Detailed Information
Chialin Chen
Ph.D. Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master M.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering/Technology & Policy, MIT
Bachelor B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
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Research Field
• New Product Design and Technology Innovation
• ESG and Sustainable Operations
• Supply Chain Management
• Applications of Game Theory
Research Field Summary
Chialin Chen is a Professor at the College of Management of National Taiwan University. Chialin received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University, M.S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering/Technology and Policy from MIT, and Ph.D. in Business Administration from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Chialin’s teaching interests are in New Product and Technology Innovation, ESG and Sustainable Business Management, Supply Chain Management, and Technology and Operations Strategy. Prior to joining National Taiwan University in 2015, Chialin worked as a tenured Associate Professor at Queen’s University and Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. He was also the recipient of Excellent Teacher Award from University of Illinois and National Taiwan University. Chialin Chen’s research interests include New Product Design and Technology Innovation, Sustainable Operations, Supply Chain Management, and Technology Innovation Strategy. He is currently an Associate Editor for OMEGA – The International Journal of Management Science (Impact Factor = 8.673, 台大管院優良期刊). He also serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (台大管院傑出期刊) and a few other journals. Chialin has received three Discovery Grants from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), one Partnership Development Grant (as a co-investigator) from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and four research grants from National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. His papers have been published in major journals including Management Science (FT Top 50, 台大管院項尖期刊), Production and Operations Management (FT Top 50, 台大管院傑出期刊), Transportation Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (台大管院傑出期刊), OMEGA, and European Journal of Operational Research.
• Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
• M.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering/Technology & Policy, MIT
• B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
• ESG and Sustainable Business Management (EMBA)
• Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (EiMBA, PMBA, EMBA)
• Managing Businesses in the Digital Era (EMBA)
• Operations & Innovation Management Analytics (MBA)
• Operations and Supply Chain Management (EMBA, GMBA, MBA, BBA)
• Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (GMBA)
2014 - Present Associate Editor, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science (Impact Factor = 8.673)
2012 - Present Editorial Board Member for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2004 - Present Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Service & Operations Management
2008 - Present Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems
2014 - Present Guest Editor, Special Issue on “New Research Frontiers in Sustainability,” OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science
2013 Invited Lead Speaker, 2013 IEEE Business Innovation & Technology Management Conference, Beijing China
2010 Nominee for Tier II Canada Research Chair in Technology Commercialization and Intellectual Capital Creation Invited Seminar Speaker for Indiana University, University of Waterloo, University Toronto, University of Western Ontario, Babson College, Penn Sta
2001 - 2002 Dean's Recognition of Teaching Excellence, School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
1998 Excellent Teacher Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2015 - Present Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Management, National Taiwan University
2009 - 2015 Associate Professor with Tenure, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University
2014 Invited Visiting Scholar, Nanyang Technological University
2009, 2011, 2015 Invited Visiting Scholar, Fudan University
2011, 2012, 2013 Invited Visiting Scholar, Tongji University
2010 Invited Visiting Scholar, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
2009, 2010, 2012 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Management, National Taiwan University
2003 - 2009 Assistant Professor, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University
2003 - 2005 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo
2000 - 2003 Assistant Professor, School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
1998 Sessional Instructor, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois
Conference Paper
  1. Amy Y. Xia, Chialin Chen, & Vaidy Jayaraman, May 2015, Market Competition and Segmentation with Green Product Introduction, POMS Annual Conference, (Washington, D.C.).
  2. Chialin Chen & Guyves Achtari, June 2014, A GIS-Based System with Multi-Objective Utility Analysis for the Cost/Equity Frontier in Vehicle Routing, CORS Annual Conference, (Ottawa (ON)).
  3. Amy Y. Xia, Chialin Chen, & Vaidy Jayaraman, July 2013, Green Innovation in Supply Chain Competition, EURO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, (Rome).
  4. Chialin Chen & Farzam Taham, May 2013, Designing Sustainable Reverse Logistics Systems for E-Waste: A Case of the Ontario WEEE Program, 7th International Conference on Planning & Design (ICPD), (Tainan).
  5. Amy Y. Xia, Chialin Chen, & Vaidy Jayaraman, May 2013, Green Design as a Competitive Tool in Supply Chain Competition, POMS Annual Conference, (Denver (CO)).
