博士 PhD, University of Cincinnati, U.S.
研究室 : 二館 1116
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數位轉型是現今商業環境的重要現象,透過使用數位技術對社會和產業產生變化。數位轉型是一個藉由資訊、計算、通信和連接技術的結合,觸發實體屬性的顯著變化,從而改善目標對象的過程。如下圖所示,由於新數位技術的出現破壞現有商業環境與消費者行為 (disruptions),驅使企業以新的數位商業策略、數位轉型策略作為因應(new IT strategies)。在數位策略中,企業決定合適的新數位技術 (digital technologies),透過新數位技術對企業的賦能 (enable),為企業開闢一條新的價值創造之路 (value creation paths),進而實現企業數位策略的預期效益 (benefit realization)。

Digital transformation is important in today's business environment, bringing changes to society and industries through the use of digital technologies. Digital transformation is a process that triggers significant changes in physical attributes by combining information, computing, communication, and connectivity technologies, thereby improving the processes for targeted entities. As shown in the diagram below, the emergence of new digital technologies disrupts existing business environments and consumer behaviors, compelling enterprises to adopt new digital transformation and digital business strategies as responses. In digital strategies, enterprises decide on suitable new digital technologies, use these technologies to enable the enterprise, and open up new paths for value creation, thereby realizing the benefits of the enterprise's digital strategy.

IT program management steps and DT proccess

專案集群(Program)它是包括多種相互依賴關係專案的集合,專案集群管理(Program Management)透過對組織內多個專案採取統籌協調式的整合管理,致力於實現專案集群組織層面戰略目標的效益。IT專案集群的管理生命週期包含四個階段,依序為識別 (program identification)、規劃 (defining program)、實施 (program delivery)、解散 (program closure):
1. 識別階段是企業的IT戰略目標確定後,由組織內部成立委員會或高層領導團隊評估應展開哪些IT活動來實現IT戰略目標。
2. 規劃階段是進入IT專案集群的系統規畫階段,包括確定IT專案集群的目標成果、組織結構、指派各個IT專案的負責人…等。
3. 實施階段的核心任務,是組織IT能力的交付與效益的實現。
4. 最後,解散階段需要對最終實現的效益進行評估,對專案集群管理中出現的問題進行分析和經驗總結。如果預期的效益沒有實現,可以選擇繼續該IT專案集群或分析失敗原因,開啟新的IT專案集群。

A Program is a collection of multiple interdependent projects. Program Management involves the integrated management of multiple projects within an organization in a coordinated manner, aimed at achieving the strategic objectives of the program at the organizational level. The management lifecycle of an IT program includes four phases: program identification, defining the program, program delivery, and program closure:
1. The identification phase begins after the IT strategic objectives of the enterprise are established, where an internal committee or senior leadership team assesses which IT activities should be initiated to achieve these IT strategic objectives.
2. The defining phase enters the planning stage of the IT program, which includes defining the desired outcomes of the IT program, its organizational structure, and assigning leaders for each IT project.
3. The core task of the delivery phase is the delivery of IT capabilities and the realization of benefits.
4. Finally, the closure phase involves evaluating the benefits realized, analyzing problems encountered in program management, and summarizing experiences. If the expected benefits are not realized, the option to continue with the same IT program or to analyze the reasons for failure and start a new IT program is available.
The diagram below is an example of the management lifecycle of a digital transformation program.

IT program management lifecycle

數位轉型其實是一個IT專案集群管理問題 (IT program management),IT專案集群管理方法可以應用在數位轉型流程中的各個階段。為了達到企業的數位轉型策略目標以及預期效益,規劃員工數位化技能培訓專案、數位化基礎設施部署實施專案、供應鏈流程數位化專案…等一系列專案,以實現企業數位轉型專案集群的效益。IT專案集群管理可以協調管理多個相互依賴的數位化專案(例如數位化策略決策管理、關係人管理、數位化效益管理、數位化治理),以交付單一專案管理無法取得的整合效益。


Digital transformation is essentially a topic of IT program management. IT program management can be applied at various stages of the digital transformation process. To realize the strategic objectives and expected benefits of an enterprise's digital transformation strategy, a series of projects such as training for employees' digital skills, digital infrastructure deployment, and digitalization for supply chain processes are planned. These projects are aimed at realizing the benefits of an enterprise's digital transformation program. IT program management can coordinate the management of multiple interdependent digital projects (such as digital strategy decision management, stakeholder management, digital benefits management, digital governance) to deliver integrated benefits that cannot be realized by managing single projects alone.

