Detailed Information
Ling-Ling Wu
Ph.D. Ph.D., Psychology, University of Chicago, U.S.A.
Master M.A. Linguistics. State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A.
Bachelor B.A. Western Languages and Literature. National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan
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Research Field
• Information Behavior on the Internet
• Knowledge Management
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., Psychology, University of Chicago, U.S.A.
• M.A. Linguistics. State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A.
• B.A. Western Languages and Literature. National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan
• Experiment Operations and Practices of Behavioral Sciences
• Knowledge Management
• Organizational Behavior
• Research Methods of Management Information System
2014/08 - Present Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
2009/08 - 2014 /07 Associate Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
1997/03 - 2009/07   Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
1996/08 - 1997/02   Lecturer, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University
Conference Paper
  1. Daniel Lu, Ling-Ling Wu, August 2018, Helpfulness is in the Eyes of the Beholder: The Effect of eWOM Valence on Perceived Helpfulness, 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), (Chicago,USA).
  2. Ling-Ling Wu, Andy Lee, Yun-Kai Kuo, June 2016, The Effects of Direction Of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth And Tie Strength On Purchase Decisions: Self-Construal As The Moderator, The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Chiayi).
  3. Jei-Fuu Chen, Ling-Ling Wu, Seng-Cho Chou, December 2015, The effects of journaling dietary intake APP on the health outcomes of chronic kidney disease stage 3B-5, The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), (Kauai, Hawaii).
  4. Ling-Ling Wu, & Lynne Lee, April 2014, Popularity information and online purchases, 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference, (Kitayashu).
  5. Ling-Ling Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Ai-Chen Hsu, June 2014, EWOM effects on Facebook, The 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Chengdu).
  6. Jei-Fuu Chen, Ling-Ling Wu, Seng-Cho Chou, Chin-Hung Chang, June 2014, Online social support for weight control and improved quality of life, The 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Chengdu).
  7. Jei-Fuu Chen, & Ling-Ling Wu, June 2013, Retaining participants in web-based health intervention: Effects of social capital, The 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Jeju Island).
  8. Ling-Ling Wu, Yuzer Joung, & Jonglin Li, January 2013, Recommendation systems and consumer satisfaction online: Moderating effects of consumer product awareness, The 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), (Maui, Hawaii).
  9. Ling-Ling Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Chin-Hsiu Wei, & Ming-Yih Yeh, January 2013, How interactivity works for utilitarian and hedonic consumers online, The 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), (Maui, Hawaii).
  10. Ling-Ling Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Yu-Ting Su, & Ming-Yih Yeh, June 2013, Cultivating social capital through interactivity on social network sites, The 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Jeju Island).
  11. Yi-Ting Wang, Ling-Ling Wu, Hui-Ching Chen, & Ming-Yih Yeh, December 2012, Interactivity of social media and online consumer behavior: The moderating effects of opinion leadership, 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), (Orlando Florida).
  12. Yi-Ting Wang, Ling-Ling Wu, Hui-Ching Chen, & Ming-Yih Yeh, July 2012, The impact of interactivity on involvement and social presence: The moderating effects of opinion leadership, The 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Hochiminh City).
  13. Ling-Ling Wu, Yuh-Jzer Joung, & Tzung-En Chiang, January 2011, Recommendation systems and sales concentration: The moderating effects of consumers’ product awareness and acceptance to recommendations, The 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS).
  14. Ling-Ling Wu, Yu-Ying Lee, & Ming-Yih Yeh, July 2011, Website interactivity and user involvement: The moderating effects of need for cognition, 2011 World Marketing Congress (WMC), (Reims).
  15. Miao-Ling Chen, Ling-Ling Wu, & Chin-Chia Hsu, September 2010, Signaling product quality with advertising and retailers: The moderating effect of vertical restraints, 2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, (Tokyo).
  16. Su-Yu Zeng, Ling-Ling Wu, & Houn-Gee Chen, August 2009, Sharing private information online: The mediator effect of social exchange, The 11th International Conference on Electronic commerce (ICEC).
  17. Ling-Ling Wu, Luesak Luesukprasert, & Lynne Lee, 2009, Research and the long tail: A large-scale citation analysis, The 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), (Hawaii).
  18. Ling-Ling Wu, & Lynne Lee, 2008, Online social comparison: Implications derived from Web 2.0., The 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), (Suzhou).
  19. Wu, L., Lee, L., Chuang, Y., Chern, C., 2008, Effects of cocial comparison on online purchasing behavior, Internal Conference of Indian subcontinent decision sciences Institute (ISDSI).
  20. Lee, C., Wu, L., Lin, Y., Lu, H., Chou, S., 2008, Dynamic evaluations of blog search engines, International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), (Seoul).
  21. Ya-Lan Chuang, & Ling-Ling Wu, 2007, User-based evaluations of search engines: Hygiene factors and motivation factors, The 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), (Hawaii).
  22. Ted (Tainyi) Luor, Robert E. Johanson, Hsi-Peng Lu, & Ling-Ling Wu, 2007, Trends and lacunae for future computer assisted learning (CAL) research: An assessment of the literature in SSCI Journals from 1998-2006, International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE).
