Detailed Information
Chi-Chun Liu
Ph.D. Ph.D., New York University (Accounting)
Office : Building II, College of Management 1003
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Research Field
• Capital Market
• Financial Accounting
• Banking Accounting
Research Field Summary
• Ph.D., New York University (Accounting)
• Advanced Financial Accounting Theory
• Business Valuation and Financial Reporting (EMBA)
• Intermediate Accounting
• Seminar in Financial Accounting Standard
• Seminar on Financial Accounting Theory (I)
No Data Available
Chairman, Dept. of Accounting, NTU Professor, NTU
Conference Paper
  1. Liu, Chi-Chun, and Stephen G. Ryan, 2008, The Effect of Bank Loan Portfolio Composition on the Market Reaction to and Anticipation of Loan Loss Provisio, Arden House Conferenc.
  2. Chi-Chun Liu, Stephen G. Ryan, 2008, The Effect of Bank Loan Portfolio Composition on the Market Reaction to and Anticipation of Loan Loss Provisio, Arden House Conference.
  3. Chi-Chun Liu, Joshua Livnat, Stephen G. Ryan, 2008, Forward-Looking Financial Information: The Order Backlog as a Predictor of Future Sales, The International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues at National Chengchi University, (Taipei).
  4. 劉啟群,陳維慈,林純央,程珮雯, December 2005, 購併資訊市場反應之研究-以台灣金融控股公司為例, 2005 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  5. Dar-Yeh Hwang, Lishu Ouyang, Chi-Chu Liu, November 2004, Balanced Performance Index and Its Implications: Evidence from Taiwan’s Commercial Banks, The 11th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, (Taipei).
  6. 劉啟群,陳維慈,林純央, October 2004, 台灣金融控股公司換股比例評價之研究, 2004 會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  7. 黃德芬,柯承恩,劉啟群, November 2002, 銀行資本適足性管制之風險資訊內, 2002會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  8. 劉啟群,林嬋娟,陳俊合, December 2001, 我國企業公開發行之實證研究-資本額門檻與規避公開, 2001會計評論研討會, (Taipei).
  9. Chi-Chu Liu, Min-Jeng Shiue, Chan-Jane Lin, July 2001, A Study on Earnings Management in Taiwanese Group Firms, AAANZ 2001 Annual Conference, (Auckland).
  10. 劉啟群, July 1999, 台灣上市公司實施兩稅合一前有效稅率決定因素之研究, 1999 American Accounting Association / Taiwan Accounting Association First Globalization Conference, (Taoyuan).
  11. 劉啟群,陳建樺, November 1997, 影響管理當局自願性盈餘預測揭露時點因素之研究, 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會, (Taipei).
  12. Liu, Pope, Ryan, Zarowin, September 1997, The Accuracy Complementarity of Analyst and Earnings-to-Price Ratio-Based Forecasts of Annual Earnings, Capital Markets Research Conference., (British).
  13. 劉啟群, 1996, 會計資訊及內部持股之風險資訊內涵-以臺灣銀行業為例, 中華會計教育學會及東海大學會計系合辦之學術研討會, (Taichung).
  14. 劉啟群,陳建樺, 1996, 管理當局盈餘預測精確度與自願性盈餘預測揭露關係之研究, 中華會計教育學會及東海大學會計系合辦之學術研討會, (Taichung).
  15. Chi-Chu Liu, Stephen G. Ryan, James M. Wahlen, August 1995, Differential Valuation Implications of Loan Loss Provision across Banks and Fiscal Quarters, 1995 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, (Orlando).
Journal Paper
  1. 劉啟群,陳妮雲, April 2010, 買回庫藏股實際執行率宣告市場反應之研究, 證券市場發展季刊, 139 - 176.
  2. Chi-Chun Liu, Ni-Yun Chen, June 2010, The Impact of Analysts’ Forecasts on Share Repurchases as Signals for Earnings., 財務金融學刊.
  3. Weitzu Chen, Chi-Chun Liu, 2010, The Informativeness of Financial Asset Securitization Activities on Predicting Bank Risks., Taiwan Accounting Review.
  4. Ko, Liu and Liao, 2010, The Value Relevance and Information Content of Deferred Acquisition Cost in Insurance Firms, 證券市場發展季刊.
  5. 林修葳,陳育成,陳明進,劉啟群,歐進士,簡金成,吳瑞萱,林美鳳, October 2009, 國內會計領域學術專業期刊評比排序之研究, 證券市場發展, 25 - 66.
  6. Hwang Dar-Yeh, Lee Alice C., Liu Chi-Chun, Ouyang Lishu, March 2009, Balanced Performance Index and Its Implications:: Evidence from Taiwan’s Commercial Banks., Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets & Policies, 27 - 62.
  7. 陳維慈,劉啟群,張儒欣, 2009, 股權私募之折價因素:資訊假說之再檢視, 證券市場發展.
