Enterprise Risk Management and Business Intelligence Research Center
Main Tasks
  • Integrate personnel and research resources of text mining technology within the College.
  • Promote research plans, set research agenda, and establish the exchange of domestic research and discussion platform.
  • Promote academic exchanges, and international scholars to establish long-term cooperation pipeline, timely introduction of related technology and database.
  • Develop industry-academia cooperation pipeline, expansion of research energy and the influence of practice and government-related technical and policy advice.
  • Regularly organize academic and practical seminars
  • Academic Research Division: in charge of academic research and organizing seminars and workshops.
  • Industry-Academic Development Division: responsible for promoting industry-academic cooperation and offering industry and government consultation.
  • Information Division: responsible for the construction of platform for knowledge management and exchange.
  • Administrative Division: responsible for administrative related services to assist in the operation of the center and foreign exchanges.

The three divisions of the Center :

  • Research Division : Responsible for coordinating the center's project plan application, and organizing seminars.
  • Teaching Division : Plan and coordinate courses of global branding and marketing, and organize seminars.
  • Information Division : Collect data, analyze and establish global branding and marketing, and offer information in appropriate form to government, enterprises and research institutes.