Su, Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2004, Capabiltiy, Environment, Partnership Influencing Strategic Orientation of Biotehcnology Ventures, Journal of Business Management (* Lead Article), 1 - 16.
  15. 邱宏仁, April 2004, 企業的猝死與崛起--產業演化與企業創新的省思, Management Review (管理雜誌), 36 - 39.
  16. 邱宏仁, July 2003, 後SARS時代企業全球應變策略, Management Review (管理雜誌), 42 - 44.
  17. 邱宏仁, October 2002, 中國企業的購併現況, Management Review (管理雜誌), 124 - 125.
  18. 邱宏仁, October 1999, 金融業跨世紀併購的發展趨勢與管理模式, Taxes & Business (實用稅務), 27 - 30.
  19. 邱宏仁, October 1999, 投資電子商務產業的五大考量要點與評價方式, eBusiness CEO Report, 85 - 87.
  20. 邱宏仁, September 1999, 臺商企業海外經營 -- 企業如何因應全球化之策略建構, CPC Review (中衛簡訊), 52 - 60.
  21. 邱宏仁, August 1999, 後金融風暴的策略聯盟與併購, Taxes & Business (實用稅務), 80 - 81.
  22. 邱宏仁, August 1999, 從統一、頂新結盟失敗談起 -- 台商跨海合併收購模式, China Investment (投資中國).
  23. 林進財, 邱宏仁, 許碧芳, July 1999, 百貨公司認同卡市場區隔與持卡意願之研究, 淡江人文社會學刊, 137 - 155.
  24. 邱宏仁, January 1999, 全球企業掀起併購風, Global Industry and Commerce Bimonthly (全球工商), 9 - 14.
  25. 邱宏仁, August 1998, 企業資源能力與價值創造程式之全球配置:解析台商之國際併購策略與實務, 經濟情勢暨評論季刊 (* Lead Article), 1 - 29.
  26. Hong-Jen Chiu, September 1997, 企業生態體系與策略聯盟動態過程 -- 探索臺灣資訊業分工體系的形成與成長, 中山管理評論, 1 - 23.
  27. 葉匡時, 方至民, 邱宏仁, September 1997, 企業雙贏 -- 談策略聯盟專訪神通集團苗豐強董事長, 中山管理評論, 459 - 465.
  28. 邱宏仁, September 1997, 策略評論 雙贏策略 -- 苗豐強策略聯盟的故事, 中山管理評論, 700 - 701.
  29. 邱宏仁, March 1997, 內部行銷、人力資源、與競爭優勢:應用混沌理論的定性分析, 管理定性研究, 159 - 179, 第二屆管理學術定性研究研討會論文集.
  30. 邱宏仁, March 1995, 合併收購的基本與實務: 以台灣科技產業為例, 車輛工業月刊.
  31. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, March 1995, The value creation mechanisms of international acquisitions: An Application of Real-Options Theory, Monograph of Meiji Business Research, 1 - 18.
  32. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, March 1995, Strategic Marketing in Taiwan’s Retailing: The Case of Convenient Store Chains, Monograph of Meiji Business Research, 19 - 32.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2015, Managing Global Acquisitions in Emerging Platforms & Ecosystems, Clinic studies on leading M&A/buyout deals in recent 10 years, Hwa-Tai Book Publishing Co., Taiwan.
  2. Hong-Jen Chiu, May 2013, Perspectives of Emerging Decision-Making Processes in Venture & Buyout Deals, Asia PE/VC Association Publisher, Hong Kong.
  3. Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2012, Alternative Models for Global M&A and Buyout, Hwa-Tai Book Publishing Co., Taiwan.
  4. Hong-Jen Chiu, September 2011, Club Deals in Disruptive Technologies: Valuation & Restructuring Strategies, Asia PE/VC Association Publisher, Hong Kong.
  5. Hong-Jen Chiu, June 2009, Mobile Commerce: Opportunities for Global Private Equity Firms, Asia PE/VC Association Publisher, Hong Kong.
  6. 邱宏仁, April 2007, 集保結算所如何因應金融市場變化以有效控管作業風險, 台灣證券結保結算所.
  7. 邱宏仁, December 2006, 台灣國際資本市場發展戰略之配套設計: 批發型私募基金之引進, 中國民國金融監督管理委員會.
  8. 邱宏仁, May 2006, 台灣證券市場集保機制所面對國際私募股權基金之挑戰與對策, 台灣證券結保結算所.
  9. 邱宏仁, May 2006, 台灣與中國在世衛組織等政經議題之談判策略, 中華民國總統府國安會.
  10. 邱宏仁, December 2005, 中國東盟夥伴關係之策略, 中華民國總統府國安會.
  11. 邱宏仁, October 2005, 台灣證券機構如何因應巴塞爾協定 II 之政策評估, 台灣證券結保結算所.
  12. 邱宏仁, March 2003, 西班牙證券機構控股公司與拉丁美洲藍籌股在歐交易平台之研究, 台灣證券結保結算所.
  13. 邱宏仁, September 2002, 企業合併收購: 模型與實證, 華泰文化出版事業.
  14. 邱宏仁(編譯), August 1997, 行銷學: 創造顧客價值, 原著為Churchill’s Marketing: Creating Value for Customers, 華泰文化出版事業.
  15. Hong-Jen Charles Chiu, December 1992, International Acquisition Strategies: Growth Options, Global Networks, and Governance Mechanisms, University of Washington Press, USA.
Technical Report
No Data Available
No Data Available