I am particularly interested in using IT program management to explain the problems and challenges faced by enterprises during the digital transformation process, to propose best practices for digital transformation, and to translate practical phenomena into theoretical frameworks that open up future research in IT program management theories.
• PhD, University of Cincinnati, U.S.
• Digital Transformation: IT Program Management (數位轉型: IT 專案集群管理)
• IT Project Management (IT 專案管理)
• Research Design and Academic Writing (研究範式與寫作出版)
2023 國際資訊系統學會會士 (Association of Information Systems, AIS Fellow)
2022 臺大特聘教授 (Distinguished Professor, NTU)
2016 臺大傑出研究獎 (Outstanding Research Awards, NTU)
2015 傑出人才講座教授-傑出人才發展基金會 (Foundation for the Advancement Outstanding Scholarship)
2013 臺大富邦永續講座教授 (Fu-Bon Chair Professor, NTU)
2009 - 2013 臺大特聘講座教授 (Distinguished Chair Professor, NTU)
2013 - 迄今 國立臺灣大學 特聘教授 (National Taiwan University, Distinguished Professor)
2009 - 2013 澳洲國立大學 特聘教授(E2) (Australian National University, Australia, Distinguished Professor (E2))
2001 - 2009 美國中佛羅里達大學 Research Professor (University of Central Florida, U.S., Research Professor)
1997 - 2001 美國路易斯安那理工大學 副教授/Max Watson講座教授 (Louisiana Tech University, U.S., Associate Professor/Max Watson Chair Professor)
1992-1997 美國密西根州立大谷大學 助理教授 (Grand Valley State University, U.S., Assistant Professor)
Journal Editorship  
2018 - 迄今 Editor-in-Chief: Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (AIS flagship journal in the Pacific Asia)
2015 - 2020 Senior Editor: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Top 4 IS journal)
2013 - 2015 Senior Editor: MIS Quarterly (Top 4 IS journal)
2014 Senior Editor (Special Issue): Journal of Management Information Systems (Top 4 IS journal)
  1. Tsai, J., Wu, J., & Jiang, J. J., 2025, The Impacts of Reward Structures on MTS-based New Information Technology Product Development, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #20, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  2. Tsai, J. C. A., Klein, G., Carol, S. & Jiang, J. J., 2024, Information Elaboration and Coopetition: Participation in the Replacement of Legacy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 2683 - 2697. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #20, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  3. Zheng, Y., Wu, J., Houng, W., Jiang, J.J., & Ren, H., 2024, Coordination Resistance in Cross-Functional NPD Projects: The Moderating Role of Temporal Leadership, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 2138-2152. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #20, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  4. Lei, Y., Wu, J., & Jiang, J. J., 2024, Shared Mental Models and Boundary Management Activities in New Product Development: A Perspective on Multiteam Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 1073-1085. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #20, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  5. Wu, J., Jiang, J. J., & Klein, G., 2023, On the Road to Digital Transformation: A Literature Review of IT Program Management, Project Management Journal, 54(4), 409-427. (SSCI, 臺大管院甲等期刊).
  6. Lei Y., Wu, X., & Jiang, J., 2023, An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Integration Team Ambidexterity in Multiteam Systems-Based Projects, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Early Access. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #20, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  7. Jiang, J. J., 2023, From Information Technology Projects to Digital Transformation Programs: Research Pathways, Project Management Journal, 54(4), 327-333. (SSCI, 臺大管院甲等期刊).
  8. Zhang, J., Jiang, R., Wu, X., & Jiang, J. J., 2023, The moderating role of enterprise social media functionalities on employees' social-related use during work time, Information & Management, 60, 103770. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  9. Tsai, J. C. A., Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Hung, S. Y., 2023, Task Conflict Resolution in the Design of Legacy Replacement Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, accepted. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #3, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  10. Fernandez, W., Klein, G., Jiang, J.J., & Rasheed, M. K., 2022, Integration Networks in IT-Enabled Transformation Programs, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 15(6), 913-937. (SSCI, 臺大管院甲等期刊).
  11. Ma, V., Houng, W., Klein, G., & Jiang, J.J., 2022, Social interdependencies as facilitators of cooperative learning in new product development: The moderating effect of technological novelty, Expert Systems with Applications, 195, 116619. (SCI, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  12. Jiang, J.J., Klein, G., and Muller, R., 2022, Mixed-Methods Research for Project Management Journal, Project Management Journal, 53(3), 215-218. (SSCI, 臺大管院甲等期刊).
  13. Tsai, J. C. A., Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Hung, S. Y., 2022, Legacy Information System Replacement: Pursuing Quality Design of Operational Information Systems, Information & Management, 59(2), 103592. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊) .
