Detailed Information
Ji-Ren Lee
Ph.D. Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign
Master M.B.A., Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Bachelor B.S.Eng., National Tsing Hua University
Office : Building II, College of Management 803
Tel : +886-2-3366-4989
Fax : 2362-9970
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Research Field
• Growth Strategies and Competition Implications
• Competence-based Strategies and Inter-firm Linkages
• Business Strategies in Emerging Markets
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign
• M.B.A., Business Administration, National Taiwan University
• B.S.Eng., National Tsing Hua University
• Introductory Management
• Seminar on the Theory of the Firm and Corporate Growth
• Social Enterprise, Entrepreneurial Leadership
• Strategic Innovation and Corporate Growth
• Strategic Management
• Strategic Management of Multinational Corporation
2009/2011/2012/2013/2014 Excellent Teaching Awards, National Taiwan University
2006 - 2007 Fulbright Scholar
2001 Research Award, College of Management, National Taiwan University
2003 Distinguished Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
1999/2000/2001/2002 Excellent Teaching Awards, National Taiwan University
2002/08 - Present Professor, Dept. of International Business, National Taiwan University
1995/08 - 2002/07 Associate Professor, Dept. of International Business, National Taiwan University
1994/08 - 1995/07 Lecturer, Dept. of International Business, National Taiwan University
1986/07 - 1990/06 Marketing Service Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim Taiwan Ltd.
Conference Paper
  1. Lee, Ji-Ren , Sonic Wu., November 2013, Specialization, Scope, and the Dynamics of Endogenous Growth: An Empirical Investigation, 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference.
  2. Hsu, Chia-Wen, Heng-Yih Liu, Sonic Wu ,Ji-Ren Lee, November 2011, Resource Configuration, Business Scope and Performance: A Dynamic Capability Perspective, Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (San Antonio, Texas).
  3. Hsu, Chia-wen and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2009, Competence Upgrading, Business Configuration, and Risk-Return Relationship: An Empirical Study, the Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (Chicago).
  4. Hsu, Chia-wen and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2009, Untangling the Origin of Dynamic Capabilities Co-evolutionary Dynamics of Technological Innovation, the Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (Chicago).
  5. Shu-Rou Lin and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2006, Growth Options Value, Abandonment Value and the Determinants of Equity Ownership Position, Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (Honolulu, Hawaii).
  6. Chia-Wen Hsu and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2006, Don’t Spread Competence too Thin: Risk and Return of Global Contractual Suppliers, Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (Honolulu, Hawaii).
  7. Yi-Ju Lo and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2006, Competence Building, Business Configurations and Economic Performance, Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (Honolulu, Hawaii).
  8. Yi-Ju Lo and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2005, Dynamics between Competence Building, Business Configurations and Economic Performance, Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, (Honolulu, Hawaii).
  9. Yi-Chia Chu and Lee, Ji-Ren, June 2005, Strategic Flexibility and the Evolution of Business Configurations, Annual Conference of Academy of Management, (Honolulu).
  10. Herg-Yih Liu and Lee, Ji-Ren, August 2004, Resource Reconfiguration, Competence, and Firm Growth, 24th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, (San Juan).
  11. Herg-Yih Liu and Lee, Ji-Ren, August 2003, Exlporing Corporate Ventruing Investment Strategy: A Competence and Organizational Learning Perspective, 23rd Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, (Baltimore, Maryland).
  12. Herg-Yih Liu and Lee, Ji-Ren, August 2002, The Role OF Uncertainty and Industry Attractiveness in Corporate Ventures: A Real Options Perspective on Equity Choice, Third Annual Conference of Asia Academy of Management, (Bangkok).
  13. Lee, Ji-Ren, and Jen-Shyang Chen, August 2001, Foreign Expansion of Production Network and the Supplier’s Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese SMEs in Asia Region, the 2nd Conference on Taiwanese Firms in Southeast Asia.
  14. Sturgeon, T. and Lee, Ji-Ren, August 2001, Modular Production Networks: Value Chain Co-evolution and the Rise of a Shared Supply-base for Electronic Manufacturing, DURID’s Nelson and Winter Conference, (Aalborg).
  15. Lee, Ji-Ren, Jen-Shyang Chen, and Ming-Je Tang, August 2001, Upgrading and Leveraging Competence through Balanced Supply Structure: The Dynamic Capability of Contract Manufacturers in the Global Computer Industry, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, (Washington DC).
  16. Lee, Ji-Ren, and Jen-Shyang Chen, and Ming-Je Tang, August 2000, Exploring the Growth Strategy of Contract Electronics Manufacturers in Taiwan: A Competence-based Perspective, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, (Toronto).
  17. Chen, Jen-Shyang, and Ji-Ren Lee, August 1998, Leveraging Resources across Multiple Business Activities: A Business Model for OEM Suppliers in Horizontally Configured Industries, Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Societ, (Orlando, Florida).
