20th Anniversary of NTU EMBA – Combining Diversified Values and Fulfilling Social Innovation; Both Academics and Entrepreneurs Share Brilliant Ideas in a Forum; A Start for the First Flip for Taiwan Enterprises
Published At:2016-06-21 
 2017-02-23 updated

NUT EMBA, that has the highest concentration of entrepreneurs and owners of listed companies in its student profile, that of whose students represent more than half of total value of businesses in Taiwan, celebrated its 20th anniversary with a forum on Social Innovation on May 21 that emphasized that enterprises should take the initiatives in innovation as a business model and thus help to solve problems in the society. NTU wishes to be the boundary crossing, aggregating, fulfilling, and innovative pioneer to help businesses to do whatever they prefer to do, said Xie Ming-Hui, CEO, NTU EMBA, that they may help the society while realizing profit. The Forum on the 21th had the honors to have Yen Fong, who is the former Councilor of the Executive Yuan and constantly concerns about the development of social enterprise; Mr. Ping Zheng, CEO of the Delta Electronics, Mr. Jun-Ji Zhou, President of Sin Yi Realty Inc., and Yi-Han Lin, co-founder and CEO of Social Enterprise Insights that is the representative of new-generation innovative social enterprise, who were dedicated to creating win-win situation for enterprises and the society; and De-Fong Wu, Chief Officer of Strategy, PwC Taiwan, who serves to protect enterprise stakeholders’ values, to participate in the forum discussion.

According to Xie Ming-Hui, CEO, NTU EMBA, as a leader in values and constant innovation, NTU must carry a greater share of responsibilities in combining diversified values, and that is also the spirit of NTU EMBA. We are tasked to lead Chinese EMBAs, and NTU EMBA firmly believes that the fulfillment of Social Innovation must combine the diversified values like “concurrently preserving shareholders’ profit and social responsibilities”, “management capacity and entrepreneur spirit”, and “pursuit of intellect potentiality and the quality in physicals, minds, and spirits”, and build a platform on which the elites may congregate. In the future, NTU EMBA shall continue to compete with itself especially in terms of “diversified values” and “innovative learning”. In essence, social innovation is not a transitory task, but to help businesses to achieve sustainability and, even more important, to inject new stamina and momentum into Taiwanese society.