Detailed Information
Ph.D. Business Administration, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Research Field
• Research methods in behavioral studies
• Measurement equivalence/invariance
• Mediation analysis
• Congruence/Disagreement/Fit
• Structural equation modeling
Research Field Summary
Prof. Cheung is well recognized internationally as an expert in structural equation modeling, especially in measurement equivalence/invariance, analysis of dyadic data, and estimation of moderating and mediating effects in complex latent variable models. He has published more than 20 articles in research methodologies, which have been cited over 19,000 times. He is ranked (45626) among the world’s top 100,000 scientists in a study by scholars at Stanford University (Bass, Boyack, & Ioannidis, 2021), according to their career-long impact based on a composite indicator using Scopus data. He is also ranked among the top 1% of the scientists in the Business and Management subfield globally for the impact in 2020. Gordon has twice received the Sage Best Paper Award from the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management (2000 and 2009) and, in 2008, the Best Published Paper Award in Organisational Research Methods. He served as the Division Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management in 2006/07 and as the Chair of the Research Methods Special Track at the Academy of International Business 2011 Conference at Nagoya, Japan. He is currently a member of the Editorial Board of Organisational Research Methods.
• Business Administration, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
No Data Available
2020 Team Performance Management – Highly Commented Paper Literati Award 2020 for the paper “Teamwork attitudes, interest and self-efficacy between online and face-to-face information technology students.” by Konak, A., Kulturel-Konak, S., & Cheung, G. W.
2009 Academy of Management Research Methods Division/Sage Publications Best Paper Award for the paper “Further Understanding of Fit Indices in Evaluating Model Fit of Structural Equation Models” by Cheung, G. W., Lau, R.S., & Wang, L. C.
2008 Best Paper Published in Organizational Research Methods Award in 2008 for the paper “Testing Equivalence in the Structure, Means, and Variances of Higher-Order Constructs with Structural Equation Modeling” by Cheung, G.W. Organizational Research Methods, 11, 593-613.
2008 Finalist of the Academy of Management Research Methods Division/Sage Publications Best Paper Award for the paper “Eight General Questions on Measurement Equivalence/Invariance that Bother me most” by Hu, Changya & Cheung, G. W.
2005 Academy of Management Management Education and Development Division Best Symposium Award: “Curriculum and Program Internationalization: Looking Backward – Looking Forward.”
2002 Nomination for the Carolyn Dexter Award at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting for the paper “The Identification of a Partial Metric Invariance Model for Multi-group Studies” by Cheung, G. W.
2000 Academy of Management Research Methods Division/Sage Publications Best Paper Award for the paper “Beyond Two Group Comparisons: Identifying Sets of Non-invariant Groups” by Rensvold, Roger B. & Cheung, G. W.
2000 Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2002-2003 Outstanding Teacher Award, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
No Data Available
Conference Paper

1.Liu, Y., & Huang, L., Cheung, G. W. (2020). A Multilevel Study of Group Affective Tone and Team Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Model.  In Academy of Management Proceedings 2020.  Virtual. 

2.Cheung, G. W., Hu, C. -Y., & Lau, S. -Y. R. (2020). Conceptualization, Measurement, and Statistical Properties of Higher- Level Constructs.  In Academy of Management Proceedings 2020.  Virtual. 

3.Cheung, G. W., & Cooper Thomas, H. (2018). Multilevel SEM for Analyzing Mediation in Experience Sampling Methodology/Daily Diary Studies.  Paper presented at the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, USA. 

4.Zubielevitch, E., Cooper Thomas, H., & Cheung, G. W. (2018). A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Employee Responses to Person-Organization Value Incongruence.  Paper presented at the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, USA. 

5.Cheung, G. W. & Wang, L. C. (2017).  Current Approaches for Assessing Convergent and Discriminant Validity with SEM: Issues and Solutions.  Paper presented at the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, USA. 

6.Cheung, G. W. & Wang, L. C. (2017).  Methodological Artifacts in Moderated Multiple

Regression: A Latent Moderated SEM Solution’.  Paper presented at the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, USA. 

7.Jindal, D., Boxall, P., Cheung, G., & Hutchison, A. (2017).  Work engagement, job crafting, and performance’.  Paper presented at the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, USA. 

8.Cheung, G. W. & Wang, L. C. (2015).  A comparison of the MMR and LMS approaches to estimating confidence intervals of latent interactions.  Paper accepted for presentation at the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada.

9.Crawford, W., Kacmar, M., Harris, K. & Cheung, G. W. (2015).  It takes two: Examining the incongruence of impression management ratings by actors and audiences.  Paper accepted for presentation at the Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada.