  8. Weitzu Chen, Chi-Chun Liu, Stephen G. Ryan, September 2008, Characteristics of Securitizations that Determine Issuers’ Retention of the Risks of the Securitized Assets, The Accounting Review, 1181 - 1215.
  9. Tatsumi Yamada,劉啟群,尤愛馨, January 2007, 全球與國際會計準則接軌之現狀與展望─各國接軌一致化 準則研議宜儘速, 會計研究月刊, 98 - 105.
  10. 劉啟群, November 2006, 無形資產之會計處理, 會計研究月刊, 42 - 55.
  11. 李佳玲,杜榮瑞,周濟群,梁嘉紋,陳耀宗,楊朝旭,葉疏,劉啟群,劉嘉雯, September 2006, 管理一學門會計領域國際期刊簡介, 人文與社會科學簡訊, 69 - 92.
  12. Chi-Chun Liu, Stephen Ryan, March 2006, Income Smoothing over the Business Cycle: Changes in Banks’ Coordinated Management of Provisions for Loan Losses and Loan Charge-offs from the Pre-1990 Bust to the 1990s Boom, The Accounting Review, 421 - 441.
  13. Min-Jeng Shiue, Chan-Jane Lin, Chi-Chun Liu, 2006, Group Types and Earnings Management, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, 137 - 162.
  14. 劉啟群,陳維慈,林純央, July 2005, 臺灣金融控股公司換股比率決定因素之研究, 會計評論, 1 - 32, TSSCI 觀察名單.
  15. 林嬋娟,劉啟群,陳俊合, August 2004, 我國企業公開發行之實證研究-資本額門檻與規避公開, 證券市場發展季刊, 43 - 80.
  16. Chi-chun Liu, Stephen G. Ryan, Hung Tan, June 2004, How Banks’Value-at-Risk Disclosures Predict Their Total and Priced Risk:The effect of Bank Technical Sophistication and Learning over Time, Review of Accounting Studies, 265 - 294.
  17. 劉啟群, May 2001, 我國與國際「每股盈餘」準則之比較(上), 會計研究月刊, 143 - 152.
  18. 劉啟群,賴宛圻, June 2001, 我國與國際「每股盈餘」準則之比較(下), 會計研究月刊, 137 - 140.
  19. 柯承恩,劉啟群, February 2000, 我國銀行調整資本與盈餘目標之會計及理財決策工具分析, 貨幣市場, 1 - 17.
  20. 劉啟群, July 1999, 我國金融業會計損益項目季別分析:盈餘管理間接測試法, 會計評論, 63 - 79.
  21. 劉啟群,楊慧敏, June 1999, 臺灣銀行產業結構及經營效率與會計獲利能力指標之關聯性研究, 亞太管理評論, 109 - 129.
  22. 劉啟群,徐昭旻, April 1999, 公司折舊性資產對帳面價值與公平市價比率之影響, 管理與系統, 207 - 220.
  23. 劉啟群, April 1999, 我國銀行年報自願性揭露與銀行特質關聯性研究, 中山大學管理評論, 57 - 80.
  24. 劉啟群,陳建樺, July 1998, 上市公司管理當局自願性盈餘預測揭露及揭露時點之影響因素—台灣地區之實證分析, 中國財務學刊, 1 - 44.
  25. 劉啟群,陳建樺, July 1998, 管理當局盈餘預測精確度與自願性盈餘預測揭露關係, 中山大學管理評論, 411 - 439.
  26. 劉啟群,洪淑琴, December 1997, 臺灣銀行業會計盈餘與資本比率關聯性研究, 交通大學管理學報, 77 - 102.
  27. Chi-Chu Liu, Stephen G. Ryan, James M. Wahle, January 1997, Differential Valuation Implications of Loan Loss Provision across Banks and Fiscal Quarte, The Accounting Review, 133 - 146.
  28. 劉啟群, April 1997, 美國銀行放款類型組合對壞帳提列及其市場股價反應之影響, 會計研究月刊, 78 - 83.
  29. 劉啟群, November 1997, 第三十九號公報股份基礎給付交易之會計處理準則, 證券暨期貨月刊, 5 - 26.
  30. Chi-Chu Liu, December 1997, Financial Analysts’ Multi-period Information Acquisition Behavi, Taiwan Economic Review, 441 - 471.
  31. Chi-Chu Liu, Joshua Livnat, Stephen G. Rya, 1996, Forward-Looking Financial Information: The Order Backlog as a Predictor of Future Sales, The Journal of Financial Statement Analysis, 89 - 99.
  32. 林美花,劉啟群,彭火樹, 1996, 國際知名學者Baruch Lev專訪, 會計研究月刊, 95 - 102.
  33. 李建然,周玲臺,劉啟群, July 1995, 上市公司審計報告總體檢(上), 會計研究月刊, 10 - 17.
  34. Chi-Chu Liu, Stephen G. Ryan, April 1995, The Effect of Bank Loan Portfolio Composition on the Market Reaction to and Anticipation of Loan Loss Provision, Journal of Accounting Research, 77 - 94.
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