Personal Information
Yung-Chih Lien
Ph.D. Ph.D., King's College London, UK
Master MBA, University of Birmingham, UK
Office : Building II, College of Management 507
Tel : 3366-9734
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Research Field
• Corporate Governance
• Family-controlled Firm
• Internationalization of Emerging Economy Firm
• International Business
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., King's College London, UK
• MBA, University of Birmingham, UK
• Introduction to International Business
• Management
• Multinational Business Management
No Data Available
2007/8/1 - 2008/7/31 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University
2006/2/1 - 2007/7/31 Assistant Professor, Department of Shipping Management, National Taiwan Ocean University
2004/11/1 - 2006/1/31 Assistant Research Fellow, International Division, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
Conference Paper
  1. 連勇智, June 2009, Determinants of international corporate entrepreneurship: a study of emerging economy firms, AIB 2009, (San Diego California).
  2. Y. C. Lien, J. Piesse, I. Fitatotchev, R. Strange, June 2008, Performance enhancing strategies in emerging market firms: a study of product diversification, international diversification and innovation, the Academy of International Business conference, (Milan).
  3. I. Fitatotchev, Y. C. Lien, J. Piesse, R. Strange, April 2007, Risk exposure and the FDI location decision, the Academy of International Business conference, (London).
  4. I. Fitatotchev, Y. C. Lien, J. Piesse, R. Strange, June 2006, FDI by firms from newly industrialized economies in emerging markets: corporate governance, entry mode and location, the Academy of International Business conference, (Beijing).
  5. I. Fitatotchev, Y. C. Lien, J. Piesse, July 2004, Corporate governance and Performance in Taiwan family-controlled firms, the Academy of International Business conference, (Stockholm).
Journal Paper
  1. Lien, YC., Teng, CC., & Li, S., September 2015, Institutional reforms and the effects of family control on corporate governance, Family Business Review, (2014 IF 5.528).
  2. Lien, YC.*, & Filatotchev, I., July 2015, Ownership characteristics as determinants of FDI location decisions in emerging economies, Journal of World Business, 637 - 650, (2014 IF 2.388).
  3. 林谷合、連勇智、彭耀平, January 2015, 網絡結構對已國際化中小企業之海外市場績效影響-以知識移轉作為中介變數, 組織與管理, 已接受.
  4. Hsu, CW., Lien, YC., Chen, H., December 2014, R&D internationalization and innovation performance, International Business Review, 187 - 195, (2014 IF 1.713).
  5. Lien, YC., & Li, S., January 2014, Professionalization of family business and performance effect, Family Business Review, 346 - 364, (2014 IF 5.528).
  6. Lien, YC.*, & Li, S., December 2013, Does diversification add firm value in emerging economies?, Journal of Business Research, 2425 - 2530, (2013 IF 1.306).
  7. 林谷合、連勇智、彭耀平, March 2013, 組織間關係、國際市場導向與海外績效間非線性關係探討:國際化程度與學習導向之干擾效果, 台大管理論叢, 已接受.
  8. Hsu, CW., Lien, YC., Chen, H., 2013, International ambidexterity and firm performance in small emerging economies, Journal of World Business, 58 - 67, (2013 IF 1.907).
  9. Strange, R., Filatotchev, I., Lien, Y.C., Piesse, J., December 2009, Insider control and the FDI location decision : evidence from firms investing in an emerging market, Management International Review, 433 - 454.
  10. 連勇智*,方至民,鍾招正, August 2009, 創業與家族企業: 回顧與展望, 組織與管理, 51 - 76.
  11. Filatotchev, I., Strange, R., Piesse, J., & Lien, Y.C., June 2007, FDI by Firms from Newly Industrialized Economies in Emerging Markets: Corporate Governance, Entry Mode and Location, Journal of International Business Studies, 556 - 572, (2007 IF 2.283).
  12. Piesse, J., Fitatotchev, I., & Lien, Y-C., January 2007, Corporate governance of family business in Taiwan, RISEC: International Review of Economics and Business, 176 - 193, (Ecolit/JEL).
  13. Lien, Y-C., Piesse, J., Strange, P., & Fitatotchev, I., August 2005, The Role of Corporate Governance in FDI Decisions: Evidence from Taiwan, International Business Review, 739 - 763.
  14. Fitatotchev, I., Lien, Y-C., & Piesse, J., June 2005, Corporate governance and performance in public-listed, family-controlled firms: evidence from Taiwan, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 257 - 283.
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