Detailed Information
Wenyi Chu
Ph.D. PhD, Strategy and International Management, London Business School, U.K.
Master MBA, Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Bachelor BA, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Office : Building II, College of Management 702
Tel : 02-33661055
Fax : 02-23645141
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Research Field
• International Strategy
• Corporate Governance
• Family Business and SMEs
• Diversification and Business Groups
• Strategic Management
Research Field Summary
• PhD, Strategy and International Management, London Business School, U.K.
• MBA, Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
• BA, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
• Analysis of Industry & Competition
• Business Management
• Seminar in Strategy Theory
• Strategic Management
86-89學年度 Research Award, National Science Council, ROC
91-108學年度 Research Award, National Science Council, ROC
2001 Outstanding Paper Award, Management Review, Kung-Hwa Management Foundation
2002, 2006-2010, 2012-2014, 2017 Research Excellence Award, College of Management, National Taiwan University
2005-2008, 2014, 2016-2018 Teaching Award (top 10%), National Taiwan University
2009~2014 Teaching Excellence Award (top 1%), National Taiwan University
2009~2014 Tutor Excellence Award (top 0.5%), National Taiwan University
2017~2022 Tutor Excellence Award (top 0.5%), National Taiwan University
Lifetime Tutor Excellence Award, National Taiwan University
2018 Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Taiwan University
2012 - 2014 Chairwoman of Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
2012 - 2014 Chairwoman of Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
2007 CWCD Program, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, U.S.A.
2006 PCMPCL Program, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, U.S.A.
2009 - Present Professor of National Taiwan University
2003 - 2009 Associate Professor of National Taiwan University
1997 - 2003 Assistant Professor of National Taiwan University
Conference Paper
  1. Li, T. and Chu, W., August 2015, How Entrepreneurial Orientation Promotes Superior Firm Performance in Family Governance vs Nonfamily Governance., Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting (AOM), August 7-11, (Vancouver, BC, Canada).
  2. Li, T. and Chu, W., August 2013, Entrepreneurial Orientation Influences Firm Performance: From Outside-in and Inside-out Views, Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting (AOM), August 9-13, (Florida).
  3. Wang, C-H, Chu, W. and Chen, C-N., August 2012, Unequal Business-group Effects: Power and Status of Different Affiliated Companies, Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting (AOM), August 3-7, (Boston).
  4. Chen, C. and Chu, W., August 2010, Diversification, Resource Concentration and Business Group Performance: Evidence from Taiwan, Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting, (Montreal).
  5. Li, T. and Chu, W., December 2010, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Resource Attributes and Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View, The Seventh Asia Academy of Management Conference, (Macau).
  6. Chen, C. and Chu, W., October 2009, The Synergy of Business Groups in the Emerging Economy, Strategic Management Society 29th Annual International Conference, (Washington D. C.).
  7. Huang, Y. and Chu, W., August 2008, Enhancement of Product Development Capabilities of OEM Suppliers, Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting, (Anaheim, California).
  8. Wang, C-H, Chu, W. and Chen, C-N., December 2008, How Much Does the Business Group Matter in Taiwan? A Multilevel Study, Sixth Asia Academy of Management Conference, (Taipei).
  9. Chen, C. and Chu, W., August 2008, Diversification, Resource Concentration and Business Group Performance, Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting, (Anaheim, California).
  10. Chu, W., October 2006, How Much Does The Group Effect Matter in Emerging Economies? Long-Run Evidence From Taiwan, Strategic Management Society 26th Annual International Conference, (Vienna).
  11. Chen, C. and Chu, W., December 2006, Capability Enhancement in Interorganizational Relations: An Institutional Perspective, Fifth Asia Academy of Management, (Tokyo).
  12. Chuang, C. and Chu, W.,, July 2005, Differentiated Roles of Social Mechanisms in Safeguarding International Alliances, Academy of International Business 2005 Conference, (Quebec City).
  13. Chu, W. and Chuang, C., August 2005, Operating Characteristics of Foreign Subsidiaries of Small Transnationals, Academy of Management 2005 Annual Conference, (Honolulu, Hawaii).
  14. 朱文儀, September 2004, 「策略資料庫與集團企業研究」, 國科會策略與國際企業管理領域研究社群與學術生涯管理研討會, (Taichung), 國立中興大學.