10.Cheung, G. W. & Lau, R. S.  (2014).  Testing moderated mediation Effects with Latent Variable Models.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, U.S.A.

11.Cheung, G. W. & Lau, R. S.  (2011).  A direct comparison approach for testing measurement invariance.  Paper presented at the Academy of International Business 2011 Annual Meeting in Nagoya, Japan.  

12.Lau, R. S. & Cheung, G. W.  (2010).  Estimating and comparing specific mediation effects in complex latent variable models.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada.

13.Cheung, G. W., Lau, R.S., & Wang, L. C.  (2009).  Further understanding of fit indices in evaluating model fit of structural equation models.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

14.Hu, Changya, & Cheung, G. W.  (2008).  Eight general questions on measurement equivalence/invariance that bother me most.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, U.S.A.

15.Cheung, G. W., & Lau, R. S.  (2006).  Testing mediation and suppression effects of latent variables: Bootstrapping with structural equation models.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

16.Cheung, G.W.  (2006).  Introducing the latent congruence model for improving the assessment of similarity, agreement and fit in organizational research.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. 

17.Vinod, K. J., Cheung, G. W., DeFillippi, R. J., Kedia, B. L., Monaco, S. J., & Tabbush, V.  (2005).  Curriculum and program internationalization: Looking backward – looking forward. Symposium conducted at the 2005 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Hawaii, U.S.A.

18.Cheung, G. W.  (2004).  How many subjects?  Revisiting the sample size issue in structural equation modeling.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2004 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, U.S.A.

19.Lau, Rebecca S., & Cheung, G. W.  (2004).  Testing mediating effects with structural equation modeling: Problems and solutions.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2004 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, U.S.A.

20.Taylor, P. J., Karl, P., & Cheung, G. W.  (2003).  Improving the validity of reference checks.  Paper presented at the Hong Kong Psychological Society 2003 Annual Conference organized by Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong. 

21.Cheung, G. W., & Kwong, J. Y.  (2003).  Modeling latent construct interaction in structural equation modeling.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2003 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

22.Cheung G. W. (2002).  The identification of a partial metric invariance model for multi-group studies.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2002 Annual Meeting organized by the Academy of Management in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

23.Cheung, G. W.  (2002).  Cross-cultural comparison of construct means: The issue of partial measurement invariance.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2002 Annual Meeting organized by the Academy of Management in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

24.Cheung, G. W., Murrmann, K., Murrmann, S. & Becker, C.  (2001).  Cross-cultural comparisons of restaurant service expectations using non-invariant measurement items.  Paper presented at the first Joint Conference in Hospitality and Tourism organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Cornell University in Hong Kong.

25.Cheung, G. W., & Ng, T.  (2001).  Multifaceted conceptions of change: Revisiting the alpha, beta, gamma change typology.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2001 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., U.S.A.

26.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (2001).  Comparison of latent means with structural equation modeling: A latent variable score approach.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2001 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., U.S.A.

27.Rensvold, Roger B. & Cheung, G. W.  (2000).  Beyond two group comparisons: Identifying sets of non-invariant groups.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2000 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada. 

28.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (2000).  Cross-national differences in attitudes toward women’s employment: A 22-nation study.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2000 Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada.

29.Cheung, G. W.  (1999).  What constitutes significant differences in evaluating measurement invariance?  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1999 Annual Meeting in Chicago, U.S.A.

30.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (1999).  Effects of model parsimony and sampling error on the fit of structural equation models.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1999 Annual Meeting in Chicago, U.S.A.

31.Cheung, G. W.  (1998).  When are performance ratings from different constituencies truly comparable?  A review of measurement artifacts in studies of self-appraisal accuracy.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1998 Annual Meeting in San Diego, U.S.A. 

32.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (1998).  Analysis of influential cases in structural equations model: A methodological note.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1998 Annual Meeting in San Diego, U.S.A.

33.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (1998).  A bootstrap procedure for testing the statistical significance of goodness-of-fit indices in structural equation models.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1998 Annual Meeting in San Diego, U.S.A.

34.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (1997).  Cross-cultural comparisons using nonequivalent measurement items.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1997 Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

35.Cheung, G. W., & Chan, C. M.  (1997).  Inside the black-box of cross-cultural comparisons.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1997 Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

36.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (1996).  Identifying nonequivalent items in cross-group comparisons: A review of published methods and a proposed new method.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1996 Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.

37.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (1996).  A proposed model identification method for testing factorial invariance with confirmatory factor analysis.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1996 Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.