  23. Wu, L., Malter, A., Barsalou, L., 2004, Perceptual symbols and conceptual representation of products and services, Special session of Embodied cognition: Perceptual processing in online and offline consumption envir.
  24. Pauleen, D. Wu, L., Dexter, S., 2004, Knowledge management through a cultural looking glass, The 12th Annual Cross-Cultural Meeting in Research in Information Systems (CCRIS), (Washington D. C.).
  25. Ling-Ling Wu, & Shi-Yi Su, 2002, Customers’ acceptance of a web site for product information search, 2002 International Conference of Electronic Business, (Taipei, Taiwan).
  26. Ling-Ling Wu, 1999, Antecedents of end users’ perceived usefulness for information system, The 28th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, (Puerto Vallarta).
  27. Ling-Ling Wu, 1999, An investigation of the external factors in the technology acceptance model, 1999 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, (Shanghai).
  28. Ling-Ling Wu, 1999, When do people overpay? - The effect of belief system on decision making, The 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, (Athens).
Journal Paper
  1. Lynne Lee, Ling-Ling Wu, September 2017, Popularity information and online purchases: Consumer interpretation as the moderator, NTU Management Review (臺大管理論叢), Vol.28, No.1, 1-34.
  2. Mu-Hsuan Huang, Ling-Ling Wu, & Yi-Chen Wu, April 2015, A study of research collaboration in the pre-web and post-web stages: A co-authorship analysis in the information systems discipline, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 778 - 797.
  3. Ling-Ling Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Chin-Hsiu Wei, Ming-Yih Yeh, October 2015, Controlling information flow in online information seeking: The moderating effects of utilitarian and hedonic consumers, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 603 - 615.
  4. Ling-Ling Wu, & Jia-Yan Lin, February 2012, The match between information control and motivation in the online context, Psychology & Marketing, 822 - 835.
  5. Ling-Ling Wu, Mu-Hsuan Huang, & Ching-Yi Chen, 2012, Citation patterns of the pre-web and web-prevalent environments: The moderating effects of domain knowledge, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2182 - 2194.
  6. Ling-Ling Wu, Chin-Chia Hsu, Ching-Hsiang Tsai, & Chen-En Ko, December 2010, A study of leadership effectiveness of knowledge workers: Leadership styles and perception discrepancy, Journal of Information Management (資訊管理學報), 221 - 238.
  7. Tainyi (Ted) Luor, Ling-Ling Wu, Hsi-Peng Lu, & Yu-Hui Tao, September 2010, The effect of emoticons in simplex and complex task-oriented communication: An empirical study of instant messaging, Computers in Human Behavior, 889 - 895.
  8. Ching-Chin Chern, Ieong Ka Ieng Ao, Ling-Ling Wu, & Ling-Chieh Kung, March 2010, Designing a decision-support system for new product sales forecasting, Expert Systems with Applications, 1654 - 1665.
  9. Ling-Ling Wu, & Lawrence W. Barsalou, October 2009, Perceptual simulation in conceptual combination: Evidence from property generation, Acta Psychologica, 173 - 189.
  10. Ling-Ling Wu, Ya-Lan Chuang, & Pin-Yuen Chen, 2008, Motivation for using search engines: A two-factor model, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 1829 - 1840.
  11. Ling-Ling Wu, Lynne Lee, & His-Yi Su, 2008, Consumers’ acceptance of websites for pre-purchase information seeking, Journal of Information Management (資訊管理學報), 227 - 250.
  12. Ted (Tainyi) Luor, Robert E. Johanson, Hsi-Peng Lu, & Ling-Ling Wu, 2008, Trends and lacunae for future computer assisted learning (CAL) research: An assessment of the literature in SSCI Journals from 1998-2006, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 1313 - 1320.
  13. Ling-Ling Wu, Ya-Lan Chuang, & Yuh-Jzer Joung, 2008, Contextual multi-dimensional browsing, Computers in Human Behavior, 2873 - 2888.
  14. Ling-Ling Wu, & Jia-Yan Lin, 2006, The quality of consumers’ decision-making in the environment of e-commerce, Psychology & Marketing, 297 - 311.
  15. 吳玲玲, 2003, 從科技二元論的角度探討個人資訊科技接受度之前因:結構方程模型分析, 中山管理評論 (國科會研究計劃補助).
  16. 吳玲玲, 2003, 資訊控制度與專家知識效應對網路消費者決策之影響, 應用心理研究.
  17. 吳玲玲, 2002, Perspective taking representatino of bilateral negotiation: Total ignorance or partial ignorance of the other’s perspective, 台灣管理學刊, 183 - 212.
  18. Lawrence W. Barsalou, Karen Olseth Solomon, & Ling-Ling Wu, 1997, Perceptual simulation in conceptual tasks, Cultural, typological, and psychological perspectives in c.
  19. Miriam Bassok, Ling-Ling Wu, & Karen L. Olseth, 1995, Judging a book by its cover: Inerpretative effects of content on problem solving transfer, Memory and Cognition, 354 - 367.
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