  15. Chu, W., December 2004, Family System versus Economic System: Chinese Family Business Networks in Taiwan, Forth Asia Academy of Management Conference, (Shanghai).
  16. Chu, W. and Chuang, C. M., May 2003, The Choice of Governance Structure and Coordination Mechanisms of Small Transnationals: Taiwanese Foreign Direct Investment in mainland China, the Proceedings of Taiwanese Enterprises in Mainland China, (Taipei), Center for Global Taiwanese Enterprises Research, National Taiwan University..
  17. 朱文儀, December 2001, 「多角化企業之協調機制:資訊處理觀點、情境理論,與資源基礎觀點之整合」, 國科會管理(一)學門專題研究計劃成果發表會論文集-知識經濟時代企業經營的新思維, (Kaohsiung(義守大學)).
  18. Chuang, C. M. and Chu, W., January 2001, Governance Structure and Coordination Mechanisms of Taiwanese Firms in Vietnam: An Integrated Perspective, The Proceedings of Taiwanese Enterprises in Vietnam and Thailand, (Taipei), Center for Global Taiwanese Enterprises Research, National Taiwan University..
  19. Chu, W., August 2000, Standardized versus Differentiated Management Control Styles in Multibusiness Firms, Academy of Management 2000 Annual Conference, (Toronto).
  20. Chu, W. and Chuang, C., October 1999, Coordination Mechanisms and Effectiveness within Diversified Business groups: Evidence from Taiwan, Strategic Management Society 19th Annual Conference, (Berlin).
  21. Markides, C. C. and Chu, W., August 1999, Autonomy versus Strategic Control in Diversified Companies: The Management of Conflicting Strategic Imperatives, Academy of Management 1999 Annual Conference, (Chicago).
  22. Chu, W. and Chuang, C., August 1999, Corporate-Divisional Relations and Divisional Performance in Strategy Implementation, Academy of Management 1999 Annual Conference, (Chicago).
  23. Chu, W. and Markides, C. C., May 1999, The Determinants and Performance Implications of Divisional Autonomy in Diversified Firms: Evidence from Taiwan, Seoul National University/Organization Science Conference, (Seoul).
  24. Ye, K., Chu, W., and Hsu, M., November 1998, The Investment Strategy and Organizations of Taiwanese Enterprises in South-East Asia, International Seminar on Ethnic Chinese Business Organizations in East Asia, (Seoul(Yonsei University)).
  25. Chu, W., November 1998, Control Mechanisms and Economic Performance of Multibusoness Enterprises, Euro-Asia Management Studies Association 15th Annual Conference, (Shinchu(National Chiao Tung University)).
  26. Chu, W. & Markides, C. C., August 1997, Internal Differentiation in Diversified Companies: The Determinants of Divisional Autonomy, Academy of Management 1997 Annual Meeting, (Boston, Massachusetts).
  27. Chu, W., August 1997, Contingency Organizations and Shared Values: Managing Diversification, Academy of Management 1997 Annual Meeting, (Boston, Massachusetts).
  28. Chu, W., November 1996, Divisional Characteristics and HQ’s Control Style in A Multibusiness Firm: Can HQs Manage Different Divisions Differently?(theory paper), Strategic Management Society 16th Annual International Conference, (Phoenix, Arizona).
  29. Chu, W. & Markides, C. C., September 1996, Divisional Characteristics and HQ’s Control Style in Multibusiness Firms: Can HQs Manage Different Divisions Differently? (empirical paper), British Academy of Management Annual Conference, (Birmingham( Aston Business School)).
  30. Chu, W., March 1996, Strategy, Diversification Mode and Business Groups: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Business Groups, Academy of International Business - Southwest Annual Meeting, (San Antonio, Texas).
Journal Paper
  1. 朱文儀、李庭閣、莊正民、廖盈琇, 2019, 大股東股權集中度、外部法人持股、外部董事年資對公司績效之影響─台灣上市公司的實證研究, 中山管理評論(TSSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), (已接受刊登).
  2. Lee, T. and Chu, W., 2017, The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: Influence of Family Governance, Journal of Family Business Strategy (SSCI), 8: 213-223.