38.Cheung, G. W., & Chiu, J. C.  (1995).  Current practices of research methods in cross-cultural studies.  Paper presented at the Association of Management 13th Annual International Conference in Vancouver, Canada.

39.Cheung, G. W., & Chow, I. H.  (1995).  The issue of measurement invariance in cross-cultural studies.  Paper presented at Hitotsubashi-Organization Science Conference in Tokyo, Japan. 

40.Cheung, G. W.  (1992).  Test of pretest sensitization: An inexpensive and easy task.  Paper presented at the Academy of Management 1992 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Journal Paper

1.Wayne, S. J., Sun, J., Kluemper, D. H., Cheung, G. W., & Ubaka, A. (2022). The cost of managing impressions for black employees: An expectancy violation theory perspective.  Journal of Applied Psychology.

2.Jindal, D., Boxall, P., Cheung, G. W., & Hutchison, A. (2022). How do work engagement and work autonomy affect job crafting and performance? An analysis in an Indian manufacturer.  Personnel Review.

3.Huo, M. -L., Boxall, P., & Cheung, G. W. (2022). Lean production, work intensification and employee wellbeing: Can line-manager support make a difference?. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(1), 198-220. 

4.Huang, L., Liu, Y., Cheung, G. W., & Sun, J. (2021). A Multilevel Study of Group Affective Tone and Team Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Model.  Group and Organization Management. 

5.Zubielevitch, E., Cheung, G. W., Sibley, C. G., Sengupta, N., & Osborne, D. (2021).  People and the Place: Social Dominance Orientation is Reciprocally Associated With HierarchyEnhancing Occupations Over Time.  Journal of Management. 

6.Lau, R. S., Cheung, G. W., & Cooper–Thomas, H. D. (2021). The influence of dispositions and shared leadership on team–member exchange.  Journal of Managerial Psychology, 36, 258-271. 

7.Zubielevitch, E., Cooper–Thomas, H. D., & Cheung, G. W. (2021). The (socio) politics of misfit:

a moderated-mediation model.  Journal of Managerial Psychology, 36, 138-155. 

8.Cheung, G. W., Cooper-Thomas, H. D., Lau, R. S., & Wang, L. C. (2021). Testing Moderation in Business and Psychological Studies with Latent Moderated Structural Equations.  Journal of Business and Psychology, 36, 1009-1033. 

9.Giolito, V. J., Liden, R. C., van Dierendonck, D., & Cheung, G. W. (2021). Servant Leadership Influencing Store-Level Profit: The Mediating Effect of Employee Flourishing.  Journal of Business Ethics, 172, 503-524. 

10.Huo, M., Boxall, P., & Cheung, W. (2020). How does line-manager support enhance worker wellbeing?  A study in China.  International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, 1825-1843. 

11.Konak, A., Kulturel-Konak, S., & Cheung, G. W. (2019). Teamwork attitudes, interest and selfefficacy between online and face-to-face information technology students.  Team Performance Management, 25 (5/6) 253-278. 

12.Hewagama, G., Boxall, P., Cheung, G., & Hutchison, A. (2019).  Service recovery through empowerment?  HRM, employee performance and job satisfaction in hotels.  International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 73-82. 

13.Moloney, W., Gorman, D., Parsons, M., & Cheung, G. (2018).  How to keep registered nurses working in New Zealand even as economic conditions improve.  Human resources for health, 16 (1), 1-8. 

14.Moloney, W., Boxall, P., Parsons, M., & Cheung, G. (2018).  Factors predicting Registered Nurses' intentions to leave their organization and profession: A job demands-resources framework.  Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 (4), 864-875. 

15.Cheung, G. W., & Lau, R. S. (2017).  Accuracy of Parameter Estimates and Confidence Intervals in Moderated Mediation Models.  Organizational Research Methods, 20, 746-769. 

16.Wayne, S. J., Lemmon, G., Hoobler, J. M., Cheung, G. W., & Wilson, M. S. (2017). The ripple effect: A spillover model of the detrimental impact of work-family conflict on job success.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38, 876-894. 

17.McGrath, E., Cooper-Thomas, H. D., Garrosa, E., Sanz-Vergel, A. I., & Cheung, G. W. (2017). Rested, friendly, and engaged: The role of daily positive collegial interactions at work.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38, 1213-1226. 

18.Cheung, G. W. & Lau, R. S. (2012).  A direct comparison approach for testing measurement invariance.  Organizational Research Methods, 15, 167-198.  

19.Lau, R. S. & Cheung, G. W. (2012).  Estimating and comparing specific mediation effects in complex latent variable models.  Organizational Research Methods, 15, 3-16. 

