Detailed Information
Cheng-Wei Wu
Ph.D. PhD, Strategic Management, Purdue University
Master M.B.A., International Business, National Taiwan University
Bachelor B.B.A., International Business, National Taiwan University
Office : Building II, College of Management 508
Tel : +886233661459
Fax : +886223627203
Office Hour : Fri. 10:00-12:00
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Research Field
• Mergers and Acquisitions
• Initial Public Offerings
• Information Economics
• Entry Strategy for Multinationals
Research Field Summary
Applies information economics into target selection and acquisition premiums in mergers and acquisitions (M&A); acquisitions involving newly public firms and their acquisition propensities; corporate investments, and entry strategy for multinationals
• PhD, Strategic Management, Purdue University
• M.B.A., International Business, National Taiwan University
• B.B.A., International Business, National Taiwan University
• International Business Strategy
• Introduction to International Business
• Mergers and Acquisitions
• Principles of Management
• Seminar on Corporate Strategy / Seminar on Corporate Development and M&A Strategy
2021 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)/National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan
2020, 2021, 2023, 2024 University Outstanding Teaching Award / EMI Teaching Award
2022, 2023, 2024 College Outstanding Teaching Award / EMI Teaching Award
2021, 2022, 2023 College Outstanding Academic Advisor Award
2014 Teaching Effectiveness Scores for the course Global Corporate Strategy rated in the top 30% of the School’s distribution of scores
2013, 2014 Grant of URC/CRCG Conference Support
2016 Grant of Faculty of Business and Economics Conference Support
2011 Invited Participant, Business Policy and Strategy Doctoral Consortium, Academy of Management
2008 - 2012 Krannert Research Assistantship
2010, 2011 Krannert Doctoral Student Travel Grant
2010 Travel Grant of the Ministry of Education for Taiwanese International Students
2004, 2006 Elected Member of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society
2022/1 - Present Area Editor, NTU Management Review
2023 Building an Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem, Babson College
2020 Case Writing Workshop, Harvard Business School
2019 Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning, Harvard Business School
2012 - 2017 Assistant Professor of Strategy and International Business, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong
2004 - 2008 TXC Corporation (Taipei, Taiwan), Project Assistant
Conference Paper
  1. Lok Ting Chan, Yutao Bian, & Cheng-Wei Wu, August 2024, Two Sides of the Same Coin: Divestitures and Alliances as Joint Forces in Innovation, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Chicago, Illinois, USA).
  2. Discussant, August 2023, Discussion of Prof. Yanfeng Zheng's paper on "The impact of online platform IP protection on new product sales: Evidence from the Alibaba's original design protection program", Asian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association (AIEA) - National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Conference, (Taipei).
  3. Shi Lei, Christine M. Chan, & Cheng-Wei Wu, 2019, Disentangling Invisible Hand from Visible Hand: How Does Home Country Economic Institution and Political Institution Influence Firm’s Cross-Border Acquisitions, Academy of International Business, (Copenhagen, Denmark).
  4. Discussant, August 2017, Discussion of Prof. Aaron Chatterji's paper on "Learning to Manage: A field experiment in the Indian startup ecosystem", Asian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association (AIEA) - National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Conference, (Hong Kong).
  5. (with J.J. Reuer), January 2014, Effects of R&D Investments and Signals on International Acquisitions: Evidence from IPO Firms, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Philadelphia, PA, USA), presenter.
  6. (with J.J. Reuer), January 2014, Effects of R&D Investments and Signals on International Acquisitions: Evidence from IPO Firms, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, (Vancouver, Canada), presenter (This paper is also presented at the 1th Strategy Symposium at the University of Hong Kong, 2014).
  7. (with J.J. Reuer)., January 2013, The Roles of Signals and Acquirer Experience in Selecting Targets in High-Tech Industries, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Orlando, FL, USA), presenter (This paper is also presented at the 8th Hong Kong Junior Strategic Researcher Consortium at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2013).
  8. (with J.J. Reuer and U. Ozmel), January 2012, The Impact of Signals and Rivals’ M&As on the Acquisition of High-Technology Ventures, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Boston, MA, USA), presenter.
  9. (with J.J. Reuer), January 2011, Information Economics in Corporate Strategy, Pre-Conference Session on Corporate Strategy, Strategic Management Society Meeting, (Miami, FL, USA).
  10. (with J.J. Reuer), January 2011, Acquisition Probability of Rivals: Information Spillovers from IPOs, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (San Antonio, TX, USA), presenter.
  11. (with J.J. Reuer and T.W. Tong), January 2010, Bid premiums for acquisitions of IPO firms, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Montreal, Canada), presenter.
  12. (with J.J. Reuer), January 2010, Termination agreements in M&A contracting, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Montreal, Canada), presenter.
Journal Paper
  1. Wu, C.-W., Reuer, J.J., February 2021, The impact of industry IPOs on acquisitions of new ventures: An information spillover perspective, Long Range Planning, 54(1): 101945.
  2. Wu, C.-W., Reuer, J.J., July 2021, Acquirers’ reception of signals in M&A markets: Effects of acquirer experiences on target selection, Journal of Management Studies, 58(5), 1237-1266.
  3. Wu, C.-W., Reuer, J.J., April 2021, Effects of R&D Investments and Market Signals on International Acquisitions: Evidence from IPO Firms, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(5), 191.
  4. Ozmel, U., Reuer, J.J., and Wu, C.-W., December 2017, Interorganizational Imitation and Acquisitions of High-tech Ventures, Strategic Management Journal, 38(13): 2647-2665.
  5. Reuer, J.J., Tong, T.W., and Wu, C.-W., December 2012, A signaling theory of acquisition premiums: Evidence from IPO targets, Academy of Management Journal, 55(3): 667-683.
  6. Reuer, J.J., Tyler, B.B., Tong, T.W., and Wu, C.-W., January 2012, Executives' assessments of international joint ventures in China: A multi-theoretical investigation, Management and Organization Review, 8(2): 311- 340.
  7. Wu, C.-W., and Reuer, J.J., January 2010, Termination agreements in M&A contracting, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Montreal, Canada.
No Data Available
Book Paper
  1. Cheng-Wei Wu , Jeffrey J. Reuer, 2014, Termination Payment Provisions in Acquisitions: An Information Economics Perspective, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ( Advances in Strategic Management ).
  2. Cheng-Wei Wu , Jeffrey J. Reuer , Roberto Ragozzino, 2013, Insights of Signaling Theory for Acquisitions Research, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ( Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions ).
Technical Report
No Data Available
  1. 陳香君, 吳政衞, 2024, "企業參與標準制定組織的決策因素: 以台灣資訊與通訊科技產業為例, " 科技管理學刊 第二十九卷第一期, pp. 1-42