  3. 朱文儀、林亭佑, 2016, 群眾募資專案成效之影響因素─台灣flyingV群眾募資平台之實證研究, 台灣管理學刊, 16(2): 53-73.
  4. Wang, C. H., Chu, W. and Chen, C. N., 2013, Ownership, Resources, and Business-group Effects on Affiliate Performance: Evidence from Taiwan, Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 19(3): 255-278.
  5. Lee, T. and Chu, W., 2013, How Entrepreneurial Orientation, Environmental Dynamism, and Resource Rareness Influence Firm Performance, Journal of Management and Organization (SSCI), 19(2): 167-187.
  6. 陳建男、朱文儀, 2012, 大型集團企業之成員競爭優勢:資源、控制與內部市場, 中山管理評論 (TSSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 20(3): 775-809.
  7. Chen, C-N. and Chu, W., 2012, Diversification, Resource Concentration, and Business Group Performance: Evidence from Taiwan, Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 29(4): 1045-1061.
  8. Wenyi Chu, 2011, Family Ownership and Firm Performance: Influence of Family Management, Family Control and Firm Size, Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 20(4): 833-851.
  9. Huang, Y-T and Chu, W., 2010, Enhancement of product development capabilities of OEM suppliers: inter- and intra- organisational learning, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (SSCI), 25(2): 147-158.
  10. S. Ping Ho, Yi-Hsin Lin, Wenyi Chu, Hsueh-Liang Wu, June 2009, Model for Organizational Governance Structure Choice in Construction Joint Ventures: Theory and Evidence, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (SCI), 135(6): 518-530.
  11. Huang, H., Chu, W., Lai, M. & Lin, L., 2009, Strategic Linkage Process and Value-Driven System: A Dynamic Analysis of High-Tech Firms in a Newly-Industrialized Country, Expert Systems with Applications (SCI), 36: 3965-3974.
  12. Ho. S. P., Lin, Y-H, Wu, H-L., and Chu, W., 2009, Empirical Test of a Model for Organizational Governance Structure Choice in Construction Joint Venture, Construction Management and Economics (EI), 27: 315-324.
  13. Wenyi Chu, October 2009, The Influence of Family Ownership on SME Performance: Evidence from Public Firms in Taiwan, Small Business Economics (SSCI), 33(3): 353-373.
  14. Chu, W., Chen, C-N. and Wang, C-H., 2008, The market share-profitability relationships in the securities industry, Service Industries Journal (SSCI), 28(6): 813-826.
  15. 朱文儀, 陳克名, 陳建男, August 2007, 跨國企業子公司自主權影響因素之研究 - 以外商在台子公司為例, 台灣管理學刊.
  16. Huang, H., Chu, W. and Wang, W., 2007, Strategic Performance Measurement and Value Drivers: Evidence from the International Tourist Hotels in an Emerging Economy, Service Industries Journal (SSCI), 27(8): 1111-1128.
  17. 陳建男,朱文儀, October 2006, 規模、年齡,廠商成長與績效之關係, 管理評論(TSSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 第二十五卷第四期.
  18. Chu, W., June 2004, Are Group-Affiliated Firms Really More Profitable Than Non-Affiliated?, Small Business Economics (SSCI), 22: 391-405.
  19. 朱文儀,黃延聰, August 2002, 國際策略聯盟中廠商間知識移轉與廠商能力發展, 台灣管理學刊, 105 - 124.
  20. 莊正民、朱文儀、黃延聰, July 2001, 制度環境、任務環境、組織型態與協調機制-越南台商的實證研究, 管理評論(TSSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 第二十卷第三期:123-151, 本篇獲管理評論九十年度中環傑出論文獎: 組織與策略類。.
  21. Chu, W., 2001, Contingency Organizations and Shared Values: Multiple Logics of Managing Diversification, Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 83 - 97.
  22. Chu, W. and Chuang, C., December 1999, Decision-Making Autonomy and Divisional Effectiveness in Multibusiness Firms: From Contingency Perspective to Cultural Control Perspective, 亞太管理評論(TSSCI), 第四卷第四期:345-356.
  23. Chuang, C. and Chu, W., September 1999, Managerial Roles of Country Managers and Coordination Mechanisms: An Empirical Research of Transnational Corporations in Taiwan, 亞太管理評論(TSSCI), 第四卷第三期:219-230.