  6. Chialin Chen & Yu Ren, May 2012, A New Model for Evaluating Fuel-Exhaust and System-Design Performances of Vehicle Emissions Control, CORS Annual Conference, (Niagara Falls (ON)).
  7. Chialin Chen & Jun Zhang, April 2012, Green Product Development with Competition and Technology Constraints: Models and Empirical Analyses, POMS Annual Conference, (Chicago (IL)).
  8. Chialin Chen, Jun Zhang, & Teresa Delaurentis, July 2011, Quality Assurance in Supply Chains: Analytical Model and Case Study of Food Safety in China, OCSAMSE Annual Conference, (Tianjin).
  9. Keith Rogers & Chialin Chen, May 2011, Supplier Governance and the Outsourcing Lifecycle, POMS Annual Conference, (Reno (NV)).
  10. Chialin Chen & Jun Zhang, July 2010, Sustainable Product Design with Technology Tradeoff between Traditional and Environmental Attributes, OCSAMSE Annual Conference, (Beijing).
  11. Chialin Chen & Farzam Taham, June 2010, Reverse Logistics Networks with the Gateway Corridor Components: A Case of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, The Asia Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative Workshop, (Toronto).
  12. Chialin Chen & Lucy Q. Liu, July 2009, Sustainable Product Design with Recycled Material Content under Price Leadership, OCSAMSE Annual Conference, (Shanghai).
  13. Chialin Chen & Samson X. Zhao, June 2009, Decision Support Systems for Improving Inter-Hospital Patient Transfer Services for a Rural Community, KMO (Knowledge Management in Organization) Annual Conference, (Taipei).
  14. Chialin Chen, October 2008, Quantitative Models for Evaluating Disruptive Technologies, INFORMS Annual Conference, (Washington D.C.).
  15. Chialin Chen & Jun Zhang, November 2007, Product Innovation with Technology Efficient Frontier between Vehicle Weigh and Fuel Efficiency for the Automobile Industry, INFORMS Annual Conference, (Seattle (WA)).
  16. Chialin Chen & Yu Ren, May 2007, Analyzing the Life-Cycle Environmental Performance under Standard- and Incentive-Based Hybrid Environmental Regulations, CORS Annual Conference, (London (ON)).
  17. Chialin Chen & Yu Ren, May 2006, Analyzing the Competition between Airlines with Shared Resources under Strategic Alliances, CORS Annual Conference, (Montreal (PQ)).
  18. Chialin Chen & Kilsun Kim, November 2005, Analyzing Simultaneous and Sequential Games for Green Product Development, INFORMS Annual Conference, (San Francisco (CA)).
  19. Chialin Chen, Tina Dacin, & Katherine Breward, September 2005, The Strategic Use of Green Supply Chain Management to Create Competitive Advantages through Network Effects: A Case of the Body Shop Inc., The Strategic Alliance Conference, (Toronto (ON)).
  20. Chialin Chen, October 2004, Why Not a 40-MPG SUV? Analyzing the Effects of Green Product Development on the Natural Environment, INFORMS Annual Conference, (Denver (CO)).
  21. Chialin Chen & Kilsun Kim, October 2003, Green Product Development in Competitive Environments: Price Competition and Quality Choice, INFORMS Annual Conference, (Atlanta (GA)).
  22. Hamid Noori, Chialin Chen, Francis Lau, CHIA-LIN CHEN , 2003, Linking Supply Chain Architecture to Product Design: Proposing the P-SC/DM Framework, Joint Conference of POMS & EurOMA .
  23. Chialin Chen & Hamid Noori, November 2002, Time-To-Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Designing Breakthrough Products, DSI Annual Conference, (San Diego).
  24. Chialin Chen & Hamid Noori, June 2002, A Learning-Based Model on the Interactions between New Product Development and Supply Chain Management, CORS Annual Conference, (Toronto).
  25. Chialin Chen & George E. Monahan, November 2001, Competition with Logistics and Environmental Performances in Supply Chains, INFORMS Annual Conference, (Miami (FL)).
  26. Chialin Chen & Fisher C. Chen, June 2001, Investigating the Impacts of Strategic Alliances and Information Sharing on International Operations of the Airline Industry, INFORMS International Conference, (Maui (HI)).
