Official Launch of Industry Mentoring Program on 7th Oct 2020
Published At:2020-11-18 
 2020-11-18 updated


 Under the guide of Prof. MD Cheng and Prof. Charles Chang, the Industry Mentoring Program (IMP) officially launched on 7th Oct.  The purpose of the program is to set up our very own GMBA Industrial platform in helping GMBA students to connect to the industries in Taiwan, with the beneficial of seeking for internships and eventually employments in the future. There were total 24 students joined us for the session, which 8 of them were joined via online.

 Prof. Chang started the session by sharing with us the framework of the program.  The main activities of this semester’s IMP are giving Career Advisory, which students can make appointments with professors to get advice on career related topics.  Apart from this, IMP targets to arrange talks or workshops by industrial leaders to share their experiences or designated topics and company visits from time to time to ensure closed connection between the students and the markets. In this session, Prof. Chang shared with us on 2 companies’ profile, Aver Information and Aver Media and their internship/employment opportunities. He is liaising visits with these 2 companies and will further furnish the details upon confirmation obtained.

 Prof. Cheng shared on his Lighthouse Project, which is a part of IMP.  Several featured workshops would be organized under Lighthouse Project, to prepare and boost up the confidence of the students to further develop their careers after graduation.  On top of that, Lighthouse Project also aims to provide support and guidance to our GMBA alumni or industrial leaders who are the potential mentors for students under the mentoring program.  Through this program, the IMP committees hope to achieve an advance growth of both mentors and mentees.

 Although the program is newly launched but we believe that it will be a successful program with the supports from industrial partners, GMBA alumni and students’ network.  Most importantly, this is a platform for growth of all.

(Written by GMBA student Hooi Ying Chua)