  18. Lee, Ji-Ren, and Ming-Je Tang, August 1997, The Determinants of Corporate Capital Investment in Multibusiness Firms: An Empirical Investigation, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, (Boston, Mass).
  19. Tang, Ming-Je and Ji-Ren Lee, August 1995, Corproate Diversification and Business-unit Performance in Technology Intensive Industries, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, (Vancouver, B.C.).
  20. Tang, Ming-Je, and Ji-Ren Lee, August 1995, Governance Structure under State Ownership – The Case of Chinese Economic Reform, Hitotsubashi-OS Conference on Asia Research in Organizations: Emerging Paradigms in Organization Studies, (Tokyo).
  21. Lee, Ji-Ren and Ming-Je Tang, August 1994, Corproate Strategy and Mutual Forbearance: An Empirical Examination on Multimarket Contact Effects, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, (Dallas, Texas).
  22. Farjourn, M. and Ji-Ren Lee, August 1993, Acting, Learning, and Decision Making in Strategic Interaction, Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, (Chicago, Illinois).
Journal Paper
  1. Sonya Wen , Ji-Ren Lee, December 2012, Untangling the Emergence of Dynamic Capabilities: Co-evolutionary Dynamics of Technological Innovation, NTU Management Review, 189 - 220.
  2. Lin, S. and Ji-Ren Lee, November 2011, Configuring a Corporate Venturing Portfolio to Create Growth Value, Journal of Business Venturing, 489 - 503.
  3. Wangen Lee, Tom M.Y. Lin, Wenshu Lee, Ji-Ren Lee, June 2010, Relational and transactional factors as hybrid criteria for buyer project selection (BPS): An exploratory study from industrial suppliers’ perspective, Industrial Marketing Management, 605 - 615.
  4. 任立中、林婷鈴、陳靜怡、李吉仁, 2006, 高科技產業產品價值創造與行銷價值專屬化之最適資源配置, 中山管理評論, 32 - 00.
  5. Lee Ji-Ren, Jen-Shyang Chen, Ming-Je Tang, June 2005, Exploring the Growth Strategy of Contract Electronics Manufacturers in Taiwan: A Competence-based Perspective, Advances in Applied Business Strategy.
  6. Lee, Ji-Ren, Wei-Ru Chen, and Charng Kao, August 2003, Determinants and Performance Impact of Asymmetric Governance Structures in International Joint Ventures: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Business Research.
  7. Pruett, Mark, Hun. Lee, Ji-Ren Lee, and Don O’Neal, August 2003, How High-Technology Start-Up Firms May Overcome Direct and Indirect Network Externalities, International Journal of Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research, 33 - 45.
  8. Lee, Ji-Ren, and Jen-Shyang Chen, August 2003, Internationalization, Local Adaptation, and Subsidiary’s Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study on Taiwanese Manufacturing-based Firms in Indonesia and Malaysia, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 51 - 72.
  9. Wang, Hui-Mei, Heng-Chiang Huang, and Ji-Ren Lee, August 2001, Does Relation-specific Investment Contribute to Competence Building? A Supplier’s Perspective, Taiwan Management Journal, 55 - 75.
  10. Lee, Ji-Ren, and Jen-Shyang Chen, August 2000, Dynamic Synergy Creation with Multiple Business Activities: Toward a Competence-based Business Model for Contract Manufacturers, Theory Development for Competence-based Management, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, 209 - 228.
  11. Lee, Ji-Ren, Wei-Ru Chen, and Charng Kao, August 1998, Bargaining Power and the Trade-off between Ownership and Control of International Joint Ventures in China, Journal of International Management, 353 - 385.
  12. Chen, Jen-Shyang and Ji-Ren Lee, August 1997, The Rationales and Strategic Operation of OEM: An Emerging Pattern of Strategic Alliance under Horizontally Configured Industries, Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 553 - 572.
  13. Lee, Ji-Ren, Don O’Neal, Mark Pruett, August 1995, Planning for Dominance: A Strategic Perspective on the Emergence of a Dominant Design, R&D Management, 3 - 15.
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Book Paper
  1. 陳振祥,李吉仁, November 2009, 企業概論:本質、系統、與應用(Contemporary Business: Essence, System, and Applications),第三版, 華泰書局.
  2. Sturgeon, Tim and Ji-Ren Lee, June 2005, Industry Co-evolution: A Comparison of Taiwan and North America’s Electronics Contract Manufacturing in North America and Taiwan, Sharpe, Inc.
  3. Ji-Ren Lee, Wei-Ru Chen, Charng Kao, 2000, Asymmetric Governance Structures of International Join Ventures: Structure Determinants and Decision Flexibility, Imperial College Press.
  4. Ji-Ren Lee, Jen-Shyang Chen, 1999, Contemporary Business: Essence, System, and Applications, Hwa-Tai.
Technical Report
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