  27. Chialin Chen & George E. Monahan, November 2000, Process Management with Uncertain Environmental Limits, INFORMS Annual Conference, (San Antonio (TX)).
  28. Chialin Chen & George E. Monahan, November 1999, Integrating Operations and Environmental Decisions in Production Systems, INFORMS Fall Conference, (Philadelphia (PA)).
  29. Chialin Chen, May 1999, Design for the Environment: A Quality-Based Model for Green Product Development, INFORMS Spring Conference, (Cincinnati (OH)).
Journal Paper
  1. Hang Lee, Ruey-Shan Guo, Chialin Chen, October 2023, E-Learning in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Case Study in Taiwan, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (台大管院傑出期刊), 70(10), 3526-3538.
  2. Alicia L. Say, Ruey-Shan A. Guo, Chialin Chen, June 2021, Altruism and Social Utility in Consumer Sharing Behavior, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(6), 1562-1574.
  3. Chia-Wei Kuo, Cheng-Bang Chen, Chialin Chen, Yi-You Yang, September 2021, Formulating Cross-sector Horizontal Coalition Strategies for Multi-product Assembly Systems with a Common Component, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 159, 107399.
  4. Chialin Chen, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Yihsu Chen, 2021, Pursuing Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Pursuing Sustainability - OR/MS Applications in Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Resource Management, 1-11.
  5. Chialin Chen, Kilsun Kim, 2021, Green Product Development: Price Competition, Quality Choice, and First-Mover Advantage, Pursuing Sustainability - OR/MS Applications in Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Resource Management, 15-42.
  6. Chialin Chen, Yihsu Chen, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, 2021, Pursuing Sustainability - OR/MS Applications in Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Resource Management (ISBN: 978-3030580223), Springer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 301.
  7. Chialin Chen, Wade D. Cook, Raha Imanirad, Joe Zhu, May 2020, Balancing Fairness and Efficiency: Performance Evaluation with Disadvantaged Units in Non-homogeneous Environments, European Journal of Operational Research, 287, 1003-1013.
  8. Jacqueline Corbett, Katherine Wardle, Chialin Chen, July 2018, Toward a Sustainable Modern Electricity Grid: The Effects of Smart Metering and Program Investments on Demand-Side Management Performance in the US Electricity Sector 2009-2012, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (台大管院傑出期刊), 65(2), 252-263.
  9. Haitao Li, Chialin Chen, Wade D. Cook, Jinlong Zhang, Joe Zhu, January 2017, Two-stage Network DEA: Who is the Leader?, OMEGA, 74, 15-19.
  10. Chialin Chen, Sean Zhou, Joe Zhu, January 2017, New Research Frontiers in Sustainability (Editorial Article for Special Issue), OMEGA, 66, 183-184.
  11. Chialin Chen, Guyves Achtari, Kevin Majkut, Jiuh-Biing Sheu, July 2017, Balancing Equity and Cost in Rural Transportation Management with Multi-Objective Utility Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case of Quinte West, Transportation Research-Part A, 95, 148–165.
  12. Xu Li, Qing Xu, & Chialin Chen, December 2017, Designing a Hierarchical Decentralized System for Distributing Large-Scale, Cross-Sector, and Multi-Pollutant Control Accountabilities, IEEE Systems Journal, 11, 2774-2783.
  13. Chialin Chen, Jun Zhang, & Ruey-Shan Guo, June 2016, The D-Day, V-Day, and Bleak Days of a Disruptive Technology: A New Model for Ex-ante Evaluation of the Timing of Technology Disruption, European Journal of Operational Research, 562 - 574.
  14. Chialin Chen, Joe Zhu, Jiun-Yu Yu, Hamid Noori, 2016, Sustainable Product Design Performance Evaluation with Two-Stage Network Data Envelopment Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis - A Handbook of Empirical Studies and Applications, 317-344.
  15. Chialin Chen, Jun Zhang, & Teresa Delaurentis, May 2014, Quality Control in Food Supply Chain Management: An Analytical Model and Case Study of the Adulterated Milk Incident in China, International Journal of Production Economics, 188 - 199, (Note: On June 20, 2014, Dairy Report, one of the major digital business magazines in the dairy industry, published a full, dedicated article summarizing the key findings and insights from this paper: It was also listed as one of the most downloaded articles of International Journal of Production Economics within 90 days of its publication.).