20.Cheung, G.W. (2009).  A multiple-perspective approach in analyzing data in congruence research.  Organizational Research Methods, 12, 63-68.  

21.Cheung, G.W. (2009).  Introducing the latent congruence model for improving the assessment of similarity, agreement and fit in organizational research.  Organizational Research Methods, 12: 6-33.  

22.Cheung, G.W.  (2008).  Testing equivalence in the structure, means, and variances of higher-order constructs with structural equation modeling.  Organizational Research Methods, 11, 593613.  

23.Cheung, G. W. & Lau, R. S.  (2008).  Testing mediation and suppression effects of latent variables: Bootstrapping with structural equation models.  Organizational Research Methods, 11(2), 296-325.

24.Bai, Y., Poon, W. Y., & Cheung, G. W. (2006)  Analysis of a two-level structural equation model with group specific variables in LISREL.  Structural Equation Modeling Journal, 13(4), 544565.  

25.Cheung, G. W., Murrmann, K., Murrmann, S., & Becker, C.  (2004).  Non-invariant measurement versus traditional approaches for studying cultural differences: A case of service expectations.  Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 28, 375-390.  

26.Taylor, P., Karl, P., Cheung, G. W., & P. Stringfield (2004).  Dimensionality and validity of a structured telephone reference check procedure.  Personnel Psychology, 57, 745-772.  

27.Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B.  (2002).  Evaluating goodness-of-fit indices for testing measurement invariance.  Structural Equation Modeling Journal, 9(2), 233-255.  

28.Sin, L., Hung, K. & Cheung, G. W. (2001).  An assessment of methodological development in cross-cultural advertising research: A twenty-year review.  Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 14 (2/3), 153-192.  

29.Cheung, G. W. & Rensvold, R. B.  (2001).  The effects of model parsimony and sampling error on the fit of structural equation models.  Organizational Research Methods, 4, 235-263.  

30.Cheung, G. W. & Rensvold, R. B.  (2000).  Assessing extreme and acquiescence response sets in cross-cultural research using structural equations modeling.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31(2), 187-212.  

31.Cheung, G. W. & Chow, I. H.   (2000).  Subcultures in Greater China: A comparison of managerial values in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.  Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 16, 369-387.  

32.Cheung, G. W.  (1999).  Multifaceted conceptions of self-other ratings disagreement.  Personnel Psychology, 52(1), 1-36.  

33.Cheung, G. W. & Rensvold, R. B.  (1999).  Testing factorial invariance across groups: A reconceptualization and proposed new method.  Journal of Management, 25(1), 1-27.  

34.Becker, C., Murrmann, S., Murrmann, K., & Cheung, G. W. (1999). A pancultural study of restaurant service expectations in the USA and Hong Kong.  Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 23(3), 235-255.  

35.Rensvold, Roger B. & Cheung, G. W. (1999).  Identification of influential cases in structural equation models using the Jackknife method.  Organizational Research Methods, 2, 293-308.  

36.Sin, Y. M. L., Cheung, G. W. & Lee, Ruby.  (1999).  Methodology in cross-cultural consumer research: A review and critical assessment.  Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 11, 75-96.  

37.Cheung, G. W. & Rensvold, R. B.  (1998).  Cross-cultural comparisons using nonequivalent measurement items.  Applied Behavioral Science Review, 6(1), 93-110.  

38.Rensvold, Roger B. & Cheung, G. W. (1998).  Testing measurement models for factorial invariance: A systematic approach.  Educational and Psychological Measurement, 58(6), 1017-1034.  

39.Cheung, G. W. & Chiu, J. C. (1996).  Current practices of research methods in cross-cultural studies.  Journal of Management Systems, 7(3), 33-42.

  1. 張偉雄., & 彭台光., 2013, 組織研究方法論文精選.
Book Paper

1.Cheung, W. G., & Wang, L. (2018).  结构方程模型 (Structural equation modeling).. In X. Chen, & W. Shen (Eds.), 组织与管理研究的实证方法 = Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research (3rd ed., pp. 464-489).  Beijing, China: Peking University Press.

2.Cheung, W. G., & Wang, L. (2012).  Structural Equation Modeling.  In X. P. Chan, A. Tsui, & L. Farh (Eds.), 组织与管理研究的实证方法 (2nd ed., pp. 395-418).  Beijing, China: Peking University Press.

3.Rensvold, Roger B. & Cheung, G. W. [50% Contribution] (2001).  Testing for metric invariance using structural equation models: Solving the standardization problem.  In Schriesheim, C. A. & Neider, L. L. (Eds) Research in Management Series (Vol. 1) Equivalence in Measurement, Chapter 3, pp.25 – 50.  Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.  

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