  14. Tsai, J. C. A., Wu, X., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. J., 2022, Goal Equivocality and Joint Account of Meaning Creation in an Enterprise System Program, Information Systems Management, 39(1), 82-97. (SCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #29, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  15. Zhang, J., Guo, J. E., Jiang, J., Wu, X., & Jiang, R., 2021, Moderating effect of requirements uncertainty on task interdependence and NPD performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(2), 456-477. (SCI, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  16. Stock, G. N., Tsai, J.C.A., Jiang, J.J., & Klein, G., 2021, Coping with Uncertainty: Knowledge Sharing in New Product Development: An Organizational Information Processing Perspective, International Journal of Project Management, 39(1), 59-70. (SSCI, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  17. Jiang, J. J., Huang, W., Klein, G., & Tsai, J. C. A., 2020, The Career Satisfaction of IT Professionals with Mixed Job Demands, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67(1), 30-41. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #20, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  18. Wu, X. S., Huang, W., Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Liu, S., 2020, Boundary Buffering: Limiting Interference and Information Leakage in Design Teams, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40(3), 293-313. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #15, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  19. Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Chang, J. Y. T., 2019, Teamwork behaviors in implementing enterprise systems with multiple projects: Results from Chinese firms, Journal of Systems and Software, 157, 110392. (SCI, 國科會IT領域期刊評鑑 #13, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  20. Pee, L. G., Jiang, J. J., & Klein, G., 2019, E-store Loyalty: Longitudinal Comparison of Website Usefulness and Satisfaction, International Journal of Market Research, 61(2), 178-194. (SSCI, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  21. Chang, J. Y. T., Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Wang, E. T. G., 2019, Enterprise system programs: Goal setting and cooperation in the integration team, Information & Management, 56(6), 103137. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  22. Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., Tsai, J. C. A., & Li, Y., 2018, Managing Multiple-Supplier Project Teams in New Software Development, International Journal of Project Management, 36(7), 925-939. (SSCI, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  23. Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Fernandez, W., 2018, From Project Management to Program Management: An Invitation to Investigate Programs Where IT Plays a Significant Role, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(1), 40-57. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #4, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  24. Pee, L. G., Jiang, J. J., & Klein, G., 2018, Signaling Effect of Website Usability on Repurchase Intention, International Journal of Information Management, 39, 228-241. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #14, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  25. Goode, S., Lin, C. H., Tsai, J. C. A., & Jiang, J. J., 2015, Rethinking the Role of Security in Client Satisfaction with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Providers, Decision Support Systems, 70, 73-85. (SCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #10, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  26. Parolia, N., Chen, J. V., Jiang, J. J., & Klein, G., 2015, Conflict Resolution Effectiveness on the Implementation Efficiency and Achievement of Business Objectives in IT Programs: A Study of IT Vendors, Information and Software Technology, 66, 30-39. (SCI, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  27. Beranek, P., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. J., 2014, Building user engagement for successful software projects: Meaningfulness, safety, and availability, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 6(3), 1-20. (ESCI, 國際資訊系統學會亞太區旗艦期刊).
  28. Jiang, J. J., Chang, J. Y. T., Chen, H. G., Wang, E. T. G., & Klein, G., 2014, Achieving IT program goals with integrative conflict management, Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(1), 79-106. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #3, 臺大管院傑出期刊).
  29. Goode, S., Lin, C., Fernandez, W. & Jiang, J. J., 2014, Exploring Two Explanations of Loyalty in Application Service Provision, European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 649-657. (SSCI, 國科會生產與作業管理期刊評鑑 #6, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  30. Chang, J. Y. T., Jiang, J. J., Klein, G., & Wang, E. T. G., 2014, Do too many goals impede a program? A case study of enterprise system implementation with multiple interdependent projects, Information & Management, 51(4), 465-478. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  31. Shih, S. P., Lie, T., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. J., 2014, Information Technology Customer Aggression: The Importance of an Organizational Climate of Support, Information & Management, 51(6), 670-678. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  32. Parolia, N., Jiang, J. J., & Klein, G., 2013, The presence and development of competency in IT programs, Journal of Systems and Software, 86(12), 3140-3150. (SCI, 國科會IT領域期刊評鑑 #13, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  33. Parolia, N., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. J., 2013, Exploring the Impact of Team based Reward on Project Performance in Outsourced System Development, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 4(4), 82-92. (ESCI).
  34. Chou, T. Y., Chou, S. C. T., Jiang, J. J, & Klein, G., 2013, The Organizational Citizenship Behavior of IS Personnel: Does Organizational Justice Matter?, Information & Management, 50(2-3), 105-111. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  35. Shih, S. P., Jiang, J. J., Klein, G. & Wang, E., 2013, Job Burnout of the Information Technology Worker: Work Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment, Information & Management, 50(7), 582-589. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #9, 臺大管院優良期刊).
  36. Klein, G., Jiang, J. J., & Cheney, P., 2009, Resolving Difference Score Issues in Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, 33(4), 811-826. (SSCI, 國科會IS領域期刊評鑑 #1, 臺大管院頂尖期刊).
  37. James Jiang, 2008, 以上只列以國立台灣大學為名發表的文章,  .
  1. 江俊毅、吳岳穎、黃妍恆, 2025, IT轉型專案集群管理:介紹及工具. 臺灣大學出版中心.
  2. 江俊毅、黃偉、Gary Klein、吳曉松, 2024, 組織策略執行:專案管理的視角(增訂版). 臺灣大學出版中心.
  3. James Jiang, Gary Klein, Wayne Huang, 2020, Projects, Programs, and Portfolios in Strategic Organizational Transformation. Business Expert Press.