  16. Chialin Chen & Samson X. Zhao, May 2014, Modeling and Simulation Analyses of Healthcare Delivery Operations for Inter-Hospital Patient Transfers, International Journal of Operations Research & Information Systems, 76 - 94.
  17. Chialin Chen, Lucy Q. Liu, January 2014, Pricing and Quality Decisions and Financial Incentives for Sustainable Product Design with Recycled Material Content under Price Leadership, International Journal of Production Economics, 666 - 677.
  18. Shiuh-Nan Hwang, Chialin Chen, Yao Chen, Hsuan-Shih Lee, & Pei-Di Shen, 2013, Sustainable Design Performance Evaluation with Applications in the Automobile Industry: Focusing on Inefficiency by Undesirable Factors, OMEGA, 553 - 558.
  19. Chialin Chen & Jun Zhang, 2013, Green Product Design with Engineering Tradeoffs under Technology Efficient Frontiers: Analytical Results and Empirical Tests, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (台大管院傑出期刊), 340 - 352.
  20. Amy L. Bergenwall, Chialin Chen, & Richard E. White, 2012, TPS’s Process Design in American Automotive Plants and Its Effects on the Triple Bottom Line and Sustainability, International Journal of Production Economics, 374 - 384.
  21. Chialin Chen, Joe Zhu, Jiun-Yu Yu, Hamid Noori, December 2012, A New Methodology for Evaluating Sustainable Product Design Performance with Two-Stage Network Data Envelopment Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, 348 - 359.
  22. Chialin Chen, Farzam Taham, December 2010, Reverse Logistics Networks with the Gateway-Corridor Components: A Case of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Proceedings of the 2010 Asia Pacific Gateway & Corridor Initiative Conference.
  23. Chialin Chen & George E. Monahan, 2010, Environmental Safety Stock: The Impact of Regulatory and Voluntary Control Policies on Production Planning, Inventory Control, and Environmental Performance, European Journal of Operational Research, 1280 - 1292.
  24. Chialin Chen & Yu Ren, 2010, Exploring the Relationship between Vehicle Safety and Fuel Efficiency, Transportation Research-Part D, 112 - 116.
  25. Chialin Chen & Jun Zhang, January 2009, The Inconvenient Truth about Improving Vehicle Fuel Efficiency: A Multi-Attribute Analysis of the Efficient Frontier of the U.S. Automobile Industry, Transportation Research-Part D, 22 - 31, (Note: The paper was cited by the Secretariat of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in its 2010 Report to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations with the concluding remark that “this kind of study provides sound arguments for promoting the implementation of governmental fuel efficiency regulations.”).
  26. Samson X. Zhao, Chialin Chen, December 2009, Decision Support Systems for Improving Inter-Hospital Patient Transfer Services for a Rural Community, Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, 1 - 15.
  27. Chialin Chen & Yu Ren, 2007, Predictive Methods for Using Capacity Data to Estimate Market Shares and the Extent of Risk Pooling by Airline Alliance Partners under Parallel Codesharing, Transportation Journal, 21 - 35.
  28. Chialin Chen & Hamid Noori, 2005, Time-To-Value, Customer Learning, and the Design of Breakthrough Products, International Journal of Product Development, 261 - 279.
  29. Fisher C. Chen & Chialin Chen, 2003, The Effects of Strategic Alliances and Risk Pooling on the Load Factors of International Airline Operations, Transportation Research-Part E, 19 - 34.
  30. Hamid Noori, Chialin Chen, Francis Lau, July 2003, Linking Supply Chain Architecture to Product Design: Proposing the P-SC/DM Framework, Proceedings of Joint Conference of POMS & EurOMA, 423 - 432.
  31. Hamid Noori, Chialin Chen, December 2003, Applying Scenario-Driven Strategy to Integrate Environmental Management and Product Design, Production & Operations Management (台大管院傑出期刊), 353 - 368.
  32. Chialin Chen, 2001, Design for the Environment: A Quality-Based Model for Green Product Development, Management Science (台大管院項尖期刊), 250 - 263, (Note: The paper has been used as a reading article in graduate courses at several universities, including University of Wisconsin, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Illinois, and University of Portland.).
  1. Chialin Chen, Yihsu Chen, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, 2021, Pursuing Sustainability - OR/MS Applications in Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Resource Management Springer
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