  24. Chu, W., September 1999, The Changing Pattern of Diversification Strategy of Business Groups in Taiwan, 中山管理評論 (TSSCI,科技部管理一學門推薦期刊), 第七卷特刊.
  25. Chu, W., Ye, K. and Hsu, M., 1999, Taiwanese Investment in Southeast Asia, Global Economic Review, 28(1): 77-90.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. Markides, C. and Chu, W, 2009, Innovation through ambidexterity: how to achieve the ambidextrous organization, in Costanzo, L. A. and R. B. MacKay (Ed.), London: Edward Elgar Publishing, ( Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight ).
  2. 朱文儀, 1997, Managing Diversification: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Business Groups, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, London Business School, University of London..
  3. 朱文儀, 1991, 「高科技產業從事共同研究發展之實證探討─以資訊電子業為例」, 未出版碩士論文,國立台灣大學商學研究所。.
Technical Report
  1. 朱文儀, 2019, 董事會社會連結、網絡位置與公司績效:兩個研究(二年期計劃)。科技部專題研究計畫,編號:MOST 108-2410-H-002 -164 -MY2。
  2. 朱文儀, 2018, 公司治理與企業經營績效之關係: 所有權結構、董事會組成、CEO特質的影響。科技部專題研究計畫,編號MOST 107-2410-H-002-235。
  3. 朱文儀, 2015, 公司績效持續性與集團隸屬之關係: 制度、國際化、治理結構之影響。科技部專題研究計畫(三年期計劃),編號MOST 104-2410-H-002 -163 -MY3。
  4. 朱文儀, 2012, 家族企業的管理:代理理論、忠僕理論、資源基礎觀點、制度理論。科技部專題研究計畫(三年期計劃),編號 MOST 101-2410-H-002 -178 -MY3。
  5. 朱文儀, 2010, 家族企業之創業家精神: 家族治理、資源特性與經營績效。國科會專題研究計畫(二年期計劃),編號 NSC 99-2410-H-002- 007-MY2。
  6. 朱文儀, 2008, 「家族股權與企業績效」,國科會專題研究計畫(二年期計劃),編號 NSC 97-2416-H-002-039-MY2。
  7. 朱文儀, 2006, 「制度環境、交易成本、社會網絡與資源:新興經濟體中的廠商成長與績效」,國科會專題研究計畫(二年期計劃),編號 NSC 95-2416-H-002-013-MY2。
  8. 朱文儀, 2006, 「國際聯合承攬之組織策略與績效關係之實證研究」,國科會專題研究計畫, 編號95-2221-E-002-321-。
  9. 朱文儀, 2005, 「中小型企業之國際化策略」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 94-2416-H-002-024。
  10. 朱文儀, 2004, 「家族企業網絡中的家族聯帶、社會聯帶與事業互賴」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 93-2416-H-002-041-SSS。
  11. 朱文儀, 2003, 「集團效果與事業單位效果在新興市場中之比較」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 92-2416-H-002-038。
  12. 朱文儀, 2002, 「新興經濟體中集團隸屬效果對績效影響之探討」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 91-2416-H-002-018-SSS。
  13. 朱文儀, 2001, 「華人家族企業網絡的管理控制型態:家族/人際因素與經濟/策略因素之考量」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 90-2416-H-002-042。
  14. 朱文儀, 2000, 14. 「新興市場之企業集團:交易成本理論、體制理論,與社會網絡觀點之整合」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 89-2416-H-002-090。
  15. 朱文儀, 2000, 「多角化企業之協調機制:資訊處理觀點、情境理論,與資源基礎觀點之整合」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 89-2416-H-002-036。
  16. 朱文儀, 1999, 「文化機制、網路結構與策略聯盟-以在東亞台商為例」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 88-2418-H-002-014-S9。
  17. 朱文儀, 1999, 「多角化企業之管理型態與經營績效之研究-結構管理方法與文化管理方法之比較」,國科會專題研究計畫,編號 NSC 88-2416-H-002-038。
  18. 朱文儀, 1998, 「公營事業民營化對員工權益及經營績效之影響」,行政院經濟建設委員會研究計畫,編號 (87)041.605,民87。
No Data Available